#this is a boysenberry appreciation post
itsdetachable · 2 months
boysenberry jam ❤️ boysenberry syrup ❤️ boysenberry pie
It's a damn travesty that boysenberries aren't hardy in my zone why can't I have boysenberries in my backyard
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femmefighter · 2 months
FIFI I still don't understand how Sokabine is still a rarepair, like....why, it's so good??? Do we need to have an event or something? I need to write something too🥺🥺🥺. I've been slacking on Sokabine 😭.
Oh my lovely. What a mysterfying question you ask!
I can only say I struggle to answer it, as I, being a Sokabine addict, fail to fully understand why other people don't appreciate such a delicious ship.
The only way I can attempt to understand is by likening Sokabine to Nutella ice cream. Just as how lots of people like shipping, lots of people like ice cream. And there are so many flavours of ice cream! Nutella ice cream is that decedent blend of chocolate and nutty hazelnut (I'll let you decide on who is the chocolate and who is the nuts). Being ice cream, it's a perfect summer treat, however it has a heaviness of flavour that makes it soul-warming enough to eat it even in the winter months.
But some people don't want to try Nutella ice cream. Maybe trying Nutella ice cream gets in the way of them enjoying their personal OTP flavours of boysenberry and lemon gelato, or their peppermint and strawberry combo? Those flavours may be the only comfort they get in this chaotic world, and they don't want to risk not having their comfort food to try something new. Valid! Maybe they see Nutella ice cream as guilty treat. Maybe they've been taught to be ashamed of Nutella ice cream for some reason, and so they only eat it when no one else is looking? Valid! Or maybe they've only ever known vanilla ice cream, and are too scared to try something different, or a pressured by comp-vanilla-het society to not dare deviate? Valid! Maybe they've only bought ice cream from a stall that doesn't offer Nutella ice cream, and thus didn't realise such a flavour exists? You guessed it. Also valid!
So yeah, so many reasons that I can't answer for because that's not my experience. I will eat my coffee ice cream, my peanut butter brownie ice cream, my strawberry ice cream, my roasted almond ice cream, my mango ice cream. But my Nutella ice cream will always be my number one go-to.
We don't have a Sokabine blog, or a Sokabine server. I've found a little safe space on a Bo-Katan server which is my happy place where I can get comfy with other Sokabine lovers (all 12 of us). Maybe I could start a blog? I don't think I have the emotional space or time/energy to run a server, even though the numbers would be so few right now. A Sokabine event would be amazing, but without a Sokabine blog or server to back/promote it, it might not get much traction. I've found a lot of my work was merely tolerated during past Ahsoka Series-related events because the ship does seem to get under some people's skin. That's okay, I don't need an event to write my stuff for, and I'm finding my safe people slowly.
An answer I can offer you, however, is reasons to like Sokabine as a ship. Why the Sokabine ship deserves to be upgraded from tugboat to cruiseliner. But I might save that for another post, as it's dissertation-worthy, and I'll add graphics for some weight to my brain rot. The simplest answer for that though I'll let you see for yourself in the utter beauty of these two characters below (and extra kudos for Ahsoka blatantly checking out Sabine's arse here). In the meantime...
Thanks for the ask!
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Gif by the lovely @reeveskryze 😘
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m0stlygh0st · 5 months
HIIII NEW BESTIE SAV!!! I gotta admit, I'm so curious about all your ships - Diallus for sure and your possible Cookie ships too omg (I'm on a huge C.R.K kick rn thanks to my husband Rockstar ☺️💖)!!!
If you have time, I'd love to know more about them and your s/is!! Also, your Cookiesona RULES... I LOVE THE DESIGN AND COLORS SO MUCH???? Straw antennae is such a badass idea fr 🤩✨️✨️
♡• rockstars-babe •♡
AAAA REFF THANK YOU 😭💕 I appreciate you so much!!
Okay, so to be completely honest, I just started playing both Elden Ring and CKR for myself so a lot of my knowledge is from watching play throughs up until now. 😅 So some game mechanic stuff is still in the air for my S/Is. So, that being said, some of what I end up posting here might end up changing in the future, but we’ll see!!
So, for starters, I’ll talk about my Cookiesona, Calico Soda Cookie! 💜
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Okay! So, Calico Soda itself is a mixed drink from Knott’s Berry Farm, an amusement park I really enjoyed going to back in October! 💜 The drink is like a boysenberry & cream flavored soda that you can only get in the park at their special saloon! It’s such a pretty and refreshing drink, and I just HAD to make something with it! I’m still working on figuring out her exact powers— I’m torn between little soda pop pistols or boysenberry bombs? But yeah! She’s a rootin’ tootin’ saloon girl!
(I just realized at least two of my sonas have been really leaning into the Western theme, whoopsie lmao)
As for ships… I might’ve-sorta-kinda gotten kinda smitten with a certain big, spicy cookie. u///u *cough*Capsaicin Cookie*cough* ❤️‍🔥
And as for my Elden Ring S/I, the bare bones stuff I have for her is that she specializes in fire and bleed magic, dual wields bladed weapons and she’s close friends (or maybe a protege of some sort?) with Fia. And so, when Fia eventually makes it to the Roundtable Hold, she meets Diallos. ;v; ❤️
… And so far that’s about all I have for her story wise lmao. Soon though! Soon I’ll know more and I can put together a better, more fleshed out story!
Thank you so much for taking interest in my sonas!! I’m happy I can talk about them when I can!
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simsinsania · 5 years
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700 followers gift - part 1
Thank you so much for following me, even though I don't post lots of stuff due to some mental health problems. I really appreciate it! ♥
Here's the first gift for all of you! It's a mashup of the Take the Plunge Formal Dress from The Sims 4 preorder bonus pack and The Sims 2 Glamour Life's Fishing for Compliments dress.
It comes in two versions mesh wise: with and without The Sims 4 pearl necklace. Both of the meshes come in 2 types of recolours: 1) the whole dress is in one colour. 2) the top part of the dress is colourful while the skirt part is black.
I've used these colours for all of the versions: Boysenberry (pink), Orchid (red), Mist (purple), Goldmine (gold), Nightshade (dark blue), Botanical (green), Bitter Chocolate (brown), White. Version with necklace is Formal, while version without necklace is Everyday and Formal. Turnaround picture is here
Polycount: 4007 faces 3047 vertices (without necklace)                   5287 faces 4533 vertices (with necklace).
It means it's a high poly outfit, so please be careful while using it on a low-spec computer (aka toaster\potato computer) . I'm going to release a low-poly version soon, no worries!
It won't have a detailed skirt but that means...no messed up normals! (weird shadows!) yay! All files are compressorized. Unfortunately, there are no morphs this time, because somehow legs literally explode! in-game. Here’s a screenshot. Download version without necklace: SFS | Dropbox Download version with necklace:     SFS | Dropbox
Credits: Aelia for colour actions.         Gothplague for shoes (I've only deleted the bows).
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autodiscothings · 5 years
Wine, boysenberry for the purple ask meme?
WINE: tell us a random fact about yourself:
 I used to have a crush on Chris Packham when I was a kid:
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  I still kind of do, even if the above photo is super old now. 
I’m still bisexual, just specific.
Boysenberry: favorite book:
I have a tendency to re-read books from Pratchett’s Discworld, Austen’s Pride & Prejudice, and The Protector of the Small series by Tamora Pierce more often than others.
Thank you for the PORPLE questions! Much appreciated. Taken from: https://autodiscothings.tumblr.com/post/183071666968/shades-of-purple-asks
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sufferblr · 6 years
Appreciation post for the video title “Ryan and Shane eat everything boysenberry in knott’s berry farm”. It is prime acknowledgement that the dynamic duo are the kings of buzzfeed. Not “Boysenberry fans/ Best friends/ People try”, with their faces in the thumbnail. It’s “Ryan and Shane try”, straight up!!! Everyone knows who they are!!! Kings of Buzzfeed!!!! 
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isaiahrippinus · 4 years
Why You Should Be Drinking Your Red Wines Chilled, According to Experts
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Red wine is misunderstood. One of the most common misconceptions is that, unlike its white counterparts, reds are best served at room temperature. Not only is this not true for all (ahem, most) red wines, some varietals are actually better served with a slight chill. This makes them perfect for summer sipping, and experts agree, chilled red wines are a must alongside your warm-weather whites and rosés.
“We are used to serving many reds slightly on the cooler side,” says Paola Embry, award-winning wine director at Wrigley Mansion in Phoenix, who notes she has seen an increased interest in red wines served at a cooler temperature.
Many wine professionals credit this interest, in part, to the styles of reds that are increasing in popularity. “Over the last few years, consumers have been looking for lower-alcohol, lighter styles of red, which are the perfect style for a little chill on them,” says Jon McDaniel, owner and CEO of Second City Soil based in Chicago. “The growth in interest here is also about wanting to enjoy wine individually, something that is fresh, and refreshing.”
Michael Kennedy, Certified Sommelier and founder of Component Wine Company, agrees. “I’d say, in general, the wine culture in our country is skyrocketing and with it bringing new interest in non-Cab, non-Chard wines,” he says. “Sommeliers have always loved light reds like Beaujolais with a chill, but with more [younger people] getting into wine, the trend is accelerating.”
So how does the chill affect the taste? “A wine served above 66 degrees will have an impact on the overall structure of the wine such as acid, alcohol, and flavors. It will soften the structure of the wine, and the alcohol becomes significantly more noticeable,” says Embry. “However, if you chill the same wine down to 55 to 60 degrees, the flavors will become focused, the alcohol will not be as evident, and the structure will be tighter.”
Embry continues: “Keep in mind that, if the same red wine were to be served below 55 degrees, the wine would have a completely opposite effect on your palate. You would not be able to perceive the alcohol as much. The aromas and flavors of the wine would appear more subdued, the wine would feel tighter, and the tannins would appear much more astringent in your mouth.”
As for varietals and types of wine, you want to look out for lighter reds. “Loire Valley Cabernet Francs; young, bright Pinot Noirs; and most famously Beaujolais, can benefit from more chilling,” says Richard Vayda, director of wine studies at the Institute of Culinary Education. “Generally speaking, the lighter the wine the more cooling, but usually not to the point of icy. These wines, unlike heavier reds, are not so appreciated for their complexities and nuances of flavor, but rather for their refreshing and bright nature.” Other wines noted by the experts were Dolcetto from Italy and Spanish Garnacha.
Wines that are meant to be a bit more fruit-forward can sometimes get lost if the wine is served too warm, as the alcohol will push through, says McDaniel. “Think of chilling wine like playing with your stereo. If you want to hear the whole band, but the lead guitar — the alcohol — is too loud and screeching, give it a quick chill to hear all of the players,” he says.
Kennedy encourages playing around with the chill on all reds. “Almost no red wines benefit from being room temperature,” he says. “The wine becomes sloppy, alcoholic, and develops sticky aromatics — think overripe fruit — even from cool-climate regions.”
The best way to chill and find the right temperature, says Vayda, is with an ice bucket. “Simply have a bucket with a light ice bath handy, and sample the wine and adjust the chill until it suits.” And all aforementioned experts agree: It’s all about personal preference. “There is no right or wrong — just find what you enjoy,” says Vayda.
5 Chillable Red Wines to Try:
1. Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais Villages 2017
Georges Duboeuf was known as the “Father of Beaujolais” and the wines are perfect for chilling before serving, including this one, which has a lot of fruit character, spice, and is medium-bodied.
2. Meiomi Pinot Noir 2017
Any Sonoma Pinot Noir is going to be great served chilled. This one has good tannins, silky structure, and notes of boysenberry and blackberry with some subtle oak and vanilla notes.
3. Domaine Bernard Baudry Chinon ‘Les Granges’ 2019
As Vayda says, a Loire Valley Cabernet Franc will be great with some chill. This young wine will be perfect for summer, with notes of dark berries, including raspberry and blackberry with ultimate freshness. (Drink it young; drink it now.)
4. Viña Zorzal Garnacha 2019
This fresh, affordable, open, and clear Garnacha has sweet fruit and chalky tannins.
5. Luigi Pira Dolcetto d’Alba 2019
This super-fresh Dolcetto from Piedmont has rich, ruby redness that allows for more fruit-forwardness when chilled.
The article Why You Should Be Drinking Your Red Wines Chilled, According to Experts appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/why-you-should-drink-your-red-wines-chilled/ source https://vinology1.tumblr.com/post/624986976190431232
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avengerofyourheart · 7 years
Leave This Town Pt 2 (Mechanic!Bucky AU)
Characters: reader, Bucky, Natasha, Wanda
Summary: Your dreams of kissing your small town life goodbye are about to come true when an unexpected detour leaves you stranded. Meeting the handsome local mechanic has you rethinking your plans. Perhaps happiness is less about where you’re headed and more about the people you meet along the way.
Song Inspiration: Sleep on the Floor by The Lumineers
Warnings: none! The mildest of swearing I guess? 
Word Count: 2.3k
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A/N: Holy bananas, you guys. Once I started writing this part, I got carried away  and I’m probably extending this fic by a few parts. heh. I’m so in love with this story, and that’s probably why! I really hope you are too. Any thoughts and feedback are appreciated! I love you all!! :)
***This fic is for @bionic-buckyb ‘s 5k AU Writing Challenge**
<<<Part One  Part Two   Part Three>>> 
Leave This Town Series Masterlist
Full Masterlist
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“Try the Boysenberry Pie while you’re there. Even for breakfast, it really hits the spot.”
Taking a few steps backward, you gave him a smile, “I’ll do that,” then turning to walk away.“Oh, Y/N!” you heard him call after you and you whirled in place, surprised. 
“Keys. I need your keys.”
You laughed, shaking your head, “Right. Sorry.” Digging into your purse followed by a toss of the keys, he caught them out of the air before you headed in the direction of the diner once again.
A bell above the door jangled lightly as you entered the diner, the smell of hot grease hitting your nose. Straight ahead there was a counter with barstools, a view of the kitchen behind it. To both your left and right along the wall lined with windows, there were built-in booths with splitting vinyl cushions and spotted formica-covered tables.
The waitress behind the counter spoke, drawing your attention. “Hey, sweetie. Take a seat wherever you like, I’ll be with you in a jiffy.”
“Okay,” you responded with a tight smile.
Choosing a booth, you dropped your bag and sat down. You looked around, seeing only 2 other customers currently sitting at the counter with coffee mugs in their hands. Moments later, a pretty redhead approached, wearing a sleeveless button-up flowered shirt and jeans under the apron around her waist. Bright red lipstick painted her lips as she talked to what looked like a regular customer. Probably a local.
“Sorry about the wait, hun. You just roll into town?” she asked you while handing you a menu, then pulling a small notebook and a pen out of her apron pocket.
“Yeah. Just passing through. I hope,” you replied, a nag of doubt in your voice.
“You hope?” she questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“It’s my car. I don’t know how long it’ll take to fix it,” you huffed out in a sigh.
“I see,” she nodded. “Well, don’t fret, Bucky’ll take care of you, no problem.”
Your own eyebrow raised at the mention of his name, but you should have known that everyone knew everyone here. The blessing and curse of small towns.
“I”m Nattie. Can I get ya something to drink to start? Coffee?”
You jumped at the offering. “Yes! Coffee, please,” then offering your own name.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. Welcome. Coffee, you got it. I’ll give you a minute with the menu,” she said with a smile before walking around the counter for the coffee pot.
After ordering breakfast and a slice of the recommended Boysenberry pie, you sipped your coffee and pulled out your planning materials and laid them on the table. You had hoped to be 8 hours further into your journey, even having planned out where you would stop and either sleep in your car if it seemed safe or a cheap motel if needed. This pit stop wasn’t ideal, but you could adjust.
A few hours later, you waved goodbye to Nattie and left the diner. Breakfast was delicious and the pie was every bit as amazing as Bucky had promised. It was mid-afternoon as you strolled down the main road past the elementary school grounds full of screaming children out for recess, the small public library, a barber shop, and the post office.
Approaching the auto body shop, you could hear classic rock blasting from the radio, then following the sound into the open garage. You didn’t see anyone at first glance, but after looking in between cars, you finally spotted a pair of long legs poking out from underneath a jacked-up car.
“Hello?” you announced yourself.
“Just a minute,” came the muffled response.
A few seconds later he rolled out from underneath the car and got to his feet, wiping his hands on a rag.
“Hey,” he greeted you with a smile. “How was the diner?”
“Really good. The pie was okay,” you shrugged, then sneaking in a smile.
He crossed muscular arms over his chest. “Is that so? Well, there’s something wrong with your tastebuds then,” he grinned a you.
You let the moment linger, a crackle of electricity in your veins as you held his gaze. He then cleared his throat and walked over to your car, hood already raised.
“So,” he began, “I was right. It’s the radiator. Looks like there’s a crack that was sloppily patched so it was only temporary. How long have you had the car?”
You shook your head in disbelief. “About a week. That sneaky weasel! I can’t believe Brock sold it to me like that!” you exclaimed, gesturing to your broken vehicle.
“Guy sounds like a piece of work. Should’ve had it looked over by a mechanic before buying.”
“I did!” you explained. “Except…”
Bucky waited for you to finish.
“…he’s also the mechanic.”
The brunet burst out in laughter. “Well, that’s one way to keep business going. There’s a reason why doctors can’t be pharmacists, too,” he winked at you.
You let out a slow groan. “So what does that mean? You can fix it, right?”
“Oh, yeah. It’s an easy fix. Only problem is, I don’t have the part.”
“What?” you nearly shouted.
“I called and ordered it, luckily caught the guy before the truck left, but it won’t get here until Monday,” he said with an apologetic shrug.
You deflated, shoulders hunching as the news hit you. “Monday? That’s three days from now! Dammit,” you cursed as you slumped onto a stool next to Bucky’s work table.
“I know. I’m sorry, but I can only order if the truck is already passing by. They don’t make special trips to this small town. As far as cost goes, a new radiator runs about $250, plus labor it’s close to $500.”
Your mouth gaped open. “$500?” you exclaimed, then groaning as your head fell to your hands.
“It sucks, I know. These unexpected but necessary repairs aren’t cheap, but…”
“It’s fine,” you cut him off, taking a deep breath. “I can handle it. I budgeted for car repairs, but didn’t expect it to be this much so soon. And I’m not willing to dip into my emergency fund quite yet. There’s too much to take care of once I get there. I’ll just…I’ll sleep in my car more and avoid getting a hotel a few more nights. I’ll figure it out.”
Bucky pursed his lips, stuffing both hands in his jeans pockets. “You know…the labor charge isn’t a big deal, I could probably shave a few hundred dollars off. I don’t have a lot going on right now, so—“
You shook your head vigorously, resisting. “No. I can’t ask you to do that. You can’t just work for free on my behalf, that’s not fair to you. Mama didn’t raise no freeloader.”
He chuckled at that. “You didn’t ask. I’m offering. Really, I don’t mind. Doesn’t feel right to have you sleeping on the side of the road in exchange for a few dollars. Please, just let me,” he spoke, sincerity shining out of his bright blue eyes.
Chewing on your lip in consideration, you paused a moment until a lightbulb went off above your head. “What if….” you began, shifting from one foot to another. “What if I traded you labor?”
His brow furrowed in confusion. “What?”
“I mean, I could trade services with you somehow.”
Bucky’s eyes shot open at that.
“No! I mean….not…” you felt heat rising in your face, then clearing your throat. “What I meant was, I could…I don’t know, cut your hair for free or something. Even your whole family, I have my kit with me and I’m actually pretty good—“
The man straightened up at that, a hand flying up to his scalp. “Uh uh, no one touches my hair. You got a thing against long hair?” he accused you with a small smile, almost teasing.
“Wha—no, I mean, it doesn’t look good on some people, but it works for you, I kinda like the bun and with your face shape I just…I didn’t mean to criticize, I was thinking of what I could do…”
He grinned at your flustered demeanor, leaning against your car casually.
Clearing your throat, you looked around the garage. “Okay, well…do you need help around here?”
He eyed you carefully. “Can you do an oil change?”
You crossed your arms over your chest, slightly defensive. “No, but I can check my car’s oil and change a tire. I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty. I could also organize tools or do filing, answer the phone, help customers…whatever you need. I’ll be here til Monday regardless, so,” you shrugged, leaving the choice up to him.
Rubbing a hand over his scruff-covered jaw, he considered your proposal. “Okay. You can help with any projects you can find. It’s basically just me, so I could use another pair of hands sometimes. Tomorrow, though. You could probably use a few winks after sleeping in your car last night, right?”
You sighed, then nodding in resignation.
“There’s a motel about 3 blocks West that’s cheap and pretty clean. I can drive you there if you need to unload from your car,” he offered as he opened your rear driver’s side door.
“No, that’s okay,” you answered, only grabbing a medium-sized duffle bag from the back seat and slinging it over your shoulder. “I’ve packed pretty light. The rest can stay in the car, if that’s okay with you?”
“Sure. I lock up at night. So just head down this street then hang a left, it’ll be on your right. Maximoff Palace Motel,” he had pointed out each turn as he had spoken them, then punctuating his last statement with a firm nod.
“Got it,” you replied with a nod of your own. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then? 9am?”
“Sounds good. Have a good night, Y/N.”
“You, too, James,” you teased, earning an eye roll and a smile from him.
You found the motel easily enough. Stepping through the glass door into the front office you were met with a girl a few years younger than you with long brown hair that fell in waves down to her waist and wide-set hazel eyes, giving her a doe-like appearance.
“Hi! Welcome to the Maximoff Palace. I’m Wanda. Room for one?” she chirped cheerfully with a smile.
“Yeah. Um..three nights I think?” you said, figuring you’d be leaving town Monday afternoon.
“Of course!” she replied, her fingers flying over the keyboard of an out-of-date computer. “What brings you into town?”
“Car trouble,” you explained with a sigh.
Wanda paused in her typing, then taking a good look at you. “Oh. So…you’ve met Bucky?”
“Yeah. I’m actually helping him out for the next few days. Just until my car is fixed,” you explained, no longer surprised when his name popped up.
“I see,” she said quietly, her cheerful demeanor losing its warmth somewhat. “Name, contact information, and credit card number?”
“Um…sure. Can I just pay cash, though?” you asked, fishing your wallet out of your bag.
“You can pay in cash when you check out but we need a credit card on file in case of damages or some other incident,” she said matter-of-factly. Probably in case you ran out on the bill, you assumed.
“Okay,” you agreed, giving her all the necessary information which she copied, then sliding a key across the counter to you.
“Room 17. Enjoy your stay,” Wanda offered with a tight smile.
“Thanks…” you responded hesitantly as you took the key. You wondered why the sudden chill in her mannerisms while exiting the office, but shrugged it off.
Finding your room up a flight of outdoor stairs, you lugged your bags through the doorway and dropped them on the floor beside the queen-sized bed. You slipped off your sandals and crawled under the covers, springs squeaking under your weight. The bed wasn’t the most comfortable, but exhaustion quickly took over and within minutes you were fast asleep.
You awoke in the early evening, squinting blearily at the bedside digital clock. Your mouth tasted like something died in it, so you sluggishly rolled over to the side of the bed and rummaged through a bag for your toothbrush, but then noticed you had forgotten to pack toothpaste. Figures. You shuffled to the bathroom and made do with just water and brushing your tongue, popping in a mint you found in your purse. Stomach growling, you decided it was time to venture out for dinner anyway.
You headed toward the center of town and ducked into the corner store for toothpaste, some snacks, and a few other items before heading back to the diner. Nattie greeted you with a wave as you entered and selected a booth. The diner was busier than that morning with a few couples and a family or two adding to the chaotic noise.
“Hey, sweetie. It’s good to see you again. Another minute with the menu?” the redheaded waitress asked when she reached your table.
Plucking a menu that was stashed behind the napkin dispenser, you perused it quickly before selecting a random entree. You weren’t feeling picky and the faster you ordered, the less waiting time on a busy night like tonight. You’d brought a book this time, one of your favorite often-read paperbacks with folded pages and a broken spine.
You took your time with dinner, eating while you read and occasionally people-watched unobtrusively. After paying your bill, you waved goodbye to Nattie and strolled down Main Street toward your motel. The day had finally cooled off and you found yourself enjoying the walk, peering into store windows and smiling at people you passed on the sidewalk.
Reaching your room, you flicked on the tv mostly for background noise and took a hard look at the detailed budget you had written up for your trip. Paying for 3 days in a motel and adding the car repairs, your wallet was taking a hit, but Bucky’s willingness to lower the bill would definitely help. You were grateful to this kind stranger and the thought of spending the whole day with him tomorrow was strangely exciting. Surprised to feel a few butterflies flutter in your stomach, you shook your head to clear away the feeling and got ready for bed.
I’ll be gone in a few days, you told yourself as you drifted off to sleep.
Part Three>>> 
Oh snap. This should be interesting! Well, I’m excited. :D Send me all your thoughts, I’d love to hear them! Love you guys!! 
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inquiringquilter · 7 years
Berry Cross Quilt Along Show and Tell Linky Party!
Hey everyone! Regular readers of my blog know that recently hosted a quilt along for my pattern Berry Cross. If you missed out, you can click the tab above to get all the steps to make a lap-sized quilt.
For everyone who’s been participating in the quilt along, it’s finally time for the big reveal! I can’t tell you how much fun I’ve had. Thanks so much for quilting along with me.
Let's look at my quilts in detail. Here is my Christmas version which I call “Christmas Cross.” I used Colorway 2 to create it.
This version was quilted with an eight pointed poinsettia design. In the inner border, I did a simple rolling wave, and for the outer border, I traced the poinsettia shapes.
Details 32” x 32” Fabrics: Various Christmas fabrics pulled from my stash. Batting: Quilters Dream Quilting Thread: Sulky 40 wt #1169 Bayberry Red and #1051 Christmas Green Quilted by: Me
My second version of Berry Cross uses Colorway 1 and is called simply Berry Cross. Clever, aren’t I? <grin> Berry Cross is quilted with circles in a cross pattern within each block. The circles (berries) also appear in the outer squares of the berry blocks within a curved frame. The inner border has a simple rolling scroll; a berry leaf appears in the outer border.
Details 58” x 69” Fabrics: Grunge by Moda in New Saxony (#343), Jade (#305), New Boysenberry (#335), and Rose (#249) Batting: Warm and White Quilting Thread: Signature 40 wt, #555 Berry Wine Quilted by: Theresa Cantwell, Designs by Theresa
So it’s time now for you to link up your Berry Cross quilts in our Grand Finale Show and Tell! To make it interesting, you can vote for your favorites. The owner of the quilt receiving the most votes will get a surprise handmade by yours truly. In addition, I will randomly pick a winner to receive a $25 gift certificate from our quilt along sponsor, Always in Stitches.
The linky will remain open until Monday, February 27th at midnight EST so be sure to link up before then. After the linkup part closes on Monday at midnight, the voting will begin. You can vote three times. Voting will remain open until Thursday, March 2nd at midnight EST. I'll post the winners on Friday, March 3rd so be sure to come back and see who won!
I really appreciate everyone who helped make this quilt along be so successful. In fact, I have a gift for each of you! Everyone who links up a finished quilt will receive a coupon for 20% off all patterns in my store. Just be sure to leave your email address in the linkup.
I will have Berry Cross available soon in a multi-sized pattern, so make sure you are following my blog! I have tons of ways to do that. If you want to follow me on social media, see the buttons at the top of my sidebar under Come and Follow Me! You can also subscribe to my posts through my email newsletter, Bloglovin’, Feedburner, or Quilter Blogs. Just look in my sidebar under Other Ways to Follow Me.
One final reminder...I'm hosting another linky here. Link up any WIP before midnight Friday, February 24th for a chance to win a lovely charm pack from Windham Fabrics. If you missed the deadline, don't despair...you can enter every Wednesday for the next few weeks for extra chances to win.
I share my blog posts with these awesome linky parties!
An InLinkz Link-up
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Tell me...what did you like best about this quilt along?
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plxyboi-blog · 5 years
Your Ultimate Guide to Running for Weight Loss
New Post has been published on https://healthy4lives.com/your-ultimate-guide-to-running-for-weight-loss/
Your Ultimate Guide to Running for Weight Loss
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Jose A. Bernat BaceteGetty Photographs
Everyone appreciates anyone who dropped a ton of bodyweight when they started off jogging. And loads of men and women know runners who went the other way, attaining bodyweight in the course of instruction. So does jogging support or damage your bodyweight decline aims? It depends on how you do it.
How jogging will help you eliminate bodyweight
You can eliminate bodyweight just by jogging if your regimen boosts your action level beyond what it was just before. So if you never ever physical exercise and you commence running—even just all over the block each working day or jogging for thirty minutes—you’re going to burn much more energy and drop some bodyweight (until you slide into the trap of consuming excess. Additional on that in a minute).
But when that amount of money of jogging gets routine—maybe you operate the similar three miles on the similar three times each 7 days for months on end—your bodyweight will continue to be stable. To be distinct: You’re continue to burning energy by jogging, but you’re not burning much more energy than you did just before. So if you operate the similar and consume the similar, you will continue to weigh the similar.
To burn much more by jogging, you will need to alter some thing up: Possibly you go lengthier, possibly you go speedier in the course of specified sections (attempt these get-speedier exercise sessions), possibly you change some flats with some hills. Any change (that “anything much more than you did before” factor) can raise calorie burn once again.
How you can eliminate even much more bodyweight by jogging
Beyond modifying up your jogging, gurus all say that if you definitely want to eliminate bodyweight by jogging, you will need to feel about what you consume.
Sometimes that comes obviously: “often when men and women go from a sedentary condition to transferring much more, they really feel great about taking care of them selves and that might translate into consuming superior,” states Leslie Bonci, a sporting activities dietitian for the Kansas Metropolis Chiefs and co-author of Operate Your Butt Off.
“But the honeymoon period is not for good,” she cautions. What started off as a banana following a workout can spiral into a significant-calorie espresso beverage and a pastry on the way house from that operate.
“Too numerous runners overcompensate with energy following their operates, imagining that they ‘earned it,’” states Jason Karp, Ph.D., chief jogging officer of Operate-In good shape and author of Operate Your Unwanted fat Off. “The believed of a major plate of pancakes with boysenberry syrup and a chocolate banana smoothie is frequently more than enough to get some runners by way of an additional number of miles of a prolonged operate.” Which ends up giving you much more bodyweight to carry all over on your next operate (not entertaining). A modern studyin the American Journal of Scientific diet confirmed that new exercisers are inclined to overcompensate with energy when they function out, losing fewer than expected.
“People are inclined to fail to remember that jogging isn’t a huge calorie burner. You burn about 100 energy a mile,” Bonci states. That is no matter if you go gradual or quick. (If you’re quick, you just operate a ton much more miles in sixty minutes than slower men and women do.) So if you’re mentally estimating how numerous energy you’re burning—and replacing—think in miles, not minutes. That 3-mile operate might have been really hard, and even if you crushed it much speedier than usual…it’s continue to only 3 miles. You completed speedier, but did not burn much more (sorry).
How to steer clear of the jogging/bodyweight get hazard zones
To reduce overeating when you’re in a jogging groove, you have to be clever about what you’re consuming just before, in the course of and following that workout.
Prior to a operate. “For a forty five-minute operate, you really do not will need to have some thing in advance of time,” states Bonci. “A two-hour instruction operate is different—you will need to have some fuel in the tank. But if you’re only working out for an hour, there’s no will need to have nearly anything other than water.
For the duration of the operate. “People only will need to fuel in the course of prolonged operates if they are instruction for a marathon or ultramarathon.” Often, men and women consume heaps of energy from sporting activities diet items in the course of shorter operates “and then surprise why they’re not losing bodyweight,” Karp states.
Just after the operate. Commence with a major glass of water. That will help you rehydrate and requires up “stomach share,” states Bonci, which can support you steer clear of inhaling almost everything in the kitchen at the moment. If you want some thing just before you shower, feel of it as an hors d’oeuvre, then shower and appear again and have a meal in a much more comfortable way, she states. “Think of water as the shooter and the chaser is a little bit of some thing to consume.”
Perfect for post-operate: “I like the notion of consuming some thing that demands a utensil, due to the fact then it at the very least requires a bit lengthier to consume,” Bonci states. “Yogurt with granola can be great, due to the fact even if you’re fatigued from jogging, most men and women have more than enough energy to elevate a spoon to their mouth.”
How much bodyweight can you eliminate by jogging?
Tons. Dustin Truly worth, for occasion, got influenced to operate when his spouse done a marathon, and he dropped twenty lbs in just a thirty day period of jogging on a treadmill in their basement. That was when he was 270 lbs, and his jogging and healthy consuming practices turned him into a shredded a hundred and seventy-pound guy now (see his whole tale, with shots).
And then there’s David Myers, who, at much more than 350 lbs, started off walking. Then he started off jogging, and right now, he’s 130 lbs lighter. And Stephane Doiron, who grabbed his jogging shoes when he realized he couldn’t retain up with his son, whom he was pushing to excel in strength conditioning for his hockey staff. “I remember at very first, I could hardly operate a minute without halting to regain my breath,” he states. Right now, he often operates 10Ks and has dropped 55 lbs. You really do not have to operate much to make jogging function for you. Just get out there and get following what you want from it.
Marty Munson Marty Munson, at present the health and fitness director of Men’s Wellness, formerly served as deputy editor at Dr Oz The Great Life and director of electronic content material at Shape.
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thegetawaydiary · 7 years
Day 22 | 23.06.17
- I had another terrible sleep, though this time I could blame it on other people. There is hardly any air conditioning, it is just a wall heater placed under the window so it in no way cools down the room; and the hostel is just generally noisy - you can hear other people walking around and closing doors. I know that’s just what happens in hostels but it just makes it so hard to get a good sleep. I had breakfast surrounded by asians (it seems to be a popular hostel for them), who chammed their food so bad and did the whole ahhhh things after each drink. Shit I get irritated easily but being tired and hot meant I wasn’t in the best mood. 
- I started my day by finally crossing the Ponte Vecchio, which I hadn’t yet done, and all of the shops along it just seem to sell jewellery, like super sparkling and glittering gold and diamonds. It was so so pretty to look at and in my head I was picking out all of the sparkly diamonds I would love if I was made of money/ had a million fingers to wear them all. 
- I made my way to the Palazzo Pitti and waited to get my ticket to the Boboli gardens which is a must do when in Florence. I stood there waiting for ages while all three servers just ignored me, drinking their coffee and chatting. Italians have the worst customer service skills. I found it annoying how at these tourist sights they do not give you a map or a pamphlet or any information (unless you pay for a tour, and even then you only get that stuff sometimes), and quite often there is no information around the sight. Most of the time walking around the gardens I didn’t know what I was looking at, and it would’ve been really great to know more of the history of the gardens. At one point I did imagine how the Medici family (who owned the Palazzo Pitti and Boboli gardens) would have strolled around the great gardens in their robes, it kind of blows my mind imaging that such a family lived here and walked where I walked. Walking around the Boboli gardens was very nice, but it was also very hot again and so it made it harder to appreciate it. After the gardens I got a gelato from a place across the road from the Palazzo Pitti and there was a hair in it :(
- I walked to Santa Maria del Carmine which is the home of the Brancacci chapel, and was something I was very excited to see. I ended up only being charged 4.50 euro but the girls in front of me who were probably around my age were charged 6 euro each, which I thought was the standard price, so I’m not sure why I got charged less. I was a bit confused and it must have shown on my face because the ticket lady asked me if I was alright, if everything was okay. Walking in to the chapel and turning around to see the frescoes was amaaaazing, it was really almost indescribable. After seeing these walls only in textbooks, powerpoint and the internet while studying them at both high school and university, seeing them in real life really was something else. I honestly could have cried, which is embarrassing but seeing the frescoes by Masolino, Massacio and Lippi with my own eyes, and being able to really appreciate the work was just such an amazing moment and something I will never forget. Sitting in the chapel in front of the work was very peaceful, though I did get up several times and take as many pictures as possible, but it was hard to get one of the whole chapel. It was definitely worth the 4.50 euro. I thought it was odd though that I wasn’t asked to cover my shoulders or knees, as I had come prepared for that and expected it, especially in such a special place. I ended up feeling a bit disrespectful. I went out and watched a short film about the church and the artwork, and then sat in the convent courtyard just feeling very happy and peaceful. 
- After spending a while there I made my way back to the hostel, stopping in at a supermarket on the way to buy some much needed fruit and some more plasters because the sandals that I got in Vernazza were rubbing the tops of my toes. I just had to hope that these ones would actually work because it seems that Europeans don’t know how to make good plasters. UPDATE: they’re shit too, they came unstuck.
- I went back to the hostel feeling burnt, because I had forgot to put sunscreen on this morning, and ready to have a chill time for the afternoon an try once again to catch up on posts (still failing), and also to figure out if I wanted to go to Venice tomorrow. The internet stopped working though so I didn’t get very far, and I was still undecided about venice. I headed out again to wander around the city and maybe get a polaroid of the Duomo if there was the really nice golden light again. I also wanted to head to a gelato place across the river that was recommended, so I went there and got chocolate and cheesecake flavour, which really was just boysenberry with the tiniest amount of biscuit crumb on top. it was nice, the chocolate was really good, but I think I’ll just stick to lemon. I probably should’ve bought actual dinner instead but I didn’t find any where I wanted to eat so I went back to the hostel hungry. On my way I got hit on by an old Italian man with the line “oh you dropped something... it was my heart”. I hate how the men here will make kissing noises when you pass them, it’s so gross. 
- I went back to the hostel to shower before the Russian girl spent an hour in there again, and tried to go to bed early again but didn’t get to sleep until after 12.
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thegetawaydiary · 7 years
Day 12 | 13.06.17
- Last night I asked the hostel guy to turn down the air con in our room because it was too damn hot and he looked at me like I was crazy, believing that 27 degrees was already on the cold side. He turned it down though but definitely not enough and I woke up at 6 in the morning sweating, with the air con not coming back on until 7.30.
- I got up at 6.30 so I get could out and about nice and early before it got super hot and waited for the included breakfast, because I like to try and have a big one as I don’t usually buy something for lunch until about 2. The breakfast never came though, not even at quarter to 8 which was a pain in the arse but I headed out anyway. It was on my way out that I realised that my Vatican tour was in fact this afternoon and not tomorrow like I had thought.
- I walked to the colosseum which was amazing to see in real life, its pretty incredible that it was built thousands of years ago and gladiators actually fought there. I also had a look at the Palatine Hill and Roman Forum which was also incredible to see and to think that people had lived and worked there so long ago, my brain actually can’t comprehend it sometimes. I walked around the area a couple of times and then back to the hostel because my feet were killing me already. It was not a good idea to ware sandals that are so flat but it’s way too hot for sneakers. 
- I got back to the hostel around 10 and breakfast was still out, even though I thought it finished at 9-9.30. I had some cocopops and a croissant which was actually really fresh and it was so nice. I went online and found that my money had finally transferred over to my cash card thank god because I was starting to get a bit worried and was not looking forward to not eating all day. In future I will have to make sure to transfer the money I need well in advance.
- It was heaps too hot for pants and a card (32 degrees) but you have to cover your knees and shoulders when going to the Vatican, and wouldn’t be allowed in to the Sistine Chapel or St. Peter’s Basilica. After arriving at the Vatican and  ending my group just in time we went in and had to go through security. Everyone started sculling their bottles of waters because we thought we wouldn’t be allowed it but we were.
- I was really cool to finally be walking around the Vatican museums after thinking about it for so long, and it was  awesome to see the Raphael rooms in person, especially his work ‘School of Athens’ which I had seen so many times in classes at uni. It was kind of hard to appreciate the museums fully though because it was just so so hot, I was sweaty and my feet were on another level of pain, also my sandal broke. The tour was quite good overall, though I feel like we didn’t get a heap of information. The best part was definitely the Sistine Chapel and walking into St. Pater’s basilica, which wasn’t included in the tour. The Sistine chapel was beautiful and it was mind blowing finally seeing the Creation of Adam in real life. I could have just stared at the ceiling for hours but we only had 15 minutes. It was really special and I will always remember it. Once the tour ended I went into the Basilica which was also a highlight, and it was really amazing and something else I will always remember, especially with the Latin Mass happening, and hearing them sing. It was crazy how huge it was and how decorated it is, it really a work of art itself, covered in more art. The statues were incredible. 
- Afterwards I went to the souvenir shop and picked up some postcards, which really I should have bought an extra one to actually send because that would've been so cool to have a Vatican city stamped post card, but I like to just collect them. I continued into St. Peter’s square, feeling like I was in Angels & Demons trying to figure out which fountain was the one from the drowning scene. I wanted to get nice shots of the square but it was definitely the wrong time of day with the sun sitting directly behind it, making the photos too dark. I also got to see a couple of the Swiss Guard in their colourful uniforms, fill up my drink bottle straight from an old Vatican fountain, and found the little Vatican ‘Poste’ shop, which then made me wish again that I had bought an extra post card.
- It took an hour to get from the Vatican city back to the hostel on a bus, plus 20 minutes of waiting for the bus. I then decided to brave going to a restaurant for dinner by myself because by this time (8pm) I had only had a few boysenberries, a croissant and cocopops this morning. I was staaarving and really wanted some ravioli, like the proper Italian pasta. So I went to the restaurant right next to the hostel and was seated next to a mother and daughter which was kind of awkward but it was just awkward being by myself anyway.I got my ravioli and honestly it wasn’t that great, the pasta wasn’t quite cooked enough in some parts and it didn’t really have the nice flavour that I was expecting. The ravioli from Etrusco is better. I finished up, found an ice cream and came back to the hostel, so ready for bed. 
- I feel like I haven’t seen hardly any of Rome and I only have one full day left, and my feet hurt so bad that I don’t know if I will see much more which sucks but can’t be helped. I have to do some serious planning for tomorrow.
- The hostel lady just now wouldn’t turn the air con down for me, saying that 23 would be too cold for her. That air con would be for my room only, and in no way effect her so I don’t get that. I’ll just have to sweat in my sleep again. 
- the Italian police men and army men are so good looking, like wow.
- I think I am permanently going to smell of sunscreen. 
- Crossing the street is insane, you literally just have to start walking across and hope for the best.
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