#this is just to tide me over until i’m 100% done with the student film and have submitted it and never have to worry about it again
hotforharrison · 5 years
To Sleep, Perchance to Dream ch 7
Chapter 6 <-- Series Masterlist --> Chapter 8
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Pairing: Tom Holland/Reader
Summary: He’d been in your dreams almost your whole life, but was it real?
Word Count: 1,715
Warnings: Language, smut and some tears.
A/N: Today is extra bonus day! I posted a oneshot, AND updated both of my series. Celebrate my insomnia!
You found yourself back in the White Room with Tom, both of you still nude. That hadn’t stopped being strange yet. Strange, but definitely not unwelcome. He was gorgeous, and you loved just looking at him in a way you hadn’t had the chance to before.
He got on the bed and patted the spot next to him. You sat down beside him, your bare thigh touching his, and grabbed his hand to hold in yours.
“You look surprised,” he commented, interlacing his fingers with yours.
“I thought meeting you in person might have broken the White Room, like the entire purpose was to bring us together, and it would just...stop after it fulfilled that,” you told him.
“Apparently not.” He shrugged. “It will be strange to wake up next to you, though, instead of by myself.”
“I always hated waking up alone after spending the night with you here, especially after I started boarding school.” You really didn’t want to go back to the life you now unfortunately led.
“We still have two whole days, and after that, we’ll figure something out,” he promised.
“What else is there to do, other than go back there and face the fact that I left campus and skipped a couple days worth of classes without permission?”
You weren’t prepared for the meeting you were going to have with the dean and probably your parents, but you doubted you ever would be. Spending time with Tom was still worth it, would still be worth a lot worse than that.
“You could come back to London with me,” he offered.
The suggestion shocked you. Meeting in a hotel for a couple days was one thing, and really meeting in person one day had probably been inevitable as you’d both grown older, but he wanted to bring you back home with him?
“I don’t even have a passport,” you eventually said.
“I’ll wait with you while you get one. I won’t be done filming for another few weeks.” He squeezed your hand.
“I’m not saying that the thought of running away with you isn’t at all appealing, but like, how would you explain coming home with some random American girl? You don’t even have your own place yet.”
“I’ve already been looking for a place, though. I could just make it more of a priority to find one.”
“What about getting a visa to stay with you? I haven’t looked into it, but I don’t think they just hand them out to everyone who requests one.”
“Maybe you could finish school in London and get a student visa for the time being,” he suggested.
“So you’ve apparently thought about this?” you asked.
“Yeah,” he admitted. “I just hate how miserable you are, love. I hadn’t seen you genuinely happy before yesterday in months. It makes my heart hurt that you’re in such a bad place right now.”
You couldn’t deny that as much as you wished you could. It was 100% the truth. Seeing him had been the only thing that you’d looked forward to in a long time. Now that it was finally happening, what was next? You couldn’t answer that.
“God help me, I’m actually considering this,” you confessed, chewing your lower lip as you thought more about it.
“Good.” Tom did nothing to hide how pleased he was by that fact.
“I honestly thought you’d be fucking me in here tonight for every moment we had together, not having me start making life-changing plans.”
He rubbed his thumb over your fingers. “We have plenty of time. I think we’re both more comfortable talking here than back in the hotel room, at least for now.”
“Yeah, it is easier to talk to you here,” you agreed. “So, we’ve established that you’re a bad influence and I’m going to do something abso-fucking-lutely insane, now what?”
He chuckled. “The passport is the top priority for now. I might have already looked into it, and you can get it expedited.”
“What about my parents?” you asked.
“You already know how I feel about that. Fuck ‘em. They sent you off to that bloody hell hole of a boarding school and even took away your fucking phone because they didn’t want you to talk to me again,” he ranted, “and why? Because your cousin couldn’t use a goddamn rubber like a reasonable human being.”
“I miss the life I would’ve had back in my hometown, my friends and all the stuff I was looking forward to for senior year, but I haven’t missed them yet,” you admitted, looking down at the floor.
“I don’t blame you one bit. What they did to you was shitty.” He lifted your chin to look into your eyes. “I can promise you that you’ve always got me, though, even if the White Room disappears forever after we wake up. You won’t have to do any of this alone.”
“Thank you.” You felt tears start to slide down your cheeks. “I’m scared.”
“I know, darling. It’s alright.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead and wiped away your tears with his thumb. “Let me hold you for a while.”
You lay down on the bed with Tom, his arms wrapping around you. You buried your face in his chest and allowed yourself to cry it out, embarrassed that you were quickly becoming a snotty mess against his bare skin.
“Shhh,” he soothed, rubbing your back gently. “Everything will be alright.”
You pulled yourself against him tighter. Something twitched against your leg, and you glanced up to see.
“Shit, I swear I’m not getting off on you crying. I would never. You’re just naked, and touching me, and gorgeous, and it has a mind of its own,” he said quickly.
It wasn’t even that funny, really, but you started laughing and couldn’t stop, your tears turning into tears of laughter. Every time you began to calm down, the laughter bubbled up again.
Eventually, you managed to stop, calmer for a few moments.
Then, want washed over you unexpectedly. The only thing you were sure of was that you needed to be closer to Tom in that moment, maybe even closer than you could possibly be. You weren’t sure. You wouldn’t be until you tried, and you needed to try.
You kissed him suddenly, a little desperately, his mouth slack against yours in surprise. He didn’t stop you when you straddled him, rubbing your already wet core against his erection.
He broke the kiss, panting a bit. “Love, you might want-”
You shook your head and pressed your lips against his again, licking into his mouth.
He still didn’t stop you when you positioned him against your entrance and sank down, groaning into the kiss at the painful stretch. It took a few tries to bury him inside you to the hilt. You didn’t move for a while, just kept kissing him as you adjusted to his size. It still stung when you finally moved to rock against him, a few tears dripping down your cheeks.
He broke the kiss, looking simultaneously very aroused and very concerned.
“What’s this about, darling?” he asked.
“I need this,” you told him. “Needed to be closer to you.”
“Well, I don’t think you can get any closer than this. I’m literally inside of you right now. But we can stop if you want to. You’re crying again, and I really don’t want to hurt you.”
“I don’t want to stop,” you insisted, the sting already starting to transform into a feeling of fullness as you moved more.
He remained still underneath you, letting you take what you needed. “What do you want? Do you want me to take care of you?”
“Yeah,” you said, realizing that was exactly what you wanted.
“I’ll take such good care of you,” he promised. “Do you want to stay like this, or do you want me to be on top?”
“I don’t know. You can decide,” you eventually said.
He gently rolled you over without pulling out. “Do you want me to make you cum?”
That was easier to answer. “Yes.”
His hand slid between your bodies, and he found your clit with a fingertip. He circled it slowly as he carefully thrust into you. “Does that feel good?”
“Mhmm.” You wrapped your legs around his, enjoying the additional contact that made you feel closer to him.
He rubbed your clit a little faster, and an orgasm soon washed over you like a rolling tide. It wasn’t as intense and powerful as others you’d had, but the pleasure lasted much longer. You could feel your inner walls pulsing around him as you came.
“Oh fuck,” he moaned, and you felt him spill inside you as his thrusts slowed down until he stilled completely.
“Thank you,” you said, still a bit breathless.
“What are you thanking me for?” he asked.
“Taking care of me,” you responded.
“Believe me when I say it was no hardship.” He smiled down at you.
“I have a question,” you started.
“Go ahead.”
“You know how stuff goes into the White Room, like what you wear when you fall asleep,” you said.
“Yeah? What about it?”
“Does stuff go back out?” you asked.
“What do you-” Realization dawned on his face. “Oh. We’ll grab you the morning-after pill just in case.”
“I should probably go to a clinic soon and find a better long-term solution, since we can’t bring anything in the White Room with us.”
“That’s a good idea,” he agreed before changing the subject. “Do you feel better now?”
“Yeah. I’m still a little scared, but I don’t usually do crazy things so…” you trailed off.
“But I’m a bad influence,” he said playfully.
“You are,” you teased, “but like you said, I won’t be doing this alone.”
He nodded. “You won’t.”
“There’s something else I’m wondering,” you admitted.
“What’s that?” he asked.
“Am I still a virgin, since we did this in the White Room, but not while we’re awake?”
“I guess it’s teeeeechnically a sex dream?” he responded.
“Good. I don’t regret this, not at all, but a tear-free do-over would be nice,” you told him.
“I’ll try not to disappoint you to the point of tears. I can’t make any promises, though,” he teased.
You chuckled.
Tag list: @moorehollandplz @thollandss @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @jackiehollanderr @adayasgeorgia @dasexydevitt13 @imagine-lovebug
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safasaf2018 · 6 years
Day 33 - FOURTH OF JULY!!!!!
This morning I woke up early to go swimming with Victor in the same hidden ocean spot where his host sister took us last week. Because of my tattoo I could only go waist deep, but that was perfectly fine because the tide had come way in and covered the beach. After that I went home, showered, had breakfast, and went to class. In the place of class today we invited 8 Moroccan students ages 18-28 to join us, broke into 3 smaller groups, and just got to asked each other questions. They asked us questions about Trump, we asked them about Mohamed VI, gender politics, religion, etc. My group had a male and a female student who were best friends, and we talked to them mostly about how the schooling system in Morocco teaches students about Berbers.Turns out it’s a lot like how US schools and documents used to teach about Native Americans - as an uncivilized people who weren’t even really people, overlooking any massacres or taking over that took place. The girl was very soft spoken, and at one point Hamza, the guy, mentioned that she could sing. Of course we all asked her to sing her favorite song, Someone Like You, by Adele, not really expecting her to do it, but then she started singing! We asked if we could film her and she said yes, so we all took out our phones to capture her beautiful voice, and our professor was sitting nearby and clapped with us when she was done. After that we all came back together as a class and shared interesting things we learned from each other, and then went to eat. I guess this counted as a special occasion, because the school made us all a special lunch buffet for us on the main floor. Also, today’s the Fourth of July!! Kimberly, Carolina, and I carried around little American flags with us inside the school, but I promptly put mine back in my bag once we went outside to walk home. I started walking Shâdy home with Victor, but they were annoying me so I left and accidentally ended up on the entire opposite side of the medina. I got directions on my phone and went back home where they were just cutting into the biggest watermelon I may have ever seen. I relaxed in the living room with everyone for a bit watching a Japanese cartoon that was on the tv, and then I had to get ready to go to Hammam with some of the girls in our group. Hammam is traditional Moroccan bathing, in a public bathhouse. Women cover you in a special Moroccan soap and you sit in a sauna and let it soften your skin, then they come back in and scrub your entire body with an exfoliating glove, pour water over you to rinse off the dead skin, shampoo and braid your hair, and send you on your way. We were all nervous in the beginning, especially when they told us to put our hair up in buns so we couldn’t use it to cover up what little it could anymore, but we soon got very used to sitting with each other naked and seeing the entire town naked in front of us. The Hammams are of course split up into male and female, so we were only there with other women. After Hammam I went back to the school and went to the roof to find Victor with another group of students from Vanderbilt College, talking about some secret government thing. Another class came up shortly after I got there to have a class on the roof, so we all left. I went home to grab my work stuff and tell Nadia and Omaima about Hammam, and we left again to do work somewhere. On the way we saw Kim and Iskandar and they gave us a piece of this delicious snack they were eating, I’m still 100% unsure of what it is. So we went and bought our own bag and came to a café where we are now, writing, looking at the beach, drinking coffee, and eating a crèpe with nutella. My skin feels like a damn baby, even my hair feels amazing - petition to start Hammam in America starting now. Other than the little flags we haven’t done anything for the 4th, but I think some of us are going out later to celebrate on our own. Alright that’s all I have to report right now, I’m off to start working on my 2 papers due this Saturday…
2:00 AM
After the café I came home and played with Soulaymane for about an hour in my room, it was so nice. We pretended to sleep and snore, and would hide whenever someone passed by my door, I would tell him in Arabic, "hmmmm I’m hungry… I want to eat some… Soulaymane!!" and pretend to eat his arm, or I would ask him where I should sleep and pretend to use him as a pillow, he was shrieking with laughter it was the best. After about an hour of that we went up to the roof and played pass with a soccer ball on the roof until dinner. Nadia’s sister and Omaima’s friend who played cards with us the other day both came for dinner, so we had a massive feast of vegetable and chicken tajine, homemade bread, peaches, cantaloupe, watermelon, and a Moroccan dessert called "sbees". They were all speaking in Arabic with each other and when I understood something like "kuuli kuuli!" (eat eat!) or "shuma soulaymane!" (bad, Soulaymane!) or anything simple like that I would chime in, and of course every once in a while they would speak to me in French, but I enjoyed being lost in the bustle of a conversation I didn’t understand, it reminded me of my first weeks in France. We ate for about 2 hours, and then Nadia showed me how to cook sbees, and we cooked another plate. After it was done, which took about 4 minutes, Nadia, her sister, and I sat at the table and talked while eating the dessert with Moroccan mint tea. Eventually I had to leave because we all went out tonight as an attempt to celebrate the 4th of July. We went back to the bar in a boat that everyone went to last week, and this time I drank with them a bit. Tonight was karaoke night, so Jack and Carson sang some song I don’t know, and I sang Sunday Candy very poorly because I was so nervous, but everyone filmed it and clapped afterwards anyways. Karaoke night was great, there were maybe 2 people the entire night who couldn’t sing, other than that everyone had an impressively good voice. There was one man at the table next to us who nailed a couple numbers from Celine Dion and Frank Sinatra, which made my night. Every 30 minutes or so the staff would put on Happy Birthday on the speakers for someone celebrating their birthday tonight, so towards the end of the night when the bar was slightly emptier I went up to our waiter and told him, "It’s not my birthday, but it’s America’s birthday, what can you guys do for me for that?" and he told me to pick any song I wanted and they would play it on the loud speakers. I jokingly suggested Star Spangled Banner, and when he said, "Just pick a happy song!" I told him to play Happy by Pharrell Williams. He asked my name and told me his name, and told me he loved America, and congratulations on our independence, and then played Happy, which we all danced to. On the way home one of our waiters caught us across the street because Somto hadn’t paid for his last drink, so we sorted that out with him, he was so friendly, and didn’t sweat it when he was 10 dirham short. Then a car full of boys my age stopped next to me and asked in French how I was and said, “come here!!” to which I replied, “No, thank you, bye” in Arabic, c’est la vie in Morocco. It was really a truly fabulous night. Unfortunately I came home at 2, and even though I told Nadia not to stay awake for me and that I would lock the door, she did stay awake, so I told her a little bit about my night, and hoped she couldn’t smell the alcohol on my breath. I’ll talk to her about it tomorrow and make sure I didn’t cross a boundary. Now I’m in bed finishing up this post, loving life, and about to go into a comatose state for the next 6 hours until I have to get up for class tomorrow. Coffee will be needed. Bonne nuit!
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