#this is silly venting about the summer colds i always catch while traveling
kitnita · 1 year
also obviously i keep going on trips w my sister because i like. enjoy spending time w her or whatever but i really need to STOP enjoying her company because without FAIL every time i get back home i get sooooo sick. i can feel it building in my bones & by bones i mean lungs and by ‘it’ i mean the horrible cough i will probably have for the next week. this never happens when i travel without her (lie) so i really think she is the problem which is unfortunate because while on vacation she & i impulse bought tickets to the mlb all star game and will be going to seattle in like. a month. so i’m gonna get big summer sick TWICE this year rip. 
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wrensrp · 7 years
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summer lovin // fxf, loosely inspired by grease
for my own sanity, just going to refer to them as sandy and dani. right now i don't have names or faces in mind, but i highly prefer using poc's, k-idols and models. i would like if they were in the 21-24 age range, but i'm open to other ages. at the moment i also don't have a preference for one character over the other, i just really want this plot. also this is v long because i'm garbage and have a lot of feelings ok.
THE FIRST SUMMER // fourteen years old and living in a bubble of a world - a world full of glamour and parties and bright smiles - sandy had high hopes and expectations for the summer. their new summer home in martha's vineyard was more beautiful than she ever could have imagined, was so different from california that she felt like she was living in a fairy tale. with her rose colored glasses on and a spring in her step, she made friends quickly with teens from other prominent families, feeling like she was indestructable as they made the most of their summer together.
dani grew up surrounded by sandy's world - but not in the way many young girls dreamed of. her father owned a local restaurant that was favored by the island's rich, teenage summer inhabitants. entitled, blind to the world outside of their own bubble. dani hated them. all of them. she would plaster on a smile and force herself to laugh alongside of them, would get as much as she could out of them - and then wouldn't hesitate to toss them aside and move on to the next.
they met at a bonfire on the beach. dani wanted to hate her like all the rest - just another spoiled little rich girl. but there was an innocence to sandy's naivety, a pure heart and mind behind those bright eyes and carefree smile - and dani was hooked. captivated. and sandy was intrigued - curiosity piqued when the rumors reached her ears, wanted to know more about the mysterious girl who had seamlessly woven herself into their innermost circle. the girl with a rebellious streak, who loved to break hearts as much as she loved to break rules.
their time was short, but they were inseparable. best friends who spent their nights staring at the stars, laughing about silly things, talking about everything and nothing at all. it was easy to say goodbye, knew that they would meet again.
THE SECOND SUMMER // sandy couldn't wait to see her again - to spend another summer with her. she swore they were kindred spirits, destined to find their way to one another. dani had spent the year in denial, telling herself that sandy was just another girl. there were lots of other girls in martha's vineyard. lots of other girls always traveling there with their families. she was replaceable.
but then she caught sight of her across the street and her smile alone was enough to melt the coldness that had wrapped itself around her heart.
they spent more time together, did the things that best friends were supposed to do. days on the beach, nights going to parties. dani spent many nights sleeping over sandy's house - many sleepless nights spent talking and giggling without a care in the world.
sandy confided in her when dani caught her staring at a boy with sunkissed skin and blue eyes like he was made of gold. he'd stolen her heart, swept her off of her feet and dani bit her tongue because she had never seen her so happy. but dani knew boys like him, had seen it all play out time and time again every summer - knew that he would do nothing but break her heart. she knew what would happen but the knowledge still didn't prepare her for when it did. dani never wanted to see her cry again.
THE THIRD SUMMER // there was something different about sandy. the light in her eyes had faded and her smile wasn't as bright. she had gone home, fallen in love with a boy. and for some time he had made her the center of his world - she was his princess. until the newness began to fade and his eyes began to wander. until he dumped her, just in time for summer, because someone else had captured his attention.
it hurt dani to see her friend so distraught - but before she knew it, someone else was putting stars in sandy's eyes. he hurt her, just like all the rest - tossed her aside as soon as they had their fun.
sandy fell in love three times that summer. but dani still bit her tongue because she could never seem to bring herself to get the words out. didn't want to hurt her, to get in the way of her happiness. dani didn't want to be right - wanted this time to be the time it actually worked out for sandy.
so she ignored to dull ache in her chest whenever sandy gushed about her latest whirlwind romance, forcing a smile while they raided her closet and helping her decide what to wear - held her tight whenever they trampled all over her heart when all she wanted to do was cry out i would never do that to you.
THE FOURTH SUMMER // another summer kicked off with a broken heart, and dani was convinced that sandy fell hard and fast, like love was such an instantaneous thing. it was something that should have repulsed a girl like her - a girl who had never gotten caught up in boys or fairy tales or happily ever afters - but, if anything, it only made her want to pull sandy closer.
they went to a party. the booze was flowing freely, and while they had gone to parties and drank together before, dani had never seen her like this. sandy was loud, a little reckless - and when the boy who had been whispering sweet nothings in her ear for hours asked if she wanted to find a room, dani never expected her to lose her mind. to pour her drink on him and storm off, fighting back tears because she didn't want to cry in front of him.
naturally, dani went running after her - held her tight and dried her tears, a certain softness only sandy had ever seen. tipsy and still a little angry, they stumbled back to dani's house - a place that sandy had yet to visit. they spent the night curled up next to each other in dani's bed, venting and ranting about stupid boys until dani confessed why she never bothered to get caught up in them at all.
sandy was intrigued. the next morning she couldn't help but notice how soft her lips looked, how her smile was more beautiful than anything she'd ever seen. how her laugh sounded like her favorite song, and when she held her hand it sent her stomach aflutter. that night they traded a party for wine, just the two of them, on the beach. a night of laughs and stargazing and listening to the sound of the waves and a first kiss.
they were truly insperable. dani made good on her unspoken promise - her vow that she would never hurt sandy like all those boys. she was dani's first real love, so she tried to mask the pain when the summer came to an end and they were forced to say goodbye. it was sandy's last summer in martha's vineyard - the following summer full of promises of paris and london and rome as a graduation gift from her parents. and then it would be off to college, onto a new chapter in life.
there were promises to keep in touch, and sandy choked back a sob as she barely managed to get out the words, if you're ever in l.a., come find me.
NOW // a lot of time has gone by, a lot has happened, and neither are the girls they used to be. deep down, they're still there - but now they walk the streets as shadows of their former selves.
dani found herself in l.a. - perhaps chasing a dream, looking for her own shot at the limelight. she texted sandy once, just after her plane touched down. but her text was returned with a phone call from a middle age man, apologizing profusely because she had the wrong number. they had been out of touch for so long, she didn't know when sandy had changed it.
a year goes by and dani can't seem to catch a break, unable to even hold down jobs as a waitress because bitterness has crept into every pore. the customers didn't like her attitude and her bosses didn't care for her temper.
another year goes by. it's late in the afternoon and dani is heading toward the gentleman's club where she's been working as a stripper for the past few months when she caught sight of her across the street. and for a moment, her smile was enough to chase her worries away, but it didn't last. soon the sight of her filled her with nothing but dread, anger, bitter nostalgia. sandy looked her way and dani ducked inside the club, praying she hadn't been seen or recognized.
she went backstage to get ready for the night, tried to carry on like it was just another day in the life. but when dani took the stage, she was there in the crowd, staring up at her with a look on her face that dani had never seen. pity, perhaps. it made her sick.
sandy stayed through until close, caught up with her even though dani tried to hurry away. words were exchanged. heated words. a lot of things were said. angry, hurt things. and then they were in the back seat of a cab, no air between their lips, pulling off each other's clothes before they even made it back to dani's apartment.
they say goodbye the next morning, but this time keep in touch - and every time they get together, they find themselves in each other's beds, not even air between them. and every time they swear it means nothing because they aren't kids anymore. their worlds are too different. it's just how it is.
once upon a warm june night, the pauper was in bed with the princess. she lifted her head from between her tighs, licking her lips with a smile - because she liked to watch the princess' face as she rides the waves. 'you know, just so we're clear,' the pauper said softly, pressing a kiss just below her navel, 'i don't love you.' the princess laughed - breathless, labored - before pulling her up for a kiss. the princess' hands freely wandered, smiling up at the pauper, 'that's good, because i don't love you either.'
once upon a warm june night, the pauper was in bed with the princess, and the night was thick with lies.
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