#this is the only way i can see liz going along with that horrorshow of a plot
No - Drake x MC
Summary: Elizabeth’s reaction to King Liam’s request from Chapter 2 of TRH
A/N: Oh look who’s alive and decided she remembers how to write. Thats right, I’m back with some subpar fiction and I hope you like Elizabeth’s honest reaction to the fiasco that was the beginning of this book. Some lines are obviously from the dialogue.
Word Count: 3408
Warnings: Swearing.
Tags: idk who even reads anymore so  @chantelle-x0x , @choicessa​, @mariamulroney , @drakewalkerwhipped​ , @quartzandarrow​ ,  @mfackenthal​ , @srawesleyghuewrites​ , @topsyturvy-dream​ , @enmchoices​ , @gardeningourmet​ @debramcg1106​ , @alesana45​ , @meladoridarcy, @blackcatkita​ , @tmarie82​ , @annekebbphotography​ , @lizk77​ , @jayjay879​ , @tornbetween2loves​ , @akrenich , @theroyalweisme , @likethetailofacomet​ , @sleepwalkingelite​ , @littleblossom-18 , @ooo-barff-ooo​ , @drakewalker04​ , @mkatschoicesblog​ , TRR only: @speedyoperarascalparty , @carabeth​ , Drake: @fairydustandsarcasm , @drakewalkerisreal​
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‘To ask us if our future baby would be the ruler of Cordonia?’
The words rang in Elizabeth’s ears, the sound of her own voice alien to her as what Liam was alluding sunk in.
‘Liam.’ Her mouth moved but it was Drake who spoke, tone laced with disbelief.
‘I... I don’t know what to say. My kid sitting on the throne...’
My kid. Our kid.
They’d talked extensively about kids in the past month, agreeing that while they still both wanted children, it would be nice to spend some time together first as a couple. Surely Drake would say no. The next words that came out of his mouth shook Elizabeth to her core.
‘I mean it would be an incredible honor.. I don’t know what to say..’
She turned to gape at the man she now called her husband, remembering vividly how he’d described how excited he was to take their little one on the same camping trips like his own father had done, teaching them the art of making the perfect smore, giving them the life he wished he could have had. That picture of a little boy or girl with Drake’s hair and her eyes, a perfect mix of the two of them firmly planted on his shoulders seemed to evaporate when she heard those words.
‘Elizabeth. What do you say?’ Liam’s blue eyes turned on her in expectancy.
The word was out of her mouth before she could control herself but she didn’t want to take it back. She watched both their faces fall and straightened her spine, swallowing hard. ‘No. No Liam. I wish I was sorry but I am not. I’m not giving my child up for anything.’
‘Walker,’ Drake started, reaching for her hand but she wrenched it out of his grasp.
‘No. I said no.’
Seeing his mouth open again presumably to reason with her, she turned on her heel and stormed off down the beach. Anger boiled in her veins like never before, searing hot; she could barely think straight. Liam to coming here  — on their honeymoon, no less — and asking them for their literal unborn child was insurmountably selfish.
Hadn’t she giving up enough already? Was getting kidnapped, shot at multiple times, having the man she loved almost bleed out in front of her not enough? Was she to sacrifice her future family just because the king of Cordonia couldn’t get a date?
These and a thousand other venomous thoughts were swirling on her mind as she stalked off, heading in no particular direction except away from the conversation.
‘Walker wait up.’
Elizabeth did nothing to slow her pace as she heard Drake jog up to her. ‘Walker would you just stop for a minute? Elizabeth!’
Jerking to a halt, she waited until he was in her line of vision before fixing him with a poisonous look.
‘Jesus what was that?’
‘I could ask you the same damn thing. What the actual fuck Drake?’ She spat, not caring if anyone heard her.
‘Liz c’mon. It’s not like the kid wouldn’t be ours still.’
‘Drake do you even hear yourself? I thought you of all people would be with me on this. You’ve spent your entire life hating the nobles for their stuffy ways, you’ve ranted to me on enough occasions about how pretentious and prim and stuck up and snobby they are. Now you’re turning around and saying you’d sign our child up for that without a second thought?’
He pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. ‘Walker, c’mon you know it’s not like that..’
‘Then tell me what it’s like!’ She screeched, her voice shrill as it no doubt carried down the beach to where the rest of their friends were waiting. ‘Because to me it seems like you’re willing to drop and show your belly every time Liam asks you for something. Have you forgotten you have a wife now or does my opinion weigh nothing?’
‘You know that’s not true Elizabeth,’ he snapped back angrily and some part of her was glad to see the reaction, any reaction. ‘He’s got a good reason. We married for love. Don’t you think Liam of all people deserves the same?’
‘I do. You know I do. But his happiness shouldn’t come at the price of ours.’
Drake ran a weary hand over his face. ‘Don’t you care about the future of Cordonia?’
She paused momentarily thrown by his question. ‘What I care about is the future of my family. Something that you obviously don’t share. I don’t get it Drake. I really don’t. You of all people know how dangerous the life of a monarch is. Assassinations, poisonings, coups. Did the situation with Anton teach you nothing? And the worst part is that you didn’t even think to talk to me about it? You’re happy to just agree with whatever ridiculous demands he dreams up!’
Drake glared at her. ‘That’s bullshit and you know it.’
Hot tears pricked the back of her eyes as Elizabeth met his gaze. ‘We promised each other that we would have each other’s back. All the time, one hundred percent. All we talked about after this whole wedding shebang was to have a normal life, the two of us and the family we would have together. At least that’s what I thought we both wanted.’
The look on his face told her that her words had been driven home. They stared at each other in silence for a long moment.
Say something. This is our first real fight. Say something. She begged him silently, watching as Drake opened and closed his mouth several times but no words came out.
‘I’ve got a beach ball here with both your names on it!’
Maxwells voice cut through the tension. ‘What better way to work through some newly wedded strife than to slap a ball at each other huh?’ He shot a grin at them before wrapping a hand around each of their arms, leading them toward where the others had all gathered.
‘Beaumont this is hardly the-‘
‘Splendid idea Maxwell,’ Elizabeth interrupted, snatching the ball angrily out of his hands. ‘You’re on my team.’
Tensions boiled hotter than the afternoon sun as the game took place on the sand opposite the villa.
Elizabeth barely made a sound the whole game, concentrating her entire effort on hitting either Drake or Liam in the face. It would have solved anything but it would have made her feel a whole lot better, she decided, spiking the ball towards her husband. She rolled her eyes as he flawlessly intercepted it, sending it sailing over the net to Hana. She didn’t forget how Liam was readily avoiding her eyes, tapping the ball sympathetically over the net towards her as some kind of convoluted apology. She hit the ball again, harder this time, treacherous thoughts of Rumplestiltskin and baby snatcher rolling through her head.
What kind of person asks another person for their baby? Go make your own goddamned baby. What do I look like? The baby making machine? He may be a king but I am a duchess and my body is mine and so is my child.
‘Elizabeth heads up!’
The warning was too late and she was midway through turning her head toward the sound when something slammed against the side of her face, the impact hard enough to knock her off balance onto her hands and knees on the sand.
‘Elizabeth! Oh my god! Are you okay?’
‘I’m fine,’ she answered, brushing aside Hana’s hands, her ego wounded more than anything. Regaining her footing, she avoided all eye contact under the pretense of brushing the sand from her skin, keenly aware of Drake’s gaze on her.
‘I think I’ve had enough volleyball for one day.’
‘Elizabeth -‘ Maxwell began but she silenced him with a hand.
‘Max just... don’t. I want to be alone. Please.’
Steam rose off the bubbling waters of the outdoor jacuzzi as Elizabeth sunk deeper into the tub, trailing a hand through the churning foam, the other against her reddened cheek, her thoughts reflecting the same image.
This is my baby. Our baby — she corrected herself. Mine and Drake’s.
‘I want a little girl with your eyes and my hair.’
‘Not my hair?’
‘Hell Walker, you’re so perfect I’d take an exact copy of you.’
She laughed and they shared a cheesy smile as they both stared out at the waves crashing on the sand. She took another sip from her wine, feeling Drake’s eyes on her.
‘Something’s on your mind.’
‘What? N-no.’
He raised an eyebrow. ‘I may have only been married to you for a month but I know when something’s bothering you Walker. So what is it?’
Elizabeth heaved a big sigh. ‘Its just… We didn’t get a ton of time as a couple before the whole wedding debacle happened. We’re still learning about each other.. And I know we’ve got the rest of our lives to do that…'
‘But?’ Concern leaked into his big brown eyes and she could tell he was trying to hide it so she cleared her throat resolving to just say it once and for all.
‘A baby means a big change. For us. As a couple and as ourselves. And I…’ She faltered.
His hand slipped into hers, squeezing comfortingly.
‘This last year has been amazing, me coming to Cordonia, becoming a duchess, marrying the love of my life, so many things have changed. I could do with some normal before another big change happens and shakes it up again.’
Drake tugged on her hand and she took the opportunity to climb into his lap.
'I only just got you. Is it selfish to want you all to myself for just a little bit longer?’
Elizabeth felt his lips on her head, pressing a gentle kiss there.
’Not at all.’‘I know you’re excited for a baby — I am too but I… I’m just not there yet.’
She buried her face in his chest, worried about what he was going to say next. ‘Its okay Liz. Its okay. We don’t have to jump into this thing head first.’
He hooked a finger under her chin so she’d look at him. ‘When it happens, if it happens, it doesn’t matter. All I care about is us. As long as we’re in this together, I’m down for anything with you Elizabeth.’
As the memory replayed in her head, Elizabeth couldn’t help but feel a sense of betrayal. Did all that mean nothing? Or perhaps Drake simply put more stock in Liam’s opinion than her own?
Now THAT hurt to think of. She was very familiar with the bro code but surely that didn't still apply after freaking marriage?
Why us? That was another puzzle, she couldn’t solve. Why Drake and I specifically? Wouldn’t it make more sense if Liam absolutely HAD to appoint a heir to appoint one from one of the longer standing noble houses? What made her so special?  
For the briefest moment, another thought crossed her mind. Surely he can’t still be in love with me...?
Elizabeth shook her head, perishing the thing from her mind. That door was long closed. If a public wedding wasn’t a big enough sign of rejection, she didn’t know what was. Was there something she was missing here? Something everyone knew about except her? Why did it seem logical to everyone to take someone else’s child and make them heir when you are perfectly capable of making your own?
‘Got room for one more?’
Elizabeth picked her head up to see Hana standing in the doorway, a pair of brightly coloured cocktails in her hands. She shrugged in reply, gesturing to the space beside her, gladly accepting the beverage. The cool liquid soothed her dry throat and she sipped it appreciatively, feeling marginally better.
‘Thanks Hana. You always know what to do to make me feel better.’
The other woman smiled softly. ‘What are best friends for? We missed you’
‘I missed you guys too.’ Elizabeth could not help the corner of her mouth lifting for a moment before it dropped back down, her somber mood settling back in. ‘Are things back home as... turbulent as he says?’
Needing no clarification, Hana’s pretty face crumpled in regret. ‘Truth be told Elizabeth, things are more tense than Liam let’s on. As soon as Anton’s trial was over and you guys left for your honeymoon, we received delegates from our neighbours Monterisso and Auvernal. I’m not sure if Bertrand taught you the history behind those countries.’
When Elizabeth shook her head, her friend continued.
‘Back then both countries were at odds with each other, always fighting, always trying to undermine each other. Cordonia was in the middle. The neutral ground so to speak. So it was only logical that each of them would try to win us over to their side so they’d finally gain the upper hand over each other. Constantine’s reign was the only thing stopping either of them from overwhelming us. And when Liam ascended the throne…'
‘Power newly transferred is the easiest to be taken,’ Elizabeth finished.
Hana nodded. ‘Since Liam doesn’t have an heir or any marriageable prospects really, he looks weak. And as a new king, in the middle of a political battlefield, he looks easy.’
‘But why me Hana?’ she burst out. ‘Why does it have to be us?’ She watched her friend’s pretty face crumple in through for a moment.
‘Because he trusts you and Drake the most. All the other houses, other nobles. Sure they might be happy to give up one of their own for the throne if Liam asked, who knows what agenda they have… I’m not telling you to do anything. Just keep all that in mind okay?’
Hana placed a comforting hand on her leg. ‘I’m going to get out before I turn into a prune,’ she joked, getting to her feet. ‘Bertrand would be horrified if we showed up to dinner in this state. You coming?’
Elizabeth nodded vaguely, turning over the new information in her mind. ‘I’ll be right there.’
Dinner was a tense affair. To make things worse, the conversation immediately ceased when Elizabeth took her place at the shared table, next to Bertrand. After a few moments of sporadic mumblings and pushing her food around her plate, she stood up abruptly, making her excuses and leaving, ignoring the gazes of her friends behind her.
The sea wind whipped at her hair, tousling it beyond taming as Elizabeth stared out into the dark horizon, kicking at the sand as she ambled down the beach. Her mind still turned over Hana’s words from that afternoon, now that she’d had time to process it, she was beginning to see the reasoning.  
‘Can I join you?’
She shrugged, not needing to look up to know that it was Drake. ‘There’s nuff beach for the both of us.’
‘How’s your cheek?’
‘Its fine.'
They continued like that for a little while longer, walking two feet apart, both of them silent as she ignored the way his eyes begged her to look at him. Rubbing her arms, Elizabeth shivered slightly as the cold sea air nipped her skin. She turned her head to see Drake already shrugging off his denim shirt, having noticed.
‘I’m fine.’
‘Just take it. You may be mad at me but I’m still not going to let your stubborn ass freeze.’
He stepped closer, his hands were warm when they touched her, settling the fabric over her shoulders protectively. Their faces were inches away and for the first time since that afternoon on the beach, she dared to look up into his dark eyes.
He shook his head in a gesture of dismissal, pausing briefly to gather himself. ‘I’m sorry about earlier.’
‘Me too.’
The crashing of the waves on the beach was all that could be heard for a few moments. ‘Is that really something you wanna subject our kid to?’ She said finally, breaking the silence. ‘Liz…'
‘I’m not mad anymore. I just… I wanna understand where you’re coming from.’  
Drake let out a huge sigh, tipping his head back to the night sky above them. ‘I know its out of character for me.. that I’m the last person who would want this.’
‘No kidding. You’ve spent your entire life hating that place. Two days after we met you were warning me about the nobility and how toxic they were and now...'
‘You’re right,’ Drake admitted, lacing his hands behind his head and staring up into the sky, sighing in defeat. ‘You’re right.’
‘So what changed your mind?’ Elizabeth watched her husband think for a long moment.
‘To be honest,’ he said finally. ‘It was you. You were the one who showed me that a person could go through that place and still be the same honest, down to earth girl I fell in love with. What you’ve done to this country, in the last year, generations of nobles couldn’t achieve in decades. You showed me that there’s more to the nobility than gilded walls and politics.’
Drake’s eyes took on a faraway look now. ‘Yeah when you got that duchess title, I was a little scared that you’d finally be one of them but you’re not. You didn’t let it define you, you used it to make a difference like you did for me, the court… hell, the whole kingdom. So when I thought about how our home needs our help… how my best friend needs our help, I knew that with you by my side, if anyone could raise an heir with a good head on his or her shoulders, it’d be us.’
Elizabeth dropped her head to hide the small smile that broke through. ‘You’re doing it again.’
‘Making me fall in love with you.’ She looked up at him. ‘A little prince or princess raised by two former commoners could do a lot of good around there.'
Drake didn’t say anything as he wrapped his arms around her and she gratefully sunk into his embrace, finally feeling at peace for the first time all day.
'Promise me something.’ Elizabeth spoke up, her voice slightly muffled by his shirt.
'From now on,’ she pulled back to look him in the face. ‘We make big decisions like this together. We’re gonna be facing a lot of tough things as duke and duchess and we gotta have each other’s backs. Because if we don’t, who will?’
‘I guess we should go talk to Liam now huh?’
‘I guess we should,’ Drake replied, lacing his fingers through hers, preparing to lead them back to the villa before Elizabeth tugged him back to her.
‘Actually wait, I just thought of something.’
'Liam I am going to be frank with you,’ Elizabeth towered over where he was sitting on the couch, a menacing look on her face. 'What you asked of us today was a huge overstep of personal boundaries. You may be king but you have no right whatsoever to be so presumptuous especially with such a life changing decision.'
'I am sorry Elizabeth truly I-'
‘Do not interrupt me Your Highness.’ Elizabeth’s tone seared through the room as she fixed him with a fierce stare. ‘You had crossed the line and frankly it is only your best friend’s negotiation skills that saved your ass here.’
She paused, watching his blue eyes widen slightly at her use of the word before she made her demand.
‘Five years.’
Liam’s brow furrowed in confusion. ‘I-'
'I’m giving you five years to find a wife and put a baby in her. Drake and I, we care for this country and we care for you but we have to prioritise our own family first. So in the interest of compromise, we’re giving you until our child is five years old to marry and produce an heir of your own. In that time, Drake and I are fine with our kid being the centre of all the media attention and political nonsense as long as you understand that this arrangement...’
Elizabeth paused to gesture between them. ‘Is temporary. When your wife is pregnant, we will withdraw our child as heir and yours may take its rightful place. Those are my terms.’
Liam rubbed his jaw, eyes flitting from Elizabeth’s determined eyes to the floor as he thought it over for a moment before turning back to her.
‘I accept your terms.’
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