#this is the rawest realest most honest i will ever fucking be on this app
azusaluvclub · 2 years
my all out!! ships ... the masterpost you didnt ask for
im gonna keep this short and sweet and say that i have 0 explanation or defense for any of these , but goddAMN did i grasp at straws to make em make sense . having ao!! as my hyperfixation for half a year has had some harrowing results tbh
if im not alone in these pls let me know or smth :D otherwise enjoy (or dont)
goshozome + hirota ;;;
⋆ .. all of these are rarepairs tbh
⋆ gosho notices hirota first, whenever they go to watch jinkou play against tenjiku ! rlly admires his strength on the field and finds himself wanting to get to know him lol
⋆ is the one to initiate their first convo after a practice game together and hirota thinks hes an absolute pest- reminds him too much of the flashy, pretty boy types in dramas, but waaayyyy more charismatic (and actually nice lbr)
⋆ gosho probably gets hirotas number from kamo afterwards (thx kamo ...) and messages him that night w some goofy lil "hello ! (^0^)ノ" and hirota is just left wondering .. “who tf ..."
⋆ once he figures out its goshozome, he decides that hes even MORE of a pest- still replies to him tho ?? he rolls his eyes about it but he cant help but find him amusing ; its not long before hes looking forward to their chats :D
⋆ over time they start to talk more and while they dont have the most in common personality-wise, they find that they have similar likes and hobbies (aside from rugby ofc) that they can talk about for hours- even their differences and separate interests make for good conversations ! 
⋆ the first time they get together is probably to do smth a bit more fun as per goshos suggestion, like bowling (naturally, seeing as hirota is a bowling god), mini golf, or even ice skating- smth that gets em out, but where they can still chill and talk afterwards ! 
⋆ also, most places like that provide snacks + appetizers 2 share soooo ;))) while its not exactly a "date", its definitely a place to start
⋆ in all of this though, hirota ends up learning a lot more about gosho and that, in spite of whatever misconceptions he had about him, he really just wanted to be friends- and honestly ? this makes hirota feel rlly fuzzy deep down :( not that he admits it, coward
⋆ them actually getting together though is definitely a gradual thing . i feel like goshozome wouldve realized early on that he didnt want just a friendship with hirota, but it took hirota much longer to figure out that his own feelings werent totally platonic lol- its not until wellll into their college years that they decide to give dating a try :)) 
⋆ their friends were not surprised when they started dating ; probably more surprised w how long it took . esp kamo, who def caught the pair making goo-goo eyes at each other like a bajillion times before they made it official- hirota may have thought he was being lowkey about it, but gosho wasnt even trying tbh- 
⋆ overall they have a really sweet relationship :(( i see gosho as the type of boyfriend who can be a lil overbearing in his affection (though it comes from the heart ofc, he just doesnt like being discreet about the person he loves imo), so hes always reminding hirota of the million and one reasons he loves him, gifting him things, taking him places, etc, and while hirota doesnt mind be flattered like that, he never really gets used to it either lmao- gosho calms down about it when theyve been together longer and the newness wears off a bit lmao
⋆ hirota, on the other hand, is a bit more subtle about that sort of thing :)) its the little things that goshozome loves tho ! hirota cooking him his favorite meal (goshos canon type is good cooks so I MEANNNN...), giving him something that reminded him of gosho, or simply saying “i love you” is enough to make him melt- knowing that hes appreciated and thought of like that will never fail to make him absolutely weak smh
⋆ but yeah, theyre just really happy together :(( 
⋆ to add some more fun lil things ,, hirota has a fascination w goshozomes hair tbh . loves running his fingers thru it when theyre cuddling and such (seriously wants to know what product he uses to get it so ... soft..)
⋆ whenever they get into petty arguments , hirota will 9/10 times threaten to turn goshos bird into stew ,, or fried parakeet ,, 
⋆ in spite of this he actually does find pete (???? i think thats its name but dont ask me ..,) super cute :( 100% supportive if/whenever gosho wants expand the family lol, once theyve settled down
⋆ once they get older and have the funds for it, i think itd be cute if they opened their own lil restaurant together ! its mainly hirotas since it was probably his dream from the start, but gosho helps out a lot with it — be it helping in the kitchen, w the decorating and such, or the actual hosting/waitering part, hes in it with hirota 100% :))
⋆ i see them as both being pretty family-oriented ppl, so they definitely keep close with each others families + they all get along p well ! i like to think that, w them both being older brothers, their lil bros are relatively around the same age and so they hang out a lot during family get-togethers and such- whether they actually get along or not ? wellll u can decide lmao
adachigahara + takebe .
⋆ chaos x chaos enabler .
⋆ likely started talking during a post-match function, probably after rugby nationals and shit- takebes bffs w marodo + i like to think noka + sumi are a lil friend group w them, and i feel like theyre the cluster of personalities that adachi would fit right in with (would he want to tho ...), so it made sense for them to start mingling lol
⋆ how the two started talking outside of rugby stuff ?? BEYOND me . for the sake of this it doesnt matter, but i dont think it was long into them talking + developing interest before they decided to go on a date lol
⋆ their first date is probably at an amusement park ! maybe a lil cliche but i think theyre both fun-loving people so it seemed like a good idea lol
⋆ try going on a few of the rides, but adachi gets queasy every . single . time . so by the fourth ride they agree to just play the different games instead (which is fine, bc adachi was looking foward to that part anyways-)
⋆ adachi keeps trying to win the stuffed animal prizes to add to his collection but loses p much every time- takebe offers to try his luck, and gets it in one go :D (and gets stuck carrying their loot the rest of the day lol) ends up winning some big, light blue cat plushie that permanently resides in adachis bed :)))
⋆ venture into a haunted house attraction and take turns screaming + clinging to each other when they get scared- adachigahara tried playing it off like he wasnt scared at first but ,, neither of them would be that good with spooky stuff lbr :’)
⋆ end off the date by sharing a giant ass sundae at one of the food stalls <3 
⋆ after a few months of flirting around and going out, they actually put a label on things :D nobody was expecting it other than the people closest to them, mainly because they are so ... different, per se ? but theyre happy together so their friends are happy for them ofc
⋆ takebe was definitely drawn to adachi for his personality :)) but can you really blame him ? hed be fun as hell to be around ; even if they arent doing anything in particular, takebe will still find himself entertained by whatever ramble adachi decides to go on about- (at this point takebe knows 90% of the sagami gossip lol)
⋆ (also, not that it matters buttttt ... takebes type is literally “black hair in a bob” and like . how else would u describe adachigaharas hair ? lmao do what this info what you will)
⋆ for adachi, i think hed really like the more passionate/ambitious + bolder sides of takebe, once he gets a chance to see them lol :,) esp since he seems p simple on the surface- (tho i feel like theyre both passionate people, just about different things- takebe mostly about his goals and such, while adachi is just passionate about everything smh) adachi is takebes #1 supporter tho :D
⋆ definitely the type of couple to be matchy-matchy w things ! matching keychains, mugs, accessories, blah blah blahhhh
⋆ because he knows goshozome, adachi has gotten a ton of hair tips and products to pass onto takebe :D probably the only cure to his insane bedhead atp
⋆ spend a lot of their bonding time just doing silly shit, but its some of their favorite moments shared :( be it watching some ridiculous show on tv, doing shitty karaoke in their living room or tripping over each other playing just dance, or indulging in some self-care, they have a lot of fun together </3
to summarize , these are the only two ships i really had a lot to say about :D but if u want me to be real i have like . a shit ton more that linger in my brain as cute concepts (kokuto + marodo,,,, for example,,,) but idk how to make them work logically LMAOOOO so yeah . one day perhaps .... i will speak em into existence ..........
but !!! if anyone reads this pls let me knwo about your own rarepairs or ao!! ships in general ! or any general headcanons ,, idc honestly , im just open to any convo about ao!! atp lmaoooooo soooo :D hmu bitches
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