#this is the funniest and cutest thing i've seen all day >3<
134340am · 2 years
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i love u bubby i m going to kiss u SO HARD
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kyopmi · 2 years
name at least one reason for all of your moots why you love them
!!! ok >:)
starting out this post by saying i think all my moots are amazingly talented and all so lovely and i love and appreciate them so much !! highly recommend checking their blogs, but please do read through their rules/byi beforehand. so without further ado here are my beloved moots, in no particular order!! ♡
@justmyownreality if i scroll down to the bottom of my following list, jmor is my first moot :) i love talking to her, whether it's about coffee or 2d men! and i don't think i show it much but i love reading about her oc rukia too hehe
@icedhoneyy i think if you look at isa's tumblr page you will immediately fall in love because LOOK AT HER THEME!! HER NAVI TAGS!!! her brain is so seggsy for that and i will never get over it. besides her writing that i also adore, i think isa is an actual sunshine. has AMAZING music taste. always so sweet and funny. makes me blush. i have a crush on her.
@maitaro my bby mai gives off such ~cool older sibling vibes~ even though i'm older than her lmao, but everytime i see her on my dash, my brain goes !!! i hope i can be as cool and amazing as her one day!!! mai is also so sweet and so fun to talk to!! i remember one of our first conversations was about the percy jackson franchise mehehe love her sm <3
@niverine niv is also one of my first moots and friends on tumblr! i love her sm and always look forward to chatting with her <3 her writings? immaculate. her themes? amazing. she's so adorable and lovely and funny!! always makes me feel warm and fluttery inside when i see her on my dash <3
@emmyrosee emmy is responsible for any and all hq uncles brainrot i have. come and take responsibility emmy >:( hehe i love talking about them with her and isa too! i also adore the characterization she has in her fics!! especially for ushijima, sakusa and osamu!! always makes me fall even more in love w them everytime i read emmy's works
@kitsunekanojo MILO MY WIFEY. ok first of all her themes and layouts are always SO PRETTY. and have you seen the events she comes up with? big, wrinkly brain. and the writings she produce are always top-tier!! the sweetest and funniest, and has adorable cats. also talking to milo is so fun i love her sm! but i'm sorry i've accidentally fallen asleep sometimes </3
@ohtokki genuinely i am so obsessed with laura's writings! she's also so very sweet, friendly, gives off warm, comfy vibes and is always so nice to chat with! deserves all the best french fries. i have to give an honorable mentions to her plants also, which always look so lovely!
@writingbymoonlight luna is so sweet and kind! besides her amazing writing, i also love the stuff she reblogs and am always happy to see her on my dash or notifs! also has amazing taste in bubble tea🧋🧋
@kagejima RAE AND HER BIG BRAIN! rae never fails to make me simp for characters i didn't know i was in love with and also fall even more in love with the characters i do! has such amazing range from the cutest softest fluffiest fics to the hottest spiciest ones and my fav is when it's both lmao also i think rae is so funny, i think our sense of humor matches up hehe
@epkatn k makes my heart flutter everytime i see her in my notifs, whether she's sharing fanart, pictures of lisska and marcian, her amazing creative ideas or anything else, she's always so sweet! one of my fav things to do on this site is to gush about au's and scenarios with k!! the descriptions in her writing also never fails to amaze me, always feels like watching a movie!
@bananapolis banana has such amazing writing and fics and i'm upset i have yet to read all of them >:( but omg i always love their sukuna plushie pics HEHE and gushing about merch with them <3
@yuutakittie heids is so sweet and talented and i still can't get her recent omi fic out of my brain :( i love the flow in her writings, like it all comes together and fits together perfectly! she's also so very lovely to talk to, with top-tier taste in music!!
@snnybnny jules has such a creative mind! their fics? events? themes? all so immaculate. also so very sweet and i love talking to them!
@atsumeii dilly <3 always so sweet she's gonna make me CRY. also her theme is so damn pretty!! i love her writing and i need to go through her masterlist asap >:( has the hottest, truest takes on everything and interacting with dilly is always a great time!
@mattsunkawa i love seeing echo on my dash! i love her fluff SO MUCH and i am waiting for my next free time so i can go through her sakusa series in one sitting >:) her fics and series are all so interesting and enjoyable, plus love talking to her!!
@sunkeiji first of all, sayu's themes? perfect. gorgeous. immaculate. love her writings sm and i need to properly go through her masterlist asap!! sayu is also my tears of themis dealer on tumblr LMAO bcs i love seeing TOT content and reblogs from her. everytime she reblogs a fic i am always immediately on the floor in tears.
@hyeque kurisu is so sweet from our interactions and from what i've seen! i've seen her interact with other moots before we became moots so does that make us moot-in-laws? hehe :) her blog is so pleasing to look at! still sobbing at kurisu sending me outfit inspos the other day :(
@oooohno i'm always so happy when i see nana on my dash and notifs because she's always so lovely <3 also i LOVE gushing about 2d characters and also dogs with nana hehe, she always has amazing ideas!!
@onigirintarou i love hazel's writings so much and also the moodboards she makes for her events? so pretty and gorgeous.
@virtue-and-beneviolence virtue is my tokrev dealer on tumblr HEHE i love seeing her posts and always enjoy our interactions!
@kuroosdarling aims is so sweet!! always melt at the tags she adds in her reblogs ;(( she's also so warm and friendly and gives me ghibli vibes hehe
@alienbitch iannah's tags on her reblogs always make me CRY like she is so sweet!! love seeing her on my dash and notifs <3
last but not least my moots i have yet to interact more with! but they are all so sweet and lovely and i can't wait to get to know them more !! @keifairie @lunaevangeline @satisfactooru @ariellogy @rinsramenshop @gojospit @toshji @miya-dynasty @vilevvords
in conclusion: i'm in love with all my moots <3
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
I have gotten two of my friends interested in Tsuma just by spamming GIFs so can confirm the Cutest Old Man In Media strategy has a high success rate... ON THAT NOTE. Very strong list of cuties... I Must Agree... Ikegami may be At Least A Little heinous but can't argue with that reasoning...
AND OK LISTEN. Some things I tell you are meant to be locked away in the vault never to be spoken of again... Tsutsumi's retirement is one of those... [just kidding it's fine LMAO he can do whatever makes him happy But I Will Cry I'm Sorry WE GET LIKE ONE MAINLINE GAME EVERY FOUR YEARS WHAT IF JO NEVER COMES BACK AAAA] BUT YES. YEAH. Very curious how he might do as a director...
DJKLGHJKLSDHLKS NO THAT'S THE FUNNIEST THING because I will generally just mention something in passing without actually recommending it but you'll go for it anyway😭😭😭NOT COMPLAINING. NOT COMPLAINING IN THE SLIGHTEST you have my deepest gratitude after A Lifetime of having my recommendations fall through and not being able to talk about stuff I'm into I cannot say this enough 😭😭😭😭😭but of course, definitely checking out the movie when I can :] I wish I could've watched before responding but busy day... oh well...
Speaking of! Kagerou Touge here and Tonbi here. They're both a bit less than three hours and split into two parts sooooo up to you <3 I don't remember enough about Tonbi to summarize it any better than what's on the page and It Is Best I Leave Kagerou A Surprise From Start To Finish. Bali Big Brother has been a bitch for years though unfortunately😩no subs may or may not be better than the machine-translated subs I had to work with
AGREED ON EVERYTHING ABOUT ATR NO NOTES NO ADDITIONS... YOU GET ME... KUROMI/MY MELODY-CORE SO REAL I felt like stopping and pointing whenever you could see their charms😭😭😭big fan... huge even... also the visual direction was Overall really good it is such a pretty anime and goes So Hard with the rain motif... SPEAKING OF THE FINALE WHICH I LOVED FOR THOSE SAME REASONS AS WELL Akira imagining breaking into a run to kiss Kondo on the cheek in the "date" ep but when she actually does it in real life it's a hug... as friends... broooooooo 😭😭😭😭😭
can't believe you're just hoarding keisuke gifs from me 😭 yes ive seen all of the show but STILL BUT REGARDLESS I'M GLAD YOU GOT OTHERS ON BOARD truly love this show a lot for keisuke... even beyond him tho not only is the cast really lovely but again i really love where the story went and how it all culminated in its last episodes..
and LISTEN Yes Ikegami Is A Lil Rank. Comes With Being A Yakuza but i do not have many options out of the charas ive seen tsutsumi play 😔 we been through this ttm is either very heinous or very serious in his films.... have to be careful..... plus i still think him smiling so much during the filming of the movie was cute, he's just a little silly to me 😔
but if tsutsumi isn't due to come back cause of his career, i gotta be the one to rip the bandaid off an assume jo prob won't return after this game. which either means 1.) joins the graveyard of tsutsumi charas 2.) He Somehow Gets Out Just Fine ???? And Just Does His Own Thing ???? Alone ???? either way... very intrigued to see what LaD8 has in store with that in mind...
there's some evil parasite in my brain that makes me immensely interested in things- like i accidentally went down a rabbit hole on The Superman Curse after someone made an aside comment about the latest flash movie DO NOT mention things to me because i will investigate it thoroughly... AND IM GLAD I DO CAUSE I FIND GEMS LIKE THESE !!!!!!!!! with that said i hope you enjoy the movie if you get to it !! (❁´◡`❁)
AND SPEAKING OF EPIC THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! i wouldn't mind with auto-generated subs tbh.... i've worked with less honestly BUT for now i'll see to watchin these two tonight ||ヽ(* ̄▽ ̄*)ノミ|Ю
I REALLY LOVED THE RAIN THEME OF AtR. like Yeah That's On The Label BUT STILL it really fit the title so well... AND YAYA THE PARALLEL IN THE DATE EP FANTASY VS THE FINAL EP REALITY.... cinema.. LITERAL cinema i LOVE so so much the direction the anime went with their relationship... i said it enough but it's just so refreshing and great to see...
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
Don't fight me on this but the media in the President Kai universe is basically stan twitter on drugs. They don't care about Kai's politics or policies, hell the nation could be thriving and they'd still bash him. When they write stories, it isn't about how bad Kai is to the nation, it's how bad he is to First Lady Y/N and if her kids should grow in such an environment. He is always on thin ice and if he does something like grab her a bit too rough, oh the worldwide media has given him 300 terrible nicknames, nations are preparing to go to war and his own country is helping them. But once First Lady Y/N says something like "please relax," balance has been restored but everyone secretly thinks that they need to get their precious goddess and babies out of the clutches of that abuser.
tl;dr: First Lady Y/N rules the world and every nation wants her for themselves
This is the funniest true thing I've read in a long time 😭😭😭😭
No cause its true. Kai could have just walked 1 step ahead of you and he'd be called uncaring. If he walks behind you, he's a creep who's watching your ass. If he walks with you, he's a jerk who's ruining your paparazzi pictures.
You actually have to come to his aid quite often. He'd be doing a live session and the comments under would be bashing him and then you'd just either walk in on his live and give him a kiss a d they'd all be like "awww, cutest couple ever🥰🥰"
In interviews and stuff, you'd often have to exaggerate and sing his praises to maintain his public image. Like "Ahh yes, Kai is actually an amazing husband and father. No matter how busy he is, he always starts his day by kissing me-" which rarely ever happens because you don't wanna kiss this sociopath on the lips unless it's in front of the cameras. You can't be falling for him and get pregnant again.
You still remember the time when rumors began to spread that Kai is actually a terrible father (the word "abuser" was used) because how youe kids were almost seen clinging to you. But all you had to do was post a couple of pictures, like:
Pic 1- the triplets are just 6 months old and looking chonky as ever in Kai's arms, the man sporting a subtle "proud dad" smile.
Pic 2- Kai changed Dabi's diaper for the first time and got pissed on by the baby.
Pic 3- Tomura sitting on Kai's lap and spending quality time with each other by sharing their mutual admiration as they flipped through your photo album.
Pic 4- Kai and baby Himiko standing on his yacht, Kai's holding a big fish while Himiko beams as she held a smaller fish (which ended up being a baby piranha that was surprisingly calm in her baby hands).
Pic 5- Kai being pinned to the ground by the 3 year old triplets so that you had the chance to escape and catch up on some sleep.
He has some special pictures with you too. Some of them are hidden securely, because they are for his eyes only💖
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