teriel · 3 days
In my latest video I discuss how to create a personal cosmological system of magic and what the benefits of creating such a system are, as well as how it can transform your overall approach to magical work. I share an example of a system I’m currently refining and developing and the medium I’m using to represent the cosmological system.
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teriel · 4 days
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I’m currently doing a lot of research and magical work with daemonic spirits and one of the themes I’ve consistently noticed is how daemonic spirits are linked with necromantic practices. S. Connolly notably has several books exclusively devoted to necromantic work with daemonic spirits, which are insightful and helpful, in terms of introducing magicians to the spirits who can be helpful for necromantic workings. I also recently found an intriguing connection in Clavis Goetica by Frater Acher and Jose Sabogal, where they too note the role of underworld spirits as facilitators and allies for connecting with the spirits of the dead.
In my own spiritual practices I’ve done some necromantic practices over the years. When I first started out, I found that working with a spirit emissary was very helpful. My initial work was with Euronymous who’s continued to be an ally I work with for purposes of necromantic magic. I’ve also worked with Saturn, Bifrons, and several other spirits since then and each time what I’ve observed is that the spirits play an essential role as intermediaries in necromantic practices.
My definition of necromantic practices are practices done to communicate with ancestral spirits, the spirits of the dead in general, but also ritual done to assist a person in the process of dying, so they can pass over. My practices are done from a place of reverence and respect, both in terms of working with the daemonic spirits and the spirits of the dead.
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#magick #necromancy #daemon #spiritwork #spiritworker #taylorellwood
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teriel · 6 days
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One of the reasons I’ve found that people get into magical practice is because they want to achieve a sense of power in their lives. It makes sense and its a viable reason to get into magic, but I sometimes find that a person’s understanding of power and magic is flavored by Hollywood effects and an expectation around how magic will show up in their lives.
Additionally they want power for the sake of power, but don’t always consider the application of it. Having power for its own sake doesn’t mean much if you aren’t sure how to apply it. In fact, it can even be argued that you don’t really have power so much as the perception of power. And if that’s what you’re into, then that’s not really power.
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teriel · 7 days
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I self-taught myself #magick, when I first started practicing, over 30 years ago. There weren't teachers around, so I had to learn how magic worked through trial and error, and self teaching myself through books.
Now it's a lot easier to find teachers of #practicalmagic and magic is more accessible, but I'm seeing a lot of questions...
💥How do I achieve consistent results?
💥How does magic actually work?
💥How do I communicate with spirits?
💥How do I transform my life with magic?
💥 How do I get the relationship I want?
💥How do I find inner peace?
At Magical Experiments University I offer classes I wish I had gotten when I first started practicing magic. We explore these questions and more in the classes, and I help you find answers that you can apply to your life to get better results. At Magical Experiments University, you'll get the following:
⚡Hands-on practical exercises that teach you how to apply magic to your life.
⚡Innovative and creative practices that inspire your magical work and processes.
⚡Consistent connection with spirits through #scrying #evocation and #sigils
⚡#meditation and #somatichealing practices
If you want to level up your magical practice, come study with me. I've been practicing magic for over 30 years and I've long been for my experimental and imaginative systems of magic which help people get better results.
Comment below and I'll dm you a link to my school website.
#occultism #daemonic #spiritwork #taylorellwood
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teriel · 11 days
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Eros, aside of being considered a Greek Deity, is also a concept that shows up a lot in multiple spiritual contexts. The usual context is around sex, because Eros as a force is classically associated with Eros as a god of love, but if you dig into that classical context you can discover there are different myths and that Eros is also associated with movement, as an overall force. Eros is an erotic force, but that eroticism goes beyond sex into other dimensions of being and identity that are just as relevant as sex can be to the experience of Eros.
The experience of Eros is the experience of life. Movement is one of the ways we encounter and experience Eros. The most obvious form of Eros is found through sex and its not surprising that its emphasized so much because sex can be a very powerful and life affirming experience (though it also contains the seed of death within it). The one problem with sex is that it can also be a distraction from the experience of Eros. What I mean by that statement is that the pleasure aspect of sex can override the experience of movement and life and become the most important experience. While pleasure is good to experience, it doesn’t always create the desired intimacy that two or more people may want to experience with each other. Pleasure can be an essential part of Eros, but an embodied expression of Eros doesn’t focus on one sensation over others.
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teriel · 17 days
Should you do magic all the time? Is it a good idea to take a break with magical activity? Is there such a thing as too much magic? I answer these questions as I discuss the importance of the ebbs and flows of magical activity in your life, and consider what makes a magical life.
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teriel · 18 days
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The other day I read an article by Sharon Blackie about faith and not losing it. It was an insightful article to read and it made think of the times I have lost faith: in myself, in my country, in my spiritual beliefs, in humanity, etc., because there are moments I have lost faith and it is easy to be pessimistic in those moments. But I also think those moments are ones of opportunity.
Faith is ephemeral. It’s not something which can be easily defined or understood and when a person loses faith, it can be terrifying because what is left is doubt and that doubt strikes to the heart of a person’s existence when it is fully felt. Faith provides a reason for moving forward, even in the face of the unknown and when a person loses faith the unknown can feel terrifying.
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teriel · 20 days
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I’m reading Retrograde Planets by Erin Sullivan (affiliate link) and she makes a very intriguing point about the nature of the sun as it relates to astrology. She claims that the sun is ultimately a reflection of the other planets that mediates those energies in our lives, through the sun sign. I found this commentary relevant because of ongoing magical work I’m doing that involves creating a specific space where you phase out sublunar energies, because of how they interfere with magical work. I also found it relevant for another reason, because when you are working with specific materials you don’t want direct sunlight to tamper with the energies. The commentary filled in a gap for me around the work I’m doing.
If we consider that the solar energy is essentially a mediation of other planetary energies as they show up in your life, then there exists the possibility that we can change our relationships with a given planetary energy by changing how the solar energy mediates that planetary energy. For example my Saturn is in Leo. My sun is in Libra and mediates that Saturn energy around relationships and my ability to love myself versus seeking love with other people. The result is that I’ve necessarily had to do a lot of self love work around myself because of the Saturnian influence as mediated by Libra, but in doing that work, one of the aspects I’ve explored is how to change my relationship with Saturn. This necessarily has involved changing how I approach setting boundaries and healthy relationships in my life, but it also of late involving working on self-responsibility and applying a Saturnian approach to relationships that redefines them in favor of healthy self-awareness and taking responsibility in a way that empowers me, instead of punishing myself.
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teriel · 25 days
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When I look at the essential process of magic I find that it can be really helpful to consider it from different perspectives, especially in relationship to achieving results. I’ve recently discovered an interesting formula that frames results in terms of outcomes. The formula is Event + Response = Outcome and I learned about it from a class I am taking. The formula works like so. An event occurs and you determine the response that will provide you the best possible outcome. It’s a pretty simple formula on paper, but when considered in real life it calls for strategic awareness.
In results based magic, the process is defined by the result. The first question I ask is, “What is the result I want to achieve?” When I can define the result I want achieve then I can start to develop the process of magic and mundane actions I’ll take that helps me get the result. The formula I mentioned above takes a somewhat similar approach, with a nuanced difference.
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teriel · 25 days
Your interpersonal growth goes hand in hand with your magical practice. If you aren’t growing and changing as a person then your magical practice will go stale. I share why you can’t settle for less in your life if you truly want to live a magical life.
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teriel · 26 days
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I’ve never fully trusted grimoires, or more specifically the description of spirits in grimoires. The reason is simple: The description is ultimately misleading. The description is one person’s attempt to share their experience of a given spirit and prescribe how that spirit will interact with other people. This can be problematic because of the assumptions that are brought into descriptions, both by the original practitioner and the people that subsequently read the grimoire and seek to connect with the spirits.
What I’ve discovered with my own spirit work is that working with spirits is a highly subjective experience, based in part on the individual’s subjective live experience and based in part on the subjective experience of the spirit and how that spirit shows up in relationship to the individual. The way a spirit interacts with me will not necessarily be the way that the spirit interacts with you or the way the spirit interacts with someone else.
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teriel · 1 month
I discuss how game creation can teach us principles of magic that can be applied to pop culture magic workings as well as magical workings in general. I also share a couple of ideas on how to use game creation to construct magical workings that are executed when a game is played.
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teriel · 1 month
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I’ve recently started reading The Sacred Alignments and Sigils by Robert Podgurski (affiliate link) and he shares the following: “The way to illumination has long been described as a path, route, or journey, along with other numerous allusions to the plotting of a course…the path is an emblem that is vivified as students engage with their quest. The going makes the path: it’s both agent and action as well as facilitating magickal velocity bringing about union with the godhead or the One and All.” I thought this was an interesting passage and it got me thinking about my own use of the word path and what it describes in relationship to spiritual work.
It seems to me that path is both an ontological and cosmological term in context to magical work and perhaps spiritual work in general. Yet the path is also a descriptor of the map that we’re working with, and a route through that map. The path becomes the territory by which we understand the map. Wordplay aside, the path becomes the process through which we depict and explore the spiritual work we’re doing and put it into context within our lives. I use the word path because it is generally a relatable term and yet it is a highly personal term as well. My path isn’t necessarily your path, and yet can still be relatable.
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teriel · 1 month
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Add the #elements of #spacetime to your #magick In my series, How Space/Time Magic works, I walk you through my unique and innovative system of space/time magic where you'll learn how:
🔮to resequence linear time using non-linear cyclical awareness 🔮achieve deep altered states of consciousness that allow you to connect with alternate selves 🔮use retroactive magic to reshape present and future possibilities. 🔮and much more!
These books are available on amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and other retailers. You can also order direct from me and get autographed copies. Comment below and I'll dm you the link.
#taylorellwood #MagicalExperiments #SpaceTimeMagic
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teriel · 1 month
In this video I discuss how I use sound, scrying and pentacles for the purposes of directing and focusing planetary and astrological influences. I also discuss the purposes of the overall purpose of these processes in relationship to ongoing work I’m doing with the sphere of art.
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teriel · 1 month
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My girlfriend recently told me about a short story she was reading from Sooner or Later Everything Falls into the Sea by Sarah Pinkser. In this story the main character is just one of many different versions of the same person and she is invited to a convention where she gets to meet the alternate versions of herself. I started reading the short story and it reminded me of a technique I came up with long time ago, and shared in my book Space/Time Magic.
The technique works along a similar premise, namely that there are alternate versions of ourselves and each version of yourself has something about them that is different from you. However they also have a connection to you, namely being an alternate version of yourself that is tied to you through your identity. I think its possible to connect with alternate versions of yourself utilizing magic in order to exchange information, swap skills, and otherwise interact with the alternatives of you. I have used meditation and pathworking techniques to connect with my alternate versions and this has proven to be a helpful process for skill swapping.
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teriel · 2 months
In my latest magical experiments video I discuss the Inner Family System (IFS) of parts work and how it can be applied magically for inner healing work, but also for other purposes including learning and the use of different skills that your respective parts have for purposes you consciously choose.
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