#this interaction filled my social need bar to the greenest of greens tysm
cumbiazevran · 1 year
hi.. im just sending a message to say that YOU get it. <3 Like I was reading through the tags of that post and most of them don't get it but you do. thank you. Also I think it's so funny that most people who understand/don't underestimate bull are people who also like Zevran! It makes sense that the person with Zevran in their url has the best takes and thank YOU for being that person today bless
I’m typing this outside of my flat, as I eat fries from my takeout like a wild animal and wait for the person who has a spare set of house keys to my flat. because I locked myself out.
Bull can fight a god and win. I’m not saying he’d have it easy but I’m saying he can do it. Takes a liar to know a liar, but the difference between Bull as a Liar and Solas as a Liar, as the literal God of Liars, is Bull can drop the ruse whenever he chooses.
Solas literally cannot. He will lie and deceive and wrap up his betrayals until they’re a reality, and if they’re a reality they’re not a lie anymore, which means he will do it again in an entire different direction. He is a God. His realm is literally eating hot chip (which I don’t think he has a resistance to but whatever) and lie. The cost of his realm is Guilt.
Repeat ad infinitum.
I’m not gonna go into some of the reasons why I think Godhood and Religion outside of Andrastianism remains critically and boringly unexplored in DA, from devs to fandom. But I think the Elvhen pantheon is sexy as fuck as a concept, and I think they rise to Godhood when they become their realm. When they pay the price for it to such an extent it would simply kill other people in the process.
I’m not gonna go in detail about my hcs for the whole pantheon for the sake of staying on topic, Solas will always Lie and his name literally means Pride. the hubristic egg won’t even see it coming. Bull is the ultimate international super spy, retired and all, and he can do the double and triple agent better than Solas can hold up his condescending tongue.
He literally thinks Qunari are savages. Bull will sweep him under the rug.
Secondly omg the HONOUR. honestly I’m an annoying latin american who saw the fantasy, class clown, insanely kind of respectful fictional latin american elf and decided to cherish him forever. And you’re correct. I do love Bull. I would kill for Bull. I feel like the telepathy conversation meme
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