#this is a leo galante appreciation post
henrysfedora · 2 years
leo galante has been on my mind help me. I so badly, wanna see young leo pull a goddamn daenerys targaryen moment fr, like let me see this mf absolutely pull the rug out from someones feet, like absolutely RUIN somebody, (young leo, not old leo who ruined vito and joe-) I want to see him just completely be a badass, whether it either be being a collected badass; standing there with his coat on his shoulders, gloves still on because rn its below him to take them off to give some bitch a hiding, his men will do it. or; an absolute mess of a man punching someone into the curb. if I don't see him in the prequel I will cry. I wanna see young leo fighting in a boxing ring, yes I want to see him play casual golf, yes his cigarette card from mde lives rent free in my head, the hair, the fit, the everything.
god I wanna see leo in the roaring twenties oml, I wanna see more of him in general from the 1900s up. leo and frank attending a fancy party at night time in the winter, leo cooling off out back of the party, standing in the snow and he gets absolutely betrayed by frank throwing snowballs at him outta nowhere.
I can't get over like a super cinematic, you know leo secretly slipping out back into the mansions now white gardens, tinted by orange lights, just chilling, it was too much in there especially after such a long time and he lost frank in there ages ago. and he rubs his hands together even though he's wearing gloves, it's that damn cold, the camera gets close to the front of him and then WHACK a snowball straight to the side of his face. he almost has a premature heart attack from the suddenness, then another one comes barrelling towards him when he finally sees frank and he is absolutely disgusted and pissed off and it takes him a good minute to start throwing them back because he is so ultimately caught off guard. leo hiding behind a tree with a snowball in his hands is so funny idk why, and there's like classic '20s music playing quietly in the background.
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thelouisianauproar · 6 years
Louisiana Uproar - Chapter 10
Summary: Anxiety rises as Dottie travels to Empire Bay to meet with Leo Galante and the Empire Bay Commission.
I touched down in Empire Bay and it was beautiful. The lights, the traffic, the crowd. I came here, once or twice, with my father. This city seems so different back then. It took some time getting a taxi, I wasn’t sure exactly how it worked. Despite being back on the east, this felt nothing like Washington, D.C.
I felt the goose bumps, going through my body as I told the driver where I was going.
“Hey, it’s me.” I take a seat on the hotel bed.
“How’s the work trip?”
“I just got here. Empire Bay is still so beautiful.” “Good to hear.” My father chuckles. “Any chance you’ll move out there? It’s a train ride from home.” “Dad, I’m taking on new projects at work. Things are going well.”
“I’m happy to hear that.’ He says “Some day.” “Sure, I have a big meeting in the morning. I’m going to practice.”
Thoroughly through the night, I thought of all possible situations. I went through my notes on our progress since Lincoln’s death. This could go very well, or very bad. I don’t see a between. I can’t sleep thinking about it.
--- In the morning, there’s a knock on the hotel door while I’m getting ready. “Ms. Jetson.” The man says. “I’ve been instructed by Leo Galante to see to it that you make it to your meeting this morning. I’m John.” “Thank you.” I’m trying not to sweat. “When you’re ready to leave---come find me in the lobby.” “Will do.”
Everything feels like it’s happening quickly. I meet him in the lobby, I have a bagel and a coffee before we hit the road. He takes me to a bar. It looks fancy.
“Follow me.” He opens the door for me to get out of the car. When I step out, I feel myself being span around. He’s checking me everywhere for weapons.
John takes me inside, up the steps, and to an office.
“They should be ready shortly.” They? He pauses. “Can I get you something?” “Water and a restroom.”
With that, John points me to the bathroom. I take my final chance to look at my face. Since last week, I’ve been living with the fact that I could die, here.
“I put your water by your seat. They’re ready for ya.” They didn’t make me wait long.
There are three men at the conference table. Leo Galante and he gives me a warm smile. Besides Leo, the two other men stand when they see me.  
“Dottie, may I call you, Dottie?” “Everyone calls me Dottie. Yes.” We shake hands.
“Great, Dottie. I am Raymond. This is my colleague, David Danna.” I move to shake Danna’s hand. “Finally, the man you came to see, Leo Galante.” “Pleased to meet you, Mr. Galante.” “Dottie. Please sit.”
Raymond begins to speak again:
“I’m sure you understand that we’re pleased that someone has been keeping things running in New Bordeaux, we just didn’t expect...” The men look at each other, “We have a couple of questions for you. They will be in your best interest to answer, honestly.’ “Okay.”
“Please feel free to let us know if you need the restroom, hungry, need a break.”
“I appreciate that.” “Are you ready to begin?” “Certainly.” “I’ll start.” Raymond smiles. “Did you assist Lincoln Clay in taking down Sal Marcano?” Shit, man. “I did.” My words get stuck in my throat.
“What did you do?” “I ran his books.” “Do you know what happened to Lincoln Clay?” Here we go.
“He died.” “How?”
“He left a meeting with the underbosses: Vito Scaletta, Thomas Burke, and Cassandra. Somewhere in there, they might have gotten ambushed. The underbosses were found shot, and someone set fire to Lincoln’s car---with him in it.” “Who could have done that?” “I don’t know. He made a lot of enemies.” There’s a silence. “So.” David clears his throat. “You still running books over there?” “There’s a few of us, but yes.’
“You the one who runs the show?”
“We consult each other.”
“We want you to know that we can keep this arrangement. We want to keep our men alive and making money.” “You say we, without Lincoln, who is in your family?” Good question. “I don’t know if I feel up to answering that.” I say. “Listen, I apologize---we knew you would want your kickback. We had no way of contacting you. At least, we knew you would show up.”
“I don’t know how much followed Sal’s racket, but I’m willing to give you a copy.” Now, I have their attention. “Post Lincoln Clay, it’s been lighter than we want. Police and politicians have been cramping our style.” “Understood.” Leo looks focused.
I met with those men for hours. By the third hour, I was comfortable requesting a cigarette, or a bathroom break. I learned a bit, it seemed like our interrogation became a conversation.
“I’m going to call this if no one else will.” Raymond stands. “You are an impressively smart, young person.”
“Thank you for your time.” I stand and shake everyone’s hand.
“Dorothy, we’re going to ask you to excuse yourself. A car should be waiting around the front.” “Thank you.” When I step out, John’s waiting for me. “Would you like to go back to the hotel and freshen up?” “I would.” “Dinner is in two hours.” “Am I having dinner with someone?” “Mr. Galante told me that he will be having dinner with you.” News to me. Is this where I die? Now that he has the information.
“John, do you have information on my return flight?” “It has not been booked, yet, ma’m.” He says. “To my understanding, you have more meetings.” There’s a silence. “They’ll send you back when they are done with you.” That’s reassuring.
John escorts me into the restaurant. It’s about as fancy as our earlier meeting. Mr. Galante is sitting in the back with a few men smoking with him.
“Ah, my guest is here.” Leo says while standing. He looks good for being older than eighty. My heart is pounding as the men start to disburse in different directions.
“Mr. Galante” I greet before taking my seat. “It’s always a pleasure to have dinner with a lovely woman. Thank you for joining me.” Thank you for forcing me.
“Thank you for the invite.” The waiter brings a glass of wine to me. They wouldn’t be so quiet as to lace it, would they? I look at Leo and he’s observing me. I smile to break the silence. “How old are you, kid?” “I am twenty six.”
“Lincoln appeared to be a young man, as well.”
“He was twenty three.”
“Shame. A young man at that age.”
“A shame everyone had to die.” Except for Sal Marcano, of course.
“Heat’s on over there.” “It’s pretty hot.” I nervously laugh before taking a gulp. At this moment, I wouldn’t mind if the wine is laced. “Mr. Galante, about Sal Marcano-” I check the room around me and lean into him. “I’m here because...I understand if you want retribution.” He nods, “But I can assure you that killing me won’t make up for the people or the money lost---trust me, I know.”
“I don’t want you dead, some do.” He starts. “I admire you, kid. You came here alone. Addressed us honestly, brought the money, and understood that this could be your last travel.” Is it? “But they’re in a tight position: some were friends with Sal, some want to make an example of you, but a couple of us admire you. Wanna see what’s next. That’s what I’ll propose.”
“What?” “I want to keep you alive. Keep you on our team.” He says, “I just need to get everyone on board.”
“Thank you.” “Don’t thank me yet.’ He says, “You’re in Empire Bay until a decision is reached.” Dinner with Mr. Galante is pleasant. He really was a gentleman. 
 I allowed myself to drink, more than planned. I waited until I couldn’t feel my cheeks, then I made my departure from dinner.  Despite our night, I worried; I knew what he’d done to Vito and his best friend, Joe. 
“Burke Residence.” “Nicki, I just got back to the hotel.”
“Hey, how are you?” “I’m fine. My meetings were productive.” I look around the room.
“They treating you right over there? Or like hired help?” “So far? Very kindly. “ I sigh, I now know that Leo is not the decision maker. “Still stands, if you don’t hear from me in a week...I’m dead.”
“Understood.” She pauses. “All of this isn’t sitting well with me. We shouldn’t have sent you.”
“I was the best person to send. I realize that, now. They were looking for information that I have.’ There’s a silence on the line.
“Nicki?” “You’re an intelligent woman.” “Thank you.” I shake my head. “How’s it going over there?”
“We haven’t killed each other, yet.” “Yet.” I chuckle. “Goodnight, Nicki.” “Goodnight, Dot.”
The next morning, as I am out of the shower, there is a knock on the door.
“Occupied!” I call out. “Good to know.” A familiar voice says. “Open the door, darlin’.”
“Good morning, Mr. Saggio.” I say, opening the hotel door. “I apologize. I’m not dressed.”
“Of course not.” Raymond allows himself in. “This was unannounced.”
“Please have a seat.” I try to hide that this was a smart comment.
“Go on and make yourself decent. I want to have a conversation.” He starts. “I’ll meet you in the lobby.”
Yesterday, I came to the meeting in a dress. This time, I’m dressed in my bell bottom jeans, platform shoes, and a red top. Mr. Saggio must have noticed because his eyes get wide when he sees me. “Thank you for waiting.” I say as I sit.
“Ordered you a coffee. Please feel free to have breakfast.”
“Thank you.” He puts his newspaper down. “I guess you’re under the impression now that the goal is to keep you alive.’ “If you can.” “We can.”
“When will you decide?” “Trying to go to vote on Friday.” “It’s Tuesday.” My jaw drops. “I can’t sit here in limbo this whole time.” “Would you rather die on Thursday?” HIs face becomes stern.’Give us the time to get our votes.” I shouldn’t have come here.
“So what do you need from me?” “Stay low key.’ He tells me. “No noise. They don’t know what you look like.” He gestures to me. A man comes over and whispers in his ear. “Excuse me. We’re done here. For now.” Raymond starts to stand, I follow him. “I’d offer to give you some money to keep you entertained...but you’ve gotta be making Marcano money right now.” “I’m doing pretty well.” I extend my hand to shake his. He takes it with a humored smile. He shakes my hand as if he’s shaking a ladies hand: nice and gentle. Jerk.
Over my time at the Empire Arms hotel, I get to get some work done and I found time to enjoy the city. Whenever I left the hotel, John was never far behind.
It felt like my last meal, every time I ate. I did things that I wanted to do, and on my own time. I went to the expensive restaurants, the historical places. Every day and every hour, I felt this sinking feeling that I will die.
I met Raymond for dinner on Thursday,
“Ms. Jetson.” He stands when I come to sit.
“Sir.” “I’m feeling really good about tomorrow.”
“Does that mean I should be?” “I’d hope so.” He pauses. “Look, I could see if you are nervous…” “If they kill me, will it be quick?” “Absolutely.” He assures me, his hand moves to mine. I let out a sigh of relief which makes him chuckle and pull his hand away.  “Dorothy, this could be your last full length conversation, enjoy it.”
“I shouldn’t have come here.”
“And make us go to war to take the territory back. That’s a waste of money and men. You did the right thing. That’s why Leo likes you.” There’s a silence. “You seem like a good kid. Your dad is a Civil Rights Activist, how did you end up here?” I start to light my cigarette.
“Couldn’t get a job in undergrad.” I can’t light the damn thing. He does it for me. Fuck, it’s becoming real. “Found there was a safe place for black people in New Bordeaux. Hung around. Thought I could get a job---I got a career.”
“Damn straight.” He pauses. “My dad came here from Sicily, worked for Vinci and I joined the business.” “Now, you’re Mr Galante’s right hand?” “It’s an honor that I hope you get.”
I appreciate Raymond trying to relate with me. It didn’t feel superficial. After dinner, he lead me to a park to “walk off the alcohol.”
“Raymond?” “Yes.” “Did you like Sal?” I’m assuming he knew him.
“Enough, I guess.” He pauses. “I really worked with him in passing.” “Oh.” “Ever meet him?” “Yes.” Raymond pauses to look at me. “Wow.”
“I didn’t like his leadership, his all or nothing methods.” I speak, “but I loved Vito.” “Scaletta?” “Yeah.” I smile. “Now, you’re talking.” “It hurts me that he’s gone.” Well, I moved to his apartment.
“Whoever killed Lincoln had to have killed him too.” Don’t be so sure. “I used to run around with Vito, and he had a buddy named Joe.” “I’m aware.”
“Shame what happened to them.” “Gone too soon.” “Smart men. Joe runs Mr. Galante’s security detail.” “Runs?” “Unless something’s changed?”
“I thought he was dead.” “That makes sense, Vito thought he was dead.” Ray gives a nonchalant shrug.
I came back to the conference room of my first meeting.
“They’re ready for you.”
“Thank you.” I open the door. The three men stand. “Let’s not stand on ceremony.” I take a seat. “Am I going to die?” The men pause and give each other looks. “Not today.” Leo starts. “We’ll have your flight details, tonight.” Raymond adds. “We made a pitch to the commission.” Leo speaks, before David pushes the cigarette cartoon my way. “The issue that they had with you was trust. We would feel better if you had a new leader with contacts.” What is that supposed to mean? “Someone who can allow the business to grow with your young spirit.”
“Don’t worry we’ll do our best not to mess with the organization or the bosses-with everything that has happened it’ll be good to have a...white man...getting the heat off.” I’m speechless. I shouldn’t have come here.
“...We?” “Raymond and David will be relocating to New Bordeaux. David as the Don, Ray as his underboss.” “A few others where we think we need it.” Raymond adds, I didn’t think it was possible for my heart to drop again.
“So what’s gonna happen now?” I look straight at Ray. “More Sal Marcano all or nothing politics?” “No.” Is all he said. No pitch, no hopeful statement.
“Dorothy, we will need your help with the transition.” Leo asks, “I don’t care who the leader was. You are the leader and liaison until the transition is over, you got it?” I look him in the eye, but say nothing. “I don’t hear you, young lady.” “I understand.” “Good, after all this, we’ll get you a title.” Leo stands, we all stand with him.” If you’ll excuse me, I have more business. “
We all watch him leave with his coat.   “Hey, I know this meeting was a lot.” David looks at me. “Take your time. Think. Let’s have dinner---all of us. Make some plans.” “Certainly.”
“I hadn’t bothered to call the under bosses. I need to be alone for this. Vito’s stories should have told me not to trust the commission. This is a huge opportunity for them, it could be for me too if they don’t kill me. What do I say to the others?
“Greetings.” She says when the woman opens the front door. “Are you Dottie?” “Yes, pleasure to meet you-” We shake hands.
“Raymond and David are in the dining room.” She says, “We’re happy to have you.”
I follow her to the room where David and Raymond are drinking. “Dottie. Welcome.” “Hello. I place my jacket on the chair next to Raymond. “I brought this but wasn’t sure when I should share it with you all.” I pull out the jar of moonshine. “Complimentary of New Bordeaux.”
“No way.” “Good old Southern Moonshine.” I sit it on the table, David takes it. “I’ll get some more glasses.” “I’m really glad you brought that.” Raymond’s hand pats my shoulder. “Tonight is a celebration for all of us. We all got promoted today.” “To the future.” David returns with our cups. He pours the drink and we raise a toast.
“Good shit.” Raymond pats his chest.
I hate to give it to them. This week has been traumatic, but I did what I wanted to. And every night that I had gone out with these men were spectacular in some way. We spoke about our past, our business plans for the future. This is what I want right? A seat at the table.
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