#this is dedicated to my bff luc who
yuhlmaooo · 7 months
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bro's a menace, actually
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darkwingsnark · 8 years
whos ur fav star trek character
YOU ARE ASKING TOUGH QUESTIONS, MY FRIEND. I’m going to just list characters and then explain why i love them, is that okay?
 Hello my lizard prince, what lovely scales you have. Seriously though, I just really enjoy how everything he says comes off as both super friendly/flirtatious and yet like he’s going to stab me in the back– which he probably would, and say it’s for Cardassia. I love his dedication to both the man and the planet that easily turned its back on him, and in the end he still does what’s best for his people. He is a man with so much patriotism, his outfits he designs are a pleasure (looking at you watermelon outfit), and every time he’s on screen I’m having a good time.
I love my lizard man.
He is a cinnamon roll. I know people are tired of hearing that, but he is LITERALLY the unproblematic fave. He loves art, his cat Spot, his bff Geordi, his captain, and Sherlock Holmes. I loved his quest for self discovery and, in extension, his humanity. It was so interesting to see, as the seasons went on, the people around him realizing that he was a person just as much as they were. I also was so upset when his daughter died. Just… let him be a dad. He has so much love in his robot soul. JUST LET ME WATCH HIM BE THE FAMILY MAN.
The worst. A trash man. The problem child. The list can go on. But ultimatley I love him because everything he says is hilarious. I also love how he goes from ‘HUMANS MEAN NOTHING TO EXISTANCE” to ‘HUMANS ARE MY PROBLEMATIC FAVES! Hey, hey Q Continum, come check out these funny things the humans do! …. I’m gonna go fuck with my actual real life boyfriend , Jean-Luc.’
Lowaxana Troi
I already liked Diana a whole bunch, but her mother… She is the best. I love how she would pop into personal spaces and just be like ‘yeah, no, you’re doing your life wrong. Let me show you the better way’. She had a way of making everyone off kiltered, but at the end of the day… she cared. She was very good for Odo, especially.
Alright, he may have been shitty father of the year… But i love him. Grumpy characters with hearts of gold are my weakness. It was also nice to discover he had more to him than just violence and fighting. THOUGH, speaking of which, one thing I liked about his character was him trying to connect to his people despite being raised not knowing his heritage. I felt bad with how hard he had to fight in that sense as well to prove that he was just as worthy as the next Klingon– even if his ways were different.
Odo and Quark
I… feel like I can’t really talk about one without the other. I love their dynamic. I’ve always been a lover of the frenemy trope, and it’s fun to see how their lives are so intwined. I could just watch them argue for an hour. you don’t need to give me an episode plot, just put them in the same room and I’m gonna have me a good time.
Jadzia Dax
You gave me a goddess… and then you killed her. She was one of the best characters that instigated so much hilarious teasing… and you killed her. I know many people liked Ezri Dax, and while I didn’t hate her… I’m just bitter, you know? Like Worf was upset, she was just a constant reminder that Jadzia was gone. PS, last season was the WORST. 
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