#this is so good and i need vi's outfit rn
debbeh · 7 months
can u give me a guide to the six idiots :33 like maybe with a picture of them n their names n who they play in the Big Three shows :33 pwetty peesse :33
ok, you saw me earlier trying to format all the images so it's gonna be mostly my (ehhhh) descriptions of the characters and you gotta guess what they look like 😈
Ben Willbond
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Elder Vex (above): the one who says Deb-beh and has the coziest looking outfit I NEED IT RN PLZ and the Tom Cardy- esque hair and earring
Nick: the stick. Grumpy all the time cuz he's a stick >:(. Is also a portal between dimensions but whatevs
Horrible Histories
Mike Peabody :historical news reporter that wishes he were anywhere but here rn
King Henry, Alexander the Great: SkINy MaNdRiA, excellent hair, sniffed a guy
The captain: AKA James, makes a lotta noises, if you ever hear me going weeeahhhhhuuuueeeaaaaaahhhh, I'm referencing him, the gay one<3
Martha Howe-Douglas!
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Debbie's evil twin sister (bossy boobs)
I just googled it: Rita, the Negatus simp AKA us, the demon that looks like how female animals are protrayed in Barbie movies
Horrible Histories!!!
Boudica (look up the song, it's rlly good), Cleopatra, every female historical figure
Pirate lady....<33333
Lady Button (present day): Old disgruntled lady that pouts all the time and falls out of windows
Lady Button (flashback)
Mathew Baynton!!!
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Oracle: weird blue blob guy, Nigel, Darling
Nanny la roo: NUM NUMS!!!! - nanny that is also a kangaroo
Admiral Anous: Voldemort mf I hate him bc he hates Negatus>:(
Elder Choop: Croissant hair mf, says, "IDK WHY DON'T WE ASK UR MUM??"
Le Fox: French
THE BIRRDDDDD: AKA Thomas Payne, Batman but cooler
Oh yeah, and Elf: the elf shaped one, full name: Grintallin Gobscrew Crotell Fashanu F’naw Goplatz Holla-Holla, has multiple wives apparently and is in debt to the mob
Horible Histories (look all of them up, they are all hot)
Dick Turpin: play the song >:333, shot not one but two men dead!
D.I. Bones: the whakkus bonkkused
King Charles II: absolute party-er
Thomas Thorne, shot, dead! Absolute poetic simp for Allison, drowned himself in the lake ;( -cannot drown-
Jim Howik!!!
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Elder Pressley: looks like Elvis, eats christmas tree ornaments
Crone: A sLaPper *wink wink*, has apparently gotten with everyone, goes eeeerrrrrrrrrrr all the time- sounds like a doorhinge, she is amazing
Neil: lhe most normal of the demons probably
Horrible Histories
A SHOUTY MAN!!! :does all the infomercials, will try to sell you piss
King George VI (above) : "oh yesss, dad's dead, I'm king..."
King Richard III: a sweet little guy<3 -according to the song, get's attacked by whasp
Pat Butcher: Greatest DJ in the AAARRREEEEEUHHHHH, killed by a child, AKA Pete in the American version
Larry Rickard
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Detective Mounteback: very dumb detective with very large hat
Elder Ho Tan: trans Icon, doesn't like loud noises, absolute baby<3
Sue: above, the lady with the gun from the episode I showed you
Horrible Histories
Bob Hale: weather report, needs a hellicopter and a nice cup of tea, basically Bill Wurtz
Lol knight with shit on head, Aztec guy, George III friend who slays so hard; "ConGRatu-VerY-LaTiOns your... *MAgEsTy*"
Humphrey: keeps getting left on roofs and shelves, does NOT know French smh
Robin: 5,000 yo ghosts, once saw a cool butterfly, KNOWS FRENCH! Got stuck by lightning and now he can turn on lights
and finally... the moment you've been waiting for...
Simon Farnaby!!!
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Negatus<333: Silly guy try to take over Yonderland but is just a lil guy, has an evil lair, uses The Font of Orris (cauldron thing that lets you see everything) as a hot tub, get's bullied by all the other overlords, wears pjs with houses on them.
Elder Flowers!!!: Long hair and lack of shirt, vegetarian hippie of the group, wants his clothes to be veGONE, "all you need is love, brothers... oh, and food"
Horrible Histories
Emperor Caligula: the wakkus bonkkus guy
Marcus Licinius Crassus: Knockoff Bassline Junkie song
Jullian!!!: Died conducting an affair with his secretary!!!, is eternally sorta drunk, does the hand thing, only ghost that can interact with stuff, makes silly EEERREREEEEE noise when he's trying to move something, his name is Trevor in the American version, sad when there's no porn on da TV ;(, has no pants BTW
Thanks for coming to my TEDTALK!!!
Lemme know if I missed anything!
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
Hello !
Since you do write for Caitlyn I hoped to request some poly Caitvi headcanons of them with a s/o who's childhood was tragic/sad so their inner child comes out too often in their adulthood?
Some ideas of their behavior would like: buying toys out of impulse, getting distracted by any bug on their way, making cute outfits for plushies, gets super excited around pets (literally adore them) and when they fuck up is really obvious cause they get all quiet and anxious thinking the worst over little things.
So yeah that's the vibe I'm going for😎.
I'm writing a character and I need some feedback to be honest. Hope you can help me !
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Vi x G/N!Reader x Caitlyn Kiramman 
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, alludes to rough childhood, mentions of arguments and being judged, mentions of fear of doing something wrong, alludes to anxiety, mentions of overthinking, I think that's it?
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! I hope you enjoy hun! I based some of it off my own experiences but it's also 430am rn so I did my best lol! thank you darling! i hope your character writing is going good!
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Let's be clear, these two are amazingly great with taking care of you, even before you told them about some of your 'issues' as you used to call them
Caitlyn was the first to notice, once you both began spending a lot more time together
She knew you'd dress up cute, you put in a lot of effort into your appearance and you reminded her of a little shop doll dressed up among the other girl, boy and other dolls she'd seen
It was fun and a bit different from the sophisticated nature that comes with Piltover
Also loves your stuffed animal collection, but maybe not as much as you
She finds it adorable you treat them like your children and Vi, well when it comes to Vi she very much indulges in it
Listens to you when you name each one and tell them both their backstories and go into details about their birthdays
They remember them too
Vi loves you so much though, since you're helping her heal without even realizing
You don't care when she snuggles up under your blankets around your teddy bears and talks to you quietly while Cait makes you all tea to drink
It makes her feel like a child, and you don't mind either because she's listening to you and actually interested in you
Cait tucks you both in after you fell asleep reading a book together with you telling Vi the entire story and Vi finding you very pretty to look at
All cuddled up in her giant bed made to fit the entirety of your plushies she made sure to cuddle you both immediately after
They both always make sure you're comfortable with things as well, getting overwhelmed in public situations isn't new for you
They're very overprotective of you
Especially around other people who notice that sometimes you'll act childish and point out something cool to one of them
Whether it be a pretty butterfly or a street performer you found so awesome you had to tug on Caitlyn's sleeve to show her
Vi doesn't have any of it when someone is rude to you, that's for sure
And Cait focuses her attention to you always and makes sure you're alright at the time
They knows you mean well, even when it can get frustrating and they're trying to focus and you're wanting attention
But they'll never ever tell you because it goes away within a few seconds when they see that smile on your face, and it was like they never felt it at all
You'll bring them things while they're busy and they'll always stop to listen to you go on about whatever topic popped in your head
or to see whatever cool toy or trinket you'd brought home
Vi had accidentally been a bit rude to you one time on accident before and felt awful for it
Did EVERYTHING to make it up to you, and I mean EVERYTHING
She felt so bad
You cried for five minutes before the ice cream she offered became a bit too enticing along with the bear hug she gave you
You forgot about it after honestly but she still thinks about it
Lets you sit on her lap all the time because you like the comfort it brings
It makes you feel small and she holds you nice and tight in her big arms with her head resting on your own
Vi loves to love you and you're so sweet to her it makes her feel undeserving
You'll hug and sit with her always
Seeing her as your biggest and best teddy bear
Hearing you say that nearly made her cry
When you give her special nicknames and kisses whenever just because you know she loves you and it makes you feel good that you're making her happy
Caitlyn gives me motherly vibes and it unintentionally goes to both you aswell
You when you're sad and want her to sit you on her lap and hug you close
Or make you food while you kick your legs back and forth sitting on the counter telling her about what you and Vi seen around the city while she worked
Vi loves taking you to a cupcake shop nearby
Speaking of that, they love bringing you pretty sweets home to see that light on your face
They love it
And you love it because they're thinking about you and you weren't entirely used to that
You just love making them happy, and you know why and where it stems from, but it makes you happy
Vi loves when you talk about everything when you guys walk together down the street
Every little thing, you'll bring it up
She has this game where you'll point at people and come up with life stories for them
She'll have you giggling for hours, ready to pee your pants from how hard your laughing
And when you walk into the toy store to 'just look around' Vi finds herself paying for a few new stuffed animals and maybe a few dresses and suits for them
And a little tea set that you couldn't pass up
Walking down the street holding a ton of bags while you're carrying a fancy little box with your cups in it
A smile on your face as you talk to a few kids on your way
But it's all worth it
Though, that's the good side of it all, the cute side they love
But sometimes Caitlyn and Vi argue, it's VERY VERY rare if impossible that you're in an argument with them mostly because you just don't argue
But they do, rarely, but it can get bad when they do argue
You feel stuck between them both, but they'd never ask to make you choose a side unless you say something
You don't though, afraid that you'll hurt the other and they'd hate you for it
It's like being stuck between two parents arguing
You hate it when they're mad at each other, even if it's not for long because by the time night rolls around you're all snuggled up in bed tracing skin and pressing light kisses against your cheeks
Or sometimes you mess up
Like the time you broke one of Caitlyn's favorite glass teacups
You wouldn't look at her, afraid of what you'd see when you finally told her
She'd been asking if you were okay for at least an hour
Wouldn't say a word to Vi while she watched the interaction, you just stared at the floor
But they were just glad you were okay, Caitlyn didn't care about the cup she thought you were hurt
You were a bit shocked to say the least but it made it easier to come to her when you did something you deemed bad
But to your surprise, she was never mad
Sometimes she'd even laugh, and get you back to your good mood by making you smile
And when you overthink too much about something you did she sits and talks you through it the entire time
Vi can tell when you're lying to her very easily
So when you're overthinking about something you said, or maybe a small thing you did to one of them or to someone else
She talks you through it all like Caitlyn taught her
Because she knows you're freaking out quietly over nothing
But to you it's everything, in the moment anyway
Until she reminds you that she'll beat anyone and everyone up and she's got you laughing and Caitlyn smiling from across the room
Vi's good at distracting and desire
Caitlyn's good at calming and comforting
They're perfect for you, because they take good care of you and you take great care of them
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key-to-my-heart · 3 years
hey hi hello! i haven’t really been active on tumblr but i wanted to get back into the swing of being active and posting often. so.
i decided i will take note of some of my predictions, hopes, wishes etc. for Season 2 of Rainbow High!
so i kinda wanna just cover the things we canonically have seen aka specific events and drama that has gotten introduced
- The New Roommates / Series 3 Girls
i feel like we will definitely see more of them within the coming episodes. rainbow high literally advertised the new teams as like… i think the second or third teaser for the new season
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it’s interesting to me because. this makes me think of What The Runway Project is? what could it possibly be? i believe i made a post about this in the past but the main theory (and theory i believe the most in) would be a Stage Production of sorts. i mean… it makes sense!
the twins are both Performing Arts focus and are definitely the antags this season. so why wouldn’t they cause trouble in regard to a stage play? plus, bella is back. she’s literally a set designer! we have never seen her do any set designing (other than making a sketch) so it would be fun to see that! if river were to get more focus this season, he would definitely have an outlet to channel his Performing Arts creativity! plus… Daria is a song writer so like. imagine if we were to get music out of that? please. the possibilities are endless.
im also eager to see the series 3 girls dynamics. like are the rest of the girls (gabriella, georgia, emmy and daphne) all roomed together? do they get along? will they all be just as dramatic as stella, sheryl and daria’s dynamic?
but anyway. whatever the drama and the semester project is, the new teammates definitely seem to be playing a crucial role in this season.
- The Twins
i’m actually really eager to see more of them. i feel like not enough people are talking about them? season 2 is actually really interesting so far…. maybe more so than season 1… and i feel like we are going to have to thank the twins for that at some point lol
like. idek what they’re planning on doing but. i’m excited to see what it is! they’ll probably be involved in the semester project or at least causing problems to all of the roommates and teams. they’ll definitely have something going on with bella. and it seems that they have a good bond with karma (after the KWK we got). so maybe they’ll have input in any potential drama with Karma. which leads me to
- Karma VS. Violet
so. this drama has been teased at for like. ever. for what feels like forever.
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this moment in Karma’s bio PLUS the commentary about violet from her and the twins in the recent KWK episode. but anyway. i’m actually super interested in whatever this drama could be??? like. why is karma watching.
we know violet adores karma, she really wants to have her in the vi life. so i’m sure she basically looks up to her! but like. will karma actually genuinely be nice with violet? keep a distance? make remarks like she did in her recent vlog? i don’t know. idk what to expect. of course it’ll have to do with vlogging or something.
- Bella
ok so there is a few things to note with bella. i’m still interested in if bella will accept to do an interview with Karma for her vlog? if so, i wonder how that would go. and i wonder how violet would feel about it. like the very last time bella was featured in vi’s vlog was on a bad note (even though they made up) but like. idk AAA
also i’m wondering how bella is gonna handle being back to rainbow high. because so far it seems she’s having trouble fitting in. will the key to her fitting in be Jade? will Jade help her figure everything out? or would it be someone else?
as much as i’d love Jade to be the reason Bella starts to feel more at home, i also love the other idea of Amaya being the reason bella feels comfortable again. Amaya was once the new girl (and of course in an awkward position because she was essentially a replacement for bella’s spot in the runway group) but. she didn’t fit in. she had to find her place at rainbow high… and it took her until the runway show to be able to truly feel comfortable.
and like. i’ve been rooting for bella/amaya dynamic for awhile now. i see a lot of potential in this duo. we know they somewhat have tension. i mean. bella had a really awkward confrontation with amaya and that was rly their first and last conversation. sure they’ve been around each other like in the music video, at the end of s1, and when bella walked into the girls dorm s2ep2 but like. that’s it.
SO ANYWAY. what i’m trying to get at is that these two definitely need to become friends. i mean. they have a LOT in common. i was talking about the new girl situation because i feel like they can relate in that way. they both had an awkward entrance into rainbow high and could bond over that. it took amaya awhile to feel at home at rainbow high… so maybe she could become friends with bella and help her feel at home! they’re both very determined leader types. they’re really passionate and! they have the same friend group! so why not become friends?
- Jade and Bella
of course i will wonder about these two! i have no clue what to expect with them. the fandom and myself are really really really wanting to see these two become a canon sapphic couple. i really want to see this happen! and mga knows this. mga knows we want to see jella happen. i mean, they literally snatched the ship name from us and plastered it into their vlogs. so they KNOW
anyway. these two are literally going through it rn. the way jade’s eyes lit up when she saw bella was back at rh. and now both of them are looking for each other and worried about each other. jade thinking bella is mad at her rn? please. i will sob. they are really holding off this jella reunion but i hope it’s for a good reason. i just want them to talk and have a good reunion… a hug……. happy tears, happy smiles…………..a love confession…
- Amaya
so i don’t really have much to say here but i’m just wondering about amaya this season. she’s definitely been advertised so much to the point that she essentially became like. THE main focus in season 1. this peeved some people but personally i loved amaya being like a sort of main character figure. she didn’t really take attention away from the other characters but also had that energy of being a main character anyway.
my point is, though, idk how she will play out in this season? like is she going to be as much of a main character as the main 6 are…. or will she play a bigger role? i have no clue. it seems bella is going to have a key focus this season, which makes sense, but it still just makes me wonder about amaya’s role this season
- Colin
i just hope this man does not get a development arc. i know some people want him to…. but i just. i don’t. i don’t understand. the point of him existing was to show that cheating is wrong and to display girl power. by teaching that skyler didn’t need a man to prove her worth. that she is her own person. her own strength! i really hope that colin and bella don’t have anything omfg.
- Winter Break
i’m really. REALLY excited for the winter break arc. it’s about time we get to see some backgrounds outside of rainbow high! plus the animated tidbits of ruby, sky, and violet in their wb outfits in the wb commercial was everything.
i’m so excited to see their new hairstyles, to see them with their snow gear and more. omg. of course i think the twins will be involved in this arc someone. krystal briefly mentioned the twins’ family having a ski lodge. and then of course we see sunny with her skis so like. yea!! i just wonder how these episodes would play out. or episode. but anyway like… will they just vibe? or will there be a problem of sorts? if it’s winter break then it probably won’t tie into school or like projects or anything like that
- Kia Hart
i’m actually hoping kia gets some focus this season. like. what is she going to do? is she going to pair another couple together? (if so, please be jella. okay wait seriously what if she is the key to reuniting jade and bella together… anyway) i just hope to see more of her and possibly more of her and krystal together haha. but kia just vibes so far, it would be lovely to get more of her!
- The A’s
so ainsley is finally beginning to get some attention! i really hope we continue to get more of her as well as avery, and aidan of course! we did get a bunch of content of aidan but you can never have enough honestly.
but i just wonder about how the A’s will be this season. like will they do anything significant? are bella and avery going to remain close? what is going on!!!
- The Malibu Line
so we literally know nothing about this except
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but i still wonder like. if we will get to see anything about it at any point during the web series. perhaps it would be more of a summer thing. but it definitely means something if Bella is in it! (also i’m just generally excited for her new doll. omfg.)
- The Rock Line
so we also know almost nothing about this except
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saw someone discuss that the music being heard during s2ep2 could be in regards to the rock battle. honestly. what if this is some sort of project? battle of bands or something? that would be cool lol. anyway i’m intrigued for this line mainly because of all the clothing leaks we have been getting omg.
- The Slumber Party Line
we have known about this for a little while (with the theory of the baby blue girl being in it) but i’m just curious as to who the characters are and if they will be in the web series at all.
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- Jett Dawson
okay so. this is a big one. jett being a collector doll, i feel like she’ll definitely play a crucial role in the series. so like. who will she be to the main characters? it says she’s generally nice. why was she giving that look to the girls after their runway performance? IDK! i have no clue what to expect with her. i feel like the expectations i had for amaya (before we knew anything about her) will be put into jett because. the vibes i got from amaya ever since we just had her doll… i am also kind of getting from jett. so i’m eager!
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dragonshoard · 2 years
Yo never apologize about takin time respondin lol, i dont mind at all- we all got lives yk? But yeah, im glad you like the art! Im still doodlin a lot, fighter!jinx is jus so fun to draw! I actually plan to clean those up a bit(probably gonna work on renderin sm digitally but who knows shdghd- tho i think i mentioned that last time too) then i’ll send em ur way uwu
I come at u with more questions now tho lmao, so i’ll jus spit em out n u can answer or not whenever u want
Does jinx react well to vi n cait showin up?? Or does she go batshit? Cause i can also totally picture her starin at em for a moment then goin ‘fuck this shit wtf’ and jus bookin it the other way lmao
If its not too spoilery(which btw- if any of these u wanna keep close to ur chest for fics, do so! I love spicy reveals lmao), when jinx gets her tattoos what meaning does she have for em? And whats ur opinion on the reason she got em in canon?
Does fighter!jinx ever get the necklace/chocker/whatever it is that arcane!jinx wears? Or does she refuse to ever have anything on her neck again?
Would she ever choose to go by jinx for spite? I get that she’s still powder n not as attached to the name, but does she jus go by both? Or pick the name jinx for the public to know her by since that already has a history tied to it? Im guessin vi would call her powder, but what would cait call her?
Oh! And before i forget- the shock collar, how’s that charged? Cause those things need a power source to function, and since it cant just be removed anymore im guessin it has some form of strong/sustainable power source?
N on the line of the collar and cuffs, does she manage to get those off quickly on her own, or does she have to run around for a while with em on? And if tis like that, is the shock collar still active? Could she still be shocked with it?
Oh, and whats ur opinion on there being left over hextech gems from when powder n everyone robbed jayce’s place? Cause ive heard it goin around that theres like- one?? Or smth that she didnt use and was never resolved?? Maybe two?? Based on the cases number(and assuming she grabbed them all which if i remember correctly she did) and since one blew up the apartment, and she used one for the bomb what happened to the others yk?)
(Also can i jus say, i def gets jinx bein a long range fighter in canon n it lowkey fucks with my head tryna picture fighter!jinx punchin n kickin in the pits skdhdjg. Like vi? Vi its easy to picture cause its vi but like,,, it jus does not mesh with jinx in my head lol)
Anyway, hope u have a good day mate! I’ll yeet those drawins ur way sm time soon lol
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You’re literally so sweet, I’m so glad she’s fun to draw! Love to see your art in the future regardless if they’re cleaned up or not :DDD
(BTW, I’m working on drawing canon Jinx and fighter!Jinx side by side so I’ll be posting that sometime today or tomorrow. I’m realizing that I don’t think Silco would very much approve of her attire if he actually got to choose it, so her outfit is gonna be a bit different until she gets out. I’m slowly working at the next fic too. Trying to figure out if I should post what I have rn as a first chapter or finish it and then post them - not sure how long it’s gonna be tbh). 
Does jinx react well to vi n cait showin up?? Or does she go batshit? Cause i can also totally picture her starin at em for a moment then goin ‘fuck this shit wtf’ and jus bookin it the other way lmao
Jinx is very emotionally detached from people. I’m still trying to figure out if she and Ekko have reconciled by the time Vi and Caitlyn show up, but it honestly won’t be much different either way. Maybe a bit more stable with Ekko around, but that’s it. 
Regardless, she’s used to being alone and she’s also kind of scared of Vi finding her. You have to remember that this Vi knocked her tf out (by accident, but she doesn’t know that). Part of her, like she thought with Ekko, is thinking that Vi has come to kill her (for killing their family), while another part of her is just scared of being close to people because she’s scared they’ll leave or betray her. She’s more of a runner in this fic than a fighter when the fight comes to her (unless it’s Silco’s people - that’s a whole other story). It’s absolutely a control thing. 
She still goes off the deep end at seeing Caitlyn with Vi (not that she was very stable to begin with). However, in comparison to canon Jinx, she’s more prone to hurting herself versus hurting others. Being alone in a cell with very little stimulation she’s learned to hurt herself - pulling at her hair, hitting herself, etc - as a means of coping. We saw a little of this in Powder’s breakdown in Act I, but it’s more extensive in this AU. There’s a bit more to their reunion considering how volatile in general Jinx is, but I’ll leave it as this for now :)))
Vi is really really sad. I needed to say that. 
When jinx gets her tattoos what meaning does she have for em? And whats ur opinion on the reason she got em in canon?
Honestly, I always thought Jinx’s tattoos in the game were clouds, not smoke, so I’m gonna say in this au they’re clouds (though they’ll look the same). I’ve got a specific scene in mind for this tbh. In canon, I think she did it as memoriam. Basically, a way of grieving (and reminding herself of) the death of Powder’s love for Vi. Silco has done his best to push the narrative that Vi left her, that she betrayed Jinx, and the tattoo was meant to reinforce and remind her of that. 
Does fighter!jinx ever get the necklace/choker/whatever it is that arcane!jinx wears? Or does she refuse to ever have anything on her neck again?
I think she’d refuse to put anything around her neck that would cover the scars, almost like an FU. First, to Silco, and then to anyone who ever thought she worked for him willingly. In the future, she’d probably wear something similar to what in-game!Jinx wears - the bullet necklace with a thin string wrapped around her neck a few times. It barely covers her neck at all.
Edit: I JUST REALIZED THAT THERE MOTHER HAD A SIMILAR NECKLACE TO JINX. I want her to have it now just for that. 
Would she ever choose to go by jinx for spite? I get that she’s still powder n not as attached to the name, but does she jus go by both? Or pick the name jinx for the public to know her by since that already has a history tied to it? Im guessin vi would call her powder, but what would cait call her?
Oh, YES, she absolutely goes by Jinx for the spite factor (also for other reasons too). She wants Silco to know she’s coming, she wants him to know that it’s the monster he created, his Jinx, that is going to destroy him. It’s easier for her to stay in that mindset rather than weave in and out of it, so she does go by just Jinx for a long while. I feel like she considers “Powder” as a name, an identity, that is extremely precious (bordering on innocent) to her and she wants to protect it. As a result, while she hurts and kills, she does it in Jinx’s name, not Powder’s. Though Powder is pretty blood thirsty herself. 
Oh! And before i forget- the shock collar, how’s that charged? Cause those things need a power source to function, and since it cant just be removed anymore im guessin it has some form of strong/sustainable power source?
While the collar isn’t removable, some of it’s parts are. There are components that need to be regularly replaced, including the shimmer injections and the power source for some of the collar’s other functions (the shock being one of them). She sees the doctor a minimum of once a week for both restraint maintenance and enhancement “treatment”. 
N on the line of the collar and cuffs, does she manage to get those off quickly on her own, or does she have to run around for a while with em on? And if tis like that, is the shock collar still active? Could she still be shocked with it?
The restraints are not going to come off all at once and she will struggle with them (considering the ones on her neck and legs have no keys). You’ll see :)))))
Oh, and whats ur opinion on there being left over hextech gems from when powder n everyone robbed jayce’s place? Cause ive heard it goin around that theres like- one?? Or smth that she didnt use and was never resolved?? Maybe two?? Based on the cases number(and assuming she grabbed them all which if i remember correctly she did) and since one blew up the apartment, and she used one for the bomb what happened to the others yk?)
She did initially take 5 (the 6th one was what caused the explosion in the workshop). I noticed there were at least 4 in the breakdown scene, but she used 3 of them in the monkey bomb. I’m honestly not sure where the rest went, because there’s 2 floating around somewhere but no one knows where. Personally, I’m somewhere between it being an error on Riot’s part and/or the other two showing up somewhere down the line in season 2. 
(Also can i jus say, i def gets jinx bein a long range fighter in canon n it lowkey fucks with my head tryna picture fighter!jinx punchin n kickin in the pits skdhdjg. Like vi? Vi its easy to picture cause its vi but like,,, it jus does not mesh with jinx in my head lol)
And no it messes with my head too. Though, even in Arcane, she is still pretty good at short range. It’s just not her specialty. But it is half of the reason why she almost immediately switches up fighting styles after getting out. Jinx realizes pretty quickly that her usual methods in the pits aren’t going to work, so she adapts.  Short range, her signature style is essentially to trap them and... pick them off one by one (imagine those scenes where there’s a group of people that are disappearing one by one into the shadows and everyone is scared/confused and concerned about who's going to be next). 
Dramatic AF
I like to imagine she does her best to avoid fighting in an open area or in the light, but is a lot more vicious when she’s forced to (it’s when the “punch and kick them until they die” attitude becomes very apparent).
Hope you have a great day too :DDDDD 
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swearronchanel · 5 years
ep 8.02 comments
nobody reads these anymore but idc I have thoughts and opinions to shout into the void
no one even cares about what I have to say i really don’t know why I still do this 😂 but it’s kinda fun to re them back later so f*ck it I guess
yasss new energy all 2019 and 1964
My queen almost knocking over a child
remember the last time shelagh wore the cape she threw up LMAO
“And they say it’s the foreigners who are dirty..” RUDE BUT WOW THE TEA THO SJSJSJSJ IT’S SCALDING
this little girl is already hustling, as she should
This already kind of reminds me of Jenny Lee and that old man (Joe?) but maybe it’s not the same we’ll see
damn where do hoarders even get all their junk?
I love Lucille’s sass also can I call her Lucy? Cause we love
Ghana’s independence Yass! down with empires & colonialism!!!! ((Omg speaking of colonialism regular coca cola is more expensive than any other soda here in the Uk bc of sugar tax? Like LMAO this is why we declared independence 😭😭😂😂))
“My home is my business”.. is she wrong tho??
 Oh oops maybe she is
Omg this kid is so adorable
Vi is serving some Jackie O looks I approve
vi is underrated she’s so sweet ya don’t show her love
what’s wrong with him ?😭 they all have pains rn omg, is it maybe sickle cell anemia ?!!
LMAO ok Sister Hilda they lowkey don’t like you
“I’ll stand and manicure my nails” LMAO Id  say something slick like that
also would pass on a task like that too
Shut up Sister Hilda something is happening to Flora !!
Wait his name is Matthew aww that’s my brother then😭
wow my eyes are sweating this is so pure
Fred is back on his bullshit 😂😂
Vi telling off Fred as she should
Trixie with the intelligent tea!
Laying in bed with a face mask big ass mood Beatrix
“Mr Gagarin can take me into orbit any day of the week” LMFAOO I HEAR U TRIX
“She looks like a grumpy old man” LMAOOO all newborns do tbh😭 yes I said it
Oh no she’s been on the floor this makes me so sad 😭
LMAO TIM IS ME ID BE LOSING MY SHIT WITH 3 little kids in my house 😂😂
But shelagh in slacks we love the laura petrie vibes
also the turner’s literally moved so tim didn’t have to share a room yet here he is? some bullshittt lmaoo the kid can’t catch a break
why is Fred acting up 😭 c’mon
Tim still not in bed bc math ruins everyone’s life
This old woman is breaking my heart stoppp
Dr Turner is such a corny dad at times😂
Now the girl needs a new hustle lol
I knew she wouldn’t leave that easy
“The little ones aren’t the trouble” is Tim going savage Lmaoo
That’s the “harshest” thing he’s ever said 😂😂bc he’s an unrealistically complicit teenager, like where’s the excessive angst that I had lol?
A suffragette & ambulance driver in war?? Omg 😭she’s a hero !!! We stannnnn
damn it Fred just vote for your wife and support her
Matthew has sickle cell too fuck😭😭
“Some things are worth standing up for” I LOVE THIS ! IT’S IMPORTANT
(unless it’s some dumb/ignorant/hateful maga type of cause you’re “standing up” for bc then we don’t respect you)
Mrs Millgrove is a revolutionary queen
“A woman of substance can make a life anywhere” I can’t take this my heart 😭😭❤️💔
this is way better than the first episode
This episode is stabbing at all angles of my heart
“She’s strong” “it runs in the family” someone push me off a cliff so i can stop being a weepy baby
ok but f*ck Churchill sorry not sorry his racist + eugenist ass..
There u go Fred 😭be nice to ur wife
Lucille is going to visit!
The writers can catch these hands for making me such an emotional wreck rn 😭
She wrote them into her will I want to end myself omfg I’m trying so hard not to blubber in front of my flatmate😭😭
“It had been a year of change. A year of looking back at the distance we had travelled. But also to the future, the road that lay ahead..” All 1964/2019❤️
“Courage can’t not moved mountains, but it can show us how to climb, find a way, forge a path that we believe in...” !!
wow ok this was so good I cant process all my feelings but this was way better than episode 1 sorry not sorry
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key-to-my-heart · 3 years
DISCLAIMER: i feel like it’s highly unlikely bella will come. the only way i really imagine she’d come back is because she was on the artwork for their season two announcement. so like... idk if that meant anything? or they used it because they didn’t have an amaya render or something. but idk if putting her there meant anything? i mean she was such an important and beloved character/doll, and she’s pink!
regardless, even if she doesn’t come back, this prediction post is all in good fun and just filled with my hopes and wishes haha
- so most logically, i feel like if anything, jade would probably call her on the phone after the show or bella would show up in the audience. idk how Lou would let her in as a visitor but! she wouldn’t have to be a student lol. so kind of just a cameo bella appearance or short bella scene would be really cute, especially since it’s the season finale
- one of the most popular theories of why we all thought amaya was missing was bc she made some sort of mistake and tried to get bella back to help fix it. ofc, we all know what a let down that whole scene was in episode 17, lol, and that never happened. but the theory reminded me of another that for some reason, bella’s return could be connected to amaya. not that amaya would like, give up her place for bella or they’d replace amaya with bella. but just that however bella would/could come back, we would have amaya to either acknowledge or thank.
- another popular one (or at least common theory) i have seen is that for whatever reason, bella will be back indefinitely and will be showcasing the runway outfit and makeup/hairstyle that the girls created for her. which WOULD BE NICE because honestly that whole look was gorgeous. i’m still eager to see the other girls but i just know bella’s runway outfit would be one of my top favs of all of the girls lol. plus... it’s my bby bella... i want her back no matter what lol :’)
- if she were to return, it could probably be connected to Lou? and Ramona Barnes? i mean the whole way bella got kicked out was dumb, and i know people try to blame bella for it and be like “it’s her fault” (which yeah, it is, but we have already discussed how dumb that rule is and how it is just a major pothole within the series) but the rule is dumb, and what if ramona were to find out and try to reason with lou to take her back. or lou for whatever reason decided to take bella back in. i mean, this one seems HIGHLY unlikely. like if bella were to come in, i feel like this would definitely not be the reason she comes back lol. like this is kind of a reach but would still technically make sense in a way???
- what if the girls pass the runway show and get good grades and they get a sort of prize? and the prize is that bella comes back. i mean honestly it sounds cute but also i hate this idea because that kind of just places bella as some sort of object. like she’s not a prize that needs to be won, she’s a person! it would still be cool, though, if the girls were to have an epic win with their runway show and suddenly their friend is back :’)
- rainbow high instagram said there is still so much we need to learn about jade, bella, and bella and jade. this was most likely a response to fans asking about jella and whether or not theyre a couple. so, how will we learn about bella and them if bella is no longer in the picture at rainbow high? like, yeah, violet can host a vi life where she asks jade questions and jade says “yeah, my girlfriend was really good at building sets” or “i had feelings for her the moment she walked into our dorm” or something. and while that would be VERY VERY nice, it still stinks because we would be having our canon lgbt rep at the expense of losing one of the characters. basically, the theory is, bella still exists and she cannot “be forgotten” by the series because they literally referenced how we still need to learn more about her
- and speaking of jella, another common theory i have seen is that maybe we can witness jade and bella getting together because of Kia. what if Kia had been watching jade and bella the whole time, and figured they’d be a great couple, but now that bella is gone that obviously can’t happen. so for some reason, bella comes back and we could have Kia to thank for it
- one theory that i just thought of as i type rn is that what if there’s some sort of thing that bella does behind the scenes, and it’s like really good for her reputation. like she successfully lands the internship, she gets new benefits, she gets an offer to go to another high-end school and then Lou is like no. we NEED bella back lol. idk another unlikely one but part of me just wants Lou to realize bella deserved better lmao
OK that’s it! if you have any theories please drop them in the replies or whatever bc i’d love to see them.
bella fans, let’s unite! do it for her!
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swearronchanel · 5 years
Finally got around to watching ctm after getting back from my Paris trip! (see here lol)
the wharfs! wild that I was just around that area (literally went on a class trip to the docklands museum the other day, gotta love studying in London)
Omg Angela picking her nose 😂 and yet she won’t speak!
Phyllis hurting her back is actually me all the time bc I have the vertebrae of an 80 year old
There’s Franklin indeed! We love a midwife queen
Shelagh’s outfit is so pretty!
The kids posting for a first day of school pic is so pure but also taking me back 😭 I remember those days
Phyllis grabbing Sister J’s hand why does that make me wanna cry
“I shan’t fight you”😭
Trixie loving her medical dramas I love it
She also is serving some 60s realness
OMFG PINCHED SIATIC NERVE IM TRIGGERED I swear to all the gods that happened to me last semester I literally cried and limped a mile from class to my dorm and deadass couldn’t move nor sit for 2 days until I had to pick up prescribed pain killers & taken to the damn chiropractor!! It was the WORST. The chiro was like omg your nerve is so pinched that one leg looked inches shorter than the other
Poor Phyllis 😭
she’s basically like “I thought about it but no one is better than me”
OH hell bah Trix should’ve got in the van too😂
thank god I wasn’t that badly injured
Also would rather be thrown pushed down stairs than use a bed pan skkssk
this reminds me of my grandfather who had emphysema and hated using his oxygen I’m sad already 😭 my heart
TRIXIE😍😍 omg what a look, love the hair! And that purple outfit is so 60s I love it (like duh ofc 60s)
Aw shelagh
ANTHRAX? Wtfff omg
Ok but I love mother Mildred aka grandma from Balto
She looks older than 17 btw lol
this is so sad wtf first the grandpa now the dad, this is not fine😭 who is gonna die first
“You’ve been the love of my life girl..” STOPPP I will start crying
where’s the loml?
I feel like this teenage mom story was just thrown in here & doesn’t seem like much rn but there’s still time I guess
I need Trixie’s Head scarf
But Trix just put mother Mildred in checkkkkk
plot twist, it’s baby #2
“Didn’t mean pastor in the literal sense..” Sister Monica Joan is so cute lmao she likes Cyril so much 😂😭
Wait this was on purpose? she wanted a baby lmao,, at 17?, can’t relate but ok lol
STILL ALIVE THEN? My whole family when I don’t text/call/FaceTime in like 2 days LMAO
This is gross but still my heart omg, the things we do for our grandmothers 😭😭
IM CRYIN RN I MISS MY GRANDMA 😭 I just FaceTimed her but still, it’s not the same
Aight Patrick I really doubt you remember being 2 years old I barely remember being 20
And I still am 20 LMAO
Shelagh going to Sister J tho, just like always 😭 but also Sister Julienne has been pushed aside this series I feel a type of way
wow what rude ass parents
“I didn’t know Nuns were interested in politics” 😂
Ms Higgins throwing some more wisdom, we stan
Lucille looks so pretty! she came for her man yes gal
ah Cyril disapproves, let me down 😂😂
They’re both homesick, I’m emo again
Why did they give Vi some Jane Wyman cringey hair style?
LMAO Violet standing up for her man at least
“The hearing is the last thing to go” “.. Barney’s coming”
this is sad af fling me out the window
glad she’s getting help but again this teen mom story didn’t cut it for me
Srgt Woolfe still persistent lol, I’m not even mad tbh she’s not that bad anymore
Trixie’s hair looks so good once again
omg Trixie’s purse I need
The gas money 😂😭 Fred is so pure
But also pass them pounds over I need London is so expensive
He’s going to run for the union rep aww
Omg I love these old school hymns😂 they make me miss my mom’s side grandparents
“So where in the end do we belong? I’m the eyes of another, where we see ourselves reflected? Or arm in arm, with those whose faces echo ours, whose blood we share?”
Val with her grandma again  😭
everyone came to see Phyllis love the Nonnatus fam 😭
“... or is it in the heart or the family we create, where we are safest and best known and never lonely? Perhaps we belong where love can bloom, because we give it room to put down roots, and space in which to thrive...we all belong somewhere.. and what matters is to not to struggle but where we find our peace” 😭😭
 Vanessa Redgrave stop making me emo 
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