#this is actually a great excuse to get all this info written down bcus i mostly just keep it in my head which is no good at all
sidoopa · 2 years
tell us about the venatrix!
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the venatrix is an evil traffic cone
the venatrix is a wizard hunter! when a wizard is bad and naughty and practices unlawful or potentially dangerous magic, a venator/ venatrix is sent after them to detain or kill them. venators are usually contract bounty hunters who work alone or in small groups, although guilds and unions do sometimes pop up too
after phrygius is banished to the prison planet earth, and STILL manages to find a way to lay his grubby little hands on a modicum of magic, The Powers That Be roll their collective eyes and send an assassin in after him to finish the job. thats what you get for trying to show mercy to phryg i guess
enter the venatrix, an almost entirely silent and very intimidating hunter with extremely powerful magic. to darragh and phrygius, shes a deadly and unstoppable force, rocketing through the sky on her broomstick straight towards them with a fistful of lightning. she's incredibly capable and ridiculously powerful, destroying anything in her path.
to all the normal people on earth, shes a goofy kook who dresses like a clown. shes eccentric but well mannered, and curious about earth technology, like traffic lights and tamagotchi. she's also very clumsy, as her strength can wreck the environment around her, something she is very apologetic about. she also likes acrobatics and exploring, getting in trouble with locals often for accidentally trespassing or climbing on walls.
she starts hunting phrygius because its strictly business, but phrygius has been escaping the authorities regularly and often for over 60 years, and proves to be a tricky target as he very gradually gains power. eventually shes trying to kill him before he becomes an actual threat.
she keeps her name secret because its a very stupid name, and it severely lessens her intimidation factor. it's Zipp Zopp.
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