#this is most likely the last i'll say regarding this. so dont fucking send me pissy asks complaining again.
dykefoolish · 9 months
hot take but no offense but literally what's the fucking point of meticulously making a long ass list of all the ccs who have unfollowed forever. like seriously. you guys did this with dream too. all you're fucking doing is setting yourself up for disappointment when your favorite cc doesnt unfollow him immediately or at all because of a variety of reasons, including but not limited to: they dont use twitter, they don't know what's going on, they don't want to be publicly involved, etc. like come on
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widevibratobitch · 10 months
Ok. Any "Terror" fic recommendations?
good lord YES countless really. idk what you're looking for specifically though.
i myself am a fitzier girlie first and foremost with some occasional fitzconte thrown in. i'll best direct you to my ao3 bookmarks, specifically to the tag i keep for my personal favourites, the crème de la crème of fics I've read and liked.
some examples under the cut.
i am a connoisseur of ✨fitzier hatesex✨ and there's surprisingly not that many of those compared to fics where they're all lovey-dovey with each other (which. dont get me wrong. i also enjoy from time to time). so i'll give you some that have truly stuck with me. it's mostly pwp sorry not sorry.
Some lovely perilous thing by cosmogram
“Oh,” James gasps, and really, it’s almost too easy. James ought to have some modicum of shame, ought to be able to master himself better than this—better than turning to a doe-eyed dissolute the second a man so much as breathes near his eager young cock. “Not here, Francis,” James pants out, voice already hitching high. “The great cabin, at the very least.”
“Here, I think,” Francis returns crisply. “On your knees.”
it's just so fucking good. very hot. i honestly don't know what else i could say about this, it's one of my personal favourites amongst personal favourites (along with the one i link next, from the same author).
Devotion by cosmogram
Francis does not seek him anymore, but neither—still worse—does Francis bother to dismiss him when James arrives of his own volition, each time with all the hope of the most wretched fool. “Oh, get to it, then,” Francis muttered with sublime disinterest that very day when James appeared in his cabin’s doorway. James had, in fact, come to talk—but he had not hesitated when Francis gestured dispassionately to the front of his trousers. He had dropped, wordlessly, to his knees to obey.
everyone give it up for erectile dysfunction! hip-hip hurray! the author sums it up well with the James Fitzjames’s Tragically Unmet Praise Kink tag. this one is a little more on the sad side, Francis is being a goddamn gremlin and James is at his most needy and pathetic. nothing hotter to me personally than sucking someone's limp dick and crying about it. i find myself thinking about this fic an ungodly amount. i love it so much. again, best of the best of the best.
nice dream by icicaille
Francis swirled the last dregs in his glass and peered into its depths. Some kind of grim satisfaction had come over him. “I’ll tell you what you want to hear,” he said. “For a certain price.” It was foolhardy beyond measure. Damning, even.
basically, Fitzjames gives Crozier a blowjob in exchange for Francis telling him some nice reassuring things he needs to hear so badly it makes him look stupid - malicious compliance from Francis of course with some nice internalised homophobia. James is, again, pathetic as all shit with a little twist at the end. no one is having a good time except for me of course.
hunger's vocabulary by icicaille
“Ah, Sir John.” Francis cleared his throat once the wardroom was near to empty. “May I borrow James? Regarding the Lloyd’s balance. We took readings that require further inspection. I’ll send him back in a gig—tonight if the weather holds, in the morning otherwise.”
chef's kiss. just two cunty cunts going at it (the dialogues are so good...) with a sprimkle of some angsty self-loathing Francis. what more could you ask for.
you are coming down with me by dazydaisy
Chapter one: “If I loved you I could perhaps fuck you as if I hated you, in order to please you, but, as you are surely aware by now Fitzjames, you and love are oil and water to me.”
Chapter two: ‘Maybe,’ James had begun to unlace the front of his trousers with a carelessness he had (shamefully) practiced, ‘if you loved yourself even a little you would be able to stop yourself from doing as I command. But, as I’m sure you know by now Francis, you and love are like oil and water. The two simply do not meet.’
Mum and dad are fighting again
pretty much what it says on the tin. just two heartbroken bitches fucking and being cruel to each other and im eating that shit up thanks
A Willing Foe and Sea-Room by ClutchHedonist
“Nnh.” Fitzjames whines around his thumb.
“None of that. Clearly, you can’t shut your own bloody mouth to save your life.” Francis huffs, “So I’ll shut it for you.”
pre-canon. Fitzjames - still as a baby lieutenant - and Crozier have a brief but very hot encounter during some Admiralty Party.
Caïssa by cosmogram
“You said you had a question,” Francis snapped, irritable already.
“Yes,” James said, flushed and resplendent still from the company next door—undaunted and loose-limbed in just the way that plucked cloying ire from a raw place in Francis. “How’s your chess game?”
A seduction.
a little bonus to the list, because i love this fic and it recently updated after a very long hiatus (it's still a wip tho but i hope the author manages to finish it, they're one of my favourite writers in this fandom). no hatesex here, it's more of a slow-burn with past Crozier/Ross and really great dialogues, as always. Neptune also makes an appearance.
Bespoke by ktula
James is trying to escape his grief after Sir John's death. Francis, in his own way, is trying to do the same. OR: The one where James Fitzjames has a bit of the genders, and his captain is surprisingly accommodating of that.
ending this rec list on a kinder and softer note, as a treat. this was one of the first fics ive read in this fandom and still one of my favourites. not really hate sex though they're still rather uncertain and wary about the other. very good, very sensual, gender-heavy. beautiful fic really.
BONUS have some excellent fitzjames/le vesconte and fitzjames/franklin - as a treat.
you don't have friends (you have admirers) by JamesFitzjames
James Fitzjames is a man who does not seek help.
each chapter deals with something different, so while the fic is unfinished it's not really some painful cliffhanger (tho i would love to see it completed one day). second chapter is some excellent, excellent Fitzconte. last chapter also has, why, of course, some really delightful ✨fitzier hatesex✨.
Hoo-ray and up she rises by TheGreenMeridian
They’re rip-roaringly drunk and laughing loud enough at each other to wake half the neighbourhood as they stumble into their lodgings.
i only like Fitzconte if it's done in a very specific way and this fic fits my needs just perfectly. just two besties being sillayyyy. what, like you never gave your bro a handjob just for shits and giggles?
Whatever morning brings by isamariposa
Brutus spends his life torn between disquiet, distaste and desperate pining for Caesar, leading to his infamous betrayal. In his own final moments, he raises a plea: “Jupiter Maximus, take pity on me. If by Your grace there is a way to atone for what I did to him, I beg You: let me do so in the afterlife.”
His wish is granted.
yes, yes, this is technically an HBO Rome fic but each chapter deals with a different time period - the third is dedicated to The Terror and can totally be read on its own. it's some truly excellent Sir John/Fitzjames with a sprimkle of some delightful Fitzconte tomfoolery. It's really, really good.
okay one last BONUS
devourer of debts by allmyloyaldead(van1lla_v1lla1n)
Cornelius Hickey receives, and devours, and adapts.
What Hickey receives from the universe and what he takes for himself, the pieces with which he sews himself together into a man, or something like one.
some incredible Hickey insanity. truly brilliant. the gifts Hickey receives from Billy, Irving and Fitzjames, short and sweet (by sweet i obviously mean gruesome and fucked up <3)
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teamkicksource · 2 years
i read your site and that may 10 blog. you seem nice so this hard to do. you arent wanted or needed in king kota fandom. its a family because it only accepts people who are known by people held in high regard. rest can linger dont expect anyone to care you there. charlie said on twitch she doesnt want you in her fandom. btw your correct her gift list isnt for fans even if it public. you fucked up. she pissed at you dude. find another fandom because we dont want you. im sorry.
I was going to ignore this Anon Ask. I've been busy with other stuff since last weekend so just saw that earlier.
Common sense encourages me to think you've read my personal blog over at the resources site and are trolling me. My low self esteem and mental health being in a muck has me think you might be correct.
The Team Kick Source resources site has been a flop after eight months since I've been unable to bring more awareness to it anywhere I've tried. I've been unable to connect with the Dakota Kai fandom just as a fan for close to a year. I never get any notifications about the Twitter in my email like I should if there is feedback. I'm keeping hope this Tumblr can become a good resource for Charlie and Nixon in general.
Now if the Dakota Kai fandom doesn't want me or have use for the resources site, I can retreat to the corner I was in before. I made an effort to join the fandom because I wanted to take part in something for my heroines/favorites (Kota & Nixon) and be helpful to other fans.
Can you provide proof Charlie (Dakota Kai) said that on Twitch? I don't think she's even aware of the site let alone a nobody like me. What you said does not seem like something she would do. If you or anyone can provide proof I'm not welcome in the fandom I'll gladly go. I respect the fandom and most of all Charlie.
I did offer an apology on Twitter to her for sending from the public Amazon Gift List in case I did wrong. If making a mistake in the first place is why I'm not welcome, I'll say that would be understandable. I just think it's fair to ask for proof.
This should be a happy and exciting time for all of us. I was happy earlier tonight. I only got bummed when I read your message. Considering my string of bad luck I'll offer you a chance or anyone for that matter to provide proof. If I've done some wrong, I'm willing to offer apologies and go.
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