#this is such a kezrah look
casareds · 5 days
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there's an unsettled feeling in her stomach when she wakes up , she's not quite sure what has woken her in the middle of the night . kezrah pushes herself to sit up , rubbing her eyes as she looks around .
she freezes when she spots them in the corner , fingers curling into the blankets as she tilts her head to the side. " you're not real . " kezrah knows what she did, but she didn't think it would work.
⌗ closed starter.   ﹙ plotted ! ﹚
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malboraslihan · 2 years
closed starter for @skinnysdippin​ based on this
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he rolls his eyes one more time before exiting the room in a half laugh, thanking the doctor again for looking after his completely drunk friend on the way. perks of being the designated driver most of the times: you were also the one to get them to the hospital when they passed out drunk and to wait for them to get hydrated again in the sitting area. before he's managed to find a coffee machine, a body collapses against him, hands instantly holding the other's shoulder in an attempt to secure them, apologetic smile quickly creeping onto his features. "i'm so sorry, i wasn't looking" eyes land on their features' only to open in shock, letting go of her arm and taking a step back, brows furrowed by memories of their last encounter. "kezrah?"
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breaksaway · 3 years
♡      *       𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝      𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫      ›      @gcslight​  . 
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      it’s  been  a  rough  night  ,  and  kezrah  isn’t  sure  where  else  to  go  .  she  wipes  at  the  tears  under  her  eyes  ,  knocking  on  their  door  as  she  takes  a  step  back  . hands  shake  as  she  swallows  ,  holding  her  heels  in  her  hands  as  she  gnaws  on  her  lower  lip  .  she  doesn’t  even  know  if  they’re  home  ,  but  this  was  the  first  place  she  could  think  of  .  honestly  ,  most  of  it  was  on  auto-pilot  .  she  swallows  ,  looking  over  her  shoulder  at  the  empty  street  before  knocking  again  . 
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flannelscures · 4 years
––––   *   𝑭𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑫   :   closed for  @mccdswings​  .
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     she’s been out of the spotlight for a while , and she’s been thinking about getting back into it . so here she is , sat on the floor in the living room surrounded by scripts . kezrah runs a hand through her hair , humming as she picks one up ; flicking through it . it’s scary , dipping her toes back in the water but she’d rather do this than sing . especially at the moment . kezrah looks up when she hears the door opening , “ hi you . ”
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chrrysblossom · 4 years
❪   closed  starter  1 of 2 !  ❫  based  on  this  plot  for  @cocained​  .
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     she  swallows  as  she  looks  around  the  room  , her  heart  hammering  in  her  chest  .  she’s  not  exactly  sure  what  she’s  doing  ,  or  where  she  is  .  kezrah  moves  ,  pressing  herself  back  against  the  wall  when  the  door  swings  open  .  “  what       what  am  i  doing  here  ?  ”  kez  asks  ,  sitting  back  down  on  the  cot  before  pulling  her  knees  against  her  chest  . 
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cheapswines · 4 years
–––––––   ♡  closed starter for  @inflamedtears​  .
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    she  sits  down  on  the  floor  ,  looking  up  at  the  other  .  “  so         do  you  think  it  was  a  bad  idea  for  me  to  start  working  in  the  cat  cafe  ?  ”  kezrah  asks  softly  ,  licking  over  her  lower  lip  .  kez  pulls  her  knees  against  her  chest  ,  shifting  where  she’s  sat  .  leaving  the  industry  had  been  hard  ,  but  at  the  end  of  the  day  ,  it  was  the  best  thing  she  could’ve  done  for  herself  .  the  industry  had  wrecked  havoc  on  her  mental  health  ,  and  being  away  from  it  all  was  the  best  she  coudl’ve  done  .  
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stainedglasse · 4 years
⟦   ♡   ⟧  closed  starter  2  of  4  for  @dxntwantheaven​ .
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     kezrah looks over at the other , licking over her lower lip . she spins in her chair as she gazes over at cory , crossing her ankles as she tilts her head to the side and moving her hair out of her face . “ you’ve been quiet today , is everything okay ? ” she asks gently , wiggling her feet as she just gazes at him . 
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versctles · 5 years
inspired by this cute lil video for a non-celeb/celeb plot
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          any liquor influence doesn’t have to be involved for vera to make a complete fool out of herself, which is pretty on brand for her. but to rake up all these views and engagements for a viral video by dancing with a standee of her teen idol is quite unexpected. she’s playfully remarked to her sister and friends that she’s marrying her one day, so she figures this is a step ahead from that, joking about her one minute to fame to get closer to the celebrity she’s looked up to for years. it’s late in the evening with her friend running late for their dinner plans, leaving vera to impatiently order some food for her grumbling stomach. usually, she couldn’t stand to be eating alone at some retro diner with all the other tables filled with chattering groups of social casualties. she’s gotten herself busy with the mere company of her phone, scrolling mindlessly with one hand while the other pops some fries into her mouth. for some christmas miracle, somebody’s swooped into her booth and occupies the vacant space in front of her. but this isn’t just some random person, no, as she couldn’t believe her own eyes to be gazing back at the kezrah alvarez in the flesh. “ holy shit !! you’re --- “ she’s got no time to finish until she hears a swarm of screaming fangirls and paparazzis coming through the front entrance. ~ ♡ @sniffsglitter​
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othrworldy · 5 years
@sniffsglitter liked this for a starter, based on "I’m sick so you make me chicken soup and I’m really grateful but I’ve also seen you read books on magical spells and potion-making so I’m not sure if I should drink your soup in case it turns me into a toad” AU.
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“hey, don’t look like that,” eugene chuckles softly. “it’s not a potion. there’s nothing magical about this soup.” he pauses, reconsidering. “okay, maybe i blessed the herbs before i added them but they’re going to help. i’m a good witch, i swear.” his smile is somehow both sweet and self-depricating. he cares about kezrah and really wants her to get better, but he also knows that not everyone takes his witchy tendencies very well.
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So it had only been two days, but Cory wasn’t sure he would ever get used to seeing Kezrah’s face next to his when he woke up. Sure, they were sleeping on a mattress on the floor surrounded by boxes, but they were together. And exhausted though she was, she still looked gorgeous. Cory nuzzled into her neck, whispering “good morning beautiful.” he couldn’t bring himself to really wake her up tight now despite all the work they had to do on their new apartment.
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paintedneons · 6 years
———  ❛ ♡  open for F/NB. (based)
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         KEZRAH GIGGLED AS THE two snuck into one of the rooms in the hotel, champagne bottle in hand before she placed it on the desk - flopping onto the bed and just staring up at the ceiling. “i thought we were never  going to get away,” she spoke softly, kicking her shoes off before turning her head so that she could look at the other. she hummed a little, pushing herself up onto one of her elbows - a fond smile pulling on her lips. “you look really pretty today.”
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paintedneons-a-blog · 6 years
✦ * ·  ˚  ⌜closed starter for @sadscngs​ 4/4.⌟
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        KEZRAH FROWNED A LITTLE as she was lead into a room, licking over her lower lip as she looked at the other. “baby..” she spoke softly, her eyes scanning over rayne as she shifts a little. her hands brush over her skirt as she tilts her head, licking over her lower lip. “what’s going on?”
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breaksaway · 3 years
♡      *       𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝      𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫      ›      @puniishers​   .  (  1  /  2  . )
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      kezrah  looks  over  at  oliver  ,  moving  a  loose  strand  of  hair  out  of  her  face  as  she  licks  over  her  lower  lip  .  “  so  ,  do  you  make  it  a  habit  of  coming  for  dinner  with  your  tennants  or  am  i  a  special  exception  ?  ”  kez  teases  ,  going  over  to  the  oven  to  check  on  what  she’s  been  cooking  . 
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flannelscures · 4 years
––––   *   𝑭𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑫   :   closed for  @cocained​  .
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    if she’s honest , she’s not partied for a long time but she’s here to spend time with tristan . hand is wrapped around a bottle as she makes her way through the crowd , moving her hair behind her ear as she looks around . kezrah licks over her lower lip , humming as she pushes her way through the crowd . the music thumps in her chest , eyes moving around the room before she finally finds him . hand rests on the back of his arm before she slips in front of him . “ there you are . ”
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chrrysblossom · 4 years
❪   closed  starter  !  ❫  ◞  based  on  this  plot  for  @ameswrites​.
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       kezrah  smiles  as  she  pushes  the  hotel  door  open  ,  letting  the  other  in  before  her  .  “  i  know  this  isn’t  exactly  what  you  planned  ,  but  ,  we  can  still  have  a  good  time  !  ”  she  nods  ,  scrunching  her  nose  a  little  as  she  carefully  sets  her  suitcase  to  the  side  . the  brunette  tucks  a  piece  of  hair  behind  her  ear  as  she  looks  around  ,  leaning  against  the  dressing  table  .  “  i  still  want  you  to  have  a  good  time  .  ”
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cheapswines · 4 years
–––––––   ♡  closed starter for  @patrickoharaandco​  .
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    kezrah  runs  a  hand  through  her  hair  as  she’s  out  with  draco  ,  constantly  adjusting  her  dress  as  she  looks  around  .  she’s  not  used  to  this  ,  she  never  really  had  any  relationships  whilst  she  was  in  hogwarts  so  to  her  ,  this  was  normal  .  dainty  fingertips  run  over  the  collar  around  her  neck  before  looking  around  as  she  looks  up  at  draco  .  “  where  are  we  going  ?  ”  she  asks  softly  .
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