#this is such a mitsuki behavior tho omg
deflcresco · 5 years
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Eating mochi shortly before bedtime is not a very good idea but as long as no one is looking---
It didn’t happen.
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justastraightupmess · 6 years
k how abt ur fellas finding their boys having some not so private time with sb else??
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He’s pretty hurt tbh. Like he’d be fine with a threesome or smth, maybe even Mitsuki sleeping with sb else if they talked abt it first but... having it happen behind his back definitely hurt him. He’d probably just open the door and be ‘ Oh... Uhm.. s-sorry, I-- I’ll uh leave now.’ And then run the hell off anc cry somewhere. I think the saddest part is that he doesn’t even have it in him to break up with Mitsuki ??? He’d be super sad and miserable abt it but he likes Mitsuki too much, he’d make excuses for him and pretend that it was okay when it wasn’t. 
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Andy is,,, so shocked and so hurt??? Like, he kinda gave everything to Daiki, he was pretty much his first everything and slowly but surely his feelings for him have grown and with that came trust that he put in him. He really started to believe that Daiki did love him and that he was the only one Daiki wanted. So this would rlly break Andy. He probably wouldn’t say anything, he’d just shut the door and leave. Send a text saying that he was breaking up with Daiki then block his number and plan to never see or speak to him again. It’d really hurt lil Andy. 
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Dante doesn’t care rlly. If anything he’s jsut ‘aww i wanted to do that with chika :T maybe next time’
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Indy is furious. But bc they’re not dating or anything he kinda pretends its just bc Val is doing it in his own damn house and bc Val kept saying how much he liked Indy only to turn around and do this, its the dishonesty that annoys him not that he jealous or anything ofc not. He probably fking throws something at them and kicks whoever it is tf out before yelling at Val. He would go off on him like so bad omg. Then he’d storm out and get absolutely shitfaced, end up fucking some random. Self destructive behaviors increase by tenfold. Now he’s bringing sb new home every night and fucking them so loudly in the room next to Val’s just to get back at him. 
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Ironically Levi’s pretty pissed. It’s more that his pride was hurt than anything else though. He’d storm in like “who the fuck is this ??” But then he’d also make a show like “hey if u hop of his dick u can have mine, who’s would you prefer~ come on ~ tell us, be honest~” and then if/when the person says Levi he kicks them the hell out and turns his attention to Touma. Then he’d go off but in a scarily calm kinda way like “What was I not good enough?? You seriously needed sb else other than me ??? You know I’m better than them in literally every way I don’t understand ??? What could you possible get from them that you couldn’t from me ???” He wouldn’t break up with him or anything but he’d be pissed. He’d probably cheat on him back tho jsut to get even. It’d probably be really toxic tho with Levi being like “Fine, if you’re good I’ll forgive” and he’d hold it over Touma for aaaaaaaaaages, anytime he wanted smth or felt petty he’d being it up again. 
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If this is when Luke had proepr realized feelings for Ev then lmao bye. He’d jsut scoff ad shake his head and say smth really mean like “huh, so I guess you really are a whore huh ? How much is this guy paying then ?” Before leaving ans slamming the door shut. He’d be so sooooooooooooooo pissed. Unforgivable. He wants nothing to do with Ev. He is gone. Bye. Don’t come for him he doesn’t want to hear it or see Ev. 
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