#this is all still in the brainstorming phase tho so expect all of this to be fleshed out more in the future
veratrance · 7 months
So I’m like a huuuuge fan of FaC and wanted to get back in to writing fanfic (I haven’t written since I graduated uni two years ago😔) and I was just wondering if you had any tips for getting started again after such a long dry spell. The ideas are there but I can’t seem to put them to paper
Oh I know exactly what you mean and I feel you so much!! Every time I go through a long dry spell I feel like I can't write anymore, I'll be staring at my keyboard like "WHAT ARE WORDS EVEN?? HOW DO I WRITE??"
The most important thing I think is to take it step by step. And I mean BABYsteps. This might sound obvious, idk, but if you stare at an empty page and expect yourself to spill out an engaging chapter with beautiful prose on the spot, chances are you won't even get one sentence out, especially if you're feeling rusty because it's been a while.
This is how I personally go about it:
I may start with an incoherent mess of ideas, all bulletpoints and chaos. Have fun with it! Brainstorm and let your thoughts wander!
Then I turn the incoherent mess into something chronological. Still mostly bulletpoints, still no actual writing, but the chapter/scene/plot starts to take shape.
Next, I turn the bulletpoints/ideas into the worst sentences known to mankind. Literally a foetus could formulate better sentences. The dialogue would make any reader shake in horror. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? It doesn't matter!! As they say: ✨you can always edit a bad page, but you can't edit a blank page✨. I try to follow this religiously, because it's so damn true. Especially after a long dry spell, it's important you don't put too much pressure on yourself, or else it'll feel like an impossible task. So whatever you do, don't fall into that hole of despair. Write the most rustyass paragraphs and don't worry about it! You'll write one good sentence and the next one will be absolute horrendous garbage, AND THAT'S OK!! Allow yourself to wordvomit without fear or pressure, AND TRUST THE PROCESS.
Editing, our lord and savior 🙏🏽 I personally do this through baby steps as well, especially after a dry spell. It makes it a lot less daunting and scary. Basically I’ll edit continuously, and often while still in the wordvomit phase. I'll write several shitty paragraphs, read them again and think to myself 'good lord wtf is this', tweak the worst sentences to make them somewhat acceptable, then continue writing
Then I edit a tiny bit again. And again. And again. But still in baby steps. Still no "I WILL GO THROUGH THIS TWICE AND IT'LL HAVE TO BE SHAKESPEAREAN WRITING". Just a lil addition here, a lil rewrite there, all while trusting that with a bit of patience, it'll become something I enjoy. Because it will be!! Don't succumb under writing insecurities, just believe in the step-by-step process and tweak until you're satisfied (don't tweak forever tho, v important).
So basically what helps for me is to work layer by layer, and to make the layers as small as necessary to push through the mental block. But everyone has their own writing process and there's no one size fits all, so what I described might not be the method for you, though I do think that generally speaking, dividing your writing process into small easy tasks makes it a LOT less challenging and really helps if it's been a while.
Also: write what you enjoy!! Write your guilty pleasures and favourite tropes and anything that gets you flowing. Especially if it's been a while, having fun with it will really get you back into the drive.
Good luck 🥰 you got this<3
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Mother's day
It was mother's day in Chaldea and like with many other holidays things got just a bit more lively then normal. Most servants weren't able to properly celebrate, being either children without their mothers or mothers without their children but some made do.
Jack insisted on a gift for master, even tho he wasn't a fan of the "mama" label. Raikou expected gifts from her children aswell, Kintoki was willing tho he found it a bit embarrassing, but Rex never saw her as a mother so he didn't bother at first, only giving in to prevent her from crying.
But an interesting question was raised.
Rex: mi corazon, do you think your mother will expect something for mother's day?
Quetz: I don't see why she would! It wasn't really a thing back in our day and she's not likely to gain any of that info so I think I'm fine.
*knock knock*
Rex: quién es?
BB: it's the amazing BB!
Quetz: qué quieres?
BB: got a message for ya Quetzy!
Quetz opens the door, seeing the chaotic AI holding what looks to be cloth.
Rex: a message in cloth?
Quetz: lemme see
BB hands it to her, the cloth had many characters on it. It looked to be the characters used by the aztecs back in the day.
Quetz: ...aye...
BB: don't like what you read?
Quetz: as soon as I mention it!
Rex: ...is it from your mom?
Quetz: ...no, it's from Coyolxauhqui, but she says mamá is expecting mother's day gifts now!
BB: wow! Isn't that interesting?
Quetz: how'd she send this to you BB?
BB: not sure! Popped into one of my tentacles and I could tell it had to be for you, since no one else can read those characters!
Rex: hey I'm trying!
Quetz: *sigh* what in Xibalba do I even get her?!
Rex: ...some food? Maize?
Quetz: she has plenty of that!
BB: my you two have seem to have found yourselves in a pickle! At least you're trying tho! None of my dear children even consider getting me anything!
Rex: gee! I wonder why!?
BB gave him a stink eye before continuing.
BB: anyways! I'd love to stay, but I've got chaos to sew! Seeya!
And with that the AI leaves
Quetz: aye... what could I even get her?
Rex: hmmm... maybe some modern chocolate or something? I can only think of food at the moment...
Quetz: you need some food then.
The two left for the cafeteria to eat and brainstorm.
Rex: what does your mom like?
Quetz: ...sacrifices...
Rex: mmmm! Anything else?
Quetz: she's a very violent woman mi amor... most things she'd like aren't much of an option.
Rex: well fuck!
As the two go on, Ehecatl comes running in, accidentally bumping into Rex.
Rex: woah there!
Quetz: ehe? Are you ok?
Ehe, nervously: m-m-m-m-ma-ma-ma
Rex: ehe! Speak clearly!
Ehe, clears her throat: Coatlicue is here!!
Quetz and Rex: Que!?
Then a rumbling is felt, turning the corner of the hall came a large being.
The being was tall, and vaguely humaneque in appearance. Instead of a human head, there were two huge snakes, a skirt made of snakes adorned her lower body, her hands and feet had huge claws to rip apart flesh, the only thing covering her chest was a large necklace with human hearts and hands going along it, with a human skull at the center.
Coatlicue: H̸̡̧̡̺̩̗̬͉͈̖͔̲̠̣̼̠̗̪͎͛̀͌̋͊̊͛̈̓̈́̏͝o̸̧̨̨̢̧̥̣̥͕̩̺̦̲̼̜̳̮͇̫͑̀̃̃̾̑̄̅͌̍̏̈̊̒̐́͘̚ͅl̴̺̬̗̻̫͖̜̪̲͓̲͕̒̃̓̈̈͗́̂̽̆͜͜͜͝ą̷̛̫͍͔̹͕͙̤̺̣̜̎͂̇̓͋͆͗͌̀́̒̃́͑̕̕͠ ̴̯̩̩̥̪͚͎̤͆̀̈́̎̽̐͛͆̀͑͗͊̄͗͐͘̕̕͠ͅm̷̧̡̛͉̼̫̳̜̮̰̱̬̯̿͋͋̉͊͑̌͑̑͂͜i̸̩̒̇͆̎͗̍̀̀̇͂̋͂͘͝j̵̛͎͕̱̣͍͉̯̤̙̪̹̪̫̤̞̜̀̽̽̽̎͂̎͂̏̕͜ͅą̷͙̖̦̫̯͈̖̙̱̟̩͍̯̪̳͔̦͈͈̼̄͑̓͒
While Ehecatl clung onto Rex in fear, both Rex and Quetz were just annoyed. They were already used to seeing nightmarish beings ever since coming here, so this wasn't new.
Quetz: mamá, can you not with that look?
Coatlicue: ...? *sigh*
Then the large being transformed into a much more normal human appearance. An older looking woman, with a much more normal looking outfit, tho you could see a resemblance to what she looked like before. Snake motif on her skirt, and much simpler necklace with a small decorative skull, and what looked to be stitches on her neck.
Quetz: mamá, what are you doing here?
Coatlicue: what, I can't visit my daughter and her husband every once in a while?
Quetz: not without warning.
Coatlicue: well, ever since I heard about this mother's day thing I wanted to feel appreciated! And I thought it'd be nice to spend the day with you since I don't see you often anymore.
Quetz: mamá that's nice but you need to tell us ahead of time, you scared dear Ehe here.
Coatlicue: she shouldn't be scared! She's seen me plenty of times!
Quetz: no she hasn't. She mostly stayed in my place in the heavens, and rarely left.
Rex: so... is she just gonna stay for the day?
Quetz: looks like it.
Coatlicue: it's nice to see you again Rex!
Rex: good to see you too Mrs. Coatlicue...
Coatlicue, to Quetz: has he been treating you well?
Quetz: of course! I've never been happier then with him!
Coatlicue: that's so good to hear! It's good that even if it took so long you managed to be happy with marriage!
After some time the group was in the cafeteria.
Coatlicue: wow, is it always so lively?
Quetz: not really. Things got more hectic with mother's day.
Coatlicue: are there many other mothers here?
Quetz: si! Tho most are without the children they had.
Coatlicue: how unfortunate! Can your husband not summon them?
Rex: it's not that simple...
Quetz: there's very little control in it all...
Coatlicue: he seemed to be able to summon you with plenty of ease.
Quetz: I'm the exception mamá.
Coatlicue: well that's unfortunate. Speaking of mothers, do you plan on becoming one any time soon Mija?
The question caused Ehecatl spit out her dirnk.
Ehe: *cough cough* isn't it a bit soon to talk about that!?
Quetz: actually we were thinking it over.
Ehe: Que!?
Rex: you need to relax.
Quetz: Ehe, you shouldn't be so surprised. I've talked to you about the idea in the past.
Ehe: it's still so soon! Have you even been married a year yet?!
Rex: no... but we don't plan to actually do anything just yet. Just talking.
Coatlicue: I'd love to see what precious children you two make!
Quetz: ehehehe, let's table this topic for now.
Ehe: yes! Please!
Coatlicue: so what have you been up to since we last saw each other?
Quetz: well... some interesting things have happened since...
Rex: she got to be Santa for Christmas.
Coatlicue: really?! Didn't the people of Mexico try that back in the 30's?
Quetz: si... didn't work out...
Coatlicue: but did it work out better this time?
Quetz: better is... debatable...
Rex: I think you were great mi corazon! If I could I'd have you be Santa every year!
Quetz, blushing: ehehehe, mi amor...
Ehe: the outfit leaves much to be desired tho...
Coatlicue: what's wrong with it?
Quetz: well... I misheard the whole Santa thing and thought they said Samba so...
Coatlicue: seriously!? Mija how do you make that kind of mistake?
Quetz: she wasn't clear! And besides they're basically the same since both bring happiness to others!
Rex: yeah! Mistake or no, she was the best Santa!
Quetz then proceeded to hug Rex, happy with all the support he showed.
Quetz: gracias mi amor!
Rex: anything for you!
Coatlicue: aside from that... anything else of note?
Quetz: ...well I also got to be a superhero.
Coatlicue: ...que?
Rex: well... a superhero is basically someone with extraordinary powers and uses them to protect others!
Coatlicue: hmmm... then weren't you already one mija?
Quetz: well superheros also usually have a bombastic costume to go along with it!
Ehe: wasn't it also your swimsuit?
Quetz: kinda, I had a normal red one but at the same time I also had the costume on me!
Coatlicue: you've been dressing up interesting outfits lately huh?
Quetz: si... things get very interesting in Chaldea.
Rex: whenever we're not dealing with a lostbelt it's usually something far more ludicrous then normal.
Coatlicue: no wonder some of these servants look so ridiculous... I just thought that's how it was outside of Central America.
Rex: ...sometimes that's still the case.
Quetz: it does take some getting used to... but I've been here so long nothing phases me anymore.
Ehe: how anyone can get used to this is beyond me.
Rex: it's all about how long you've spent here...
After some time Coatlicue got to look into Rex and Quetz's room, despite protests from Quetz.
Coatlicue: good size... nice and clean... but a little bare...
Coatlicue: I didn't expect you to be so relaxed in your room mija.
Rex: we don't do a whole lot here... just cuddle and lay in bed together.
Coatlicue: that's good at least, I'm happy your husband's been able to accommodate for you here.
Quetz: well I have other rooms for fun and such. A gym, a rec room, and so on.
Rex: Quetz is my sun and I'd do anything for her happiness!
Quetz: ehehehehe! Mi amor, you're making me blush!
The two embraced again as they talked.
After more time spent with Coatlicue, it was eventually time for her to go.
Coatlicue: I had a really good time mija! I'm so proud of the relationship you've found yourself in!
Quetz: gracias mamá!
And then she went back to the heavens, leaving the couple once again.
Rex: she's surprisingly nice all things considered...
Quetz: it's because you're such a good husband to me mi amor!
Rex: thanks...
The two finished up with a nice kiss, before going back to their room.
A/N: since it's mother's day, it felt appropriate to make a story featuring Quetz's mom! Sorry if the ending felt rushed, kinda lost ideas towards the end.
@hasishtardoneanythingwrong @hasereshdoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @hasbbdoneanythingwrong @renmeo @kazmetic @grievouslyxorvia @has-gilgamesh-doneanythingwrong @havetheavengersdoneanythingwrong
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sgnsan-blog · 5 years
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hello howdy hi! i’m the mun of san ( bio / profile / plots ) here, she/her and in est time! this bb is my first and only son here @ seongnam!
he’s a twenty-one y/o senior majoring in business administration + minoring in pr, wolfbane’s treasurer also does student govt, debate, and dances when he can! but most importantly!!! he is also @sgnjongho​​‘s big bro ( their relationship is kind of uh.. complicated ) and will not hesitate to throw down over jongho, fr
but neither he nor i bite, i promise! if you’d like to do some plotting please press LIKE and i will pop up in your ims! just a warning tho i can be very very snail like from time to time b/c of life things but i will respond!! i swear!!! ims work best, but if you want my twt or discord just msg me!
some more info and plots under the cut if you’re interested:
a boomer in a zoomer’s body ( well, more like a millennial but it’s an inside joke )
ur local emotionally-oppressed-as-a-youth elite, kind of sort of wanted to be a dancer when he was in high school but had to drop the dream to take over his dad’s business
his younger brother is kind of a wild card and a general troublemaker -- basically the antithesis to him, but he still loves jongho ( albeit a LOT more quietly than he did as a kid )
pretty good student + excelled at public speaking, kind of spent a lot of his teenaged years trying to balance school, clubs, dance, and clean up after his brother to avoid getting him in trouble, didn’t really work out when the younger choi ended up being caught with drugs ( spoiler alert: he got framed ) and shipped off to america towards the end of hs for san
fell out w/ his parents after finding out that they knew about jongho being framed but still sent him to the us anyways, even more spiteful when they cut off all contact btw him and his brother
kind of had a late rebellious phase in freshman year in retaliation, dyed his hair blonde and partied ( a LOT ) but eventually mellowed out by the beginning of soph, came to terms w/ his familial situation and decided the best course of action is to just be the same Perfect Son as always so he can continue to do stuff behind his parent’s backs and focus more on keeping heat off of jongho
picked up dancing back in junior secretly but only as a hobby
basically, he’s just trying to Live his life and watch over his younger brother now, things just be like that sometimes
potential plots ( not gender specific )
( WOLFBANE, ENEMY ) if san learned anything from his dad, it’s that you should never have any weaknesses open to your enemies. unfortunately for him, you're both in wolfbane but hate each other, and guess what? you know the one secret he has that he can’t afford to let his parents know about: that he’s dancing again. he’ll do anything to stop you from snitching
( ANY ) his younger brother has wronged you in some way, but somehow, the number you’ve gotten ahold of is his, not jongho’s, and now you’re calling him and chewing him out for trespassing or vandalism that he didn’t do
( WOLFBANE, FRIEND ) you’re like his one (1) friend in wolfbane that he can actually kind of stand
( HELIOTROPE, FRIENDS ) heliotrope friends would be nice -- he’s on pretty good terms w/ most of the members, and probably hangs out with them often
( DANCE, FRENEMY? ) dance friends? in general? or maybe you didn’t expect ceo heir choi san to show up to the dance team in his junior year, and you think he’s either doing this for a bet, as a joke, or to put on his resume. none of those are true, by the way, but he finds it amusing how you’re trying to pin him as having bad intentions
( DANCE, FRIEND ) alternatively, you’re surprised at the fact that he can actually kind of dance ( although he’s a little rusty  ) + knows some stuff about dancing -- you’re from completely different backgrounds, but he doesn’t seem that bad. you vibe pretty well
( UNDERCLASSMAN, FRIEND ) give him an underclassman to take care of! maybe you remind him of his little bro, maybe you’re the opposite and instead remind him of himself. you text each other often, and when he’s not busy, you hang out from time to time.
( SENIOR, FORMER FRIEND ) you used to be friends in freshman year when he was actually into parties and stuff, but you’re no longer close after he went back to his normal straight arrow ways. but hey, who says you can’t go out once in a while, just like the good old days?
( ANY, CONFIDANT/LOVE INTEREST *MIGHT BE SELECTIVE ) clueless? at romance? haha that’s funny ( no really, he’s as dumb as bricks when it comes to this send help ) but essentially, you’ve been close for a few years now, and are probably one of the very very few people he tells personal things to ( i.e. about his brother, his past, etc. ). you and basically everyone else are like 99% sure he’s in love with you, he literally looks at you as if you’re his whole universe, gently brushes any stray hairs out of your face, does ALL the kdrama cliches, except here’s the catch: he himself doesn’t realize he’s head over heels? how is this possible?
( ANY, FRIEND ) he really needs to loosen up and learn to do things for himself. you’re good at that, and want to help him out
( ANY ) general friends/connections, pls sauce me i promise i brainstorm better ideas than whatever this is
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survivormontenegro · 5 years
Episode 12: “Phase One: Get the Grandma’s Boys Back Together” - Jones
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I have thoughts.
1 I still feel bad for telling Tom to fuck off but also,,,,, I don’t ???
2 I hate that I’m the one who has to apologize to *****these men***** when they were the ones who apparently threw me under the bus in the first place
3 I miss Julia
Ok I don’t feel like doing the number thing anymore that shits dumb.
Um if Mitch is gonna let an alliance slide through the cracks again he’s not playing hard like he said, he’s just playing dumb and out of fear. Benj is probs gonna do whatever Mitch says tho so maybe it’d be better sooner or later to get one of them out before we split up the Jason/Tom/Ali trio
Speaking OF,, Julia went out saying that that trio is the biggest threat to win, but that’s only true about like,,, only Ali SKSKKDKF to me it’s kinda clear that Jason and Tom are Ali’s goats and they’re gonna be the easiest to beat for him in a F3/2 situation. Ali is by far the biggest threat to win and probably has been since Alex got voted out. Bc who doesn’t love Ali yk??? It’s gonna be hard to get him out but I feel like at least my 100% people (Caeleb and Mo as of this vote) would be down to vote him if he was the biggest threat.
Um also ??? These guys REALLY think Alex left with the durmitor idol???? Which is SO shocking because I cannot keep a secret for my life and I’m so easy to read. But um that’s a plus for me tho so woohoo? I’m not gonna tell anyone else ab it tho Bc,,,, obviously. This cast is messy as fuck I don’t want anyone else that I DONT trust to know about it. So I’m happy that my little inner durmitor triangle are the only ones that know.
I think this is mostly me rambling at this point so i’m gonna sign off I think.
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okay so I really did a crap job of confessing last round, so I have a lot of catch-up to do.
so first off, i think i already confessed about this, but i have TWO IDOLS NOW jklasdfaf, the budva idol and the merge sapphire idol. like assuming i play them right, i can fast track myself to F6 already, which is SO EXCITING.
also... last vote was such a mess. so after the last vote, where i was left out-ish, in that Jones/Caeleb/Benj told me what was happening, but don't know that each other told me. Me and Julia (who was truly left out) talked, and I was genuinely hoping to group up with her. Benj suggested a F4 of me/him/Tom/Julia last round, and I was SO DOWN. Like I've genuinely wanted to work with Julia all season, I should have told her about the Alex vote, but I've been with her this whole time, so its frustrating what happened next.
So... I'm on call and Mo/Mitch tell me to vote Julia, and I agree, knowing I'm lying because I'm in a chat with Jason/Julia/Tom where we are trying to vote off Mo or Jones. But then Mo being shady, and I literally told Julia this to, tells Julia that everyone is voting her out, and Jones says Tom is who threw Julia's name out.
Julia. Goes. Nuclear. She goes on call, outs the alliance, says we are all shady and tries to blow up our games. I'm REALLY frustrated that she did that, because Mo/Mitch were literally voting her and we were stopping it, but she let them mist her. Also... I didn't want to vote Tom or Julia, they are both outsiders, as am I, and we needed each other. Tom/Julia were both not apart of the Jules vote, we just had a fight amongst the outsiders which... dumb.
Once Julia did that, I was sure Tom was gone, I was totally sure. But Tom managed to flip Mitch, which good for him. But I don't know how he did that, getting Mitch to vote with me, when Mitch has been paranoid about me above everyone else. But now... Mitch will likely be suspicious of me, Jones/Mo will know for sure that I'm targeting them, and I'm no closer to breaking up that group.
So now I'm confident I'll need to use the idol to fracture that group. A scenario I could see happening and working, is next round maybe Mitch/Jones/Mo/Benj and maybe Caeleb vote me, Tom/Jason vote Jones/Mo and I vote the other, which means my sapphire idol can both save myself and break up that group. I'll have to stay tuned on that one though.
This reward challenge flash game is very annoying, so I'm probably not gonna win. Considering how much I popped off for the last immunity, if I win two in a row, it might cause me problems. Hopefully the immunity challenge is do-able, because if I win that, I'm guaranteed a spot in FINAL SEVEN YAY.
I haven't done one of these in a while, but ideal bootlist moving forwards:
Jones > Mitch > Jason > Caeleb > Mo > F3: Me/Tom/Benj or F2: Me/Benj
And if I am voted out eighth, the order in which I would vote for people at FTC:
Mitch > Jason > Caeleb > Benj > Jones > Tom > Mo
also just wanna stay like... how much i stan jones? like we literally have not voted together pretty much at all across merge... but we stan?
she is just so much fun, like our game relationship... is fragile at best, but on a personal level I am and will remain a Jones WARRIOR.
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Omg I no longer have the most votes cast for me cuz now Tom does. Even though 2 of Tom's votes are HIMSELF the bafoon.
I was not surprised to see Julia go last tribal. I of course did not vote for her, but her craziness kinda sealed her deal. Plus theres the curse within the curse of where someone who gets cursed initially also goes home (Alex, Jules, Julia). Lmao. But seriously, I voted Tom and he got really sad because we had a good thing going, but at the time no one was willing to be cemented on Julia, but Mo and Jones were cemented on Tom. So I went with the "confidence" and voted what I knew was more certain. However, Ali and Benj and Mitch all voted Julia. Ali and Benj are my closest allies so they let me know before tribal, but Mitch is a flip always been so. The two of them (Ali and Benj) are playing very well which makes me nervous. I either have to take control back in this game or start voting them off, even if that makes me a little cut throat. My other option is to let them vote off Mo next time (Benj's idea) and then have them drag me along and lose in FTC. Instead I think I'm going to get Mo, Jones, and Me to vote Mitch next round (taken he doesn't have immunity), with maybe Ali and maybe Tom but I think 4 might be enough. Then next round I work with Benj and Jason and Ali and Tom to vote out Mo. That puts me back in a strong position (I THINK BUT TRULY IM NERVOUS WITH ANY VOTE AND ALL VOTES IM JUST PRETENDING TO KNOW WHAT IM SAYING). I just hope Tom doesn't have it out for me after last time. That could make things hard, and I'll have to navigate trying to get Benj to wait to vote Mo and telling Jason, Benj, and Mitch a wrong vote.
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I’m genuinely feeling confident in my score of 10 guesses, I don’t know what’s considered a good score but for me this is stunnin
Oh Jones, Caeleb and Benj tied for a score of 8? That’s cool... Happy for them... In all seriousness though I think Ali might of screwed himself over by doing the challenge drunk because this may very well be our lucky chance to get out a comp beast.
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So... I didn't win immunity, which is a shame, but also probably good news, since if I won three challenges in a row, people would likely try and vote me at every opportunity.
I feel like I'm going to need to play one of my idols this round, which... is unfortunate, but also like kinda exciting? I think the ideal situation is that I play the sapphire idol, maybe in a way that since Tom/Jason have exposed votes, if Caeleb/Benj/Mitch/Jones/Mo vote me, and Tom/Jason vote one of Jones or Mo, I vote the other and send them home with one vote.
However, I'm not 100% sure I'll be getting votes, just since Caeleb and I are super close, so I don't see him super wanting to vote for me. I feel like if the plan was to vote Ali, Mitch would tell Benj, who would tell me, or Caeleb might not be down. Regardless, I'm very much expecting to have to pull out an idol tonight!
If I get my way tonight, I want Jones and Mo split up. As people, we love them both, but as players right now, they are too connected and have too much sway. If I got my way, I would want Jones out, since I think she is the glue between the Caeleb/Mo/Mitch, so would defo be worth getting out.
Just realised that if I play the sapphire idol, it gets rehidden which I do not want, so I might just have to play the budva idol if I'm getting votes tonight, which is frustrating but I'll have to deal with it sighhhh.
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ding dong the witch is dead (ur welcome johnny)
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confessing this because my brain is SO BIG, and I clocked this on call. Caeleb is the boyfriend of Matt who just won Kuwait. MY MIND IS SO POWERFUL
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I've been meaning to write this all day but Tom fell asleep on call and I've been distracted the whole time. SO here we are
I'm also typing this out with Google whatever the f*** is Google voice??? So it might sound a bit robotic just bare with me here LOL.
but literally yesterday while I was doing the trash at work I was brainstorming probably one of my favorite moves I've ever and probably will ever accomplish ever?? I'm very excited about it, because it seems like it's going underway,,, like it might work?? and knowing my luck this shouldn't be happening but here we go,,
So phase one: get the Grandma's boys back together. So like,,, me Caeleb and Mo. we basically already trust each other with our entire hearts anyway and besides the Alex but we've stuck together on everything? So we might as well get the band back together you know what I mean? also they're probably the three people I trust the most and the three people that I really want to go to the end with for sure so that's how I'm feeling about that. Check that off the list.
Phase 2: get Mitch and Benj to possibly spill who the other side is voting for and or get them to vote for Tom or Jason. because quite frankly Benj and Mitch are a very obvious power duo and have floated through the middle the entire time and they've been together the entire game so it feels kind of obvious that they're working together. Plus benj told Mitch the plan about voting out Caeleb premerge, so it just feels like it's been a thing forever. call go to be honest thinking about it now, I feel is though we're going to figure out who Jason and Tom are voting for anyway because they do have to vote in advance? So as long as Benj and Mitch vote for who we tell them for, then phase 2 will be a success.
Phase 3: grandma's boys vote,,,,, ALI!!!!! sorry to say, Ali is by far the biggest threat in the game and probably has been for a long time? Not only is he amazing in challenges , but he has like one the best social games ?? Ever???? So no one would Want to vote out Ali, but it's like,,, the best move I think to do now . Esp bc he doesn't have immunity.
And then,,,,, optional step 4: play my idol. That way,,, we can guarantee that a tie scenario doesn't happen,, and then in the split Ali would theoretically go w 3, but if an idol is played either way on them, one of those two will go. SO YA HOPEFULLY THIS PLAN ACTUHLY WORKS HAHAHAHAHA
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Update!!! So like I think im in an ok spot. I was the sole vote to send home Julia because I found her unpredictable and she voted me the round previously so.... This vote should be between tom and one of jones/mo/caeleb because they are an obvious trio and im pretty sure one of them has an idol. If there is an idol played and it is flushed, the trio of mo/caeleb/jones is broken up. If it isnt flushed, we intend to do a 3-3-2 with Benj Ali Tom Jason and I splitting between two of them. Id prefer if Jones stays because I feel like I have the best connection with her out of the three, but I also fear that they have gotten closer and closer ever since we have merged. We will find out what happens shortly because as of now, there is still no definitive plan
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