#this is the longest response to an ask i've ever written wtf
Honestly, I don't find it terrible , an average anime at best. But I wouldn't hate it half as much if it wasn't for the goddamn fans. And did you see they are releasing a Yurio body pillow.... he's 15 for Christ's sake...
You’re right.
Yuri on Ice, tbh, is a mediocre anime (I.E. in terms of character and plot development). I gave it a 5/10 on MAL. YOI is poorly written (..and animated) and the fact that it apparently took Kubo 4 years is…appalling. I was so excited when the first PV came out, but watching episode 1 was, uh, something. I have seen worse anime, so YOI is not the bottom of the barrel to me. If the fandom wasn’t so outright obnoxious, I would’ve watched the season, kept my opinions to myself, and moved on. As an anti, I am not bashing YOI fans for liking YOI, you can like whatever you want. It becomes a problem, however, when they :
(1) begin bashing other anime that have nothing to do with YOI, in an attempt to make YOI look better (Haikyuu!! And Free! seem to be the main victims. Mob Psycho 100 was, for what it looks like, bashed on for a certain amount of time because of crunchyroll awards).
(2) integrate themselves in every single fandom that has nothing to do with them (example : Figure skating championships. Nathan Chen is not Yuuri Katsuki. Nathan Chen is Nathan Chen. Stop it.)
(3) crucify anyone (including fans) who have even a tiny bit of criticism towards the show. They do the absolute most trying to defend the show with ridiculous meta, it actually makes YOI and the fandom look worse, IMO. If anything it shows how insecure they are, since apparently 100% of people who watched YOI must like it-or else.  At such lengths they go to “protect” it, they prove again and again that the anime wasn’t as #revolutionary as they claim it to be. Maybe they’re in denial. That being said, please refrain from reaching, fandom, you look ridiculous. Accept the flaws, or keep scrolling. Better yet, blacklist, as you love to tell other people when you invade their fandoms. P.S. Death threats are stupid and does not make you look better. Y'all need Jesus and Therapy. The hell is wrong with you guys?
(4) Maintain the superiority complex. YOI is not the gospel. “Kubo-sensei” is not a “pure” woman who saved the Earth. She is (apparently) a writer who wrote a fanfic that got popular. Popularity ≠ Good Quality. The show and y'all personalities are trash. For more info on Kubo, I believe fellow tumblr user @saotome-michi has all the receipts on her blog. That’s like a whole story on it’s own lmao *sigh*
(5) Set the main ship as relationship goals. Trust me, it is not. This is not Disney, you are not Cinderella. Wake up.
I am an anti, yes, but I’m more anti (yoi) fandom than anything. They cause more problems in the name of YOI, looking like a bunch of idiotic YOI Crusaders, so it makes the anime look worse. When you see the fandom vs the anime, it’s really not that good. The unnecessary hype makes them look very delusional. It kind of reminds me of 2015 when everyone was screaming “WATCH SHINGEKI NO KYOJIN!!!!!!!! OMFG IT’S THE BEST THING EVER” and I watched it and…?? It’s a good show but I wouldn’t call it a masterpiece. It’s not like SNK did anything spectacularly different from all the other post-apocalyptic type shows (no hard feelings SNK fans) The openings were straight fire tho. If there was no fandom (or at least not this current behavior) the show would’ve been fine, it’s whatever. Now I can’t even think of ice skating without making a face.
What I think the fandom fails to realize is that criticism doesn’t necessarily mean hating (unlike what they do to other fandoms). I am criticizing because I actually liked YOI (keyword: liked). If I did not care about YOI at all, I would not have a strong opinion to be even receiving this ask (thanks by the way💗). I am on the anti side because I believe YOI had the potential to be a great anime, but fell short (waayyy short. I mean, wtf was that?). I feel that I, and other anti yoi members, were scammed, cheated, bamboozled, hoodwinked, robbed, you naammmee it. Serious sports anime where??????? The only thing serious about Yuri on Ice is the blatant flaws and toxic fandom it somehow produced. I blame trump.
It also doesn’t help that there are 20+, 30+ year olds in the fandom acting like this. How are you a grown adult acting like a 12 year old fangirl of a crappy boy band? Not trying to be confrontational, but…?????? Y'all don’t got work, school, maybe kids?????? Parties?????? Something way more important than this? Hello get those priorities in check please
30 minutes into writing this I noticed the second half of your question, lmao. I didn’t know, actually. I stay away from the main tags. I think I just cringed thinking of things people would do to that body pillow…
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