#this is infinitely more acceptable than the grand reveal that magic girls grow to be magic women
reitziluz · 5 months
just read the newest chapter of one piece and i'm having a moment because "the first one to be called pirate" made think like huh. that puts some... emphasis on the word. and oda does do kind of hyper-literal worldplay sometimes. and pirates in one piece don't really function like irl pirates. is... is there something going on?
i knew kaizoku is "sea robber"
i just learned zoku is also rebel/insurgent.
like. of course. of course. of course that's what that is.
the first revolutionary on the seas
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peacehopeandrats · 4 years
For Your Consideration
Happy T.E.A. season everyone! 
I’d like to start out by thanking the folks that nominated me last year, taking a chance on a fic writer that you barely knew. I hope that the fics I’ve shared since then have brought you some joy. I’m not one who thinks about these awards, but it does mean a lot that readers would put me up for consideration. For this reason, after many discussions with both my house elf and some readers who thought I should make the traditional list, I’ve decided to put mine under the cut below.
Please click to read more if you would like some ideas about nominating any of the following fics:
Stand Alone Fics
Lost And Found
Mountains, Streams, and Magical Things
From the Growing Up Series
Leaving Storybrooke
The City That Never Sleeps
Monster In The Storm
Pop Ins
Date Night
The Tent of Infinite Adventure
Last Night On Earth
Parts of other series
Snow Bunnies
One Word, Many Meanings
One Lover, Many Dreams
Detailed information (including suggested categories) on the above can be found under the cut. Thank you.
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Awake -  This story borrows the plot concept from the TV show Awake (staring Jason Isaacs) and adapts it to Once Upon a Time, but is NOT a crossover. It also is technically not an AU, however, I have been advised by multiple people (including the powers that be) that it DOES fall under the TV AU category, so I’ve added it this year where I didn’t allow it last year.  Summary - Gold and Weaver are split into two lives. Gold lives without Gideon, Weaver lives without Belle. Can he find a way to unite his family again? Nomination Suggestions - Fluff: Family, Comfort  | Angst: Death, Hurts So Good | General: Best Missing Years, Best Novel Length Fic, Best TV Show Au | Special: Best Drama
As always, if you believe Belle, Gold, Weaver, or Gideon deserve a nod in the Best Character category, I welcome you to add them there.
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Lost And Found -  This year’s Rumbelle Secret Santa Summary -  Belle and Rumple have planned a date night, but things don't work out the way Belle expected them to. Instead of a nice dinner out, she ends up wandering through the snow in search of a mysterious stranger. When she finds him her life is changed forever. Nomination Suggestions - General: Best One Shot, Best Storybrooke | Romance: Best Date (Overall) | Special: Best Rumbelle Secret Santa
As always, if you believe Belle or Gold deserve a nod in the Best Character category, I welcome you to add them there.
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Mountains, Streams, And Magical Things -  This year’s Christmas In July, based off of the song Mountain Stream by the Cowboy Junkies, but is not an AU. Summary -   Rumplestiltskin is a king of the magical world who collects magical things for a single purpose, but not all of them are as useful as he hopes they could be. When one of those useless items from the Enchanted Forest causes trouble in Storybrooke it changes the lives of everyone it touches, including the Dark One himself. Nomination Suggestions - General: Best Dark Castle, Best Novel Length | Special: Best Christmas In July
As always, if you believe Belle or Gold deserve a nod in the Best Character category, I welcome you to add them there.
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Leaving Storybrooke -  Part 1 of the Growing Up Series Summary -   The Golds say goodbye to their friends and family and drive away to their future as a family. Nomination Suggestions - General: Best Missing Years, Best Storygrooke | Fluff: Family
As always, if you believe Belle or Gold deserve a nod in the Best Character category, I welcome you to add them there.
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The City That Never Sleeps -  Part 2 of the Growing Up Series Summary -   Belle and Rumple are on their way to New York with Gideon, to spend some time settling in to their lives away from Storybrooke and prepare for their long adventure as a family. Rumple has another motive, however, which he tries to keep from Belle until a group of visitors reveal themselves, forcing him to tell the truth about everything. Nomination Suggestions - General: Best Missing Years, Best Travel, Best Crossover | Fluff: Family
As always, if you believe Belle or Gold deserve a nod in the Best Character category, I welcome you to add them there.
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Unconventional -  Part 3 of the Growing Up Series (Don’t let the image fool you, it’s Rumple, not Rush.) Summary -   The Golds have left New York and begun their tour of the United States. Their next stop is Chicago, where Belle and Gideon have chosen to do something that might push Rumple's comfort zone. Nomination Suggestions - General: Best Missing Years, Best Travel | Fluff: Family | Event: Best Monthly Rumbelling
As always, if you believe Belle, Gold, or Gideon deserve a nod in the Best Character category, I welcome you to add them there.
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Monster In The Storm -  Currently part 4 of the Growing Up Series  Summary -   The Golds have moved into a new town home and Gideon meets a young girl who convinces him that their fathers are more alike than he could ever have imagined. The problem is, only one of them is the real "monster" and Gideon needs help to see the truth.  Nomination Suggestions - General: Best Missing Years, Best Travel | Fluff: Family | Event: Best Monthly Rumbelling
As always, if you believe Belle, Gold, or Gideon deserve a nod in the Best Character category, I welcome you to add them there.
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Pop Ins -  Currently part 7 of the Growing Up Series Summary -   The Golds visit a land where only light magic exists and nine year old Gideon has a rather unexpected adventure. Nomination Suggestions - General: Best Missing Years, Best Travel | Fluff: Family | Event: Best Monthly Rumbelling
As always, if you believe Belle, Gold, or Gideon deserve a nod in the Best Character category, I welcome you to add them there.
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Date Night -  Currently part 8 of the Growing Up Series Summary -   Belle and Rumple have returned to New York for help with separating Rumple from the dagger. It also just so happens to be their anniversary and Rumple has something special planned. Nomination Suggestions - General: Best Missing Years, Best Travel, Best Crossover Fic | Fluff: Family | Romance: Best Date (Overall) | Event: Best Monthly Rumbelling
As always, if you believe Belle, Gold, or Gideon deserve a nod in the Best Character category, I welcome you to add them there.
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Tent Of Infinite Adventure -  Currently part 9 of the Growing Up Series Summary -   The first time Gideon gets to use a magic bean he sends his family to a fair in an unknown realm. There they meet a magician who has a special tent that transports the Golds into their own great adventure. Nomination Suggestions - General: Best Missing Years, Best Travel | Fluff: Family | Event: Best Monthly Rumbelling
As always, if you believe Belle, Gold, or Gideon deserve a nod in the Best Character category, I welcome you to add them there.
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Last Night On Earth -  Currently part 10 of the Growing Up Series Summary -   Now that the Golds know about Gideon's acceptance into Elphame Academy, it is time that they let him go. Always reluctant to say goodbye Rumple has schemed up a grand graduation-type celebration that he wants to be a complete surprise, but Gideon is so unaware of the plan that the oddity of it is bringing him down. Nomination Suggestions - General: Best Missing Years, Best Travel, Best Novel Length, Best Crossover | Romance: Best Date (Overall), Best Bathing Scene | Fluff: Family | Smut: Kink | Event: Best Monthly Rumbelling | Special: Best Side Pairing
As always, if you believe Belle, Gold, or Gideon deserve a nod in the Best Character category, I welcome you to add them there.
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Growing Up (Series) Nomination Suggestions - Best Series
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Snow Bunnies -  This is the winter fic that started Granted.  Summary -   Originally a collection of 12 Rumbelle flash fics written for Eilinelithil, and extended to 16 by repeated request. There is a winter theme here that will be revealed fairly quickly, but I'm not giving it away in the summary or this would be longer than the fics themselves!   Nomination Suggestions - General: Best Dark Castle, Best Storybrooke | Angst: Death, Hurts So Good
As always, if you believe Belle or Gold deserve a nod in the Best Character category, I welcome you to add them there.
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Granted -  This is the continuation of where Snow Bunnies left off. Summary -   The last thing Wish Rumple knew, he was being turned to dust and whisked away, but an instant later he realizes he is in an empty realm and hears a very familiar voice. Nomination Suggestions - General: Best Post-Ep Fic | Special: Best Afterlife | Smut: Best Afterlife Smut
As always, if you believe Wish Rumple deserves a nod in the Best Character category, I welcome you to add him there.
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One Word, Many Meanings -  A Showdown fic that went nowhere ad was continued. Summary -   Weaver wakes up late for work and must hurry through his morning, but can't ever seem to make it out the door. Is the fault his own or does someone else deserve the blame? Nomination Suggestions - Smut: PWP | Special: Best Woven Lace
As always, if you believe Lacey or Weaver deserve a nod in the Best Character category, I welcome you to add them there.
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One Lover, Many Dreams -  The continuation of my Showdown fic. Summary -   Lacey sends Gold to the store, but not because she needs anything special. She has a plan, but is the night truly one of her own making? Nomination Suggestions - Smut: PWP, Kink | Special: Best Golden Lace
As always, if you believe Lacey or Gold deserve a nod in the Best Character category, I welcome you to add them there.
Again, a thank you for taking the time to go through my nonsense and send any nominations forward. If I have left any fic out that you would like to include when you send in your nominations, please do so.
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