#this is unrelated. but did you know enough people have tagged posts with 'joe biden is a rabid dog and should be beaten to death with a
even though your feelings are always real, they arent always fair or useful. the crime rate is the lowest it's been in decades but the fear of violent crime and belief in your own victimhood is what leads people to call 911 on a black man walking in a neighborhood or be too disgusted to touch or talk to a homeless person. its not cold calculating evil! its real physical fear and the feeling of safety in some associated action. it's a normal & reasonable self-protective instinct, but its informed by a false understanding of what will make you safe or unsafe, and acting on it can hurt other people. your right to feel fear or disgust or safety is sometimes in opposition to other people's health and material safety- and often in opposition to your own real safety, if you constantly live under a fear that isn't realistic or useful and precludes you from enjoying safety you physically have access to.
so: it's in the interest of your own safety and the safety of your community to be aware of the lifestyle your fears lead you to lead and to work toward shedding fears that aren't true or helpful. its difficult because it feels like the most evil thing in the world but you can just decide to stop feeling upset by something whenever you want. it feels bad!! i think theres probably a natural human aversion to changing our minds about fundamental preconceptions about safety because thats what keeps us from getting eaten by tigers. but everything serves an end, and it's good to hold your belief system to a standard of utility and truthfulness, to the best of your knowledge, and when you learn new things about the world, be gracious enough to adjust. a lot of the time, also, if you don't feel comfortable taking a stance because you need more information or have conflicting records of the truth you can find a lot of useful real-world data and opinion on the internet, and here, as in all things, it's vital & greatly expands your world to cultivate good research skills and credulity. now, unrelated trivia: genuine paraphilic attraction to children isnt a reliable indicator or even correlate of past or future attempts to sexually abuse children
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