#this is unbelievably self indulgent hiii
ecohorrors · 1 year
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hauntings, houses, love, and consumption of the subject.
Yellowjackets 2x09 / Shirley Jackson - The Haunting of Hill House / Joan Tierney - WHY ARE YOU HAUNTED? a survey / kittyhorrorshow - ANATOMY / Tracy K. Smith - Ash / Mark Z. Danielewski - House of Leaves / Yuan Li - Two Lives / SNAKEPOOL - Figure in the Background / The Magus Archives episode 32 / Jeff VanderMeer - Annihilation /  Anne Sexton - A Self Portrait in Letters / Various excerpts from a personal project of mine :]
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vasito-de-leche · 6 months
Hiii! I hope you’re doing well!! I’m just wondering if i could request some yandere Forget Me Not headcannons? If not, some general romantic hcs would be fine!
That said, don’t overwork yourself and feel free to decline this if you feel like it!
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;R1999 FORGET ME NOT - Yandere Headcanons
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Compilation of headcanons about Forget Me Not as a Yandere.
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I am doing well, ty for asking! and ty for the yandere request, I love writing this type of stuff <3
warning for yandere content and everything it entails. as well as self-harm and suicide themes
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Forget Me Not as a Yandere would be pretty standard, I think─at least from the beginning.
I want to say that his lack of experience and proper, healthy examples when it comes to relationships and interpersonal skills is the basis of his Yandere profile: he's hindered by even more twisted impulses and intrusive thoughts, and thus would cling even HARDER to his self-imposed restraints because the stakes are higher now. The consequences would be even more severe should he lose control.
From an outsider's point of view, perhaps he appears to be meaner than usual, there's more bite behind his words as opposed to his elegant way of serving backhanded compliments. While those who spend more time with him would notice that he's unbelievably tense and high-strung. Essentially, it's the same fight between indulgence and restraint that I've been portraying in previous FMN posts, only ramped up to 200%.
The thing about Forget Me Not as a Yandere is that he would be extremely malleable and reactive to his darling. He's so very easy to influence, for better and for worse─the attention he pays to every single detail about you, your habits, your gestures and every little "tell", borders on predatory. It's very ironic, the way he can't understand his own feelings nor thoughts but he actually can read you crystal clear, that he may know you better than you know yourself. The dynamic of your relationship would be determined in your first interactions with him, and it AAAAAALL depends on you. But it's not as binary as who gets to be the "dominant" party and who gets to be the "submissive" party!
When I say Forget Me Not is malleable, I mean it.
In the context of entering a relationship with him, yes, there is the chance that, if you show any signs of "submission" (a more timid and meek personality) Forget Me Not will take advantage of it to the fullest─either through force, coercion or manipulation. We all know he's not below playing dirty and acting to get what he wants, after all. And there is also the chance that, if you show the opposite (a more stubborn and combative personality, to go against him whenever possible) that he will meet you with as much vitriol as you show him, or that he will become even more obsessed with making you submit to him, to blur both love and hatred together as mentioned before. You know, all these classics traits in Yandere content!
But the secret third option is that, if you play your cards right, he will be at your absolute mercy as well.
You can play the exact same mind games he plays and have him eating out of the palm of your hand. After all, he's just looking for ANY excuse and justification to unravel and let loose─you taking the reigns is just as good as him taking the lead. At the end of the day, as long as he gets your undivided attention, the dynamic doesn't matter. We're talking about a guy who pretends to be a poised gentleman and a functional member of society. A cowardly snake who doesn't want to face the consequences of his actions and would absolutely prefer to double down on his awful behaviour and then die at the end than think of apologizing to a single person.
This guy? As a Yandere? Yeah, he will adapt to you, but he will also allow you to manipulate him if you have the courage to reach out and tug at his leash, to take advantage of his obsession. I would even go as far to say that THIS outcome would be the best one for him, as it means that he doesn't have to take responsibility for his own life: that burden is now on you, you own him now. Good luck!
For this post, I'll talk about this secret third option since it's the most interesting in my opinion!
I'm not sure how to format my headcanons and thoughts properly, so I'll do something new and rate the general Yandere traits I think are relevant for him! Obsessiveness is one I specifically left out because it's the most basic requirement for Yandere characters, it feels unnecessary to discuss it. That shit must be cranked up to the highest setting or else there's no Yandere in the first place!
Possessive: ✦✦✦✧✧✧
In this context, he perceives his life to belong to you and only you─the nuance of the situation and whether it gets worse or a better for him are up to you, there's literally endless possibilities─and so it makes sense for him to be possessive, but not in the traditional sense that we're used to, so to say?
Because one of the important aspects of Forget Me Not as a character is the self-loathing. To me, this is one of the few core aspects that must remain in every AU or iteration for him to feel in-character. He's defined by revenge, self-loathing and a delusional mind. And it's this self-loathing that leads Forget Me Not into a very, very insecure mindset─because he's fully aware that YOU could aim for a better lifestyle, a better partner, someone who wants what's best for you instead of wanting to drag you down, deeper and deeper into the mess that is his life. Of course, this is something he won't allow now that you've so gracefully let him latch onto your side like a parasite, but it's a possibility that will continue to haunt him forever.
And so, he's possessive of your ownership and control over him, what he perceives to be the bond that ties you to him or viceversa. It's not quite "You're mine, and no one else's", it's more of a "I'm yours, and no one else's".
No matter what you do to him, he will remain by your side. The idea of you favouring someone else, or choosing to be with someone else and keep him by the sidelines, well, it will ruin him, of course! But Forget Me Not has been waiting for the other shoe to drop his whole life, and so NOTHING you can do can convince him to leave or do anything to "get back at you" in a direct way─aside from manipulating the world to leave you behind instead, perhaps. I like to think he'd still be a pretty pathetic, soggy and miserable guy. Desperate to prove to you that he's going to stay no MATTER what you do or say to him.
It's fine if you hate him, it's fine if you love him. But at the end of the day, you should at appreciate his loyalty and treasure him. Forget Me Not wants YOU to be the possessive one, to want him despite how awful he is, all while accepting the fact that you will never truly be his, because he doesn't deserve you.
Not to say that you keep the guy on a literal leash 24/7, of course! But to if you were to flirt with someone else in front of him, chances are Forget Me Not won't move a single finger. He would stay there, glaring daggers at the perpetrator, and then whine and guilt trip you into paying attention to him. But if someone were to flirt with him instead, he would be pretty ruthless in his rejection, proud and loudly declaring who he belongs to.
Perhaps it would be better to describe him as clingy instead? I think as indulgent as Forget Me Not can be when it comes to his vices, being by your side would be his utmost priority in this context. He won't follow you around like a lost puppy like other characters might do, but he would instead pull a few strings here and there behind the scenes to ensure you always happen to be within his line of sight.
Actually, now that I'm thinking, Forget Me Not as a Yandere would have EXTREME separation issues. This guy would ABSOLUTELY be the type to watch you sleep, because he just can't fathom the idea of being, what, 8 hours away from you? All of this being tied to his anxieties and codependency. I don't see him being very vocal about his love for you, or if he is then the sort of shit he spouts could easily be misinterpreted as thinly veiled threats, or just self-affirmations for himself.
Delusional: ✦✦✦✦✦✦
I'm giving him full points in this section because aside from the aforementioned anxieties, paranoia and self-loathing that gets him to be so, so very miserable, Forget Me Not is pretty much Delusional with a capital D.
Regardless of the path that led you to him and this situation, Forget Me Not would cling onto the fact that you currently own his heart, his mind and his entire life─this OBVIOUSLY means, in his book at least, that you care or love him just enough to take on such a burden. It's pretty much everything I discussed up until now mixed into one big cocktail of delusion and desperation. There's no takebacksies now!
Regardless of your treatment of him, Forget Me Not wholeheartedly believes that you love him to some degree, and that is more than enough for him to fuel his delusions, to overthink every action and every gesture as an act of love. He can still read you like an open book, he knows whenever you're nervous, whenever you're scared, whenever you get angry at him─how else can one explain such reactions, if love isn't at the center of it all? If you didn't love him, you would treat him with indifference, you would discard him like a broken toy!
Of course, if you WERE to treat him with indifference or attempt to discard him and get him out of your life, he would just find more and more ways to come back, to twist your words and their meaning to something that fits his narrative, to worm his way into your life the same way you've done, worming into his own heart. There's no point in trying to make sense of his logic, there is none, it's just the nonsensical, lovestruck fantasy he's built for himself.
Whether you kick him in the mouth or hold him close to you, the only truth Forget Me Not will stand for is your love for him.
But I think it would be fun if this is something he only made known to you? To the outside world, he makes them believe what they want to believe, make whatever assumption about your relationship with him─the muddier the truth becomes for the rest, the easier it is for him to trap and isolate you. Forget Me Not has a talent for acting, to play every unassuming role required for whatever schemes he's got under his sleeve, he might be a pathetic, desperate excuse of a man, kneeling and clinging onto you, but he still retains his cunning mind when it matters. And when you're not around to cloud his vision, he's dangerous.
No matter what others might think, Forget Me Not would find a way to profit─it doesn't matter if your best friend has an inkling about the true nature of your relationship, he will capitalize on it to ensure they remain far, far away from helping you escape. If your coworkers or classmates or what have you believe you two are an odd couple? Then that's what you two are! It's not like they know any better!
Forget Me Not knows more than anyone that there is no fighting the perception of others. There is a group of humans who simply decided he was the Devil himself, based entirely on his heritage rather than his actions. So he plays his part and lets their own biases do their thing, easy.
In that same vein, if you've indulged or pampered him a lot, then he would be more ready to believe anything you say. Sure, Forget Me Not knows that you may lie to him, you might've done that already many times before, but how can he say no when you've been so sweet to him lately?
Manipulative: ✦✦✦✦✦✦
You know what. Self-explanatory, I don't even have to ramble about this because I've talked about how manipulative Forget Me Not is in pretty much all of his posts. He rarely chooses direct confrontations,
I'm inclined to believe that he would only do so in extreme situations, and even so, he would only dirty his hands and confront whatever obstacles in his path─but confronting you? He's too much of a coward, he would never dream of confronting you without ensuring that you will deliver the answer and reaction he seeks, out of fear of hearing the truth from your own lips. I insist, he's not afraid of digging himself into his own grave with his schemes and manipulations if it means maintaining this whole status quo.
So, instead let me talk about how you can manipulate him instead, to level the field a little!
Physical touch in any way is the easiest way to force Forget Me Not to listen. From pulling on his hair to caressing his cheek─I don't think he will ever get used to having you touch him. Again, he thrives with whatever you throw at him, so it's up to you to choose.
I think lying to him and getting away with it is very difficult. In fact, if you think you've successfully lied to him, it's probably because he decided to let you believe he's none the wiser. so instead you would have to appeal to his emotional side. It's as easy as bringing up the whole ownership/possessive aspect, any reminder that he's all yours is enough to get Forget Me Not to comply after some minimum reluctance and pushback from him. It doesn't matter if you're guilt tripping him or threatening him, he thinks it's so romantic that you would go out of your way to reassure him of his position.
Sadism ✦✦✧✧✧✧ / Masochism ✦✦✦✦✧✧
Lately, I've been seeing Yandere content being slowly portrayed as a watered down version of what it used to be, like, to call a character who is just possessive a Yandere and that's it.
But I'm a fan of dark content, and to theorize about everything that comes with these themes─this includes physical harm, something that people are more sensitive towards, which is fair and I understand if this isn't everyone's cup of tea!
So far, most of the violence towards the reader has been emotional and psychological, with physical violence being directed instead to third parties. Here, there will be discussions of potential physical violence towards the reader and Forget Me Not.
That's why this section is at the bottom, so that you can opt out of it!
Something I forgot to bring up directly is the themes of idealization and religious parallels when it comes to the way Forget Me Not interprets his relationship with you.
Despite all these things, he still considers you way above him, a holy figure deserving of everything he can offer─so I don't think he would be physically abusive nor be threatening in this way either. He finds zero pleasure in the idea of physically harming you, and would very much prefer to chip away at your mental stability and vulnerability by hurting himself. Hell, he would prefer to have YOU hurt him instead, to have physical proof of your influence on his body. It aligns perfectly with his self-loathing. If you could scrape off all of his scales with your nails and replace when with the scars you leave him, he would be so, so very grateful.
Or to have you pluck his scales off one by one as punishment, he would absolutely love that. I think that, in those days in which he cannot tolerate nor deal with himself, when he cannot drown his sorrows in alcohol, he would become an active nuisance for the very small and off chance that you lash out at him. It's very cathartic to him.
This post focuses on a very specific outcome of the whole Yandere situation with Forget Me Not, but even so, I believe that every other version in every other situation would still have Forget Me Not being more of a masochist than a sadist. At least when talking about his darling. Given the type of person that he is and all, he would still prefer more mental games.
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sunarinluvr · 3 years
|| haikyuu boys catching you awake at 3am ||
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includes: suna rintarou, kuroo tetsurou, & iwaizumi hajime
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a/n- hiii!! wow i did not expect my previous work to get that much attention :,) thank u all so so much i appreciate it a lot <33 anyways this is a very self-indulgent imagine (??) for my touch starved and lonely ass :D hope u enjoy!! 
warnings: has a bit of cursing !!
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suna is a light sleeper so it was only natural for him to get up when he heard noises coming from the kitchen at the crack of dawn. slowly opening his eyes, he instinctively reaches out for you and scowls when he felt nothing but cold empty sheets.
getting up from bed wearing nothing but a pair of gray sweats, he quickly checks his phone for the time then makes his way over to the kitchen where said noises came from. meanwhile you were sitting in the kitchen wearing your earphones and doing work on your laptop oblivious to anything happening around you.
there suna stood staring at you while you typed away on your laptop with the occasional singing into an imaginary mic with a hand on your chest and head bop. he just stood there with a smile on his face admiring how cute his s/o is.
after a few minutes you finally noticed your boyfriends presence and almost flinched at the sight of him. “rin..what the fuck are you doing there?!” you looked at him and maybe stared at his exposed chest a bit too long, but immediately snapping your gaze back up to meet his eyes  while giving him an unamused look.
he smirks as he walks over to you, not missing the way you looked at him “i heard random noises coming from the kitchen so i checked it out. what are you even doing? its 3 in the morning.”with a scoff you bring your attention back to your laptop “i’m working.”
sitting on the chair beside yours a comfortable silence envelopes you as he rests his head on his forearm, watching you type away. right as you finished your work, you hear growling which prompts you to stop quickly turning your head in the direction of your boyfriend who’s now pouting at you as he pats his stomach.
looking at him you let out a laugh “do you want ramen? i’m kinda hungry too.” lifting his head up a bit to see your face better he smirks “only if you make it” standing up from your seat feigning offense as you roll your eyes at him “who else would cook it then?”
after eating ramen and staying up to watch the sunrise, the both of you ended up sleeping on the couch with you cuddled beside him with one arm around your waist and the other behind your head.
kuroo is a very organized person, he takes his job very seriously and that’s why he is in his office at 3am trying to get a paper due in a week done ahead of time. you on the other hand decided to show your support by staying up with him while singing along to your shared playlist and scrolling through pinterest and twitter.
he was just about done with his work when he noticed how quiet its been the past few minutes, which confused him since you were just singing a few moments ago, so out of curiosity he stretched his arms and got up from his chair. slowly and quietly making his way out to the living room
once he entered the room he saw your laptop and blanket shoved to the side of the couch, and quickly realizes that you probably went to the bathroom since you rarely went to bed before him. kuroo being kuroo took this as an opportunity to scare you.
he padded over to the bathroom making sure to be as quiet as possible and stood beside the door waiting for you to finish. after washing your hands you go to grab the doorknob and just as you open it.. “BOO!” your idiot boyfriend shouted.
“AHH WHAT THE FUCK TETSU!!” you shrieked hand on your chest. “not funny tetsu. you almost gave me a heart attack.” you murmured glaring at your boyfriend who was now clutching his stomach and laughing obnoxiously. “hey kitten” he finally gets out.
you walked past him and back to the couch with an annoyed look on your face. following you back to the couch he plops down right beside you, but you ignore him and put on your earphones. “kitten” he drawls out “don’t be so upset, it was a harmless prank” poking your arm continuously.
now looking at him with a pout “i stay up for you and you decide to almost give me a heart attack??” he cups your face gently and gives your lips a quick peck “it was a prank. plus you’re not staying up for me, you just want to watch cat videos on twitter”
you hit his arm playfully as you sigh “whatever.....but you owe me ice cream tomorrow.” laughing he replied “deal.” then you pulled out your computer and watched cat videos cuddled up next to him for another 30 minutes before he drags you with him to bed.
iwaizumi was sleeping peacefully until he felt an itch in his throat, he tried ignoring it hoping it would go away, but alas it seemed like it wasn't going to go any time soon. so with a groan, he sits up  to get water. once he fully opened his eyes, he realized that you werent in bed meaning you were probably still doing your work.
sighing he gets up and makes his way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where he saw you sitting down with one leg up on the chair as you type on your laptop. “babe” he says making his presence known. you look up at him and give him a sheepish smile
“hi haji...” walking towards you he sighs “why are you still doing that dumbass” he glances at the clock and continues “its 3am you should be sleeping” as he looks at you unamused. “i was just working so that i wouldn't have to do anything tomorrow and i didn't notice the time, also im almost done!”
you announced looking at him proudly. “what about you huh? why are you up haji?” he gets up and grabs a cup of water and drinks it, while you follow him with your eyes and a raised eyebrow. “my throat was itchy, so i went to get water”
walking back to you he hands you the cup signaling for you to drink it, and you do. he pulls out a chair and sits beside you “hurry up so we can go to sleep” you look at him with a teasing smile painted on your face “aww can't sleep without me?” you tease not missing the slight pink tint on his ears.
“just shut up and finish your work.” giggling softly you save your work and close your laptop “actually i kinda want some ice cream from the store” he just deadpans at you, groaning he got up went into the bedroom and came out wearing a jacket ready to head out.
“you are unbelievable” he tells you as you give him the biggest smile and a wave goodbye. he comes back to you asleep with your head resting on your forearm, iwaizumi tsks and grumpily puts the ice cream in the fridge while he puts your laptop away and carries you to the bedroom bridal style
after he gently gets you into bed and gets the both of you under covers, he is quick to wrap his arms around your waist while burying his face into your hair. smiling to himself because his s/o is adorable, he softly whispers “goodnight dumbass.”
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reblogs are highly appreciated!!
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