#this is probably the first snippet of writing i'm ever posting for space opera
The Scientist and the Crown Princess
The promised post-test writing
Soon, the sun would be gone. These days, there was only around an hour of sunlight. A consequence of their polar location. Everyone enjoyed it while it lasted, taking a break from work to step outside and sun themselves as best they could in layers of clothes.
With only three minutes left and the wind picking up intensity with each one that passed, most people had gone back inside. Everyone, it seemed, except for the scientist and the crown princess.
The scientist hovered by the door, unsure of her next course of action. Did one disturb a crown princess? Then again, did one leave a crown princess to freeze?
It was her first time witnessing a royal sheltering at the research station under the excuse of a diplomatic trip to a far-flung planet. Apparently, the royal family had decided three death threats and one attempt was plenty, and now here she was: shrouded in turtlenecks, flannels, and down jackets. No one could say she did not fit in. She did her work diligently, and answered to her name (standard protocol was to drop royal titles. The first week was always the most difficult.)
Two minutes of sunlight. The wind pulled the princess’s hood off, leaving her braid fluttering. It caught at the end, threatening to unravel it. Still she did not move.
One minute. The wind blew stronger. Her braid began to unravel. The scientist thought back to the lentil soup that would be for dinner, the findings she had to finish writing up. The crown princess looked into the wind like it was going to tell her something.
Thirty seconds. Without the sun, the landscape would be brutal. Almost no one came aboveground at night. The few who did were mad.
“Cordelia?” the scientist dared at last.
The crown princess turned.
“It’s time to go back in. It’s almost night.”
She nodded. “I see. Thank you for waiting for me.” 
With that, the crown princess came back inside. Relieved, the scientist retreated underground, shutting the door behind her.
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