#this is so loooooooooooonggg
funny-house · 4 years
So after some thinking about what the series is going to be about and the clips of the pilot episode. I have an idea of that the series is about. Basically the series will portrayed a regular episode of DHMIS, but the only difference being that as after an episode; the characters will be more aware of their world not being real. With red guy being the main character of the series; while Roy returning and trying to keep them here, with the end being everyone escaping Clayhill.
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Ooooooo I love hearing about other people’s takes, thank you !! <3 Ok I have my own r u ready here i goooo Yeah, I think you’re pretty right tbh!! My personal take is kinda that but more specific? Because get this!!! I don’t think the series is unrelated/a new story from the youtube videos. I think it’s just continuing.  Just, kinda in a weird way?
So, I subscribe to the idea Red is the original creator of the show and that’s super important. Roy is the one who funded his show after finding him in ( a karaoke bar? Although, I think that’s more a metaphor for just “finding talent” )
So in this new series, when Red says  “ This isn’t even real! ”  He yells that because he’s frustrated with how this puppet world is constantly spiraling out of his control and not just.... being a happy place. Notice he yells it at the mayor as he’s acting completely out of character ( a good, respectable mayor ), isn’t responding to anything he’s saying, and is being disturbing and crazy.
And then a completely NEW character shows up right as he does that, instead of Roy. A weird, scarecrow looking puppet in a bowler hat.        I call him Mr. Bowler Hat
And he just.... zooms in really quick and scares Red.  And then Red goes back to acting within the episode’s story.
And.......... who the heck is Mr. Bowler Hat?  I can only imagine the only thing that can scare Red is someone with the power to take his show away from him. Just like Roy.  ( I just don’t know yet... if he’s related to Roy. Working for Roy? Something from Red’s personal life he’s trying to avoid? )
And THAT’S why Red is “trapped” in the show.  He isn’t.  He can walk away, but... he’d just end up in a boring office job and lose the show he always dreamed of having.  He’s trapped in an unfair society, not just in a show.
Yellow is trapped because he depends on his father, and Duck is literally just a puppet in the show and has nowhere else to go. If the show becomes a nightmare... Duck and yellow are forced to live in it.
And heck, Red’s care for his friends probably adds to why he won’t leave
the reason I say the show is an expansion of the original series and not a new take on it, is because of.... the weird door opening.  That door opening literally makes it super clear they want you to think of this as connected.  because~~ in the hyper-drive style zoom blur of colors there’s scenes from the original series! All being sucked into this door.... that leads out of the house set and into Clayhill. 
Something’s gone all mucky and made their story keep going past it’s ending. And I think it’s literally what’s happened in real life. THIS life, I mean. They’ve been greenlit. Their series is being continued because... it was decided it would.
Just like how the patreon videos reflected real life. They needed money, or you would never see them again.
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