#this is a tradition i uphold thanks to my amazing friend who introduced me to this organization
ovaruling · 10 months
“In gratitude for your support, we’ll send you a personalized adoption certificate with your adopted turkey’s photo, rescue story, and facts about their background and personality. You can opt for a digital certificate or a mailed print certificate — perfect for displaying on your holiday table.”
pls pls pls consider choosing kindness and “adopting” (symbolically) a rescued turkey for thanksgiving (instead of celebrating their mass death). it’s a beautiful cause for a beautiful bird and there are so many adorable turkeys to choose from! ❤️
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beccascribbles · 4 years
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it’s a monthly tradition. on the last friday of every month, you whip out the aprons and bake. the winner is given dibs over what to watch on tv for the next month. it’s a serious competition, with multiple judges. but who will be crowned star baker, y/n or osamu?
warnings - some swearing
word count - 1.4k
The kitchen was all set up. You and Osamu had claimed your work stations, you using the counters on the right, him those on the left. They were mirror images of each other, same base ingredients, same equipment (though you had both customised yours in honour of a year of baking competition). The competition was so serious that Atsumu insisted on playing the role of presenter. Currently, he was stood in front of you holding a large whiteboard to his chest (which he had taken great pride in decorating as it was the only thing he had been trusted to do while you and Osamu set up the kitchen).
“Are you going to make us stand here all day, Sumu?” questioned Osamu, shooting his brother a glare. The quicker they started, the quicker he could beat you and regain his TV privileges. Last month, you had beaten him with an excellent batch of cookies that had been devoured while you forced him to sit through a whole season of Love Island. He would rather not have to relive that experience.
“Come on, Atsumu,” you said, bouncing slightly on the balls of your feet. “I want to know what we’re baking.”
With a flourish, Atsumu spun the board around, revealing the task to be ‘realistic cakes.’ You read the name, quickly processing it and beginning to formulate a plan. Your eyes were then drawn to the decoration. To say Atsumu lacked artistic talent would be an understatement.
“What the fuck is that?” you snickered, pointing at an oddly humanoid figure for something which had a tail and pointed ears.
“Looks like he’s just drawn himself in all his glory,” quipped Osamu, leaning forward to admire the drawing. “It really is a great likeness.”
“Shut up, Samu,” grumbled Atsumu. “If I look like a rat, then so do you.”
“It’s supposed to be a rat?” you laughed.
In a huff, he grabbed a cloth from the table and wiped the picture away. A small smile tugged at the corner of your lips, but you pushed it away. Though you enjoyed teasing your roommate and best friend’s brother, you had to focus. There was a competition to win.
Now, what to make...
You blocked out the sound of their bickering. Whether Osamu was attempting to use it as a distraction tactic or was simply being annoyed by his brother, you couldn’t let it distract you. After all, you had the crown of star baker to uphold.
Opening the notebook in front of you, you began to sketch down a couple of ideas. There was making the cake look like some other type of food, such as onigiri (which was no doubt where Osamu’s mind had wandered). You supposed you could make it look like your favourite animal but, if you were being honest with yourself, you hardly had the artistic talent for that. Unable to help yourself, your brain wandered back to the idea of food. You supposed you could make it resemble a cookie jar, paying homage to your previous win. Nodding away to yourself, you drafted out your plan and began to bake.
Osamu had already begun with the baking process, having taken less time than you to decide on an idea. Much to his Atsumu’s delight, he had decided to make it look like a volleyball. In terms of flavours, he decided to stick with the classics, figuring that most of the judging would be appearance based. There was also the fact that the last time he had been experimental in his flavourings, he had suffered a crushing defeat.
Silence descended on the kitchen, the both of you too focused to acknowledge Atsumu or shoot teasing comments at each other. Atsumu wasn’t fazed by the silence, deciding to start a live stream to document the event. He approached you first, phone in hand, introducing you before flipping the camera around to capture you in action. You lifted a flour dusted hand and shot the camera a bright smile.
“On a scale of one to I’m going to crush Samu’s ass, how confident do you feel about the win?” he questioned, zooming in on your face. You sent the camera a confident smile, leaning in close and dropping your voice to a whisper.
“Oh, I’m going to win. Though our Samu can make great onigiri, he can’t bake for shit.”
You pulled away from the camera, wafting a hand towards Osamu. “Now, go bother that loser over there. I have washing up and cake assembling to do.”
You turned away from the camera, wiping your hand across your forehead before heading to the sink with an armful of washing up.
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You finished wiping down the side as Osamu completed the drying up, putting the last mixing bowl away. Both of you were a mess, flour coating your aprons. Osamu had avoided getting any on his face, something you couldn’t claim for yourself. With a chuckle, he wet a cloth and walked over to you. Grasping your chin with his free hand, he tilted your face, allowing him to clearly see the smear of flour along your brow. Gently, he wiped it away, his touch lingering for a moment before pulling away.
“Thanks, Samu,” you beamed. “Atsumu just laughed at me. Wouldn’t even tell me what I had on my face.”
You slipped your apron off, holding a hand out for his. “I’ll go throw these in the washing basket and then the judging will begin.”
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The table was set, both your cakes at opposite ends. Atsumu claimed the role of head judge, claiming he was the most likely to cast an accurate vote as he was the only judge actually physically present. You and Osamu had chosen a judge each, and they were displayed on your phone screens. You had chosen Kita. You weren’t going to lie. It was a tactical move as he had always liked you a bit more than the twins. Osamu had chosen Suna, which wasn’t a massive shock. Though he insisted that he hated being forced to judge these competitions, when he was left out he would become grumpy and ghost you both for a couple of days until you bribed him with food.
“Now,” Atsumu declared, “if you would hand me your phones and leave the room, the judging will commence.”
With a roll of your eyes, you handed your phone over, leaving the room with Osamu beside you. He nudged you gently with his elbow, grabbing your attention. “I actually thought your cake was a real cookie jar for a minute. It looks really good.”
You gave a light shrug, brushing off the compliment. “The icing is a bit sloppy in places. If I’m honest, yours looks so much better. I can think of a few people who would definitely try to set it.”
He flushed slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. He let out a light chuckle. “Does that mean you forfeit? I’m really looking forward to having control of the TV again.”
“Think again, Samu. I’m not giving up that TV without a fight.”
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“The results are in,” announced Atsumu, banging his hands against the table in an imitation of a drum roll.
“If you wanted to be dramatic, you could have used an actual drum roll from youtube,” stated Osamu, drily. “It’s actually amazing what your phone can do when you have the brain to use it.”
Atsumu shot his brother a glare. “For that comment, my vote is changing. Y/N, you now have my full support. That cookie jar is way better than his shitty volleyball... not that it makes a difference anyway.”
Laughing, you elbowed Osamu, shooting him a triumphant look. It was clear you had not heard Atsumu’s muttered comment. “Prepare for another month of trashy TV.”
“Anyway, back to the results,” declared Atsumu. “Winning - unfortunately - with two out of three of the votes... is Osamu.”
You clapped and cheered. “I should have know a volleyball would sway the votes when the judges play the sport.”
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You and Osamu were sat on the couch, a film playing on the TV and two slices of cake on both your plates. Relaxing, you lent into him, the plate resting on your lap as you watched the film.
“Damn it. You cake looked good and it tasted good. No wonder you won.”
He shot you a grin, placing his empty plate on the coffee table and wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “Hey, I’m just happy I get to choose what we watch together for a month.”
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lady-olive-oil · 6 years
Chapter 1
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Prelude || Characters || Chapter 1
{A/N: First chapter of a new series for the new year! Let’s go! Let me know what you think and if you want to be apart of the tag squad! Huge thanks to my sis Maddie, she’s a character in this one by the name of Natasha}
Squad: @maddiestundentwritergaines
Word Count: 1,295
Warnings: none
Xhosa Translations; (loosely)
‘Ndifungela ndiya kukubetha ngolunye usuku
- I swear I’m going to hit you one day
Junior year. Near the final stretch for Nefertiti and her crew. It’s took some time to get here but, with a village she made it through. Getting a degree has always been at the top of her list, alongside becoming a Delta. Becoming a Delta meant that you held yourself to a high standard, a higher caliber of life and was apart of the Divine Nine. This second semester in particular, moving into a better part of the sorority house was the perfect way to start off the year. A room fit for an upcoming big sister.
With some old 80’s and 90’s jams, playing in the background, while sorting the boxes all out, Nefe was just in her element. With the help of her roomie Natasha, fellow Delta herself, she couldn’t help but love the new vibe she felt from Nefe.
“Honey, Chile. I don’t know what got into you, but I’m loving this new attitude of yours. It’s new and vibrant, I wonder what’s gotten into you?”
Natasha, or Nattie, has always been Nefe’s voice of reason along with the party queen. Kind of a contradiction isn’t it? Well that’s how she is: voice of reason and party queen.
“Well what got into me was Sean. Don’t tell M’Baku cause he’ll flip his shit.” A chuckle left her full lips as she opened the box of her room decorations, along with Southern University pennants.
“You mean Mr. Wakanda? Something about him just screams seduction. Why aren’t you with him? Sean isn’t what you need Nefe.”
Nattie did always have a way with words. Maybe she was onto something. But Nefe never really thought of M’Baku that way, and he didn’t think of her that way. Did he?
“Oh so Mr. Wakanda, will have something to say huh?” The infamous thick voice broke the silence, causing the girls to scream.
“Jesus M’Baku! Don’t do that. Ndifungela ndiya kukubetha ngolunye usuku”
To say he wasn’t laughing is an understatement. Along with teaching Nefe Xhosa, which clearly stuck with her like gorilla glue on a boot.
“Your pronunciations are getting better, intyatyambo. That’s flower by the way.”
Sitting on the loveseat by the bay window, giving his ever so sweet smile. He never ceased to amaze them. Okoye and Nakia were in their rooms but knew M’Baku came to visit Nefe. They’d tease her about it occasionally.
“Gee. Thanks great gorilla. I’m sure your home country will be proud.”
The teasing tone in her voice caused him to chuckle and Nattie to shake her head and help finish decorating.
“My parents miss me yes. But they’ll be visiting on parents day in September, along with me going home with you and your family. It’s tradition.”
He shrugged as he grabbed a Velcro command strip to hang up a framed picture. A family portrait that meant the world to Nefertiti. That’s one of the things he loves about her, how family oriented she is.
“Yeah yeah. Ok you two, the jams are on and we all have class in an hour. Gotta start junior year off right, right? So sister Queen Nefertiti, turn up the jams.”
Nattie grabbed another box, as Nefe turned up the song on her Logitech Clock radio, that was currently charging her phone. Prompting M’Baku to either join in or record it.
“I got all this love, waiting just for you I just got to know, that your love is true. Can't keep running boy, in and out my life. Want to be your girl, not cause the mood is right.”
Nefe lip synced into her hair brush, swaying her hips to the beat and making her way to her closet. Pointing to Nattie, and she gladly took the next verse.
“If I let you come inside Tomorrow will you hide? Will you be there for me? When I need someone to hold Baby don't misunderstand. I do want you for my man, I just need a little time, Before I invest my love”
Moments like these were what the group was looking forward to. The late night studying groups, sleepover, Greek recruitment days, parties and most of all graduation coming soon. It was gonna be a grand year.
M’Baku was taping them the whole time and was enjoying being back at SU with his friends. He knew he had to get the group together sooner or later to catch up. But for now he’d settle for this with two of his favorite girls.
“Don't walk away boy, My love won't hurt you. Don't walk away boy, I'll be right there for you!”
The girls sung in unison as they danced around in complete bliss and comfort. The two girls fell on top of a huge bean bag chair, and started laughing The three of them finished decorating and admired their work, ready to take on the year.
The rest of the day was filled with classes, introducing new students to the class; ye old syllabus and requirements to uphold. The old mumbo jumbo. But something in music theory threw Nefertiti off her rocker.
Melanie Davis was her name, being Nefe’s rival was her game. They’ve had it out for each other since high school. Even the delta house denied her application sophomore year, because of how she presented herself. Yet the AKA’s welcomes her greatly.
Sitting next to M’Baku on his left, she batted her falsies at him and smiled.
“So M’Baku, how was your summer? You should’ve went to Jamaica with me and the girls. We would’ve loved to have you there.”
Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard to Nefe. Her left eye was twitching and Okoye caught it.
“My summer was great Mel. It was good to be home. I’m sorry I couldn’t. Maybe next spring or summer break.”
He did find Melanie attractive. Who wouldn’t? He just let her down gently and she giggled. She made Nefe’s skin crawl.
“Want me to cut her? I’ll cut her for you.” she mouthed at Nefe which cause her to chuckle and shake her head.
“So the homecoming game is coming up. I’ll be cheering for you in the stands. Plus there’s a party afterwards, wanna go with me?”
He was so uncomfortable, and was about to reply till someone stepped in.
“He has plans already, Davis. Stop trying.” Nefe finally spoke up causing everyone around them to laugh.
“Listen here little miss soul sistah. If M’Baku wants to go with another melanin goddess like me, it’s his choice to go.”
Melanie never ceased to get under Nefe’s skin because she knew it bothered her that she could get to M’Baku. After all they did date before, but she ended the relationship because of his friendship with Nefe.
“No you listen here, Mel. He’s obviously uncomfortable with you still. So why don’t you sit ya ass down and chill. Aight?”
Erik always had Nefe’s back. She was like a sister to him. He’s T’Challa cousin and M’Baku frat brother of Omega Psi Phi.
Melanie scoffed and headed out with her little crew, once class was over.
“So y’all want dinner? Popeye’s or is Nakia making jambalaya?” T’Challa, also one of M’Baku’s friends, had asked the group as they headed out the class.
“I’m feelin Popeye’s. Let’s go.”
Once they agreed to Nefe’s statement, they headed that direction. What happened in the music room played again in Nefe’s head. Part of her knew M’Baku still had feelings for Melanie and that somewhat bothered her.
Nah, not somewhat. It fully bothered her to the fullest extent. This was going to be a long year till graduation.
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sokumotanaka · 6 years
Before this post goes on and on like my traditional long winded post do I wanted to say something.
I apologize.
Yeah surprised? You shouldn’t be I may disagree with your view but I’m not a monster and definitely no where near kob’s level of malice, venom and childishness and I hate to say this but I will defend myself, I disagree with that essement of me but I will also say you’re more than justified to be angry; now if you’ll indulge me, I’d like to elaborate on the apology for a bit.
I didn’t walk away happy with that post, it left a bitter taste in my mouth, again it wasn’t my intention to sound like I was attacking you and I can’t stress enough that me disliking rwby and being confused and disagreeing that it was phenomenal isn’t me attacking you or your point, I disagree with the quality the show has been upholding for several years, refusing to learn lessons, disrespecting fans, jarring jump cuts and so on.
So when I said I don’t understand nor see it as phenomenal, it wasn’t to make you feel inadequate for liking rwby and yeah I did say I had good taste and it was wrong of me to say that; it was a poor choice of words on my part.
And while I don’t think I deserve the chance I wanted to try rewording my disagreement on rwby in a kinder way, and if you don’t want to read that’s more than fair, that being said I’m hoping this can clear up any bad beef or at least my viewpoint.
[Ignore this section if you like]
This again and I stress this hard isn’t an attack on your enjoyment of the show, this is just a guy who grew up loving media stating why he thinks rwby volume 6 wasn’t good and why I feel Miles and Kerry should really focus on improvement.
I watched volume 6 with low expectations and yeah I was glad plot stuff was happening in the first few episodes, I was grateful to get out of the volume 5 house and off the volume 4 never ending roads, I was genuinely excited about maria’s fight and her weapons. I even expressed the rest of th volume can be bad and I can walk away happy with that in mind.
It was then with no effort from me I noticed the dip in quality from many different angles, it was evident that this volume was a fix it volume and yeah there may be some that say “well better late than never.” But I say too little too late, I’m not saying that if I prefered it not to be there but alot of these plot threads could have been wrapped up volumes prior.  At least that seems to be the general consensus, and the problems not flaws constantly seemed to pile up, poor line delivery and writing, horrible animation, our “heros” are some of the worst sapient beings ever, watching a child get smacked, killing tons of faunus, no one saying shit when something that requires emotion pops up.
I mean all of ruby’s speeches were so inaccurate, my favorite one is when ruby states how far they got without adult help but she’s saying this while squating in an adult’s house, being led on this journey by two; one telling them to keep the lamp safe, going to another adult for help. This is all after they choose to agree to the dumbest plan out jaune’s mouth.
Then the mech fight which was upsetting for many reasons, I’ll spare you the long banter the literal death spiral the ship takes only for it to not have a scratch next episode ozpin or no still doesn’t explain the lack of damage, smoking and how it ruins tension.
I grew up loving books and video games (we couldn't afford tv early on) I fell in love with such amazing characters, worlds and their trinkets and creatures. Paper mario, Avatar, Mass effect, Dragon age, Final fantasy 6 & 9, Cowboy bebop, FMA and so on and all these things have amazing characters, stories, worlds and so on. things to invest me, characters I loved and hated for many good reasons, villians with great motivations, Heros with compelling stories, worlds with such love and care put into them.
Then last year it hit me, I was hoping rwby to these standards that are way beyond their reach, I eased up on them after that, as long as they can make the story or characters consistent I’d give them a pass, and yeah there’s many who saw my last train home post, but this was a earlier me, vol 6 was close to wrapping up, and there was a jarring jump cut three times in the same episode, adam’s reveal made me hate blake the only character besides the newly introduced maria and sun/neptune that I didn’t hate nor was ruined.
The adam vs yang fight while it used the monty files left kinda a bad taste in my mouth, like miles has been dishonest so many times it’s hard to believe when he’s genuine, kerry entice physical violence on the fans who don’t look at the supplemental material for the show, stuff they constantly retcon or contradict, it’s unfair to their fans and they seem to invalidate them every volume.
I’m always hoping miles and kerry will say something that will make them stop and realize how cruel they’re being not only to themselves but their own series, I know they can do better so it's a crying shame when they act this way.
There was also things I glossed over that were rushed and crammed in this volume solidifying it as a “fix it” volume but not only did alot of it weirdly complicate things it was rushed, before I could enjoy neo’s return, silver eyes came the very next episode, then jaune's sister came into existence, pyyrha’s statue that was a memorial for all the people at beacon? Was found by jaune and not her so called friend ruby, then after a spat with jaune oscar instantly forgives him and jaune learns nothing.
Don’t get me started how we were squating in one house to another.
Back on topic of why I...guess felt the need to tell anyone this. I recently watched the Steven universe finale and it cleared up, referenced and closed many small and big plot threads. And this series like it or not has been very consistent, enjoyable, had great music and characters. (lackluster fights but the character are pretty strong in the writing department) The finale blew me away, I felt “these characters deserve a happy ending, this show can end here and it be perfect.” And “I’d love more.”  and these people work their hands to the bone on a smaller budget that miles and kerry take advantage of, employees they take advantage of and say they didn’t enjoy working for them, shane’s letter, miles insulting other better media without trying to fix his.
I’m not aiming this at you but I wanted to share some wise words that I favor alot from a wise man. “When you compliment or ignore the writing problems writing certain media make, you’re ignoring the work better writers put into their own work.” Those words stuck with me long ago, but I decided to ease up on ruby and gave it 4 episodes to at least connect two plot threads without stumbling, I let my love of media turn me vindictive and that’s not what media should do nor should I.
That being said my personal view on rwby is that it’s awful, there are so many better written media out there; and the writers have gone from ‘okay’ to venomous, entitled, backstabbing and dishonest people who don’t seem interested in improving.
So when you said it was phenomenal by brain concluded that you either missed the flaws or were maybe being paid to be positive and it was fucked up, wrong, look we may not agree on alot of things but we can agree on one thing.
I was rude, immatune, and hurtful and fuck that’s not who I am, I had to look at myself cause me explaining my issues with rwby helped me get past all the messed up static to get a clearly picture, I shouldn’t be asking this after what I did.
But I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and if you don’t, fair.
But I hope my explanation helps clear things up if you even read it, and if you did read it, thanks for reading.
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themadameditor · 8 years
Jimmy Fallon is a terrible host, he should never be allowed to host anything, I am pretty sure he would be just as bad at hosting guests in his own house. But as the Golden Globes progressed, the night became much less about the unfunny klutz and more about the atmosphere in Hollywood, America, and the world at large. It became about giving a voice to that simmering feeling, to what people have to say, how they felt waking up on November 9th after that shit show, and how they have felt in the days after especially with the coming inauguration. Hollywood. I’m not a huge fan of Hollywood, I find it duplicitous at best, hypocritical and ignorant of a lot of things; race, abuse, sexism, take your pick, it has its closets full of sins. But I am all for giving kudos where its due. Who knew we’d come to need a place like Hollywood in the way we did on one of its biggest nights of self congratulatory awards, with all the glitz and glamour and red carpet madness. That said, I do like awards shows, self congratulatory as they are, (Thanks Hiddleston) there is something unifying about staying up until the wee hours (I watched online until 4am after telling myself to go to bed every hour on the hour), and live tweeting with fellow crazy awesome people you’ll likely never meet, but it’s such a fun party everyone wants to go here and you cannot help the laughs (the most fun is had on the live tweet seriously). Awards shows pretty much map out my watch list until the summer,-Nope I am NOT seeing La La Freaking Land- and introduces us to new talent and some we slept on. Mandy -where has she been- Moore with her cape (not my fave) made a stellar come back and now I have to go binge watch This is Us. Donald Glover showed the world what following your dreams can really look like if you keep at it. Issa Rae proved that your instinct will often always be your best guide, and Tracee Ellis Ross, I mean, what a boss. What I actually like more than the awards themselves, and the nerve biting moment of waiting to find out if your favourite movie or sitcom wins, is the acceptance speech- cheesy, glorious, self deprecating and utterly inspiring, an acceptance speech sets the class acts and the Hiddlestons apart, and this year’s Globes had more class acts.
I LOVED Tracee Ellis Ross’s speech, genuine and heartfelt without being saccharine, her shout out to Women of Colour who are still trying to make it, whose stories are fighting to come through, “… women of colour and colourful people whose stories, ideas, thoughts are not always considered worthy and valid and important… I want you to know that I see you. We see you. To her age, “44 I like it here” in an industry where most often shy away from revealing their real age, where youth is often the only way to thrive and survive, that was a pretty powerful moment. Ryan Gosling did a good job of acknowledging the sacrifices made by his “lady” whilst he was able to shoot the movie and have the “best experiences” he’s ever had, she “was raising (their) daughter, pregnant with (their) second and helping her brother fight his battle with cancer.” Viola Davis, always moves me with her speeches, always and my favourite part of her speech was when she acknowledged her dad, “Dan Davis, born in 1936, groomed horses, had a fifth grade education, didn’t know how to read until he was fifteen. But you know what? He had a story and it deserved to be told and August Wilson told it.” Donald Glover, who shouted out Black folks in Atlanta for “being alive, doing amazing and being amazing people.” Barry Jenkins, “Mom you gave me my life and I hope being on the stage right now is a fulfilment of the life you gave me…”
A good acceptance gives you a sense of the person, an allusion to the history of the people giving them, the many threads  that weave in and out of their lives, connecting their pasts to the present, the roots of their being and the family we don’t get to see but whose sacrifices meant they could be where they are today.
Hugh Laurie made a joke which spawned Meryl Streep’s words, he teased that this might be the last Golden Globes because of its diverse association: the Foreign Press. Foreigners and the Press. Two groups Trump vehemently opposes, funny as it was, it also rang true. Especially when power is placed in the hands of a man who has a specific idea of what a perfect nation should be, one void of tones, colours or accents.
In what will go down as one of the most powerful speeches in the history of Hollywood, if not the most powerful after she accepted the Cecil B Demille Lifetime Achievement Award Meryl Streep made a moving case for what it means to have a world filled with those colours, and tones and accents. About how these qualities contribute to our stories and enrich this world we inhabit, this space we all have in common. When you have a platform, either as a celebrity or some other public figure, you do have an onus to do good with it. It is expected that with your platform you speak up and make your voice heard, and use your power for the greater good. Meryl Streep used her platform to inform the world, not just America, that this moment, these past few months, we have witnessed must not define us. That in the years to come, we simply mustn’t shrug with nonchalance and be idle by standers. We must do more.
The world has no idea what lies in her future come the 21st of January when she will have at her helm a racist demagogue in power. We cannot project but we have an idea, if the activity on social media is anything to go by, we have an insight, and that is why Meryl Streep reminded us yesterday that none of what the world has witnessed, will witness in the coming years, will be normal. Nothing about having someone elected to the highest office of power in the world, one who makes fun of disabled people, incites violence against minorities, lauds rape culture, is normal and as a society with morals, even at the most basic, accepting this will be tantamount to endorsing the very worst of human nature. This isn’t just Hollywood’s fight, or ours, we are simply the little people that will get tramped on, this is a fight whose victory will largely depend on the press because they made Donald Trump. In protecting their rights and freedom they must now show they are worthy of such protection by doing the work entrusted to them. Upholding the ethics of the profession and undoing the damage they  have mostly done.
When Donald Trump embarks on a this press tour of normalisation, when NBC and FOX News and CNN give him a pass for being an abject nuisance, a racist, a sexist, we should call them out. When people give him a pass because he has no political acumen, and no business for that matter being in politics, we should slap them down with facts, when the press make light of his erratic behaviour, when he baits nations with 140 characters, we should call them out on their complacency, which makes them complicit. This is not normal. Having the most qualified candidate lose to the least qualified because of outside influence, having a president who is blatantly rewarding favours with political positions of power that only furthers the wealth of his already wealthy friends, having someone sideline ethics because the rule of law does not apply to him, and the press won’t make noise about it, is not normal. Much as the press want their freedom protected they must also stand for ethics and what is right, not cower for hope of favours. They cannot sit in silence or look the other way when Trump lays out falsehoods as facts or refuse to report on the lies, here’s looking at you WSJ. The press cannot afford to be complacent because the world is not.
Our diversity is what makes us unique as a global society, that we can learn from each other’s differences and respect them is one of the more unique bonds of humanity. Traditions, cultures, religions and so on are what make this world. Tolerance of one another, of people who are not like us, living together in peace- that is what makes the World and it is worth putting up a hell of a fight to preserve those principles.
So fight. Speak up. Resist and, for the love of all this sane, do not normalise any of this because nothing, none of this, is normal or acceptable.
The Acceptance Speech Jimmy Fallon is a terrible host, he should never be allowed to host anything, I am pretty sure he would be just as bad at hosting guests in his own house.
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