#this is for bree bc i've been telling you about it for awhile now
ledabunnie-rp · 5 years
Snippet of the ‘Gemini Coven’
Man, never thought i’d make it back to this blog to post but lookie me here I am. This has been a WIP for a little over a year now and this is just a snippet of what i have been working on to show yall. I took inspo from season 6 of TVD bc i LOVE Kai Parker and the whole Gemini Coven thing was my absolute fav. So, Here are our babies in their own Gemini Coven. 
“Awhh.” The older wizard let out, patting his partner’s hand in an attempt at reassurance. “Matato… Are you jealous?” he teased. 
The tone in Matteo’s voice rose at least two octaves. “Jealous? No way! She is so bent on making my life hell. There’s nothing to be jealous of when she is just going to die soon.” 
“Oh.” Altair gasped. “So this is about the merge” 
Matteo choked up, his throat unconsciously closing causing him to gag. It had nothing to do with the merge. Well, it actually had everything to do with it but he wouldn’t admit it entirely. It made him look weak. “No.. well. Maybe!  We go last! and I don't know if I'll be ready for when..” he stopped. Thinking about the constellation’s merge brought on way too many fears and sleepless nights more than his own. He had no idea who would win, and he prayed to the gods that Altair would make it. 
Altair sighed, he figured that's what part of the issue was about. “When it's time for me and Vega to go? Well!” He nudged his shoulder into his boyfriend's neck, “don't you worry. We aren't going to participate. We refuse to live in a world where we have to live without the other. Especially when it's because of one of us.” 
“That's not how it works Altair.. you can't just, out beat the merge. If you refuse, you both die, then the whole coven dies. Mason dies, whoever wins the Mcatee merge dies, I'll die. It's not worth the risk of killing everyone.” Matteo gruffed out. How could his boyfriend be so stupid? They've known about the merge since they were kids, they knew there was no way to beat it. It was something that was going to happen and they had to face it. “You can't fight the inevitable”. Matteo couldn't accept it himself, the fact that one day, him and Mason would have to fight each other to live. To absorb each other's power and watch the other die in front of their eyes, by their hands. He refused to lose, but he also refused to kill Mason. It was a constant battle, literally and figuratively.
Altair was insulted. Why was Matteo being aggressive about it? All he wanted to give the boy was reassurance but he was blowing it out of proportion. His meltdowns were different from Vega’s. Matteo’s were insult driven, hell bent on making sure other’s feelings were hurt in the process.  “Sure that's true but there's always another way! There has to be another way. We are peaceful, lovers not fighters if you will. You wouldn't understand, you're nothing like your twin. Only thing you have in common is the womb you shared.” Matteo pulled himself up and out of that chair so quickly Altair just rolled into the crevice that was formally Matteo's body as he watched the other boy start  for the table across the room, then back towards him, then over to the book shelf. Matteo was starting to pace and needed to think. Think about what he wanted to say, how he wanted to come across. How not to strangle Altair right then and there.  Bad thoughts, bad thoughts. The freckled face boy pulled his sleeves over his hands and turned around to face the other. He needed to stop his hands from the ‘boi point’. 
“I'm sorry, but what? Another way? ANOTHER WAY? Generations of people died LONG before us and they never had another way. There were theories about how different twins in the same bloodline could merge but they both end up dying. DYING Altair.” Matteo didn't mean to be yelling near the end, he's just getting worked up. Too worked up. He needed Mason, or Estelle, or Altair when they're not having this argument anymore. The only way to not have it, was to not be there and right now though, he needed to go. Leave this whole situation and come back to it never. He was losing himself in his racing mind and the pacing started back up again.
“Hey! Hey! No! no! no!” Altair called out to the boy, clapping his hands as well. He stood up from the beanbag chair. “come back to earth. Come here.” He called out in a stern voice then pointed to the spot in front of him. 
Matteo snapped out of his thoughts of finding ways out and looked across to Altair, crossing his arms and raising his brow at the other. “what?” He scoffed then bit his lip, why did the other have to be so hot without even knowing? His cluelessness? such a cute attribute.  Altair was distracting him from the important topic at hand, though.  He started to turn back around but was stopped in his tracks. Arms were bound tight against his body; the same spell Celestina used.  His head turned towards Altair, ready to snap at him but the other boy had a hand outstretched and was chanting something Matteo had heard from moments earlier. 
Altair flicked his wrist up and sent Matteo sliding across the room without a chance to react. His hand flew back to his side when the other boy was in front of him again.  Now they could talk to him face to face. “No one is going to die Mayo. We have 6 years to figure out how to make it happen. You just have to believe that we will find a way” Altair reassured him in a calm soothing voice now as he started to wrap his arms above Matteo’s shoulders to hug him. If he could bring him close, maybe he could calm him down long enough to get a truth sigil on him, and help Matteo cleanse his mind of what was really bothering him. With his arms around the other, Altair lightly drew his three-symbolled sigil on the back of Matteo’s neck giving him a big squeeze and pulling away. 
Matteo wasn't digging the whole ‘getting dragged across the room’ situation and was ready to pop off but Altair cut him off way before he could get a word in. Before he could even comment on Altair's new comment he was getting dragged into a hug and having his neck tickled by the boy. He shook it off and when they pulled away he looked at him funny, something was off about Altair.  “You look weird. Too chipper for a boy who is currently in an argument with his…. Whatever you think we are. ” He said out loud, not meaning to at all. 
Altair ignored his comment about their status, thinking only of how awesome it was getting an honest answer from Matteo, for the first time ever. He needed to soak this up for however long he could before Matteo smudged the sigil. There were so many questions to ask, Altair didn't know where to start. He can't start with the obvious ones, otherwise Matteo would catch onto him more. “We’re in an argument? What about?” he asked, playing dumb to gauge how truthful he would be. 
Matteo scoffed and rolled his eyes unintentionally, sarcasm and annoyance controlling his voice as he spoke. “Really Altair? You're never as dumb as you look but today you really have been proving yourself. We were arguing about you really thinking you and Vega can out beat the merge by not participating when what will actually happen is you'’ll both end up dead.” As soon as it came out Matteo covered his mouth, eyes widening as he looked across at the other boy. Shaking his head he spoke through his hands. “that was not supposed to come out.” 
Well that hurt. A part of Altair was glad to know the mark worked but the other part, his most sensitive part, was very hurt. He knew he put it on himself, marking an asshole by making him tell the truth but dang.. He nodded his head then rubbed his face, pulling an eyelid down with him. “I’m sure it wasn't but Jesus Matteo, you're a fucking asshole sometimes.” 
The boy's curls started to flop around as he shook his head. He tried stopping the next words to come out of his mouth but he couldn’t. It was like he was cursed with honesty. “I may be an asshole but at least im not delusional like you are.” He gasped when it came out, he didn’t mean to say that. Well, he did, but only in his head not out loud. Matteo didn't know why he said that, why was he being honest right now? What was wrong with him? He felt stupid-no he was stupid- and he could feel himself starting to spiral but he couldn’t stop himself from saying what was on his mind. “At Least I know that when I go against Mason I’m going to lose but you won't even try to fight for the coven and you’ll risk all of our lives just to keep your ‘make love not war’ trope you have for yourself to stay true. It’s stupid to fight it Altair. You really want to die without even letting me put up a fight? That’s selfish, no, its actually fucking stupid.” Pink cheeks flushed against his freckles as Matteo started for the other boy, taking their hands into his as he spoke again.  “I..I didn’t mean that I’m sorry.  Please don’t leave me, Altair. I don’t want you to stop loving me, if you even do love me, I don't know what you feel, honestly since you won't even kiss me half the time.” Fuck! He needed to stop talking but he couldn’t. His brain wouldn't shut the fuck up. 
 With that Altair’s heart started to break as he released his hands from Matteo’s and backed away from him. Now he was the one who needed to leave this conversation. It went too far too quick and was starting to upset him. So with that he pulled Matteo in for another hug. Hand going to the back of his neck to rub the sigil off before he pulled away to look into his eyes. “You need to clean this place up before they come up here.” He told the other before pulling himself completely off the boy and walking towards the elevator to leave Matteo with the mess he made. He didn't look back either when he stepped between the elevator doors and they closed, but from the noise he heard coming from the other boy before the doors shut  Altair could tell he was heartbroken. He knew Matteo would be fine though. Tomorrow he will come back to school and have completely forgotten about this whole interaction. Things would go back to normal and it would be just another bump in their road. 
Except that isnt what happened.
@wishes-in-the--markmark @nerdynumme-rp
I hope I did ya’ll baby justice. Idk how to end the big story so enjoy this while i figure it out and decide when i’ll post the big thing. 
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