#this has so much potential but alas i ran out of braincells πŸ˜…
theflyingfeeling Β· 2 years
Have you ever watched Misfits? The juvenile delinquents that end up on community service and get super powers in a freak storm? That would be a perfect AU if you feel up to it! 😊
I LOVED Misfist! At least until most of the original cast was still there πŸ˜… I would so much like to come up with an original plot for this but I'm afraid supernatural things are not my speciality and I'm completely drawing a blank with coming up with new superpowers for the guys, so I hope you won't mind if I just use the ones from the show instead?
Feel free to add your ideas for Misfits-like shenanigans!
I'm gonna say Joel as "Kelly" with the power of telepathy, because he's obsessed about knowing what people think about him (his character in this AU, that is, not real life Joel) πŸ‘€
Olli as "Curtis" with the power to turn back time so that he can at least try and save all those bass guitars he addicentally destroyed πŸ˜‚
Tommi as "Simon" with the power to turn invisible, because he sometimes he's just tired of everyone's bullshit πŸ˜‘
Niko as "Alisha" with the convenient power to turn people on (seuxually) with a snap of his fingers πŸ₯΅ (although this could easily be anyone of them tbh)
Joonas as the immortal "Nathan" (and just like with Nathan, the immortality is turned off when he's intoxicated, which is ironic and inconvenient, as that's exactly when he most needs his superpower (and the more drunk he is, the less he remembers he's no longer immortal)) πŸ’€
aaaaand Aleksi as "Rudy" with the ability to split himself half to his two personas Aleksi Kaunisvesi and Alex Mattson πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ€β€πŸ‘¨πŸ»
And I suppose we should address the reasons why they're in community service? Why, Joel crashed his stepfather's car out of frustration and pettiness, Olli accidentally stole someone's bike, Tommi took part in a pub fight, Niko participated in a riot, Joonas was nude in public, and Aleksi keeps "forgetting" to buy his meals at restaurants
And who else but Santeri would be their probation officer? πŸ˜† He really has the worst job in the world..
Plotlines include 1) Joel persuading Olli to go back in time to put something in Joel's stepfather's morning coffee. Olli feels awful about this, but seeing the way the man treats his family, Olli starts pitying Joel (even more than he did already) and oohhhhh feelings evolve!! πŸ₯Ί 2) Tommi not understanding why Aleksi would want to be two people at once, when Tommi is sometimes tired of being just one person. What's worse, both of Aleksi's personas are ridiculously charming 😰 3) Niko and Joonas being a match made in hell, with Niko's immense flirting and Joonas' tendency to get naked. Poor Santeri the probation officer swears he'll quit if he walks in on the two of them going at it in the locker room one more time
And speaking of Santeri? He was also granted a superpower in the storm, namely that of never-ending patience πŸ˜‚ (so he'll never actually quit)
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