#this is the pokemon johto theme btw
pin-crusher2000 · 3 months
Earth 66 Asks
1) Between New Young Justice and Young Titans, which team formed first?
2) Would “Whatever It Takes” by Imagine Dragons be a good enough theme song for NYJ and/or YT?
3) Does Jon Kent have a Dragon Ball esque Super Form the way the Grayson kids and Chris do?
4) Between Chris and Jon, who’s the relative actual martial artist as opposed to the other being a brawler type in terms of fighting style?
5) What are YT’s starter Pokemon of choice if they’re given that option?
6) Speaking of Pokemon, what’s both NYJ and YT’s favorite eras of the series?
Good questions @paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 :D
1: definitely New Young Justice, around mid 2019, when a small group of parademons led by Stephenwolf came to earth to conquer, Kon made sure the group (who was on the middle of training them btw) were together and save, and defeated some parademon butts before the justice league and dick and Tim’s titans sent them all back.
wrestling theme: no
Anime/cartoon opening: no
BUTT! I can see them listening to it: during a car ride, dance party, or in their music app.
Hopefully that is the right answer, if not let me know
3: of course XD
I mention it in my Anime transformation post a while back (and I think his character file too) I call it:
Super Solar mode, which gives him spiky glowing orange hair plus eyes and aura, plus the ability to shoot fireballs out of his hands and feet. (For the sillies, he can also light his farts on fire and shoot it out of his front area XD)
4: I’m going with Chris, since he’s more “experienced” with hanging out with dick, Jake, and Chris, plus mar’i than Jon. (Chris got training at 6, Jon around 7 1/2-8)
Jake: charmander or pikachu (main character energy XD)
Mar’i: jiggly puff
Robert: Growlithe or flareon
Lian: eevee or dragonite
Irey: jolteon
Jai: psyduck
Cerdian: squirtle
Jon: kanto & alola
Damian: hoenn
Arthur: alola
Hunter: Sinnoh
Hector: Galar
Connor: hisui
Jake: kanto
Mar’i: Johto
Robert: Johto
Lian: Sinnoh
Irey: kanto
Jai: kanto
Cerdian: Galar
Let me know if you got anymore buddy! :D
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inc0rrectmyths · 1 year
Idk I found this and immediately thought of you ehe- 🥺
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Unova: my absolute favorite region! Aaaa! It's so fucking awesome! I think the entire fandom agrees that Unova is the GOAT. It's also my home region for my own self-insert pokemon fanfic.
Hoenn-Sinnoh: it's a tie for these two. Hoenn and Sinnoh were my very first games and I adore my summer-winter solidarity duo!
Kalos: love love love. I love the entire fashion obsessed characters of the game, it's so fancy and fun I love everything about Kalos. It's adorable!
Paldea: fans dont like anything new lmao. Paldea released and I immediately went bonkers. It's amazing! I love koraidon and miraidon and their sandwiches! I love Arven sosjwkdsa. Its awesome mwah!
Kanto-Johto: again a tie! The first two regions are more kinda nostalgia based. But they are good too. But not VERY good. But I really enjoy them. I love the pokemons and characters. And the gym leaders and elite fours are so wholesome.
Alola: I LOVE THE HAWAII THEME. I love the beaches and ocean. And Alola is just so wholesome. Alola is the most wholesome region tbh. The trial captains are so cute too. And the Tapu guardians are OP.
Galar: my least favorite region. It's kinda meh and eh. Piers, Raihan, Nessa, Allister and Bea and Prof. Sonia are the reason I like the region. (ik imma simp) but Galar was fun with the tournament and all. So yeah I guess we like Galar in here too.
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harvestmoth · 2 years
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?? started with automation sana from yesterday and somehow it turned into pokemon
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doubleddenden · 6 years
Creepy pokemon places, events or otherwise, in my opinion
Lavender town, just having a literal tower of dead pokemon inside, also haunted. Not by just ghost pokemon, but LITERAL ghosts your pokemon don't even wanna deal with.
Ruins of Alph: the creepiest is when you solve a puzzle, drop down into a room, and you can turn your radio on to this creepy audio the unown supposedly use to communicate.
The Cinnabar Mansion. Things went down here that lead to the creation of Mewtwo... destructive things. All you have left is the destruction and journals left by the scientists
Sinjoh Ruins: probably lesser known, but in Heart Gold and Soul Silver, if you bring Arceus to the Ruins of Alph you are teleported somewhere north of Johto but South of Sinnoh. Take Arceus to the center of these creepy, snow covered ruins and he starts flashing EVERYTHING from the beginning of life til the end as he casually recreates one if the three Sinnoh dragon mascots and hatches them from an egg. The music is also ominous.
SS Cacnea/Sea Mauville. What happened to this place? Why is it just abandoned at sea?
Sinnoh has a bunch it's just a creepy place
The Chateau, literally haunted by ghosts that run around the corner of your eyes and remain out of view. You'll encounter Rotom here if you choose to watch TV.
The Hallowed Tower. Spiritomb is found here when you bring an odd keystone here to fix this pillar. Why is it hallowed? Why was he sealed here?
Under the Galactic HQ in Veilstone. You know how its implied in gen 1 that Mew and Mewtwo were hurt in the mansion in the name of science? How about the Lake trio, who btw are basically in the PROCESS of being tormented as Galactic remove the red gems from their bodies to form the red chain? Not to mention there are just tubes here with floating specimens.
Sendoff Spring and Turnback Cave. Sendoff Spring is the 4th hidden lake of Sinnoh, and Turnback Cave is a Labyrinth that may as well lead to hell. In DP, you find Giratina here, mr. 6 wings 6 legs and 6 spikes the renegade pokemon, presumably trapped here. In platinum, theres a portal directly connecting it to the Distortion World. First off, as if the thought of satan as a dragon isn't frightening enough, Sendoff Spring? And Turnback Cave? Boy, they were implying VERY unpleasant things here.
The Distortion World. Giratina's prison devoid of life. It's so eery, the laws of nature and physics can't even function correctly as it decays away. Giratina basically STALKS you in this realm after you enter.
Hall of Origin. This one may be confusing for you because this was around the time Masuda decided people were too dumb to work puzzles and decided to give away mythicals. There's a key item known as the Azure Flute that you play at the entrance to spear pillar, and a glass staircase forms. First off, the music is eerie enough, but you suddenly find Arceus here??? And his theme is horrifying, like you are DEFINITELY not supposed to be challenging God pokemighty to a fight with a flaming monkey. This is where the world was created, and it's so. So scary. There's no legal means of getting an Arceus by these means, not even in the original days because they thought we wouldn't be able to figure it out and just gave him to us. However, gameshark or action replay let's you get the item. I'd reccomend seeing it at least once.
The Canelave Cabin and Newmoon Island. So first off, you'll notice there's a little boy in a cabin who is trapped in a never ending nightmare. Finding Crescelia's feather wakes him up. However, a key item allows you to unlock a locked cabin in town. Reading a book makes you fall asleep, and suddenly you're confronting the source if these nightmares: Darkrai. It's a bit spooky to me anyway.
Unova has a couple of dark ones, maybe?
At Marvelous Bridge, there is a ghost girl that apparently used to play there with her abra.
Strange House: said girl lives in this haunted house. Now I might be reading too deep into this, but various texts refer to Crescelia, Darkrai, Hypno and Drowsee, and its implied that, perhaps, her father went off in search of a lunar wing to wake her up. It would seem she died waiting, but wanted to give the feather back to Crescelia. During your time here, you'll also have furniture rearranged to guide you to certain rooms.
N's room. N is already known to not quite be normal, no thanks to abusive Ghetsis brainwashing him, but here you see a toy room with an eerie music box version of his theme. It's as if to imply that yes, his childhood was very messed up.
Lacunosa Town isn't really too bad on the surface, except when you realize it was built to keep a certain dragon out that apparently had a taste for people.
The underwater ruins off the coast of Undela Bay indicate some sort of fallen kingdom. Here you find pieces that you can sell to maniacs for high prices, but there's a story here that has yet to be told... unless, like me, you maybe theorize it was from a war with a certain region.
Kalos isn't as bad location wise, but there's a few things here that really get to you.
The Lumiose Ghost. Go into a building elevator and a random girl floats around you, her walking animation frozen in place. She says "no. You are not the one."
There's also hidden writing in the train station. "I'm going to go for help. Wait in the usual place." Eerie. What could have happened here?
The stones near Geosenge. Now this is horrifying once you realize those are actually the bodies of DEAD POKEMON used to power AZ's ultimate weapon. You don't think much of it, but then it hits you like a brick when it is revealed.
Alola is generally sunny and pleasant, except:
The haunted supermarket. This is where you fight Totem Mimikyu and have to use the pokefinder to get around. Not only are you freaked out by the ghosts, but the room where you encounter Mimikyu literally is so creepy. Cute drawings on the wall, looking around, and suddenly, right behind you: there it is.
Lusamine's... collection. Just a collection of frozen pokemon, highly implied to be dead, frozen to keep them preserved and from turning "ugly." This is VERY unsettling once you realize you are SURROUNDED by these. And yes. Pikachu is one of them. Not even the mascot is safe.
The Aether labs where Silvally and Type Null were created, which implies terrible experiments being applied to create this poor beast.
The Ultra Megalopolis. This works is robbed of light. Not even the sun shines here. The people here are so affected that their skin is nearly blue. There isn't much to do here except fight Ultra Necrozma, but even that is a terrifying fight.
Guzzlord's location in USUM. The ultra beasts are implied to not be pokemon by a technicality, but this one technically is. In this wormhole you arrive to a world in ruins. You speak to the last man on earth, the rest of which fled the planet because it was so uninhabitable. Further investigation suggests this is an apocalyptic Hauoli City, which have sparking lights and posters, and a creepy, messed up remix. You find Guzzlord, a pokemon that eats away at the world left behind, and implied to actually be a mutated pokemon.
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Early connections, part 1
Music: Quiet’s Theme from MGS5 (I almost soulbonded her and I am trying to reclaim that connection for a full bond)
I didn’t actually become a soulbonder until I was 13 years old (10 years and 10 months ago is when I met my guardians and became a full soulbonder, to be precise). In the years leading up to then, though, I had always found my own little ways to try to connect with the game worlds that I felt so much more at home in. 
Surrounded by Overwatch ladies atm while typing this. Hi girls ilu <3 
This started pretty much as soon as I got my first videogame. I was 6. It was a SNES. I played lots of Mario games on it. For some reason, I never felt a very strong connection to the Mario games. I still don’t, and they aren’t reachable to me, soulbond-wise. Shortly after that I got my first Pokemon games on the GBC. I was much more open to this world than I was to that one. But at the same time, 6-year-old me with her Super Mario RPG (my first videogame was a SQUARE game. Think of how much influence Square games ended up having on me with FF, KH, and Tomb Raider) was just so receptive to these characters in a way she had never been receptive to the world that was apparently “her own.” This world? I was just born into...yet it was a terrifying, confusing place where nobody seemed too willing to accept me. But that game world, that carefully constructed, artistically designed game world where everything made perfect sense and where everyone and everything was able to be understood? Where every character seemed to understand me as the player just as much as I understood them? Seemed natural. I found so much comfort in those first games. I would be Mario. I would do something, and Mario would do what I did as if it made perfect sense. The other characters--the Toads, the princess, Mallow--would react to what I did, as if it made perfect sense to them. They never did anything I did not expect. I never did anything THEY did not expect. We all learned together, me and Mario and Mallow and the Toads and the Princess. 
I had mentioned in an earlier post I can’t be arsed to dig up right now that as young as 3 or 4 years old, I felt more of a connection to the beings behind the screen than I did to anybody in the world I was born into. There was Aladdin and Jasmine, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, Simba and Nala. I’d speak to the Disney Princesses through the TV screen. “Hi, Jasmine! Hi, Ariel! It’s me! It’s me, Star!” (I used my real name back then, obviously.) I can’t think of a 3 or 4 year old who didn’t do this or something like it. I can’t think of a 3 or 4 year old who didn’t play with Ariel, or with Simba and Nala, or with Jasmine and Aladdin. I would never have thought this to be an early form of proto-soulbonding. If it wasn’t for the fact that Jasmine, Simba, Nala, etc hadn’t been my closest, most familiar, and only friends at that age, I would have thought nothing of it. If it wasn’t for the fact that I felt more connected to Aladdin and Jasmine than I ever did to anybody in the world I was born with at that young age. If it wasn’t for the fact that my peers were like foreign aliens to me, but Cinderella and Aurora seemed more familiar to me than any of my so-called “friends” at preschool had been, I wouldn’t have thought this to be a connection to another world at all. I was 4.
It’s possible that this is why I’m so close to Disneyworld, my favorite place in THIS world, now. 
I got my first videogame when I was 6, but I didn’t really start my entrance in to the universes of gaming till I was 8. I also discovered Final Fantasy then (FF10 came out that year), but waved it off at that young age (it makes me wonder if I hadn’t have waved it off, could I have ended up soulbonding much earlier? If so, I’m gonna go back in time and slap my 8-year-old self because GD it, I needed my soulbonds back then more than ever. Seriously just wanna take my past self, plop her in front of FF10, and say “YOU SEE THAT GAME? YOU SEE THOSE CHARACTERS? SEE THEM? THAT IS YOUR FAMILY. GO TO THEM.”). Life was all about Zelda, Link, Banjo, Kazooie, and Kirby. Link was my second real crush, after Mewtwo (I was 7 and weird). My days were spent thinking about what they were doing, fantasizing imaginary adventures for Link and the others to go through in their off times from the games. These were essentially unwritten fanfictions, but the characters in these unwritten fanfictions were my only summer playmates. Music on the radio became the soundtracks to these fics. Long car rides were spent inventing feature-length movies and hour-long TV blocks about Link and Zelda. Summer days were spent exploring “Click Clock Wood” and “Rusty Bucket Bay” with Banjo and Kazooie. This is when I really started to draw closer to my machines. My computer and game consoles, after all, were my only gateway to Banjo and Kazooie’s world at the time. Besides the “unwritten fanfics” in my mind, I had no way to reach them, or to reach Hyrule, or to reach Johto and Kanto. And these worlds did not confuse me, frighten me, or distress me in any of the ways “my” world, the so-called “real” world, did. Nothing made me cry there. In the “real world” I cried all the time. Everyone accepted me and welcomed me with open arms, everytime I would go back to those worlds through my games or through my “headspace.” Nobody acted like it was unnatural for me to be there...unlike in the “real world” where pretty much everybody, even my own family, did. I felt comfort there that I had never felt in my entire life, and honestly, I think my early access to the game world was the only reason I even knew that things like “comfort,” “love,” “friendship,” and “happiness” were even things that existed. I started to form the type of familial connections with these characters at that early age that I eventually formed in full 5 years later when soulbonding began (before I knew it as called soulbonding btw). These characters were who I woke up to every morning and who sent me to bed every night. These characters taught me that things like “victory,” “strength,” “courage,” “triumph,” and “persistence” were real things that existed. I know that they were  trying to teach me that good people existed and that it was possible for me to be one of these good people. Unfortunately, living in such a dog-eat-dog world where everything seemed an attack, I wasn’t able to get that message at that young age. But I knew that good people existed. I saw them behind  the screens every day. And I wished with all my heart, way back then, that I knew how to get them to come out of the screens...
Who would’ve known that 5 years later, I would finally manage that? And completely on accident, too. 
(Link and Zelda became soulbonds in October of 2006, the first of many other Zelda characters. I now have Lana and Linkle waiting in the To Be Possibly Soulbonded queue!) 
PS: Because I know I’m gonna get a whole bunch of jack-offs telling me “your parents should’ve banned you from computers” or “your parents should’ve taken you outside and forbid you to look at anything with a screen when they saw this happening,” bear in mind that if they had done this (and sometimes they did), I would have, and DID, react like a child being forcibly pried away from her mother. I would hope that I gave you some perspective on just how much I saw these worlds as my own, on just how much I saw these characters as my only family and only friends. So yeah, “just take the computers/games away from the kid and make her go out and socialize” did not work. It would not have worked. It would’ve done nothing but cause me and everyone else around me severe distress. You try prying a child away from her family, placing her in front of some strange people, then going “NOW GO PLAY! :D SOCIALIZE! TALK TO THEM! :D” and see how that poor child reacts. Or rather don’t. Because that would be monstrous. That’s exactly how it would have been for me. Feel free to fantasize about other ways my parents/teachers/etc could have tortured an 8-year-old in the guise of “helping” her, though if that’s how you roll. 
And also I did go outside. I had to, or else I couldn’t have had fantastic adventures running around “Click Clock Wood” and “Gerudo Valley” and chasing after “Link,” could I? In fact, I fucking loved outside. When I wasn’t in front of my screens, I was outside. Kind of like now. 
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