#this is so embarrassing im so sorry ajdjfjfgkhjj
bespectacledbun · 11 months
oh my gods. @syneilesis i am so, SO sorry. i was up to 4 playing idv and reading fanfic and was half delirious when I sent that ask. thought I hallucinated it until I woke up to your response in my inbox but no it was very much real hfbsnsnmmamsnkdkfv
but hmmm for silvio it could be either he tries out the True University Housing ExperienceTM (aka a loudass common dorm or a shitty little apartment with roommates) OR alfio kicked him out of the house and cut his fundings so he has no other choice but a shared apartment LMAO. idk I just think the idea of silvio having to rough it out in a dinky little apartment where shit breaks once a week is very much amusing am I projecting? oh yes absolutely
also YOU ALWAYS FIND WAYS TO READ MY MIND!!!! /pos I've been messing around with the idea of a drunk ONS with beast Keith and then seeing meek Keith in class the next day and going ??? are they twins??? internally ajsjdjfkgg I think it would make for some incredibly comedic situations 😂 although before that I want to make sure I actually learn to write keith properly which is why I've been research on DID and reached out to a couple friends who I know are systems so I can properly depict him and not lean into ableist stereotypes hahsjfg which is why I'm hesitant to start anything with him juuuust yet
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