#this is poorly written but i really like secret hitman origins with risque hush hush contracts coming back to haunt gavin and michael
zilbea · 5 years
Everyone knows Ryan is a hitman. Everyone knows he killed. But finding out that Gavin, their meek hacker, had once been a hitman. That was hard. It was a blow to their trust. Worse finding out Ryan knew. That they were dating. Realising that when Ryan joined, Gav wasn’t scared of him, he was scared to be outed. They didn’t know about the Golden Boy who got into your bed then put a bullet between your eyes and robbed you blind for info or jewellery. He didn’t want them to. But they knew now...
I am so very sorry I have taken so long to answer this. I have been looking at this ask for a while trying to decide what direction to in with it. This might be off the chart from your initial ask, but consider this:
No one knew - no one except for Michael. They graduated UCPC (The Underground Conservatory for Professional Contractees) together, learned tricks of the trade together. For their first few years out of training, they took jobs together; split the pay. Team Nice Dynamite, they called themselves. Michael and Gavin shared everything while working as hitmen: food, housing, cash, even an old pitbull Michael had rescued from the Los Santos Backyard. Years pass, their confidence grows, and they begin taking on simple, more independent contracts. Reporting back to each other nightly, critiquing one another’s technique and bandaging each other’s wounds… But it’s hard work being a hitman. Time and time again, clients pay far less than promised, and keeping business under the LSPD’s omniscience is no small task. 
So when Michael and Gavin meet notorious criminals Geoff Ramsey and Jack Patillo at a bar, it’s so very hard to decline their proposition for a startup crew. Despite the appeal of the offer, Michael and Gavin proceed with caution. Several years ago, they had been contracted to kill the very two criminals standing before them with their hands extended. It became an unspoken promise, as Michael and Gavin accepted the older pair’s offer, that there could be no mention of their past life. Their old contract was, in fact, still active, and Team Nice Dynamite understood the monumental risk they were taking by forming a criminal crew with contracts. Two handshakes later, Michael and Gavin’s lives were reborn.
Michael and Gavin assume their new identities as public criminals with the small 4 person crew known as The Fakes, and they nearly forget about their past lives as hitmen. A year later, Ryan, a terrifying man with a not-so-terrifying name accepts Geoff’s offer into the crew, followed closely by a smaller man named Jeremy. For years the 6-person crew worked smoothly together, and Gavin grew very close to Ryan. The Vagabond was openly a retired hitman, had officially denounced his past to make room for a new life of glory. Gavin finds himself drawn to the man, and their relationship grows.
Despite his comfort with the crew, Gavin sometimes spends nights lying awake, guilt washing over him. The Fakes had become his family - Ryan had become his boyfriend - and yet, his past life remains the biggest burden of secrecy. It weighs on Gavin’s shoulders, threatening to topple him.
No one can know, Michael had said. An old life, Gavin had agreed.
One day, after a particularly dismal heist, Michael pulls Gavin aside. His brow is knitted, and he holds crumpled paper in his hand. Gavin takes the paper, smooths it, and nearly throws up. In trembling hands, Gavin reads the neat handwriting scrawled across Team Nice Dynamite’s old contract:
Ramsey. Patillo. Keep it clean.
Gavin tells Michael to burn it. Michael refuses.
The duo’s greatest fear comes true several weeks later. 
Gavin enters his penthouse bedroom jovially, steps staggering from a celebratory bar crawl with Michael and Jeremy. He ambles drunkenly around the room as he sheds clothing, completely missing the dark shape on his bed. The Vagabond rises from Gavin’s mattress, and Gavin fights back a yell of surprise.
Ryan stalks toward Gavin, strides aggressive and deliberate. In his hands is a torn piece of yellowing paper; his face is a mask of stone. In one motion, Ryan slams the brit against the wall, shoving the old contract into his chest. 
The room spins, and Gavin struggles to breathe as Ryan’s hand closes around his throat. Gavin isn’t too intoxicated to misunderstand the gravity of the situation, and he mumbles a string of defensive nonsensicals at The Vagabond. 
Ryan’s expression is cold. He says nothing, for his eyes burn hotter than any words. Furiously, he shoves Gavin to the ground, traitorous contract following, and stalks away - leaving Gavin to pick up the pieces of his newly shattered world.
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