#this is a pro goatee blog
onsunnyside · 2 years
I personally love the goatee. I don’t get the hate 😭😭😭 I didn’t know ppl were so anti-goatee
same, i love it !! but I also think I just like ‘weird’ facial hair on chris 🥸
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babyboibucky · 3 years
People seeing the topics on my blog today be like
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We literally covered the following topics in LESS THAN 24 HOURS
Churro!Bucky (Croissant!Steve, Cupcake!Sam, Bagel!Scott, Donut!Reader, Churronut and Cronut babies)
Sausage Party AU
Food Porn
Bunch of anons shoving up cucumbers up their cooches and THEN not disposing of it so those cucumbers made it to someone’s salad jfc
Cigarette!Bucky x Lighter!Reader Toxic Relationship
A bunch of random AUs (Sushi!Bucky x Chopsticks!Reader, Hanger!Bucky x Shirt!Reader, someone sent LawnMower!Bucky x Grass!Reader, etc)
Toy Story but Sex Toys Edition
Lightning McQueen
Pro-Goatee vs Anti-Goatee Debate
Goatee vs Pornstache
And I have a bunch of nasty Thanos asks that I’m gonna be deleting too LMAO
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theonyxpath · 6 years
Hi all! Matthew Dawkins here, the developer and one of the co-authors of Chicago by Night. I thought it’d be a nice treat to drop some of the fiction from the book on the blog, for those of you who haven’t seen it in the Kickstarter updates. Here, without further ado, is Jiba Molei Anderson’s Red Nº 5:
Red Nº 5
A Night to Remember that you’ll probably Forget
Oh, my god! What a fantastic night!
Okay, so my girlfriend Krissie and I are from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We came to Chicago for a girls’ weekend and were having a little pre-game wine drinking session at Zed451 when Jason invited us out to meet a couple of his buddies at this place called Red Nº 5. We were like “sure!” We were two girls out, looking cute, ready to mingle and, perhaps, get into a little trouble. Besides, Sho-Lo Fidelity was supposed to be playing tonight and I love his sets because I’m a big house music fan, right? I mean, don’t let my “becky-ish” looks fool you. I love getting my groove on and getting down with the “brothers,” if you know what I mean.
We got to the club, which is a couple of doors south right past the six corners of Milwaukee, Grand and Halsted around 10:30. Now, you wouldn’t think a place like this would really start jumping until, like, midnight. But, there was already a line at the door filled with people wanting to get in. It was crazy! It felt like that movie about that club in New York that was real big during the disco era. Anyway, the bouncers looked really rough. I mean they looked professional, all clean-shaven and wearing black suits, the kinda doormen you’d probably see at any classy spot. But, it was clear that they were definitely not to be fucked with. They just had that vibe about them, y’know?
There was this one group of girls who looked like the just stepped off of an episode of “Real Housewives of Chicago” who looked like they were almost about to start a scene because the bouncers wouldn’t let them in. I don’t know why they wouldn’t. They definitely looked like the kind of ladies guys would want in the club. They were looking like those ghetto models with their weaves, all squeezed into their tight dresses, which barely covered their asses or their tits and shivering in the cold because they left their coats in the car and didn’t want to pay a coat check fee. I mean, it’s the frickin’ middle of March! You know Chicago doesn’t decide to get warm until, maybe, late May!
Anyway, just as they were about to really turn up and act rachet for not being able to get in the club, one of the bouncers (a big, pale white guy about 6’3, 350 pounds with a spider web tattoo that began on the top of his head and trailed down to his neck with a spider at the end of it) lowered his head, tipped his sunglasses down to the bridge of his nose (so pretentious with the sunglasses at night, right?) and stared right into the lead chick’s eyes. Then, he says real calm and cool, “I’m sorry, but you ladies are not allowed in Red Nº 5 this evening.”
I don’t know, but it looked like the lead girl almost wet her pants. She was so scared, she quickly went to her girlfriends and announced they were leaving that very second. The other girls were so shaken up by the look on their friend’s face they left the line without hesitation. I looked at the group I came here with and got extremely nervous.
Don’t get me wrong. I mean, Krissie and I are, like, super-cute girls. We’re both blonde and we both work out. Krissie is a little thinner and, like, two inches taller than me, but I’ve got the bigger rack and, a little “junk in my trunk,” which the “brothers” like. I totally get called a “snowbunny” all of the time. But, we definitely weren’t “model-chick, hoochie-fabulous” like those girls who were kicked out of line. On top of that, we had three guys with us, in untucked shirts, blue jeans and regular shoes. If those girls couldn’t get in, what chance would our grubby little crew have getting past the velvet rope.
I was kind of shocked when “Charlotte’s Web” (my nickname for the bouncer) let us into the club with a smile and a friendly “Enjoy your evening.”
Now, what I didn’t mention earlier was that Krissie and I were ready to party. By that I mean, we were smoking a little reefer in the car, which accentuated a really lovely merlot buzz. Then, Jason’s buddy Trevor “surprises” us with a couple of pills of pure MDMA, not that corny “Molly” shit. Obviously, Trevor was hoping a couple of happy pills would get him some lovin’ from either Krissie or me… A blowjob at the very least. It was obvious he wasn’t picky. But, what he didn’t know was that Krissie and I were old pros in this game and, we were in full TLC mode that night AKA “No Scrubs.”
We paid our entry fee and got our hands stamped. By now, the pills started kicking in, a little hard, but manageable as we started walking down this black corridor into the club. The red lights made it feel a little mysterious, like “Eyes Wide Shut,” but less cheesy. It was kinda sexy.
We enter the main room and, it was pretty big, but not crowded. It wasn’t empty. I mean, there were plenty of people there, but it was easy to walk around without bumping into anybody unless they were really sloppy. It wasn’t your usual Friday night crowd. Sure, there were a couple of people in suits and fancy dresses in the club looking like they’re playing a role, but this didn’t feel like the usual “Let’s go out because it’s Friday” type of crowd. They were dressed nice, but there was a casual vibe, like they all knew each other or something.
The red lights hit the mahogany walls and chrome railings real nice (I’m studying interior design so I pay attention to these things). The DJ had his own platform above the dance floor. It was a small, circular perch that was large enough to fit the turntables, a small couch and a circular table to set your drinks down. DJ jazintellect (I love jazintellect!) was playing some old-school Hip Hop from the 90s. The initial rush eased into the smooth groove of some really good shit. We walked past the first bar through a doorway that didn’t have a bouncer with a rope in front… Free access!
There was another bar behind the main floor! So cool! There were these black leather couches with mahogany tables. People were hanging out and having drinks so, I thought we should get started with another drink before heading downstairs to hear Sho-Lo’s set. Those couches were so soft and buttery, I felt we were in the coolest music video ever!
So here I was, feeling good and rubbing this leather couch. Trevor thinks that this is a sign that he should make his move. Krissie, being the baddest bitch ever, slides between me and Jason like a good cock blocker should. Unfortunately, Trevor doesn’t get the hint and starts trying to push up on the both of us… the creep! It’s about this close to getting ugly and harshing my roll when the waitress comes to our table for our drink order.
Oh, what I forgot to say is that all of the waitresses are hot. I mean, “Off the cover of Vogue and what the hell are you doing working here?” hot. Our waitress was this tall, light-skinned Black girl with green eyes and a close-cropped haircut dyed blonde wearing a tight-fitting black scoop-neck cocktail dress. I don’t if it was the mix of weed, ecstasy and alcohol, but I was seriously questioning my orientation with this girl.
So, she gives a menu. And, I’m looking at the specials and I say out loud, “Excuse me, what’s in a Winter Rosebud?” Her eyes get a little big and she quickly snatches the menu from my hand and gives me another one. “I’m so, so sorry! I gave you the wrong menu! That was… um… last night’s specials. Here’s tonight’s menu.”
I thought that her reaction was a little over-the-top. I mean, so what if it was last night’s menu? What’s the big deal? I didn’t know that alcohol went bad a day later. Whatever. I’m rolling and it’s not even that deep. So, I kept my thoughts to myself and order my drink.
Then, I saw him.
Now, remember when I said that this felt like the coolest music video ever? Ok, imagine you’re moving in slow motion. The music is thumping 96 beats per minute in sync with your heartbeat. The lights dissolve from red to purple to blue and back again. People from all races and backgrounds are around you looking cool and ethnic and different and sexy…
And then, the crowd of beautiful dancing people parts revealing the sexiest man God Almighty ever made.
He walked into the room talking to a waitress on his left giving him some receipts for him took look over with some corporate-looking douche bag in a suit walking on his right side. He was 6ft tall with milk chocolate skin. His hair was cut real low, had a goatee and he wore simple metal loops in his ears. He was chill, but had a little swagger youknowutI’msayin’? He wore a crisp pair of blue jeans, black shell-toe sneakers and a black t-shirt with a logo that read “Good For Party” that hugged his muscular shoulders and arms, but hung loose untucked over his jeans. I mean, his outfit shouldn’t have stood out like that. On anyone else, especially the guys Krissie and I were stuck with, you wouldn’t give that guy a second look. But this guy… His look was super-crisp and he wore it with such confidence. He totally owned it. Like I said, mama likes a little hot chocolate in her milk and this guy was looking very yummy.
I was thinking about the butterscotch babies “Special Dark” (my name for Mr. Yummy) and I were gonna have and being totally comfortable with my parents disowning me when Krissie bumped my shoulder and said that we should go downstairs to hear Sho-Lo’s set and to get away from Trevor’s clammy mitts. I totally was down for that since “Special Dark” looked like he was heading that way too. We told the boys we were heading downstairs and that they should hold down the table until we get back because we weren’t gonna be down there long (total lies). They were busy making plans to try and mack on some of the girls they’ve been seeing in the club since it was obvious that they were getting nowhere with us. Krissie managed to get another pill from Trevor. We split it, popped the respective halves into our mouths washing the bitter taste down with our extremely well-made cocktails and made our way to the basement.
The basement. Oh. My. God. It was amazing. It had a similar layout to the top floor, but didn’t have the second bar in the back. The black leather couches and tables were on an upper landing that flanked the dance floor. Sho-Lo was in full effect. He was laying down some super-funky Afro House like Black Coffee mixed with some Femi Kuti. It felt like we were at an Afropunk festival. It was all natural hair and face paint. Some people had nose piercings and tribal tattoos, but some people dressed… older? I mean, I saw some people our age dressed like they the 70s fashions from Soul Train were new. But, it didn’t matter because Sho-Lo got them all into the same groove and everybody was dancing like it was some tribal ceremony invoking the ancestors.
And, before you ask how do I know about that tribal / ancestor stuff, I’ve taken some Pan-African studies’ classes, too. I’m, like, totally woke.
Now, the second half roll is kicking right when Sho-Lo drops my favorite new track from the Black 80s. Krissie and I get on the dance floor and just start getting into the whole groove. So, we’re dancing and I see “Special Dark” in the left corner table sitting with this tall, lanky, super-dark bald Black guy in a, I think it was wine-colored, three-quarter length suit with a yellow tie. He was kind of creepy-looking.
And, no! It’s not because he was really dark that I thought he was creepy! I’m not a racist! I’m just saying that he just sat there like some sort of African statue, barely nodding his heading to the music while “Special Dark” was trying to say something to the “Statue”, which seemed kind of important.
I get really focused on details when I roll. It’s kinda my thing.
Next to the “Statue” was this Puerto-Rican woman with this big, curly hair in a yellow 30s-style “Flapper” dress. She was gorgeous and she had her arm wrapped in the “Statue’s” while they sat. They were obviously a couple. They almost looked like they could be “Special Dark’s” parents based on the vibes they gave off from their body language. I saw “Special Dark” get up from the table and was making his way to the dance floor. I started dancing as seductively as possible to get “Special Dark’s” attention. Unfortunately, the only attention I attracted was some greasy drunk guy trying to grind all on my booty. He was grabbing my waist trying to pull me close and I could smell a mixture of menthol cigarettes and Jack Daniel’s on his breath. Ugh! He was gross! Even worse, I could see that “Special Dark” started dancing with Krissie… That bitch! While she was getting swept off of her feet by my future baby daddy, I was stuck under the bridge with this troll who could not take a fucking hint!
Krissie whispered something in “Special Dark’s” ear. I think she wanted to check on Jason and Trevor (since they were our ride) and left “Special Dark” on the dance floor as she headed upstairs. There he was, my dark prince alone while I’m stuck with this basic bro trying to publicly get into my pants while we’re dancing.
Then, “Special Dark” turned his head and our eyes locked. He studied the situation for a moment and obviously saw a damsel in distress. What happened next is probably the sexiest thing that happened to anyone. He smiled and held out his hand, which I took immediately, and pulled me away from “Captain Newport.” I wrapped my arms around “Special Dark’s” neck and we started dancing as if we’d known each other for years. I barely noticed “Captain Newport” as he attempted to make me the ham in his freak-down sandwich. He must’ve finally gotten the hint, because “Captain Newport” finally left me and “Special Dark” alone so that we could get to know each other a little better.
As we danced, “Special Dark” told me his name was Bennett and he was the host for tonight’s party. I also think he said he was a co-owner of Red Nº 5 as well. All I could pay attention to was rubbing his strong milk chocolate arms as he held me close while we swayed to the beat. I looked into his light brown eyes and couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted this man and, it wasn’t the drugs that prompted my next course of action. I mashed my face against his, feeling his soft, pillowy lips against mine. Man, could he kiss. He took my breath away! This was it. In my mind, we were gonna run away together, get married and have a couple of beautiful mop haired café au lait children. I was so lost in the moment, I didn’t notice Krissie coming back downstairs until she broke up my potential romantic love scene with “Special Dark.”
Now, here’s where the story gets really crazy.
Krissie joins us, wraps her arms around the both of us and we all start dancing together. Bennett is in the middle of these two white girls like a reverse Oreo cookie. I know “Captain Newport” would have been extra-pissed if he saw this happening. Krissie and I were rolling really hard now. It got really hot as our hands were sliding up and down Bennett’s waist, arms and all over each other. Then, Krissie slides from behind Bennett to come in between us. She turns and plants a Bennett a long, soft wet kiss on his pillow lips. Normally, this would have pissed me off, but I was feeling so good I didn’t care. In fact, it was a huge turn-on. Then, Krissie turned to me with a look that I never saw before. I was like a deer in headlights as she started to kiss me! Next thing I know, we were all kissing each other becoming this sweaty, sexy heap of passion.
Oh, man. We needed to find a room and handle this before we really became “those people” at the club. Krissie and I were definitely letting our inner hoes out that night. But, I guess we had nothing to worry about since Bennett was the club owner, right?
The next few moments were a blur. Bennett’s strong hands are gripping my ass just right while Krissie is kissing and licking Bennett’s neck before returning to his lips. We’re still all moving to the beat of the music as Bennett breaks away and starts kissing my neck as Krissie licks his ear… Ow! Did Bennett just bite me on my neck? That was kind of hard, but hot at the same time. Oh, now Krissie is licking my neck where Bennett just gave me a hickey. She pulls away with her tongue sticking out before shoving it down Bennett’s throat. Wait. Was that blood on her tongue? Wait. Was that MY blood on her tongue?
Jason and Trevor ruined our love fest by coming downstairs and ripping Krissie and I away from our new favorite candy bar. They pushed Bennett toward the bar. The boys were really pissed and tried to start a fight with Bennett probably because Bennett got farther with us then they ever could, or ever will. They got all up in his face while Bennett stood there cool as a cucumber. I don’t know why the bouncers didn’t get involved, but Bennett just shot them a “I got this” look and these three big, scary guys, including “Charlotte’s Web” from earlier in the night backed away.
Now, during this whole time, the music kept going and the people kept dancing. It’s like it was no big deal. Even the “Statue” and “Flapper” just sat there like this was nothing, just another Friday night at Red Nº 5…
Until Trevor broke a beer bottle on the edge of the bar and lunged at Bennett. What transpired next happened so fast, and I was so fucked up, I know I’m making this up. But, I thought Bennett grabbed Trevor, spun him around into a chokehold and sunk his teeth into Trevor’s neck. He threw Trevor down like a used napkin, grabbed Jason by the neck and body-slammed him to the ground…
With one hand.
The last thing I remember was Bennett’s light brown eyes staring at me while his mouth was stained with Trevor’s blood. Then, everything got very hazy…
I woke up the next morning in my hotel room. Krissie was lying next to me in the bed, we were still fully clothed. She woke up about five minutes after me. We tried to clear our heads from the fog because we were both groggy as shit. The ecstasy we took last night was clean, but still. The after-roll leaves you in this half-floating state that could last the whole next day. We both were wondering what happened last night. It was a dream, right? Jason and Trevor were fine, right? Krissie went to get us some coffee while I tried to call Jason and see if he and Trevor were ok form the night before. The call went straight to voicemail. I tired calling again, same thing. I must have called at least 10 times before finally giving up.
Jason never called back.
A couple of months later, Krissie and I were back in Chicago for another night on the town. We decided to head back to Red Nº 5 since we had such a great time there before the weirdness. As we got to the front of the line, we saw that “Charlotte’s Web” was working the front door. However, he wasn’t so warm to us this time.
“I’m sorry, ladies, but I can’t let you in tonight,” he said.
“Why not?” I asked in my best little girl voice.
“Last time you were here, you caused problems. We can’t afford problems here.”
“That wasn’t us!” I pleaded. “We didn’t cause the problem, it was those two guys we came here with! You can’t blame us for something someone else…”
Before I could get the next words out, “Charlotte’s Web” lowered his head and tipped his sunglasses to the bridge of his nose. I looked into his eyes and, at that moment, saw what happened to Jason and Trevor. They brought us into an environment we knew nothing about and they proceeded to shit all over the place and break the rules. They paid the price and it wasn’t pretty. It was only because of the “rules” that Krissie and I were able to walk out of the club. Now I know those hoochie mamas felt a couple of months past.
Krissie and I got out of the line and left. We never stepped foot into Red Nº 5 again.
We don’t know what happened to Jason and Trevor and we don’t wanna know.
We just knew that we didn’t belong there.
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Understanding Beard Hair Transplant Procedure
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It takes some hundred to thousands of hair slips. The quantity of grafts you’ll require depends on the facial hair you need. Mustaches take an aggregate of 350 to 500 grafts, while goatees need higher, approximately 600 to 700.  Sideburns will need 200 to 250 grafts respectively. For beards, surgeons revamp an average of 2,500 hair follicles, seldom more in cases where sufferers want a fuller-bodied beard. The method can take up to four hours. The method will take depends on the facial hair the victim demands. For beards, doctors typically necessitate 2 to 4 hours to finish. The specific expense of the procedure will modify for sequentially. Be careful of areas that can guarantee faster operations. Beard transplant is a delicate procedure–hair follicles are being raised and buried deep into the skin. You do not require specialists advancing through the method. That just sends you in jeopardy of getting varying facial hair, or worse, an infection from poorly grafted operations.
All About Beard Hair Transplants
Beard transplants have grown six times more popular just within the last decade. We’ve seen the order shoot up the stratosphere–gratitude in part to the hipster aesthetic, observes some doctors. Not everyone is shown with the genes of a hairy Norse god, though. Luckily, beard hair transplants have come a great way considering the first hair transplant was carried in 1996, and is presently one of the most prominent in-demand techniques in men’s cosmetic surgeries. If you’re contemplating getting beard transplantation, then below are solutions to some of the hot questions you’ve been wanting to ask:
Facial Hair Transplants Are Not Confined To Whiskers
Facial hair operations are not confined to beards. You can decide to get a goatee, a moustache, sideburns, eyebrows–basically, any hair on your profile is fair play. Facial hair transplants are not simply for permanently wearing the beard of your dreams, it can also assist covering acne scars and other facial deformities.
You Can Cast The Whiskers Of Your Dreams
Beard hair transplants provide victims a fair measure of control over the end result. You can communicate to your doctor beforehand about your ideal beard’s appearance and size. It’s most satisfying to take photos for evidence to make sure you and your surgeon are truly on the same side before the method.
The Donor’s Hairs Are Obtained From The Scalp
Just like conventional hair transplant surgery, the donor strands are taken from the back part of the scalp. The sides of the scalp can also be utilized. The donor site will usually be restricted by which areas closely resemble the idea of facial hair. These grafts are cut through FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) or FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). There are pros and cons to a specific procedure, mainly that FUE occurs in less conspicuous scarring, but FUT enables the doctor to collect a greater quantity of scions in one go. Discuss with your specialist for the best plan of action for your requirements.
Transplanted Hairs Will Drop Out After Two Weeks
Patients should require a fair amount of hair loss a couple of weeks after the plan. This is known as “shock loss”, and is a perfectly ordinary part of the healing and restoration method. Hairs will begin back within three months. While the event is not fully realized yet, many theorize and an associate shock loss to variations in blood supply in the scalp, trauma post-surgery, or a response to the anesthesia. In any event, the “shocked” follicles begin nurturing hair again after some time, you just require to allow them to adapt to their new homes!
If you are looking for beard hair transplant treatment in Delhi, try Meeting Dr. Rakesh Jangra, who is the best hair transplant doctor in Delhi
Content Source : https://www.rakshaaskinclinic.com/blog/understanding-beard-hair-transplant-procedure/
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luluvonv · 7 years
Reasons to love Kurtis Trent
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(Just a little warning: You won’t see anything non-Kurtis related today on my dash. Today it’s gonna be just about him.)
I never have enough of this man, seriously. There are only few characters that had such impact on me.This freaking man has charmed me 14 years ago and he’s never stopped to do so with every replaying of AoD or with every release of some new info about him.
To celebrate Kurtis’ awesomeness, I decided to write down some reasons why I love him. It would be so nice if this post would spread a bit and each Kurtis fan would throw one or two things what they like about him. There is so many people bashing him and I just want him to be appreciated. Because he deserved better.
He became a major part in TR universe, he was important, he wasn’t just a simple secondary character. He was a sidekick, a second protagonist. Without him the AoD storyline would be vague. After AoD, there’s no TR without him - and no Lara. He deserved so much better. So to honour this perfectly written and stunning, unforgettable character, here I list my reasons why I love him to guts.
First he’s just a random guy sitting in a corner of a shabby café, reading his newspaper and drinking red wine. Then he becomes to be an irritating stalker, always step ahead, confusing us as a pro. At Louvre, he shows himself as a bad boy, opponent, dangerous individual, self-confident, cheeky and flirty - which confuses us even more. Then he simply charms us with his self-sacrifice towards Lara, throwing all his planned and desired revenge out of window, just to save her… And still we know so little about him. Everything is simply intriguing and mysterious with him, his whole past is just amazing and enigmatic… Pro writing this is.
I love characters like that - you don’t like or even hate them at first, they start to get under your skin slowly but surely, and you end up loving them to the bones.
We got so little info about him when AoD was released, yet it was totally clear he wasn’t just a random character. Even without knowing there was so much planned for him, one just has to see that for a secondary character he was pretty developed - which means he was important to the plot and without him it wouldn’t be complete. He even appears in credits at the beginning of the game - featuring Kurtis Trent. His name is there right after Lara’s.
And even if some people try to deny all this - he was the first character to be playable next to Lara and that’s speaks for itself. I dare to say that he was more developed than Lara herself. The details of the Order, his powers, focus on his past and motives… and now, with release of all the information about his spin-off game Bloodline, one cannot deny his importance - they not only wanted him to be a major part in TR universe; they created his own universe. He was a key character.
I totally love the things Core people planned for him in the spin-off. Yet just the AoD game is enough to get to like him and be fascinated by him. Bless the day Murti Schofield created him. His telekinetic powers are mindblowing. The Farsee ability. The ability of controlling his trademark Chirugai weapon by his mind, him being connected with it…. You never know when the strike comes from his part, you cannot be possibly prepared for that if you’re not a mind reader. Kurtis himself is pretty tough and dangerous bloke and with Chirugai and his other powers he just gets into a whole new level. 
From the little things you can pick in AoD - or now even Bloodline like him eating peanuts :) - to the major characteristic attributes, Kurtis is intriguing. His effort to escape from an ancient Order, being a soldier in Foreign Legion and then a mercenary, just to get back to the hated status of Lux Veritatis - because faith you know - it all affected him deeply. He is fearless, tough, patient, discreet, secretive, suspicious, severe, careful, persistent; he possesses incredible self-control … and he is a really good actor because behind all these cool and bad-ass qualities he showed he has a soft spot when sacrificing for Lara. Also, his sense of humour, his salty comments and sarcastic remarks are just priceless.
Never ever has any man behaved so cheekily towards Lara as him. And if any man did behave like this, Lara has never let him to get away with it - until Kurtis appeared. We got to explore Lara in a totally new way. There was something big happening between them and it doesn’t matter what it was - whether you see it as a sexual spark, romantic affection or just some kind of needed alliance, their chemistry is undeniable. For me it was totally evident it wasn’t just simple partnership - there was an immense, gripping and sparkling tention and sexual attraction between those two. I consider people denying their special bond as totally ignorant or blind. Lara voluntarily collaborated with him, she was blatantly flirty, mindlessly risky, she gave up the hard-to-get painting in exchange of his life - a life of a stranger - without a blink of an eye. He was her opponent yet something in him made her to join the forces with him.
He’s tempting and secretive and Lara as an extremely curious individual just cannot resist. Moreover he is not just a pretty face. He is smart. Like really smart. He is no dummy and that’s what makes him so different from all the men Lara has encountered. His inteligence is one of the main factors drawing Lara to him. He just knows how to tease and annoy her; he is the only one who managed to do so and making Lara enjoing it.
Both don’t give a shit about others, both confident, they understood each other without words, both ambitious, determined, enigmatic, both having interesting and tough-as-hell past, both so competetive, especially with each other, both loners… They were made for each other. As Murti himself said, they were a match created in heaven.
7. HIS VOICE - I’d like to thank the casting team for choosing Eric Loren to voice Kurtis because it was spot on in every aspect. The way Eric works with his voice to deliver the right feels and mood is just perfect. His deep, resolute, confident yet calm level of voice just adds to Kurtis’ mysterious attitude. And yes, it’s sexy as hell. Eric’s voice is the last cherry on top that made Kurtis so irresistible.
8. HIS GOATEE AND STUBBLE, HIS WHOLE APPEREANCE - please, do not let me start talking about this. I’m just a simple weak woman whose legs go numb when it comes to certain men. ;) I want to keep this post available even to those whose blog is not open to nsfw or sensitive topics. 
(this rule, however, doesn’t apply to the comment section ajajajajaja)
TR became more energic thanks to him. It wasn’t just about Lara finding an artifact and saving a world. It brings me again to the fact how much he changed Lara’s attitude, behaviour, decisions. He changed the whole course of events. It wasn’t just what Lara wanted. Moreover, he brought a new supernatural flow to it, he was unique with all his background, yet he still was human. He wasn’t invincible as it would usually be with characters possessing supernational powers. 
Previously, it was always only about Lara. In AoD, it has changed. I wasn’t even that affected by Werner’s death as by the fact Kurtis was deadly wounded and, even though we know he survived, we didn’t get to see more of him again. When playing previous stories, I didn’t care how many times a certain character appears on the screen. With Kurtis it wasn’t like that, I kept wondering where he’d pop out again.
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sp0rtsbr0 · 6 years
The Giants haven’t scored 30 points in a game since January 3rd, 2016. The last game of the 2015-2016 slate and also the final hurrah for Coach Tom Coughlin, a fairly meaningless 35-30 loss to the Eagles. In fact, the Giants scored over 30 points three times in the last four games that season, and seven times overall. This is not an insignificant figure: over 30.
It’s now going on 34 consecutive regular season games that the Giants have failed to eclipse that number.
Yesterday, eight teams eclipsed 30 and the Vikings and Packers tied at 29 a piece. Winning teams live above 30. Through the first two games, the Giants have only scored 28, and 10 of that was basically garbage time last night. Even more telling is the fact that in 21 of the last 34 games, they’ve failed to score even 20! That’s almost 60%. That’s truly unbelievable. 
I’m not going to pour through the stats of every other team in the league; I’m sure the Browns have similar marks of offensive futility. But given the talent level of the skill players, it’s nothing short of remarkable. So why is this happening? Who’s to blame?
The easy answer is that Eli Manning is bad now. Maybe I want to deny this because of some twisted sense of nostalgia that I can’t openly cop to, but I don’t think that’s the case. I really don’t. It’s maybe 30-40% of the case.
The other easy and correct answer is the offense line is bad, has been bad for awhile and (most depressingly) has no signs of getting better any time soon. Maybe the line isn’t lacking bad players; they certainly rebuilt it heading into this season. But they lack any chemistry whatsoever. The Cowboys weren’t running exotic blitzes last night and yet the Giants were reacting to them as if they were illegal. Countless times, the blitzing man got through untouched. You can blame this on bad coaching and you can blame this on a lack of communication on the field. You can blame this on the fact that (at least by my recollection) they never once asked the treasured rookie RB to help in pass protection (I fawn for the days of Ahmad Bradshaw cutting down blitzing linebackers). You can also blame this on Eli Manning. But that’s the problem: the Giants can’t block.
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I never gave too much credence to offensive line chemistry but the fact remains that when the line was great (SB42-SB46 era), they didn’t exactly have a lot of singular studs out there. A Pro Bowl appearance here and there but no Hall of Famers. They just got the job done. And now they’re not. Blocking is to blame. And there’s plenty of blame to go around! 
But what there isn’t a whole lot of going around these days is patience. Pat Shurmer certainly has more pressure on him than most first year head coaches, and maybe that isn’t fair. Giants fans can stomach losing. But we can’t stomach is the straight up deja vu of the McAdoo era that we saw last night. I kept waiting to see that stupid goatee lurking on the sidelines. But, alas, no... Just normal-looking Pat Shurmer. Perfectly fine offensive coordinator Pat Shurmer. Way less dumb to look at. Same putrid results.
Anyway, welcome to my sports blog which I will update infrequently 😃
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shelleyrobbinsus · 6 years
Pro boxing in the Philippines
Living abroad, I end up having some incredible experiences, ranging from inspiring to good to just plain old challenging. But we either win or we learn, right? In fact, experiencing things outside of my comfort zone is part of what I love about living overseas – and especially the Philippines, which is as chaotic and nonsensical as it is shrouded it musical “magical realism.”
One such experience recently was witnessing a professional boxing event in Manila, my new adopted home city, in the Philippines.
It wasn’t the usual process of just seeing that there was a boxing match, buying the ticket, and enjoying it as a spectator. This story goes back a little further, to when I stopped into the Insider Gym in a gritty neighborhood of Makati in the shadow of the Red Light district there. I wasn’t in the best of shape at the time, but I was big and could throw a punch and move a little, so the trainer enjoyed dragging me around the gym and introducing me to the others working out there. One mutual foreigner was a woman with short blond hair who was obviously jacked and training crazy hard. Canadian by descent but living in the Philippines now, she was introduced as Dead Aim Amy – a badass nickname.
Over the months, as I later moved to Manila, I touched based with Amy on Facebook out of respect for not only her boxing acumen (I love the Sweet Science even though I’m nothing special in the ring), but also her mission in life, as she was working with underprivileged girls and doing a whole lot of other positive endeavors in Manila.
So, I also followed her struggle as she tried to pursue her professional fighting career, as she fought before in South Korea where she used to live. However, fights kept getting canceled at the last minute, so after three fights were previously scheduled, getting her hopes up, she was let down and left off the cards.
But finally she got a fight that looked solid this December, and it became official after her license came through from the Philippines Pro Boxing Commission.
Of course, as a new friend of Amy and a big supporter of what she’s doing (and wanting to see some boxing!) I was eager to go see the fight.
On a rainy, soppingly-humid Saturday, I took a Grab (their version of Uber) to the far-off neighborhood of Paranaque, a place I couldn’t even pronounce it, yet alone find on a map, as it was tucked between local slums and maze-like congested barangays (their independently operating neighborhoods).
We finally found the Elorde Sports Complex where the event was taking place, a massive concrete structure surrounded by (of course) a confusing series of entrances and side streets.
I thought I was in the right place as I ascended a wide staircase to the ticket window that was bustling with Filipinos coming and going, and the roar of the huge crowd inside spilling outside.
However, I found out quickly that I was actually in the wrong place as that was the entrance for the rooster fights they were holding within, which drew that epic crowd. A nice young man helped me out by walking me around to a small side door that was the entrance to the boxing gym part of the complex, where the fights were taking place.
Inside, I was met with something far more humble than a stadium full of adoring fans. Instead, I was inside the Elorde Boxing Gym, which was a uncharacteristically spacious boxing and MMA gym that had several rings, few windows, heavy and speed bags scattered throughout, and ceilings so low that you felt like you were in a maze.
Instead of big crowds, there were only about 25 people milling about, and half of them were wearing blue shirts with bow ties – the uniform of the referees and also fight judges. In a side area, all of the fighters waited with their coaches and cornermen, getting their hands wrapped, shadow boxing loosely, and trying to stay relaxed.
And there were only a handful of spectators, a few sitting in plastic chairs lined up by the ring or just walking around. Little neighborhood kids came and went, play fighting and chasing each other, as there was no ticket office or even anyone working the door.
I took my place on the side of the ring by a speed bag and waited. And waited. And waited. The fights were supposed to begin at noon but it was about 2:30 pm when the refs and judges congregated and it looked like the fights would begin.
The energy in the place quickened, as if the promise of violence radiate out from the fighters like the sweat that now started to drip off of their chiseled physiques. The announcer, a tall guy with baggy eyes wearing a tuxedo, got on the microphone and announced the contestants for the first fight, after a back-and-forth comedy routine introducing not the Ring GIRL, but the official Ring Gay, a 20-ish Filipino guy with a goatee crammed into a cocktail dress holding a card with Round 1 on it.
Soon, the first fighters squared off – both closer to 5 foot than 6 and one taller and lean while the other was squat and muscled.
Ding ding!
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The Elorde Sports Complex in Manila – a crazy experience watching some really good boxing in the Philippines!
A post shared by AllWorld.com (@allworldonline) on Jan 14, 2019 at 10:01am PST
The fight bell almost broke our eardrums and the fighters were in action. Over the first thirty seconds, I thought I’d be disappointed, as they danced and threw a couple half-hearted jabs. But it was just to measure distance and get a rhythm for their opponents, because soon they clashed in what would be an epic fight. The muscled guy, who was a southpaw, actually caught the taller guy square on the cheek with a flurry, sending him staggering to the canvas, semi-conscious. Somehow, he managed to pull himself up on the ropes, eyes groping for some clue as to where he was as he flexed his jaw and tried to take a step on wobbly knees. He pulled it together with not a second to spare and the flight continued.
Over the four-round bout, incredibly, the taller, lean, and once-knocked down fighter actually started to put together flurries, and then dominate the tired-out and less technically savvy muscled fighter. It ended with a unanimous decision after four rounds, with the fighter who came within one second of a KO winning the fight!
Next up was my friend Dead Aim Amy’s fight, as she gave me a dap wither her boxing glove on the way by into the ring, her blond cornrows as tight as her concentration. Her opponent was a physically smaller but far more experienced pro-Filipina fighter with plenty of big league wins under her belt. Both weighing in at 108 pounds, the Filipina fighter naturally carried that weight, while Dead Aim had to drop about 20 lbs in the two weeks up to the fight (although she was always muscled and lean), including an unhealthy 8 pounds within the last 24 hours.
Ding ding! The bell rang again, and the two warriors rushed to the center of the ring, briefly connecting hands to acknowledge the battle they were about to share.
I slipped out after a few hours of boxing. It was pouring rain outside now, and I knew it would be hard getting a taxi or Grab back to my neighborhood from this dark and downtrodden part of the big city. I had seen some great boxing that day, and every single fighter showed the heart of a champion. My friend Dead Aim Amy didn’t come out with the win that day, but it takes so much courage and dedication just to get to that point, I take off my hat to her – and all of the boxers.
She’ll be back fighting pro again – maybe at the Elorde Center – and I’ll be there to cheer her on!
The post Pro boxing in the Philippines appeared first on AllWorld.com.
Via https://www.allworld.com/pro-boxing-in-the-philippines/
source http://allworldus.weebly.com/blog/pro-boxing-in-the-philippines
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wartremovaltips0 · 7 years
Beauty Tips And Tricks
Product Description Viviscal Extra Strength nourishes thinning hair and promotes existing hair growth* from within. At Viviscal we understand hair. Statistics show that a whole range of factors, including stress, hormonal changes, overstyling, poor nutrition, age, menopause, post-pregnancy, and medication can impact on the health of the hair and hair growth with one in two women experiencing the distress this can cause at some stage in their lives. Viviscal Extra Strength dietary supplements are scientifically formulated with the exclusive marine complex AminoMar™ which helps to nourish thinning hair and promote existing hair growth* from within. These nutrients help nourish your hair during the Anagen phase of the hair growth cycle. Only Viviscal dietary supplements contain the proprietary marine complex AminoMar™ (450 mg per serving), along with Zinc, Vitamin C and Horsetail extract. * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Top 7 Beauty Tips For Women Over 40
Top 7 Beauty Tips For Women Over 40 Most of us would like to age beautifully and still look beautiful as we cross our 30’s and enter the 40’s. Finding the right cosmetics in addition to picking the right appeal routine are one of the most essential points to keep in mind as you age. Exfoliate Introduce exfoliation of dead skin in your beauty regime. You will certainly need to pick a scrub inning accordance with your skin type and naturally the season also. If you have a dry skin, you may intend to use a cream-based scrub that will not only clean, however likewise moisturize your skin. Do not forget to Moisturize As we grow older, our skin becomes drier because the oil-producing glands in our skin become much less active. Use a light oil-based cream that will keep your skin soft and supple. Love your eyes Fine lines and also creases around the eyes are the initial telltale indicators of aging. Use an excellent under eye gel or an under eye cream that will certainly nourish your eyes and remove the great lines as well as creases while you sleep. Get rid of the dark spots Acne scars, pigmentation, acnes and also dark places are the various other tell-tale signs of aging. Make use of a dark spot corrector (which ideally contains Vitamin C) as well as apply right away frequently to fade them. Drink Lots of Water Always drink enough water throughout the day, at least 8 to 10 glasses per day. Additionally, you need to additionally stay clear of the sugary drinks as well as constantly maintain water on your side. It both appeases your thirst as well as keeps your skin flexible and also hydrated. Make the Skin Brighter If anti-aging tips for women in their 40s are done appropriately, boosting dull looking skin is entirely able. Begin by always eliminating your makeup before you go to sleep so that your skin pores could take a breath conveniently and also you can aid your skin to fix itself overnight. Although this is a basic step in the skin care routine, it is especially essential for skin care in the 40s. Follow me on: Blogs: http://urlhi.com/WomenOverForty WordPress: https://brendaspermenter.wordpress.com/ Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/permenter… Twitter: https://twitter.com/PermenterBrenda Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Healthal-146… Medium: https://medium.com/@BrendaSPermenter Blogger: http://permenterbrenda.blogspot.in/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/brendaspermente/ anti-aging,anti-aging skincare,skincare,anti aging,skin care,wrinkles,sensitive skin,acne prone,skinmedica
from http://www.cosmetics4beauty.com/beauty-tips/beauty-tips-and-tricks-27/ from https://wartremoval01.tumblr.com/post/167245809138
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babyboibucky · 3 years
whoever mentioned roaches earlier- can the goatee supporters be a part of that???
This blog is anti-goatee, I don’t tolerate pro-goatees here 😤
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