#this is not desertduo team this is bigb and scar and bigb and grian team
mossfeathers · 8 months
i think scar bigb grian team would be absolutely insane and i need it now for many reasons. One: look at double life. that happened. think of the angst potential. thats an entire essay. however the team would still function fantastically despite this. Two: Scar bigb dynamic is criminally underrated and i need more of it. Scar loves bigb and is his life series best friend (his repeated words) and loves to swindle him out of all his mortal possessions even more (see: third life and last life). bigb loves scar, is drop dead TERRIFIED of him, and finds him a nuisance. all in one moment. An absolutely insane dynamic that leaves me rabid every time they interact. Three: Grian and bigb. theyre besties your honor and i think them teaming up for a proper season is longgggg overdue. they wanna team sooo bad (projecting this directly into their brains). also with how weird grian+bigbs first interaction in SL was?? it would be even funnier if they teamed despite that and made eachother worse. also evo buddies and the relationship between First Guy With Weird Task and Watcher would be interesting lore-wise. Four: desertduo. post now. <- incredibly important point. Five: I think their dynamic would be super silly and unironically result in a *very* strong team that would probably last a while! Bigb and grian are both pretty good survivors and scar is scar so. listen i need a team with bigb and at least one of these guys its not even close to a want anymore
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