#this is so long omg help im sorry gsfdgfgfdgfd
yutadori · 4 years
hi hello! yessss i’m so glad yuki has kakeru TT their bickering is so funny and those SOFT yuki smiles like my heart just ahhhh!! & kyo and tohru are soso soft like w/ them realizing their feelings and the play!! omg i love them! yes kono oto tomare i liked a lot!! and it looks cute but don’t be fooled bc it’s a sport anime in disguise and it’ll come for your heart :’)) ahhh yes shirayukihime!! i watched it a few months back and i love it!!
i want to read the manga but haven’t gotten around to finding where to read it yet :( oooh i haven’t heard of those manga but they look cool from what i’ve seen you post! i always love to see you talk abt shows and everything~ your waves are so nice ^^ and yes!! i DID get to go to the bbt place finally! and it was so goood but now i wanna go again soon haha i have the things to make it at home but i cannot figure out how to get the ice right w/out watering it down??sdfshj
but ooh have you tried making anything else recently? summer’s almost over idk how that happened? i did get to go to the beach a few times! and the one i go to it’s cool bc there’s only ever like four?? other cars there and at low tide you can go suuuper far out bc sandbars!! but i’m ready for cooler weather now :)) i hope you’re doing ok w/ everything going on?!! it’s crazy hearing abt the west coast rn.. pls stay safe + take care!! 💖💖💖 - xkit anon
AAAA HELLO ANON LOVE!!!!! i missed you a lot omg thank you for being patient with my replies like always!!! <3 
omggg yessss please they’re such a funny pair i love them SO MUCH!!! dynamics like theirs are my fave omg and i feel like they are so good for each other )): kakeru bringing out yuki’s more genuine personality with his chaoticness is my fave LOL and omg i KNOW yuki’s soft genuine smiles are like . wow . this is the happiness you deserve, im so happy for you omg T___T  omg kyoru YEAH!!! omg at first i didnt really get the hype with them but as we slowly progressed through the series i was like oh okay i get it now they’re really soft T__T omg when kyo realized that he loves tohru.... goodbye that was a lot gfdgdfgdf
omg wait i think i’ve heard of kono oto tomare!! 0: ohhh wait i bookmarked it some time ago... hm i think i may try picking it up soon! unsure if right now is a good time because for some reason, i havent been able to get into anything new like i’ve picked up and dropped around 5 shows in the past two weeks or so, its really annoying T___T also thank you for the sad warning gsgfdgf f how do sports anime always end up being SAD PLEASE )))):
ooohh i have a few manga sites that i use! i’d say the one i like the most is mangadex! there arent any/many ads even on mobile and it’s v neat and easy to navigate! i think there’s also mangareader/net and manganelo! i hope they work well for you if you decide to use them !!
omg thank you im glad you dont mind seeing those posts !! T___T i miss rambling about shows and stuff.. i havent been able to get into anything new which has been :// i think the only thing i’m really into right now is jujutsu kaisen?? but idk i think the coffee i had the other day awakened somethnig in me and i’ve just been thinking and talking about my ocs for the past few days gfsgdfgfdgf 
oooohhh yay im so happy you got to go to the bbt place!!! ^__^ and omg making bbt at home that sounds so exciting yesss (~: awww i get what you mean i think my friend had the same problem )): i never really used ice and usually just left it in the fridge so maybe you could try that if the ice ratio doesn’t work out?? 0: 
aaa actually i havent cooked anything in a while, ive just been eating take out that my brother brings home or eating what my mom cooks whenever shes home gfdgfdg BUT omg actually i was watching some cooking videos the other week and i got some ingredients to make onigiri, since they seem relatively easy to make!! :3 im not sure when ill be making those but im really excited for it hehe ^__^ how about you?? :3
aaaa i knowww omg i was so sad about summer ending, i cant believe it was over so fast like that )): i really miss it, esp since it’s sooooo cold nowwwww T___T and with daylight savings, it starts to get dark at like... four pm which is SO SAD ))): i know it can get pretty cold on the east coast so i hope you’ve been able to stay warm recently!! <3 oh and im glad you were able to go one last time before summer ended and that there werent many people !! <3
and thank youuuu so much for thinking about me awww im T___T omg it was so WILD like . fires in california are normal esp in summer (unfortunately...) because of how HOT and dry it gets here but it was even worse this year because i believe it was worsened by a gender reveal party which was -___- esp bc as far as what i know, the people who started it were california residents and it’s like.. if you live here you know.... that california is susceptible to fires esp in the summer so it was ://// but it was wild because where i live we’ve never really been too affected by the fires??? like if you drove and looked at some mountains from farrrr away or something you could sometimes see the fires depending (help does this make sense gfdgf) but ??? this time i actually ?? smelled ashes from the inside of my house..... with our windows open.... and at first i thought it was just me but my brother said when he went out he’d seen ashes and i was just like ?!?! because i don’t think it’s been that bad before in our area (at least not for a Long Time) but yeah anyway gfdsgfdg thankfully??? the effects of the fire in our area didnt last for too long !! and we got our first rain last week !!! gfdgfdgfd
but yesss thank you for checking in i really appreciate your kind words love!! <3 how have you been doing yourself and what have you been up to?? i hope you’ve been doing well and staying warm!! <3 take care and stay safe!!! 💖💖💖
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