#this is my fugionara fic that im writing and i :pensive:
risottonendoroid · 5 years
please for the love of the gods read this and tell me if it sounds okay.
  Giorno woke up surrounded in warmth, as usual. Under the covers, his arm was wrapped around a small boy. On his other side, another boy was practically spooning him. He glanced over at the clock on the wall. 6:42 am.
  The sunlight began to peek through the curtains, though it wasn't very strong since it was just beginning to rise. Unfortunately, Giorno was stuck. If he did move, he'd risk waking up either of his boyfriends, and he really didn't want to do that. They were both sleeping so soundly.
  Gio always woke up earlier than both of them. He was an early riser by nature, and no matter how late he stays up, he always wakes up around 6:30, maybe even earlier. In all fairness, his dad was the same way. However, unlike his father, Giorno wasn't a vampire.
  He closed his eyes and attempted to go back to sleep, but he just wasn't tired. Narancia stirred slightly next to him, mumbling something softly in his sleep. The blonde couldn't help but smile gently at how cute he was. He rolled slightly over in his sleep and fell off the bed.
  A short yelp escaped Narancia's lips. Giorno peeked over the bed quickly, hoping he was okay. This wasn't the first time he'd done this, but Giorno was always concerned when Nara had done something stupid and potentially injured himself. Fugo slept through the yelp, but woke up when Gio moved.
  "Whats going on?" he asked, soft and sleepy.
  "Narancia fell again. Are you alright?"
  Narancia gave a thumbs up to Giorno. "Fine!"
  Fugo groaned and flopped back onto the bed. "Why don't you just get your dad to buy a bigger bed for us? He has a shit ton of money, doesn't he?"
  Giorno got off the bed and helped Narancia up. "I'd love to, but you know how he is."
  "Super scary and intimidating?"
  "Sexy as hell?"
  Narancia and Fugo (respectively) said at the same time, then looked at each other with slight confusion on their faces. Fugo shook his head and looked back to Giorno.
  "Look, if we're going to continue cuddling like this at night, we either do it on the floor or ask your dad for a bigger bed."
  There was visual discomfort on Giorno's face. He didn't dislike his dad, but he certainly didn't really get along with him either. He was overbearing and overdramatic, along with plenty of other things.
  Speak of the devil and he shall come, there was a knock on Giorno's door. The door cracked open with a slight creek and a gleam from the darkness on the other side of the door. A pair of pinkish glowing orbs gleamed into the room. "Giorno," said the eyes.
  He didn't say anything, but he meaningfully looked into the pinkish glowing eyes.
  "Vanilla Ice made breakfast. Please come down with your boyfriends." With that, the eyes faded and the doorway was empty once again. A cool breeze blew in from the opening.
  Giorno sighed and began getting dressed. He considered wearing his suit, but then decided upon something more casual for once. Black high-waisted skinny jeans and a striped shirt he tucked into the jeans. Fugo started to get dressed to, following Giorno's example and dressing casual. Ripped jeans and a baggy red and black t-shirt. Narancia never changed out of his regular clothes, but considered it'd be weird if he were the only one not wearing casual clothes. He changed into a blue button down shirt with little oranges printed on it and jeans.
  After everybody got dressed, Giorno and the boys headed out. The hallway was dark, as the vast majority of the house was. Both Dio and Vanilla Ice were vampires, so the whole house had to have as little sunlight as possible. Neither Giorno nor his adopted brother minded, but Narancia had a hard time seeing even with the sun, so he clung to Giorno so he could guide him through.
  A few meters down the hall, another door opened and low light temporarily flooded into the hallway. A tall, slim figure slipped out of the room and closed the door behind themself. Giorno recognized him immediately. It was his adopted brother, Pucci. He'd known Pucci for such a long time that he cant remember a time he wasn't there. In more ways than some, he's raised Giorno better than Dio or Vanilla Ice combined.
  He'd been stand-offish lately though. Giorno had always known Pucci to be kind and polite and somebody he could rely on, but as of late Gio had rarely even seen him. He'd been quiet. Giorno had heard something about his behavior in passing conversations he heard from his fathers. Something about the prison Pucci had been working in as the priest there. It didn't really concern Giorno, but he was worried about his brother.
  There was a slight shuffle of feet, signifying that Pucci was in his slippers and more than likely still in his pajamas. It was early, after all. Giorno, staying quiet, walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist. Pucci seemed startled, but after realizing it was Giorno, patted the arms around his waits. Despite being in his early twenties now, Giorno was still rather short compared to the lanky man.
  "Good morning," Pucci said in a well-mannered voice. Giorno only hugged him tighter as a response. "Sorry that we haven't spoken lately. I hope you've been well." Pucci glanced over to Fugo and Narancia. Pucci started walking towards them as non-threateningly as possible, but Fugo was gripping Narancia's blue shirt sleeve.
  "You're Giorno's boyfriends, right?" He paused for a minute, as if waiting for them to confirm, then continued on. Pucci was honestly just assuming they nodded. He couldn't see much of anything in the hallway aside from their dark outlines. "Why don't you boys follow me downstairs? I'm sure you aren't familiar with the layout of the house yet."
  Fugo and Narancia each felt a warm hand on their shoulders. It seemed kind and inviting, just as Pucci had. They each made confirming noises. By this time, Giorno had let go of Pucci's waist and allowed him to lead the way to the stairs.
  A bit if light flooded in onto the stairway, just enough so that the people traveling up or down them wouldn't trip over the stairs or their own two feet. It was by this light that Narancia and Fugo were finally able to get their first glimpse of Giorno's brother. They'd heard stories of him, but never really seen him. The Brandos weren't really a family that kept photos or family portraits around the house. Giorno probably had a photo of Pucci in his wallet, but they had never thought to ask him about it.
  Pucci was indeed tall and slender. He was dark and well shaved. His eyes seemed to glimmer, even in the low light. He did seem tired, as evident by the dark circles under his eyes. His pajama pants and baggy white shirt didn't exactly help either.
  The boys already knew he wasn't Giorno's blood relative, so they weren't much surprised at how different he looked from Giorno and Dio. They didn't know the whole story, but apparently Pucci and Dio met in an odd way.
  Dio was hiding in the chapel Pucci was working in. Pucci tripped over him while he was under one of the pews. Dio claimed to be allergic to sunlight and asked to stay there until sundown. They had a short conversation and Dio said some cryptic stuff about gravity having a play in people meeting each other. Pucci was 16 at the time. A few years passed, Pucci got involved in some shit (but thats stone ocean spoiler stuff so i wont go into depth), and eventually found himself in Cairo to find Dio again. Which he did. He's been with him ever since, sort of adopted by Dio. They would read together and stay up late talking. They'd build
model ships and planes together. Normal father son stuff. Pucci, strangely enough, stayed devout to God, despite being taken in by a vampire.
  The stairs seemed to go on forever, but they eventually got to the bottom. It was still dark downstairs, but not as much ad it was upstairs. Dio had lit a few candles so that it would be easier to see. The path to the kitchen was lit up, which was really nice.
  Pucci took his hands off of Narancia and Fugo since he figured they could find their way to the kitchen by themselves. He still took lead of the group though, guiding them to the kitchen. Giorno took the rear. He was mostly keeping lookout for his father. There was a possibility he was lurking somewhere in the darkness observing him and his boyfriends.
  They eventually reached the kitchen. Unfortunately, the house was unnecessarily large. They didn't need such a big house, but all of the extra rooms that weren't in use as bedrooms were used for Dio's extensive library. He'd collected probably thousands of books in the hundred-fifty years he's been around. Some of them were research books, some of them were fiction, some of them were diaries he'd taken from the women he'd claimed. He claimed that he's read every book at least twice over, even if the book was dully written, as he was committed to it once he had started it.
  Vanilla Ice was seen at the stove, wearing a cheesy 'kiss the cook' apron with hearts on it. His hair was loosely pulled back into a bun. Lucky for the boys, he was actually be wearing pants for once. In one hand he held a plate with a tall stack of pancakes on it and in the other he held a spatula. Dio was sitting at the table reading the news paper, supporting his head with his free hand. He looked up from the paper and gave a warm smile to everyone walking in. Pucci pulled out a chair for himself and sat next to Dio. Seeing him in the light now, he looked like he could've still been asleep. Giorno would've suggested he took a day off, but he stayed quiet. He looked to Vanilla Ice and gave him a smile, then pulled out two chairs for his boyfriends, inviting them to sit.
  They hesitated. Giorno pulled out the two seats across from Dio. They looked at each other, them as if they both thought the same thing, Fugo sat in the seat closer to Dio and Nara sat in the seat across from him. There was one seat between Fugo and Dio which Giorno left for Vanilla Ice. Giorno made sure everyone was situated. He didn't sit quite yet, walking over to the coffee pot and pouring it into a novelty mug with Hello Kitty on it. Two sugars and a bit of cream later, he sat it in front of Pucci. Giorno then sat in the chair next to Pucci, who nodded as he picked the mug up and took a sip.
  Vanilla Ice set plates and silverware in front of everyone at the table, then began dealing out pancakes. He then placed the butter and syrup in the center of the table where everyone could reach. Before sitting down next to his husband, he gave him a kiss on the cheek, then smiled, pleased with himself.
  Breakfast was spent mostly in silence. The pancakes were light and fluffy, which Narancia made sure to tell Vanilla Ice. Fugo enjoyed the flavor of them, but couldn't finish his plate. Pucci still looked half asleep through all of breakfast. It wasn't until he had finished his second cup of coffee and his pancakes that he finally looked alive. Giorno and Dio seemed to be avoiding eye contact. Their eyes met every now and then, but quickly darted away. Dio looked down at his paper mostly, smiling at others misfortunes and pointing out certain pieces of news to Vanilla Ice.
  Pucci looked at the clock on the wall and quickly cleaned up his plate and area, then rushed out of the room after pecking his dads on their cheeks and patting Giorno's shoulder. They had exchanged knowing eyes before he left.
  Giorno looked back to his plate. It was covered in left over syrup. He concidered taking one more pancake to sop it up, but didn't want to over eat and feel miserable for the rest of the day. He noticed that Fugo had already called it quits, but narancia was like a bottomless pit when it came to Vanilla Ice's home-cooked meals. He had to stop himself from cooing over how cute his boyfriends were in front of his dad. He couldn't show weakness. He was fine with being soft around Vanilla Ice, but being sot around Dio was like asking to be bullied senselessly. He felt his dad glaring at him over his paper again, but he continued looking at the syrup on his plate.
  Giorno stood up, plate in hand, walked to the sink and rinsed it. Fugo tried to hand him his plate as well, but Narancia looked at Fugo with puppy eyes so he could get his remainding pancakes. Fugo sighed and passed his plate over, then sat there, resting his head on his hands. At this point, they were really just waiting for Narancia to finish up. After that, hey could leave.
  The front door opened and closed quickly. It sounded like Pucci had left for work. Giorno couldn't help but looking over at the door in curiosity. The door was always triple locked, but he was always worried that somebody would walk through one day. The house itself always seemed empty, aside from Pucci leaving every morning and coming home every night. Sometimes people would stop Gio on the street and ask him about the house, if it was just him and Pucci living there. Many people thought the house was haunted or abandoned and that Giorno and Pucci were living in some run-down dump of a house. The curious people on the street were what scared Giorno. He hated the idea of them getting caught up in the mess that is Dio Brando.
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