#this is the real ending to gxk
kaliido-s · 5 months
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graspingremlinhands · 6 months
So @milk-powrit asked me to draft why I didn't like GxK, to which I decide to oblige.
DISCLAIMER: Those are my personal opinions; of a fan of Monsterverse since 2014 and a nobody with any competence in analyzing media, save some common sense and maybe rudimentals??
Also I already hugely disliked Godzilla vs Kong so my discontent had a part in how I enjoyed the movie.
To conclude English is not my first langauge and even in my langauge, debate is not one of my strenght.
Spoilers alert; so skip or I kindly suggest to block the tag: Godzilla x Kong spoiler.
Let's start with the first thing: I don't enjoy how the tone of the movie shifted so drastically from Kotm to GvsK.
In this post, a youtube user explained better than me why the shifting tone felt like a downgrade. If in Godzilla (2014) Godzilla was introduced by hearing his foot stomping on the ground. It was heavy, massive, it reverbered on the glass of the airport. It felt natural, realistic. How a creature that BIG would move in the real world.
As the user said Realistic =/= Seriousness. Godzilla can be goofy. But Monsterverse!Goji was estabilished in a setting, that was the real world.
In both GvsK and in GxK Godzilla does not feels natural. Was necessary for Godzilla to evolve, to be more nimble, when already in GvsK was already moving in a way unnatural?
Or pulling the 0 gravity fight? What purpose had the evolution, if in the end it was not even necessary. Had really improved his fighting skills? They were the same, on earth and in the hollow earth.
2 reason: I've seen around posts about how media litteracy has gone bad; in some ways about people can no longer sospend their belief and calls anything a plot-hole.
But I think that one thing is suspending the belief but another is the director of the movie making the plot moving from point A to point B without telling the audience how.
For example: Suspension of belief: They had the Beast Glove ready to use, because Monarch was already working on it ✅
But why Jia is the chosen one of the day? How the Iwi in hollow earth knew of Skull island? How the shard to control Shimo works? Why Godzilla would respond to the distress call of the people who fought against him? Why Mothra has a connection to the iwi, in particular. Since in Kong: skull island there's no reference to her? How Jia flew back on Earth with Mothra, without dying for the gravitational pull?.
Not everything has to be the viewer's guess that's what I'm saying.
3 point: Shimo and Skar King are as much wasted potential as it was MechaGodzilla was in GvsK.
Skar is menacing yes, has the ability and dexterity of a formidable foe. He's vile and disgusting, oppressing his clan (let's call it that) and he's even an abusive father. All of these things: but as a villain he's really that dangerous?
He was introduced as this terrible tyrant, a danger to the world. And he wasn't even trying to go on Earth; he went up by accident basically. Because the Iwi had to play with gravity. Or should I believe him, forcing his subordinate moving rocks was to build a staircase to the upside?
And Shimo, sweet girl. She looks so horrible. Her white scales don't blend in for anything. Like she was photoshopped last minute. Her powers do damage I see. But her being presented as one or The first Titan do actually mean something to the plot, to the character? Or a simple red-herring to made her more interesting than she actually is?
Because at the end of the day SHE IS A PET!!
"Oh Kong now has found a mate, so cute". My brothers on earth, she goes on four, is used as a mount the all time and she kept panting the whole time. That's a pet, the old dog you have to force inside when it snows.
It was pretty disappointing.
Last but not least the reason I personally dislike Wingard take on the Monsterverse, which is the point you could probably throw away all my arguments, compelling or not because it's really a ME issue, who don't think no one'd agree and I don't blame anybody for it.
I don't hold nothing over him for having Kong as his favorite. That's personal taste, I respect it.
But when it comes to at the expense of the other protagonist, it rubs me so in the wrong way.
On this point I don't know if I want to discuss it further, but boy I do have to complain on this topic.
To summarize I'm mad Godzilla doesn't get to have the same introspection and grace is allowed to Kong, knowing he can to (if you read the Dominion comic. But since they are only distributed in the US not many does. OR should care about it. Cause I'm first a supporter of the idea that if a media is not capable to give all the informations in like the Movie, you the audience should not have to pay for more. So basically the Novelitation are cool but also a scam)
That's all I had to say about it.
Hoping any of this uphere is comprehensible. If in the end I only sound like a rambling idiot I accept it. This movie is too stupid to be too mad about it.
I'll just ignore it
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hrodvitnon · 6 months
A previous ask raises an interesting question about chronicity of Abraxasverse events. Would GxK take place after or before Xenilla's arc?
I was always under the impression Xenilla would happen after Shimo is freed- but after thinking about it it could go both ways actually. Mainly because- if I'm being brutally real- I don't think Shimo would be able to handle Ozymandias' death, at least if she was there to witness it. I can maybe see her eventually moving on if it happened while she was still under Skar's control, but even then I don't know.
Because if she was around when he returned, she'd see it as her second chance. She wasn't around to protect him when he got abducted and this would be her chance to redeem herself for being gone when he needed her most. If they can't save him- like if it wasn't possible or they just failed to do so- that would probably be it for her. The horrifying trauma from what Skar inflicted on her, compounded against finding out Ozzy's alive but actively suffering a very similar fate to what she was, and having it all end in easily the worst failure of her life that costs her best friend his life and that utterly destroys the mental states of most of her best friends; I think she'd just give up. She'd be way older than even Goji at this point so I can see her just deciding that there was no point anymore.
Like mentioned earlier, if Shimo was under Skar's control while Xenilla came back, but the group couldn't save Ozzy and he ends up dying, it would really fuck Shimo up to come back from the hell that Skar inflicted on her just to learn about Ozzy's fate. However, I think this could be a really interesting character moment for Godzilla. Like, he fails to save his brother- but than realizes Ozzy's mate that vanished so long ago, someone he considers family, is alive and in a very similar situation that he failed to save his brother from. It could almost be like a cathartic redemption, and being afforded another chance may even help him move on and endure after the psyche-shattering shit he just had to go through with his brother.
But... then there's a third and fourth option. The third isn't new and a timeline I've already come up with and explored in other asks and submissions: Shimo is freed and than is present to help out against Xenilla- but the gang frees Ozymandias and everything's decently hunky dorry (until the Cordyceps Keymind or whatever catches on and gets pissed).
However, what if Ozzy is freed before the conflict with Skar? What if after being freed from the hell Xenilla inflicted on him he finally learns the fate of his best friend- and realizes immediately just how similar it is to his own hell he just escaped? The worst part of this is that Ozzy can't do anything to save her from it. As established, the King of King's time has long past- his body has been broken beyond repair, never to win another battle, he'd have to put all his faith in his brother's vanguard to do a job that is his by duty. Yet, even if he could put that trust in Godzilla and stay out of the fight- it would not be very easy to just tune out the anguish that Shimo would be in. Especially if the Skar King caught on to this weakness, being more than happy to turn up the dial on Shimo's already ravaged mind just for the slim chance it could draw the former King of Kings out for him to finally slaughter- and become the Skarred King of Kings...
Damn, I got work to do for that timeline!
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mythicalmarvels · 10 months
Godzilla's Glowing Rose Fins: GxK's Gonna Be a Show Stopper for Kaiju Fans
Hold on to your radioactive hats, kaiju fans, because the trailer for Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire has finally landed, and it's gonna blow your mind like a Ghidorah hurricane!
Human stuff in kaiju movies? Not my jam. But that HEAV (Hollow Earth Aerial Vehicle)? Now that's some cyberpunk spaceship-level awesomeness! Props to the designers, that thing is freaking sick.
But the real star of the show is Goji himself. Our lizard boy has shed some weight and gotten himself seriously ripped. He's faster and more agile than ever before, making Toho's Gojira look like a sluggish grandpa in comparison.
But the most mind-blowing thing? Goji's dorsal fins are now glowing a badass rose pink! This is after he emerges from some kind of Hollow Earth hibernation, and it might just be the key to unlocking his full potential. Think atomic radiation levels cranked up to eleven, enough to make even the toughest intergalactic monster reconsider picking a fight with our radioactive buddy. No more juice boxes for Goji, he's got his own internal power plant now!
Meanwhile, Kong's sporting a brand new mecha-hand that looks suspiciously like something out of Pacific Rim. It could be an injury, or maybe he just got tired of punching stuff with his bare knuckles. Either way, it's definitely gonna give him a leg up (or should I say, hand up?) in the monster smackdown department.
Skar-King didn't get much screen time in the trailer, but those leaks about him controlling Shimu with a creepy lizard bone whip? That's some next-level evil genius stuff right there. And Shimu himself? Well, let's just say he looks like something your worst nightmare wouldn't want to meet in a dark alleyway.
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Unmasking the Enigma: Shimu might look like this in the Monsterverse. (Source: Reddit)
And here's some Twitter chatter speculating about Skar-King's power levels:
Credits: @steel_neck on twitter
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No way that's happening to Goji!
The trailer ends with Godzilla and Kong charging into battle together, ready to take down whatever threat lurks before them. It's a scene that would make any kaiju fan scream with joy (or maybe that's just me).
As for that baby Kong, I'm still not sold. Maybe after I read the new GxK graphic novel, I'll change my tune.
And finally, here's a DALL-E creation inspired by the film (not exactly what I had in mind, but hey, I ran out of credits):
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This is just the first tremor of the kaiju earthquake! Stay tuned for more earth-shattering updates on tech, pop culture, and everything else that sets your geek senses on fire!
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