#this is basically the outline for Viva Mi Vida
apprenticevida · 3 years
I know you lovelies like playlists, so here: have a sometimes updated, mostly chronological WIP playlist for Vida!
It’s about 12 hours long, because I’m a pack rat.
Track explanations under the cut. Because it’s a lot.
Benediction And Dream: I like this as an intro song. Set in Galbrada. (I hc Galbrada as Fantasy!Spain, but for all intents and purposes, consider a re-skinned Ohio)
La Bruja: Vida’s theme song
South of the Border through Smalltown Boy: Vida’s youth and adolescence. They’re queer and nonbinary in a place that doesn’t know what to do with that. Vida’s parents love them, but they aren’t exactly accepting of them. Nica and Alpin are both religious and mean well, they really do, but to have their firstborn daughter go against so much of what they believe is hard. Vida’s relationship with their siblings is strained as they grow up, but Dáibhidh (Dai for short) and Alma become their closest friends and biggest supporters. Sachairi is still very young and doesn’t really care about any of this. He loves his big sister and doesn’t understand what the deal is. (Vida is misgendered a lot by everyone except Alma and Dai.)
Spanish Ladies: Vida leaves Galbrada for Vesuvia. Nica and Alma see them off.
The Island through Rye Whiskey: WE’RE ON A BOAT. Sea shanties and drinks aplenty! This is Mazelinka’s ship because I’m a trite author she and Duende are friends. Maz is one of the first adults that tries to understand Vida, uses their pronouns, etc. Julian is also there.
Hey Mami: Vida arrives in Vesuvia! They’re an adult in a new country! Why are all these people looking at them like that???!!!
Under My Skin: Homesickness is weird. They miss their family but there was so much stress they had to bury deep down.
God is Alive Magic is Afoot through The Mystic’s Dream: Duende Time.
Sea of Love through Gooey: Asra Time. Vida and Asra fall for each other hard and fast. A couple of dumb virgins.
Shadow of the Hunted: Muriel Time.
Mama’s Room through Genderqueer Love Song: Vida and Asra ARE ADULTS DOING ADULT THINGS (mostly each other)
Third Eye Sixth Sense: Oh yeah they’re supposed to be learning magic from Tía Duende. Hey, this magic stuff is really fun! Vida’s really good at it!! Duende sees their potential and devises plans.
The Court of the Crimson King: Duende brings Vida to the palace to formally introduce them to the Count and Countess of Vesuvia. This is basically a ploy by Duende to curry favor with the court. Vida is smart and pretty, and despite not wanting to leave the shop they do well at court.
The Soundmaker: Vida’s all goo-goo eyes at the Countess. Nadia is the most beautiful and elegant woman they’ve ever met.
God Help You Dumb Boy through Doctrine: Lucio Time.
My Type through Livin’ La Vida Loca: Vida’s life in Vesuvia. Lots of beautiful people. Exploring submission with Nadia. Oh hey, Julian’s here to stay? Vida catches feelings for everyone. Hanging out with Asra and Muriel, generally having a great time.
Safe, Now: Everything is good and nothing hurts. They’re with Asra, talking magical theory with him and Duende; learning to contact The Arcana; learning how to play the violin with Julian; dancing with Nadia; quiet forest nights with Muriel. Things should stay like this forever!
The Plague: ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
Severed Soul: Asra Time OVER. Vida believes there’s something, ANYTHING that can be done to help, but Asra is antsy to leave Vesuvia. The Red Plague is only getting worse and more prevalent in the city, if they don’t leave now, they will lose everything. Vida tells him to go, they won’t follow. This is the beginning of the end.
Season of the Witch through Mystic Woman: Tía Duende is infected with the plague. Vida water skypes home and Nica is on the first boat to Vesuvia. Through various deals Duende’s made, she’s able to last a lot longer than expected. Nica makes it in time to help…
Spanish Ladies through La Llorona: …but she also catches the plague. Duende has nothing else she can barter, and Nica dies quickly. Heartbroken that she couldn’t do anything to save the closest thing she had to a daughter, Duende follows quickly. Vida is left alone to mourn. The ports are shut down. They clean out the home of anything that could be contaminated. Soon all that’s left are memories. Vida closes the shop for good, alone in an empty building. Quarantined until it’s obvious they haven’t caught the plague. They’re lucky, it’s a miracle they weren’t infected after all that time.
Pretty Little Head: The trauma of all this loss breaks Vida. A grief-induced breakdown. The beginning of short-lived hook-ups, including grief-sex with Muriel.
Coffee through Kinky: Vida leaves for the palace after Nadia finds out what happened. She invites Vida to stay as long as they want, all their needs will be taken care of. Without Duende to play interference, Vida gets to know the Courtiers (At Midnight). Vida’s grip on reality becomes tenuous the more they visit the Arcane Realm. In the physical realm they just go full-tilt on the hedonism of the palace. Lots of drinking, lots of smoking, lots of bad decisions they can’t remember. Valerius becomes a drinking friend of sorts. They shut out people emotionally who try to help, but become desperate to be wanted by anyone.
Ay Mi Pendejo through Marat/Sade: Lucio Time. Vida can indulge in self-harm, self-hate, violent aggression, and just absolute toxic behavior with Lucio. Things stop being a game though when they “wake up” to how self-centered Lucio is with all his power and riches. Vesuvia is dying around them, but nothing changes. The love-hate they feel becomes just regular hate. Maybe they should take Julian up on his offer to actually help the city in his clinic.
Dr. Flynn through Le Moribund: Vida tries to help, but still struggle to take care of themself. Whatever luck kept them safe from the plague is running out. A gift of red lipstick from someone was made with the plague beetles. When they notice the red in their eyes isn’t going away, they cut and run. Muriel is the only one they tell in person. A letter to Julian and Nadia is sent from the docks and takes too long to arrive. The Plague drains their magic as quickly as their life when they’re at the Lazaret.
Your Protector: Asra arrives to a shop that’s been empty for years. He’s too late, Muriel tells him. Vida left for the Lazaret months ago and never returned.
Bones through Cliquot: Asra finds Vida’s remains at the Lazaret and knows this isn’t fair. They had so much life they could have lived. They wanted to help, Asra ran. A plan is made. A call is made for all magicians, physicians, alchemists, anyone to find a cure for the plague as Lucio shows signs of the plague.
Gymnopédie No. 1 through New Men With Old Man Named: Necromancy pays, but comes with a cost. A deal is made, Vida’s alive, but with no memories, skills, or abilities from their life before. Asra is their caretaker, teacher, and friend interchangeably. They are the one who teaches Vida everything they will come to know, and over time their personality returns, but their old insecurities are back in full force.
Fluid through The Floating Bed: Vida’s feelings for Asra grow and blossom. This was going to be the beginning of Asra’s route before I got caught up in Julian’s route in the game. I’ll probably rearrange the playlist to fit the prologue here and move these songs elsewhere.
Miri’s Magic Dance through Not Human Anymore: Julian’s route, no other LIs. Vida is utterly devoted to Julian, but ends up enabling and echoing his self-sacrificing behavior. Co-dependent. Reversed Ending.
Big God through Love Like You: An assorted jumble of unorganized songs. Most of these are for Nadia and Portia. When I say WIP, this is the In Progress portion.
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