#this is the funniest hc to me something about Apollo being so bad at driving if it’s not the sun chariot just makes me giggle
literallyjusttoa · 1 year
More proof for my “Apollo is actually a shitty mortal driver” theory. Reread the bit where they got pulled over in TDP, and it’s implied they got pulled over bc the cop thought Apollo looked suspicious driving a Mercedes, but like, this is just outside city lines, so I see no reason why the cop wouldn’t just assume Apollo was some rich kid who’s parents bought him a fancy car. Unless, of course, Apollo was going a smooth 95 on the highway and swerving into exits .2 seconds before the road ended.
And Apollo says “the officer stopped us for no good reason that I could see.” Which just cements it in my mind that he was unknowingly committing several traffic crimes against humanity.
Also also, when Meg comes up with an excuse, she specifically mentions that they’re late for piano lessons. Like, she emphasizes it. Again, this might just be to get the police officer off their back, but I like to think Meg knew Lester was driving like they were starring in a Michael Bay film, and was desperately trying to come up with a reason for it.
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