#this is optimus introducing humans (who either don't know megatron or don't know him well)
transingthoseformers · 5 months
"This is my husband, Megatron. He's... Well he's Megatron alright."
"You wound me, dear Primeđź’–đź’–đź’–"
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jd-arts319 · 4 years
Embers of the Phoenix
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Chapter 2:burning wheels 
After the night-Daybreak
Emberblade p.o.v
After what happend that night,I send a message to him,needing to meet up with him soon & talk about last night,however it seems going be hard in this matter hour,I send a message to him that I might be little late to awhile since I'm trapped in a traffic jam.
Hmm,I wonder what he was doing now?,I hope he didn't get into trouble after what happend last night,but I do wonder what he was doing,was he looking for a track for the all spark? Or to send out the message that he finally found what we looking for?
I hope for the latter….oh!the lights turn green!,well can't be late now! I hope I don't keep him waiting too long….
Bumblebee p.o.v 
[I wonder where she had been?],I beeped to myself,I sighed once more since now I had a ping from her,she gonna be late for awhile because of traffic jam!,well I can always play some games I download newly,so maybe that can keep me busy,is a good thing I choose the junkyard…?
I start playing the game I choose as I think about Emberblade,I piss the game & reminces when I first met her,it was vivid but I remember her when she came to my nursery with someone else before & took care of me….
Who knew I would meet her soon?!,but on Earth?! I have so many questions how she got here,well...she did answers some of my other questions easefully but some of the ones I need to know must be hard since,her's was foggy….
But there is one thing i'm able to know about her is from the others,she was descirbe, laid-back,smart,kind,cool but sometimes annoying, irritating & pest,but their who have said her like that tolerate her,but what stunned me the most was optimus…..
I remember ratchet & ironhide told me once that optimus had fell deeply in love with a unique femme,at first I thought it was either elita, causeway,or Lauren,but I was shocked when he said the lady who ahd visited me back then….
It was a very beautiful name for a tough femme,the way he talked almost the same as the others but the tone of his voice was different & his expression,he had look of strong fondness & adoration the same way as…
The same as Emberblade's,the same look & tone when she talks about optimus,well….who knew? If optimus know this I think he will be happy,but I don't know about her….she thinks optimus liked or already in a relationship with one of the three femmes she knew…
Well time will tell for the while…
I heard a honk from my right & saw she was here already,I drove up to her & beeped,[took you long enough…],she then said"my apologies,traffic is a bit suffocating when it was time to work for the day starts..",she then transforms as do I.
We both talks about what happend last night,we both sat down & start getting comfortable,then she asked"what we're you doing last night on the abandon construction site?",I then asnwered"[sending a signal…??]",she then response"to the other Autobots?",I nodded,& nudge her slightly in understanding,she then ask"did you find the coordinates of the all spark?",I nodded "yes",I told her that the coordinates of the all spark was imprine on some object & I told her it leads to the witwicky residents.
She then said"witwicky?..odd…",we both noticed it was almost night & she said"how about we rest here & then you can go back in the morning then?",well I do feel getting tired so I agrred,we both transform & took a recharge,for some reason I feel something is about to happen.
Next morning…
When the sun rose from dawn,both Emberblade & bumblebee got out of recharge, the two decided to prepare to leave soon as possible before any humans found them,so around early of the morning,both transform & quitely left the junkyard.
Afterwards both said their farewells & left on their own way with promise messaging each other now & then,bumblebee soon got back to the house but then Sam saw him & soon starts getting out of the house & runs away by riding his mother's bike, bumblebee seeing this,he immediately chase after him out in panic & messages Emberblade about Sam.
Emberblade hearing the message,immediately made another on the road,following the coordinates of bumblebee,she soon arrives on the road where bumblebee was & then saw a police car with a fimiliar wording"to punish & to enslave".
,"shit!!! Is barricade!!! & He's heading toward where's bumblebee's human driver was!!!!!", I commed bumblebee about barricade,as soon as bumblebee heard her message,he immediately drove faster.
Emberblade followed barricade,she soon followed his tracks & starts gunning at hm,barricade soon saw her on his rear mirror,& growled he starts shooting behind at her
Emberblade soon drive backwards.
Later that night….
After what happend,she commed bumblebee, unfortunately she commed at the wrong time.
When the whole team are done introducing themesleves,bee's comm's beeped
Sam,mikaela & the other's looked at him questionly,he snickered & radioed"what's up bitch?",the bots looked at incredously.
When…"very funny bee…",a soft beautiful voice rang out,all of the bots are stunned & jazz said"I recognized that voice!!!!...",then ironhide said"could it be…!?!?",then a soft,gentle deep,voice of optimus said the name of femme he longing for…"Emberblade…..",the voice on the other side of the comm was quite for a minute & said in a quivering yet joyful voice"orion?!,is that you!?".
Optimus prime p.o.v
I couldn't believe it,it was her!!!!,I thought I lost her…
We are currently driving into sam's house as we speak but i couldn't stop thinking it…
The femme I love & yearning for was alive….this whole time….
I remember,when jazz told me that the council asked for Emberblade & needed her help,& then... some cycles ago,some of the survivors of the one that Emberblade saved said something that forever will hunt me for orns….
Agate,a female wrecker told me that she ends up chasing at the all spark,& when they try to track her signal…..it disappeared,as if…..she vanish to thin air….
I was numb….i was deviatsated,the femme who I grew fond of & to love,was gone….
But I couldn't let it get to me,because I know she didn't want to see me like this,so I remain strong,hoping that's one day….i would see her again..
& When that day came,I was relieve...I knew she was alive...she was okay…
We soon arrives at our destination & we transformed,while Sam was talking to his sire,I saw a glimpse of fimiliar,navy/dark blue truck with blue flames,then we couldn't wait any longer we got into his home,she too transformed & she saw me & gave me that beautiful smile of hers,she just stayed outside.
Then the power went out,I saw ratchet may have damaged the power cables,I heard her snickered,then we heard Sam about not destroy anything else & we transformed back to our vehicle mode,she did too.
That's when some black SUV's came,she along with us immediately backs away & when the "sector 7"took them,we followed Emberblade came driving besides me & when we got to side of where the bridge was,we all transform.
We notice that we arrive ahead of them,so ratchet asked"optimus what are we gonna do? How do we stop them?",I was thinking how but when I finally got an idea how, Emberblade says"they're almost here!!!!",we saw the arriving suv's.
Soon I put my plan in action & jumped infront of the unsuspecting vans & stopped where Sam & his mate was,I was upset & tore off the hood,soon I demanded them to get out of the car,even telling them taking the two was a bad move.
After relieving their weapons we interigorated them.
Jazz p.o.v
While optimus interigorated them,I looked at the truck femme,I admit she was a beauty,smooth face,bright teal optics,& plump lips,her optics shines like a gem!!! Dang, guess why now optimus fell for her,let's not forget her exotic body of hers~~~
Well I shouldn't oggling on her,she already got the leader pinning on her anyway…
Oh well...buuuut I could always play matchmaker after this!!!!
3rd p.o.v
Before it could go any further,helicopters starts coming in & soon all of them transform immediately & starts driving aways but before that optimus told them what to do while he starts running away.
Emberblade followed suit after,both soon got into another bridge both hide underneath,however soon mikaela slips & Sam catches her,but the two fell, Ember saw this & catches them but she too fell, unfortunately bumblebee came & there the helicopter s soon surrounded them along with the other humans,using the hooks while being sprayed by a gas.
Optimus could only watch as the two beings he clearly care for the most was being taken away, Ember was struggling who she called out for bumblebee,after they are gone.
He gets down & felt his spark gone numb,he clench his servos into a fist as the other bots soon transform,he saw the glasses & took it.
Soon afterwards,daybreak came & all of them stood infront of a white building as they talked about what happens last night.
At hover dam….
All Ember could remember was lights,smokes,bumblebee being hooked &....dark
She onlined her optics soon after she noticed she was in a room,she looked around & saw she was chained up.
When she tries to budge them off,someone came in & soon she realize it was Simmons,he was talking something about managing capturing them & what not,she recognize him before..she remembers about edmund mentioning an accquintance of his before.
He soon leaves the room with another elder human,while she was left alone, however the elder human soon notice she was awake,but kept his mouth shut but he did sign to her something.
I know edmund,he mentioned about you,don't sorry we'll get you out soon enough
Emberblade could only hope because not only the all spark is here…..
Megatron was here too…
Transformers @hasbro & paramount
Emberblade & Agate @me
Next chapt will be come up soon
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transingthoseformers · 3 months
Thinking about my one SG au where:
Ultra Magnus is/was in charge
Optimus is/was aiming to dethrone Ultra Magnus
Megatron is an exminer (but no gladiator era) who gained a following through his writings and his eventual connections through other notable decepticons
Optimus does eventually overthrow Ultra Magnus after obtaining the Matrix
Sentinel Magnus was the Magnus before Ultra Magnus, he's in a situation like bayverse Sentinel (should I Shatter him too or make him worse? I'm tempted to make him worse) and I feel like he'll be found in stasis somewhere in a trashed ship. I feel like it won't go well, I want to make him v similar to bayverse Sentinel tbh and have him betray both the autobots and decepticons
Cybertron gets pretty trashed, but it'll be rebuilt eventually— bit by hit
Cybertron sucked ass before the war, as you might've guessed
I feel like the decepticon base on earth in this au is either under the ocean like in g1 (iicr?) or in the middle of the fucking desert somewhere.
Groundbridges are a thing, as are spacebridges but those are generally massive and in space
Outliers aren't a thing. No Skywarp teleporting, no Sunstorm radiation, no immortal spark Starscream, no telepath Soundwave, nothing.
The decepticons existed for a short while before the war
Just about everyone has their canon colors / a mix of their canon colors
Starscream was ex-military before getting into the decepticons and being thrown into the war
Shockwave was a minor and obscure scientist before the war, gradually gaining skill and rank throughout it
I'm torn on Soundwave because on one hand I liked showhost!Soundwave in SG IDW, but I liked how Megatron just kinda found him in IDW, buuut I also really like the idea of going with a TFP influence in his backstory and making him a former gladiator.
At some point or another Bumblebee has an arc of his own, not sure how but I just think there should be
I think I mentioned it before but the constructicons are medics
VERY torn on whether Megatron should have a fusion cannon or no.
Energon is blue here
I'm torn on how to introduce the human buddies into this and how they'd act but I definitely want Mikaela and Sam in on this (I'd love to see how they're characterized in a more series like setting rather than a movie one)
Elita is a major general and I vaguely feel like she deserves her person chair like she gets in IDW.
Actually Rodimus gets his Lost Light colors because I say so. He's either one of the wreckers or Optimus's eventual successor (or both?) (I'm not sure where to place Rodimus during the war, but I like his SG personality)
Torn on Deadlock never defecting or him becoming an autobot wrecker somehow. Because on one hand, angst. On the other hand, I like his Deadlock design and the idea of him staying moderately loyal to a SG Megatron makes sense in SG. Hgghhh but SG driftrod. I don't know, I like both options.
Ratchet is still terrifying like he is in SG IDW
Most of the designs are like if you drew the IDW designs in the TFA style, in my mind
Mnemosurgery is a thing because it's so horrifying I love it I hate it I love it
Galvatron =/= Megatron and he's such an example of "but what if [character] was good but also still himself". He's still got Cyclonus and Scourge at his side.
The sg dinobots are terrifying
Shockwave makes the Predacons (Predaking, Skylynx, Darksteel, possibly a few more?) and they're almost a reflection to the dinobots. Because Predaking v Grimlock would be so fucking cool.
Wheeljack is terrifying this time
Jazz and Prowl are evil husbands
There's not as many characters on earth as in g1, but there's certainly more than in say tfp or tfa (... How many mecha are on earth in g1 again?)
There are characters who are on other planets fighting the war
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