#this is why i watch a show 800 times before finally comitting to reading a longfic
mceproductions · 6 years
August 2018 Blurbs
8/1/18 There is a reason why this month is called the dog days. 31 days of the end of summer until the coushin before Labor Day. Today i knew one song that was going to play. The Green Day song Wake Me Up When September ends always plays in August ad nauseum. Forget Ends, Wake Me Up when it begins. 8/2/18 With 800 things in flux, i decided to at least put off getting out of the house until after christmas. That allowed me to start to focus up on things i need to do. First WITC and the degree. 8/3/18 Pooh, especially a grown up one was enjoyable. Only issue was Capaldi playing Rabbit, just wish they could have taken liberties with that. 8/4/18 Dad finally got ride of Davids stuff. Now at least were junk free. 8/5/18 Another opportunity has presented itself and i may take it. Basketball at US Bank Stadium in November. Inviting Andy and Carynn, hoping that doesnt fall through on me. 8/6/18 Another day and another anime discovery. Anonymous Noise, Man is that weird. 8/7/18 WITC Beckoned but that construction on 8 was nuts, nearly caused me to miss the meeting. Heidi did bring up that Im lousy at time management. Will attempt a fix. Also really need to upgrade phone and Ipad. 8/8/18 Always love when the date month and year match. Of course 10 years ago was a near perfect day. Today saw me picking stuff up and proving Heidi right at the subject on the table yesterday. Have to wash truck tomorrow before work, wish place by American Family Insurance still accepted cards though. Nino on Anonymous Noise really iritates me, why is she always wearing that mask! 8/9/18 Got Truck washed, stinks that old car wash is now no longer working. Trump and SPACE FORCE distractions yes, fun to think of though, oh yes. 5 days on before i can go see Shark Movie. 8/10/18 Days i regret are ones that my dopey younger brothers dork around i have to hear every single detail. 8/11/18 Scott Walker surprised the fair atendees, he pied our mayor. Really wanted to meet him, but not a fan of the fair and really not a fan of hot days. 8/12/18 My tendancies when it comes to the store latley are starting to take notice. I linger past 11 cause i get there late, and i always end up getting back 5-7 minutes after i clock out for lunch if i leave the store. Somehow management not noticing is a miracle in and of itself. But i have to fix. that. Coldplay concert was a year ago, have yet to do a thing with mom this year other than the wedding. Hopeful seeing Andy in October could remedy that. 8/13/18 The things i do to help number greatly, and yet they think i do too much. Somehow when you live with two bums of younger bros, the slack has to be picked up somehow. 8/14/18 Well all registered for year 11 at WITC, another Customer Service class. Afterwards saw Statham and the human Ruby Rose fight off that megaldon. I do agree that is the second best shark movie ever made. Dwight though complete tool. 8/15/18 From what the next few weeks figure, wednesdays are going to be a freebie day, unless my class from noon-1:30 counts. Infinity War became my first 4K movie, will hold of on getting stuff for it until next year though. 8/16/18 Another day and at least here i can go to the library for solitude. Patton i finaly watched, why is this a big deal. Preseason football, while pointless can be exciting, case in point Packers 51 points. 8/17/18 First of 5 at the store, wondering where Mark is, got book for my class, hoping that since its previous edition i wont have the same situation i ended up with for previous semester. 8/18/18 The endless eight according to Haruhi Suzumiya. starts today. If i ever had to repeat my summer for 500 years, id be like Kyon wondering when i'd bust the loop. 8/19/18 Sharknado 6, SyFy and thier films, a weird combo featuring 2 names and 2 odd concepts Sharks and Tornadoes. And it was the last thing anyone saw coming a franchise. It was a good ending that somehow tied everything up in a bow, Now i ponder what could be the next unlikley franchise. Crazy Rich Asians, which i'm seeing on Thursday seems high on that list. 8/20/18 Ive had my issues with Willie before, but somehow, he really does everything he can to not be around me. When we do interact its civil, but yesterday with freezer unload him shooing me off and then getting someone else to assit, when i was ready to help just seems personal. Reporting this cause this seems like this could lead to a blowup. 8/21/18 I really like tuesdays from 11-12 the one two punch of CinemaSins and Honest Trailers really can put you in a good mood for the rest of the day. Todays with Rampage, and the very creative Deadpool takedown of the format istelf really made me eager for the stuff coming up. 8/22/18 Last normal free day of the summer, tomorrow its Crazy Rich Asians and hopefully no issues with my class. Next wednesday, everything should be ready to go. 8/23/18 Nice day, was really surprised by Crazy Rich Asians, will be reading the book now to see if its even better. No doubt Michelle Yeoh is the highlight. Also resumed audiobook for City of Heavenly Fire. With Shadowhunters show ending next year hoping this will at least have some beats of that story. Really want to get back on Audible subscription basis. 8/24/18 Having sniffles, and nearly puked at the store, hoping this isnt a bad thing. Rain although was needed, was not welcome, especially with power going out. 8/25/18 Took Dayquil felt fine and went in knocked out 4 from Cap 2 though. Hoping tomorrow wont be bad. John McCain on the other hand, that sucks. He really was the only Republican that went above and beyond to connect with everyone beyond, party lines. He'll be missed for sure. 8/26/18 Still felt a bit crappy, Keep wondering what i've got coming up. Class starts Wednesday. Hoping for good stuff. 8/27/18 Connor bolted for San Antonio to do mine work reminded me of when Eric initially left for Alaska. Hoping he'll pull this off. Unlike his so called comitment to the guard. 8/28/18 He made it down ok, my pants on the other hand split open again. Dad may have a point via my weight issues. 8/29/18 Year 11 of College, the desperation on my ego is high, but at least the ideas have me getting closer to the degree even if it is little by little. 8/30/18 A trend of mine with all of the wed-thur days off will be going on campus to get work done. Quiet day on that front, did get myself set up well for class ahead. 8/31/18 Can't stop sneezing, been a week, really hoping this isnt something bad.
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