#this is going to be awful to print in cmyk haha
apric0tfield · 1 year
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Life and Death Companions
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cryptid-jack · 3 years
One of these days you should make a zine of all your lovely creations
Id pay good money for a hardback full of your stuff
Aw, thanks so much! I'm actually working on a mshenko zine right now with all unique, exclusive art that I'm calling "The Care and Maintenance of Your Alliance Marine". It'll be 10 images of Shepard and Kaidan taking care of one another over the course of a normal day on the Normandy, haha.
[cue me pimping my ko-fi where monthly supporters get to see the sketches as I work on them for only $2 a month! You also get to see other previews and early access before I post stuff here!]
That said it'll only be for sale digitally because tbh the process of doing an actual printed zine sounds absolutely nightmarish. Standardizing sizes of all my pre-existing works, not to mention the misery of converting them all to cmyk? And shipping? Makes me break out in a sweat just thinking about it XD I had been considering it, but then I got to see second hand all the struggle involved when I contributed to the Cyberpunk 2077 Eurotour Zine and now I'm just like... hmm maybe not XD
I've found a wonderful little niche of lovely people here in the ME fandom that seem to enjoy my mshenko work, but when you actually calculate the kind of conversion rate of fans into potential buyers of a zine that would take me a LOT of time and effort to put together, plus any upfront investment I might have to do to print hard copies? Sadly I don't think I could really justify it from a financial standpoint. My time would be more profitably spent working on my book and various novellas I currently have in the works and am planning to self-publish.
All that said, if anyone has any suggestions for a good site that handles making and selling prints I might go back to putting more effort into making my art available that way? I was doing redbubble for awhile but wasn't terribly impressed with the quality or their habit of cutting off parts of the image, etc. Very annoying.
Also, I applied to that one mass effect charity zine at the last minute, so who knows, maybe I'll get in and you'll be able to get your hands on a piece of my art that way XD
TL;DR - Thank you so much, I'm glad you love my work! The chances of me ever printing a physical zine (or an Art Book, rather. What you're actually asking for is an art book, not a zine. Two different things), however, are extraordinarily slim XD
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