#this is the sexiest graphic i have so ofc i saved it for last
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NAME: Hades Acheron TITLE: “The Prince who was Promised”, “Hyrkoon the Hero,” “Yin Tar,” “Neferion,” and “Eldric Shadowchaser” HOUSE: Former Llyr / no affiliation OCCUPATION: mysterious stranger i guess idk  SKILLS: Fire mage. His special blue fire is unlike anything you’ve ever seen!  ALLIANCES: Cult of R’hllor 
For most of Hades’ life, he was a boy hidden in the shadows. 
Born on the Islands of the Drowned God, his mother washed clothes of a noble family, but they were paid little and treated poorly. She grew sick, along with Hades’s sister, and he was soon left alone-- able to take up his mother’s employment but otherwise, Hades had little to his name. But he had one thing that no one else did, something that he kept to himself: magic. 
Hades Acheron was a child of fire. 
He knew that he had to be careful with his gift. His mother had forbidden him from telling anyone. He heeded her words. But every now and then... when someone attempted to bully him, when he saw injustice in the streets, he let his fire speak. He relished the rush that his power gave him, along with the fear in everyone’s eyes. He knew without having to be told: one day, he’d be a great man.
Eventually though, he was chased away from the house he served. Hades went roaming, picking up odd jobs here and there. Rumors followed wherever he went. 
Eventually, those rumors showed up in red cloaks and the face of a girl he’d once seen a long, long time ago... back in the House of Llyr... 
Now, everything is starting to make sense. The Cult believes him to be their hero reborn, and who is Hades to disagree? Hades has a destiny even bigger than the King and his silly little wedding. He shows up now to grab that destiny in his fist-- and set it ablaze. 
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