#this is platinum so i had to hack Nyx in
leonhrt · 2 months
i only have like three pokemon so far but i want to show you all my little guys
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iures · 7 years
i was hoping they wouldn't just ignore him and give him some role in ffxv but nope. not even a freaking dlc! or mentioned. tbh he would've been a better main character. noctis didn't do it for me. nyx ulric was the better character.
Can I just say I love you and agree with you?
Here is the deal for me: (Maybe don’t read it if you love the game) FF XV was over ten years in the making but I have no idea what exactly they worked on for so long. It’s a huge let down for me and since I got the platinum trophy I have not touched the game again and I honestly think I will not touch it again and rather delete it from my console because that is how much I’m disappointed. And I’m sorry but I’m not willing to pay for DLC’s when the game was such a huge let down. Just look at Gladio’s DLC. That boy honestly needed a bit more personality and background story but instead your just hacking and slashing (as far as I heard). It doesn’t adds nothing to his story and smells a lot like a quick money grab to me. 
i wasn’t able to connect to any of the characters because all main characters were shallow and all female characters where either there for manpain or for fanservic. 
The movie was so good and it was actually Kings.glaive that made me pre-order the game because it was good and suddenly I was pumped. I knew that Nyx probably wouldn’t be there because it’s Noct story but I agree with you. Nyx would have been a better protagonist and hell, I rather would have played the movie as the actual game because the game has a lot of problems. From bugs over plot points which never get explained/never mentioned again to the very long loading screens. 
Just look at Luna. I loved movie!Luna. She was a badass who took no shit and I was so ready to see her kick ass in the game as well and I actually hoped that she would join the boys but after the first conversation with her it was pretty obviously she would either a) kill herself to help Noct or b) gets killed to future Nocts manpain. I don’t know what happened but she did a 180° turn from the movie and she was like only 5mins in the game with one optional cutscene. Pretty weak. 
The boys were the most annyoing characters I had to put up last year. As if it wasn’t bad enough that they started to complain since 7am that they need a stop to rest or that they’re hungry or some other shit, SE just did not put much effort in them. I literally know nothing about them. And as soon as a sliver of backstory comes up, it gets squashed. Like to know that Gladio is obsessed with noodles or that Ignis loves to cook or that Prompto is the most annoying guy with his fucking camera but has probably the most interesting backstory, which barely got explored is pretty weak. And Noct?? No clue, I played that guy for +70hrs but I know not much about him beside that he’s unable to run for more than a minute and doesn’t seem to be ready for what will happen and has some anger problems. 
And let’s honestly not talk about the mess the plot was. 
I guess the game has nice graphics but for the ten years the game was in the makings it sure fell pretty flat and I personally want to fight the person who thought the car was a great idea. 
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