#this is so kind I'm crine
deedala · 1 year
Having just finished a big family BBQ (all my clothes and hair still smell of smoke, but I’m too tired to do anything about it, so my bed’s gonna smell of smoke until I change the sheets after work tomorrow CRINE) - - aaanyway…
Post S11:
Who do you think is the best at organising regular get togethers?
Who regularly drags their feet and/or cancels or simply no shows last minute? And for what reason?
Where do the get togethers take place?
Of what nature are they?
Is there something one of them learns to do or always ensure they cook/bake/bring for these family events?
I’m having Gallagher Family Feels m’kay? m’kay!
lolol ok i accept this peace offering!!
Who do you think is the best at organising regular get togethers?
gosh thats gotta be debbie right? not only is it extremely important to her but she also LOVES that shit. though i also like to think lip is also very adamant that weekly dinner and other events are not shirked! and of course liam is always very invested in everyone being together as well.
Who regularly drags their feet and/or cancels or simply no shows last minute? And for what reason?
im gonna say carl 😆 i can see him going into his like bachelor boy era or some shit. being flaky to party with buddies and hook up with girls lol
Where do the get togethers take place?
i think eventually mickey and ian can host sometimes. otherwise its hard to say cuz i have some different thoughts/wishes about what happens with the gallagher house after the funeral. but yeah i guess if we assume they all move out then lip/tami/liam/freddies place would probably end up being the most accommodating, also debbie and franny’s place because debbie loves hosting 😊
also do we think carl buys the alibi and becomes a bartender? i kind of like this idea, but that his version of the alibi is just slightly less of a “shithole” (elevated slightly by the money and ideas of former officer tipping) and therefore makes more money, so the fam still loves having parties there.
Of what nature are they?
weekly family dinner
all the holidays which are often full day gatherings
all the birthdays
celebrations for first day of summer vacation
every time someone has a big career or school milestone
fiona finally visits (crine)
the ball family visits!!!!!! (its been so depressing leaving them out of all these other answers)
and lots of random meet ups and hangouts in between just because someone offers to order pizza and kfc and have everyone over to watch a show together or hang out in the backyard pool(or apartment complex pool) cuz its a super hot evening!
Is there something one of them learns to do or always ensure they cook/bake/ bring for these family events?
debbie loves making pie right?? would it be too silly to say lip gets really into cooking and likes to make like proper cooked from scratch type meals 😆 ian … gosh i have to right?? ian likes making tomato sauce from his tomato garden and bringing it over for whoever is hosting to use on the pasta or lasagna or pizza whatever they’re making that night 😌
I'm having Gallagher Family Feels m'kay? m'kay!
it IS okay but now you’ve inflicted then upon me havent you!!!!!! so thanks 🥺🥹🥺🥹
send me asks!
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synchronmurmurs · 3 years
I hope this isn't out of the blue, but I follow your Twitter, and recently you spoke about having fears of writing a book from scratch. Nothing connected to fandoms, no pre-existing characters or settings. No leg to perch on from an already developed story.
But I have to say, that your work on multiple OCs proves that you are incredibly skilled at making characters from scratch and developing compelling stories for said characters. For example, Punchy *chef's kiss* an absolute gem of a woman with wonderful depth, and the attitude to match. Liviere, whose sass and playful nature hides so much trauma. Evette, an aDORABLE BEAN with zero fucks to give. Each character is extremely unique, and I truly believe you are more than capable of creating an entire seperate world of your own.
Not to mention your prose, tHE PROSE *angels chanting*. I can honestly go on and on about how much your writing has inspired me, and the amount of times I reread a paragraph to soak in the flow and descriptions. An entire world developed through your mind, with your skillful writing, would probably make me astrally project into another dimension on the spot.
So anyway, what I meant to say is that you're underestimating your ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ) POWER. You have the skill, the drive (from the amount you've written for Pact I- hOLY SHIT THAT'S AN EPIC), and the creativity to write an original book and more. You're more than capable 👌
That being said... I want Punchy to absolutely
annihilate me
Nonnie I’ve had this open for like half an hour trying to find words I can reply to this with, but I keep defaulting back to things like WOOORGHHGHHGHGHGH and HOOORRRGHHHHHHGGGWWOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH and uncrontrollable, inconsolable sobbing that looks something like this
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so I think I’m going to give it up for the moment, but this really, really means a lot to me. 😭😭 I think I’ve been very blessed with the reception of these OCs, it’s something I can’t... ever properly repay or convey how deeply grateful I am, but I just have so much damn fun with putting little barbie dolls into a world and seeing what they do. And DMC especially, is a series that really easily welcomes literally any OC from any walk of life, where you can almost seamlessly find a justifiable way to integrate them into canon, and it’s just 😙👌
But that being said, I think I do have a pretty long road ahead of me. It’ll be... very awkward without the crutch of an existing canon to fall back on, and beyond a vague idea of what I’d ideally like to do (SUPERNATURAL CRIME DRAMA!!!!!!!), I don’t really know where to start? But baby steps and all that. I really would like to see how far writing can take me, because I don’t think I’ve ever felt so strongly about a hobby before? I’ve been at this for nearly 3 years now? And if that alone isn’t some sort of indication that maybe writing is what I’m supposed to be doing with myself, then I don’t know what is.
....christ this got away from me, I’m sorry nonnie. But thank you so much again for this encouragement, I’m really, truly touched and whehh fdskjhkfjh. 😭😭
....also big same about wanting to be annihilated by Punchy. The Punchwife.... hhgghoorgh maam.....
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melancholyjones · 2 years
TMMN ep 2 thoughts
Keiichirou's an established, respected expert in cryptozoology lol
I'm glad they're keeping the gross grope-y bits of ichigo & ryou's 1st scenes brief, but things are still moving so fast, if I was a new fan I think I'd have trouble keeping up
Ryou: damn I forgot to tell ichigo this really important thing b4 she ran off
Ryou: ...oh well she'll figure it out
Me: omg ryou do your JOB
Ryou either has issues w/ social skills & personal space, or he's purposely fucking w/ her. My guy you can't just grab ppl & say shit
Omigod lettuce's backstory & ichigo's speech 😭 "friendship isn't just about spending time together, it's about wanting to spend time together"
"What do you want, Lettuce?" I'm crine
Aw they didn't use the scene of lettuce dropping a tea kettle on ryou's foot, boo 😠. I love that bit! It's their very 1st interaction & shows their dynamic going forward, w/ ryou making a deliberate effort to be more kind & patient w/ lettuce than he is w/ the other mews
hi quiche 🙄
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thedaddie · 3 years
hi i really like your matchups and thought i would join 🥳
so I'm bisexual, more male-leaning so I'd prefer a male matchup please!
I'm really short like 5'1 type of short, i have brown eyes and brown long hair and i go by she/her!
I'm mostly an extrovert but really awkward during first meetings with people so they all think I'm very shy and innocent at first glance lmao. But boom bam the truth is I'm loud asf and dirty minded asf (blaming it on my best friends and tumblr mhm 😌). My friends always describe me as the sunshine and one of the babies of the group :)
I'm really adventurous and impatient, meaning even though I'm still in high school i dream of becoming an astronomer, going to space and then when i retire travel the world with my pet (preferably a cat) and s/o 🤠
Also i like doing ✨creative✨ (because ravenclaw lmao) things in my free time and at the moment I'm learning how to play the guitar (more professionally because i already knew the basics). I also like drawing although I'm not really good at it (but i have quite a few drawings I'm really proud of 🎊)
I'm really affectionate and my love language is physical touch, closely followed by quality time! My sun sign is sagittarius and my mbti is ENFP.
i hope that was enough, maybe more than enough sorry for that! Hope you have a great day/night 😽❤️
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hey!! thanks for requesting!! i match you with…
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so you guys met on a blind date (HEAR ME OUT-)
you expressed to one of your friends that you were ready to find a nice guy
you’d had your heart broken before and were just TIRED
well your friend is mutual friends with the third years of karasuno!
and they all thought that setting hinata up with you would help tame his energy a little lol
when they told him he was just like “omg a girl 🤩” he wasn’t thinking that’d he actually have to DO anything
so you guys met at a pottery painting place!
and immediately he was smitten i swear
he kinda mumbled his way through introductions BECAUSE THE BOY WAS NERVOUSSSS YOURE SO PRETTY AND COOL AND AHHHH
you knew of hinata before this date and the person in front of you compared to who he was when around his team on the court were two separate personalities 😟
but the night went amazing!! you decided to paint something for each other 🥰
he painted you a cute star shaped trinket dish (that was covered in a million different colors cause he couldn’t pick just one) and you painted him a sun charm with an orange that matched his hair perfectly 🥲
he asked if you wanted to see each other again and when you said yes he gave you a cute little nervous kiss on the cheek!!
now that you’re together you’re inseparable… literally
no one can see you without hinata being at least 5 feet away 😍
two sunshines together? things couldn’t be brighter :))
one of your most common dates is sneaking out and meeting up to look at the night sky!!
he learned all the constellations, planets, and everything astronomy related!
hinata loves hearing you talk about your love for astronomy :) seeing your eyes light up as you discuss just fills him with so much joy
sometimes at school you’ll find him doodling stars, planets, and even little sketches of you on his assignments AWWW
but he doesn’t want you to go to space!! he would miss you too much!!
just kidding lol he wants you to live your dream! and he’ll happily retire with you and a cat (he’s already writing down potential names for your future pet)
and your adventurous side keeps him on his toes! you’re always doing something different
that energy? the kind that the third years wanted tamed? only got more intense when he’s with you
you guys are LOUD and energetic! you’re always moving and laughing and making dirty jokes
y’all will never be tamed 😫
and remember the sun charm you painted him? he keeps it on a pendant which he tucks under his jersey before a game! it’s his lucky charm and he refuses to ever take it off 😭
he knows you take no bullshit!! you could be yelling at someone who said something disrespectful and hes in the back like “go babe!! that’s my girl!!” >:)
shoyo enjoys the fact that you’re shorter than him 😌 even if it’s only by 2 inches PFFTTT
sometimes while you’re practicing the guitar he just sits and listens to you with stars in his eyes HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH
your love language, physical touch, is his too! he swears that your hugs are a slice of heaven
plus he likes just being around you, so quality time is a must
now onto your zodiac signs! a gemini and a sagittarius!!
you guys are hands down one of the most compatible couples i’ve ever seen!!
both of you are looking for someone to complete your mental personalities, someone to give them purpose and to just simply talk to :)
rather than your sexuality or your emotions, your relationship is built on your personalities
so when you have a relationship that’s founded this way, it’s easier to have that friendly and fun feel to things
the understanding yall share is absolutely out of this world! your mutual curiosity allows you to learn about each other constantly and share exciting experiences!
there’s no way someone can hang out with you and not shine afterwards ☺️ you guys can make anyone smile because you’re so in love you share the most sincere laughs and fun times together
and now your mbti’s! an ENFP and ESFP :)
since you’re both Feeling types, it’s important to openly communicate and show some sensitivity to each other
you’re more likely to trust hinata if he appreciates your creative ideas and is openly encouraging to you and he’s more likely to trust you if you avoid being unrealistic and stay grounded through success!!
you guys are so encouraging and motivating to each other! sharing appreciation for your partners ideas really helps build your relationship
and while no pairing is 100% compatible, you guys are pretty damn close 🥰
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you slowly and carefully stick your leg out of your window, waiting to touch the ground before repeating the process.
the night is dark yet the stars are bright. they provide just enough light to get to your destination, a hill just down the street from your house. it’s around 2 AM and the sidewalk is completely empty, the streets are dead silent.
the hill comes into view and you immediately spot that familiar tuft of sunset orange hair situated at the top.
“shoyo!” you say, making his head snap towards you. his face breaks into a smile and he jumps up, waving both his arms at you.
“come on!” he exclaims. you hurriedly make your way up and greet him with a hug as soon as he’s close enough.
both of you hesitate to part for a long time despite the fact that it had been only hours since you had last seen each other. even as you lay down on the blanket hinata had spread out over the grass, his arm rests securely around your waist and his head is tucked in the curve of your neck.
your fingers find the ceramic necklace charm from your first date, which is laid above his shirt on his chest. you run your finger over the smooth surface, hiding a proud smile.
“see anything yet?”
“well,” hinata starts, extending a finger towards the sparkling sky. “i thought i saw jupiter, but i was waiting until you got here to know for sure. but i definitely saw pleiades.”
the two of you observe the sky for hours until the black of the night turns into a cool blue and the golden sun begins to tint wispy clouds pink and purple.
“i’ve gotta get back,” you sit up and stretch.
“see you at the game later?” hinata asks, eyes bright as the sunlight beginning to shine on his face.
“wouldn’t miss it for the universe.”
songs for your matchup :)
thanks for requesting!! hope you enjoyed!! have a lovely day ☺️
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