#this is definetely not out of spite for the writers
marychxn · 1 year
[ A-pseudo nonogram-analysis on the Five-Tribes because this series is FILLED with lore gaps ]
Note: I was heavily inspired by @/silverserpent 's (I didn't want to tag just in case) interpretation on the function of each tribe and kinda wanted to make my own take on this subject (combined with a rewrite idea I had)
((I'll be adding the chinese symbolism aswell given that the source of the monsuno energy is around Tebat, the show's in-universe location of IRL Tibet, an autonomous nation in China and I do interpret that the members of each tribe relied on the cultural symbolism to decide on which animal/monsuno represented their tribe best
-In another post I established that every tribe had it's own monsuno as a god, and that there were 6 for the 5 tribes (Bear, twin Ravens, Moose, Snake and Hawk--aka the main animals that the monsuno of our leads take from) and that each animal in a way might symbolize what each tribe was charged with:
-Chase's tribe [Bear] was the leader tribe that is a charge of leadership (obviously) and monitoring of the rest of the four tribes. They were well known for their wisdom as bears, are often depicted as symbols of wisdom, maternity but also masculinity (CN) and stubbornness shown. In chinese tradition, placing a bear in front of a house is a sign of protection of the house's inhabitants so we could also say that they are the defenders of the five, the ones most prone to stand up for what they treasure.
Bren's tribe [Ravens] were responsible for building and conducting scientific research on the world around them, maybe also inventing new technology to assist in future endeavors which is fitting considering that Ravens are often depicted as symbols of prophecy, insight, transformation and intelligence (but also death ironically) and in Chinese mythology they represent the three phases of the sun (Rising, Noon, Setting) which might further imply that they were the knowledge-hunters and the ones determined to uncover the mysteries of the world and it's endless skies.
Jinja's tribe [Moose] is a bit of a strange case. In Chinese mythology they are a symbol of fertility, virility and hard work which would make her tribe be the ones to provide meat and fruit. However in general mooses are a symbol of tenacity, determination, strength and wisdom so there is some significant overlap with the other tribes but my personal take is the following: Like I said, they provide resources to all the other tribes and take care of nature and it's animals as a way to maintain their supply and are also capable to stand their ground if it comes down to taking care of anyone that threatens their grounds.
Beyal's tribe [Snake] might have been in charge of maintaining peace and act as mediators (given their current place in canon as peacekeepers that practice Monsuno Sight) and snakes usually symbolise love, health, disease, medicine and immortality so it's fair to say that they were the medics and the spiritually developed population, and in China, snakes are perceived as of the most mysterious and wisest animals which falls in line pretty well with the position of the monks of Tebab imo
Dax's tribe [Hawk] is also quite abstract. The spiritual meanings of the hawk can vary depending on the situation. Hawks (in CN) represent changes, clarity, pursuit of goals, protection, and honoring your inner wisdom. They are graceful yet powerful beings that go after what their needs are, and in general spiritual leadership. I personally interpret them as the soldiers of the five. The warriors trained in pragmatic fighting but also diplomacy and are very goal-driven and persuasive. If a threat comes into push and shove, they will be the first in line to fight it and vanquish it lest it threatens the balance.
(Feel free to correct me or add to anything, id love to listen to other ideas)
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