#this is scary bc lately i was feeling an unfamiliar emotion and i looked at this graph and it's clearly love the fuck
sgkjd · 2 years
alexithymic autistic culture is having saved this graph into your phone and pulling it up whenever you feel like you're feeling something and need to check what exactly
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theharddeck · 1 year
if anyone has resources on bisexuality pls let me know
or opinions they feel like sharing, or really anything but yeah word vomit below the cut, bc i don't want to overwhelm/ overshare with folks who might not care (which is valid, pls have a good sunday)
so yeah i'm really looking for opinions, shared experiences, or resources that helped anyone else come to terms with their (bi)sexuality. i was raised in a very religious environment but have done a lot to consider myself an ally these days, and lately i've been wondering if maybe it's more than that?
basically i've only ever been with one person (a cis man) and it was fine (typical shenanigans, ultimately me feeling less known/loved by him than i did by my (women) friends, but also the physicality of that relationship kept me in it way longer than it should've, so i'm at least attracted to men physically, if not in other ways), but the more time i spend consuming queer media, the more i'm like...hmm. i've always had deep deep relationships with women (to the point of being the best friend right before they find a man and get married, and then i have the jealousy/fallout of feeling i could care for her better), and celebrity crushes same as anyone, and i truly in my heart feel like i will never be known/loved by a man the way i have been by women (or someone who's nonbinary, but i live in a small community, and don't know anyone in person who isn't cis) (also is that on patriarchy and learned incompetence, rathen than sexuality), BUT THEN is romantic/emotional attraction even the same as sexuality?
up until recently, i'd never considered a future with a woman, but if i think about it, it sounds kinda scary in that it's unfamiliar, but also wayyyy too good to be true? like i just like women better than men, but idk if that translates into physical intimacy...which then lends itself to demisexuality, which is a whole other conversation.
now obviously the easiest thing would be to switch my bumble to men and women, but i'm 28 like i don't want to be that harmful person who's like lol lemme just try it to see like i'm not 21, i don't want to hurt anybody who's secure in their identity and is looking for something serious where i'm like idek what it's like to kiss a girl?? or maybe i'm being dramatic and just another straight woman having a crisis so yeah thoughts/opinions would help, if anyone has any to spare
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