#this is her as a teen bc as an adult she's out choking him xD
indigobackfire · 3 years
26 and 30 for aspen and Diego!! -thimblerigshuffle
Thanks @thimblerigshuffle <3 <3
30) Who is embarrassed when they have to wear their glasses and who thinks they look super cute?
Aspen would definitely be embarrassed because she most certainly spent several years mocking Indigo and her glasses lovingly ofc. But then Diego would be all loving brushing her hair behind her ear, going "What's the shame in wanting to see the world clearer?" "Don't worry, we'll still be kissing eyes closed."
26) Who kissed first?
Aspen kissed Diego first. Given this opportunity, I'll try and write it 🙈 (damn is longer than I intended oops) (takes place in y6 during winter).
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“Blimey, it’s dreich out here! Is this really a good idea?” Aspen asks.
Diego marches through the crisp cold air of the training grounds with confidence and excitement as if he was under the spring sun, not even his thick sweaters seemed to limit his movement. Aspen on the other hand kept her steps short on the sheet of snow and herself retracted under her two layers of sweatshirts and her chunkiest Slytherin scarf.
“Have I ever had a bad idea? Don’t answer.”
“Ya ken we can use the dueling club room.”
“It’s occupied.”
“Ugh! What about the Dragon Club?”
“They don’t appreciate my dueling very much over there since Indigo and I smashed the place. We apologized, fixed the mess up, but they’re not the most forgiving kind, unfortunately.” He turns around and holds a stance, signaling for her to stay in place, about three meters apart. “Besides, I want to duel you here!”
“But why!? It’s like two degrees right now!”
“You think a dark wizard would invite you in for a fight? ‘Oh, please, the weather is dreadful, let’s move this inside.’ I want you to get used to dueling under adverse circumstances. And with that attitude, I can’t help but wonder, are you even a Scotswoman?”
“Wow, now you—” She unwraps her scarf letting it loose around her neck, if he hadn’t such a pretty face she would’ve walked straight to him and shoved her wand in his eye. “Now you’ve offended my honour!”
“Ready your wand then!”
But Aspen wasn’t prepared, he shoots an Incendio that misses her for a hair’s distance.
He smirks opening his arms. “Thought you might want a little heat.”
She shouts an Immobulus his way, but he ducks and sends an Expelliarmus making her wand fly over her head, falling behind her. Now, if she could stop and focus on something instead of her numb fingers or how her nose felt like it was about to fall off, she would’ve remembered his lesson on how to act in case a wand was lost, but her mind was still reacting to her body and instead of lowering to the ground, she tries to go after it on foot… on a straight line. He only gives her the time to pick her wand up before shouting, “Stupefy!”
She falls hard on her back and is left too embarrassed and angry to even get up. He walks to her. “What have I told you about turning your back to your opponent, Aspenita?”
“Is the duellers worst sin.”
“I even gave you a leeway, in a serious duel you wouldn’t even have time to process where the spell came from, you would be dead or worse.”
“Or worse…” She sits up. “Ah, great, my trousers are soaked! And my hair full of grass.”
“That’s what you get for not paying attention.”
She rolls her eyes. “Oh, ugh—”
He furrows. “What’s wrong?”
“Uh, I think... ah, could ye…” And as he gets nearer, she pulls him by the ankle dropping him to the ground on his stomach. She’s cackling. “A new dueling rule for your playbook, Dieguito!”
He makes a both perplexed and impressed face to her, and as he kneels to try and advance towards her, she throws herself over him to get him back down, and with the weight of her torso, holding his arms back by his wrists, manages to keep him down.
“Does the snow feel good?” She says between teeth, pressing him down on the icy grass with her own body.
He struggles to free his wrists from her grip. “When did you get that strong?”
“Barnaby’s my best friend… or was, ah dinnae ken. I might’ve lost a couple of brain cells, but at least I put on some muscle. By seventh year I’ll be just as ripped.”
“Has Indigo and him… resolved their issues? Whatever they are.”
Aspen crosses her fingers and rests her chin on his chest, she can feel his heartbeat under her hands. “He refuses to tell me what’s wrong and she’s out acting like everything’s fine when it’s not. So no, they haven’t resolved a thing.”
“Barnaby still shows up for our fortnightly training but he’s usually quiet. Very strange for Barnaby, but on the other side, he’s never had a better performance before.”
“It breaks my heart to see them apart…If there was a pair that made me believe in true love, it was them.”
“Then there’s Phoenix and Ismelda—”
She holds his face. “Now, you stop. It’s frustrating enough the stuff with Indie and Barney, and now there’s also those two idiots—”
He holds her hands away from his face. “Ugh, your hands feel like ice needles!”
“And how are yours warm!? Bastard!”
He laughs making his chest vibrate against hers. “I’m always pipping hot, dear.”
Still holding her hands, he nears it to his mouth and blows hot breaths on them, her eyes focused on the plump of his lips, all the while her stomach flutters with snowflake-like butterflies. “And what about you?”
She blinks. “What about me?”
“Your relative’s hearts are breaking like glass, but how’s yours?”
She swallows hard. “You really asking me this? Seriously?”
He holds her hands against his lips, his voice comes as if a whisper. “I wanna know if I still hold possession of your heart.”
She drops her head to his chest. “I don’t wanna give you something you can’t hold… but it’s not like you don’t already have it.”
“Indigo asked patience of me and I’m attending to her request cause I too want what’s best for you. I’m still earning her trust in this regard. You’re too young and I might’ve not given the best examples in the past.”
“Too young my arse! You’re barely two years older.” She scoops up until they’re nose to nose, and the air in Diego’s lungs feels rarer. “I’m no bairn, Diego, I ken I want to be with ye, why isn’t that enough?”
“I love you too much to screw this up with haste.”
She opens up a smile with joy blossoming in her chest. “You… you love me?”
“Why you think I haven’t even looked the way of another girl? I’ll wait for you, the time I have to wait. Because there’ll come a time it won’t be an option to wait, we both know that.”
At the same time the weight of the world left her shoulders, a hot burden grew in her chest — laying as they were, even encapsulated in freezing air and with soaked bottoms, she couldn’t stop her blushing cheeks, the redness spreading to her whole face, speechless, leaving Diego to wonder if she was okay.
But before he could ask, she presses her lips against his and he doesn’t feel like breathing anymore or existing beyond the encounter of their mouths. He takes her scarf in handfuls and opens his mouth for her tongue, mindless about her still freezing hands on his neck. The kiss isn’t sloppy but is desperate, considering how long their wait had been, every second of it had to be made up for in this right moment.
It’s her to pull away first with burning lungs while he fishes for another and another feel of her lips — she still had a lot to learn about kissing with passion and he’d be more than willing to teach her. She stops for a moment to admire the redness her kiss left on his lips and smirks.
“You might be patient, but I’m sorry, I couldn’t wait to do this.”
He runs his thumb over her lips, tracing her skin discolorations. “Who am I to deny you of your wishes?” His stare makes her feel as if she won’t ever be as solid as she is under his eyes. “Aspen, you have me, my kisses and my victories and my dreams and all my love. I’m all yours.”
She gives him another soft kiss. “And I’m no different.”
He smiles. “And I don’t wanna ruin our moment, but I’ll get a frostbite on my buttcheeks if I don’t get up now.”
“Oh, sorry, love.” She releases him and helps him up. She looks around the training grounds, empty unless for the training dummies on the corner white with frost. She chuckles. “Damn, we didn’t duel at all.”
“I’ll make an exception just today, cause I feel like my ass is about to fall off and because I won’t be able to stupefy this pretty face. For today.”
She wraps an arm around his waist as they make their way back inside. “Perhaps I better find myself a new dueling partner…”
He looks down at her with a smile. “Never.”
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