#this is why im also 100% serious about will main characterism in S5
conflictofthemind · 5 months
I know someone (well, a few people to be honest but I'm mainly going off their info) who keeps very close track of filming details and schedules as well as monitoring the actors' whereabouts - and oh boy it is not looking good for the ol' Milkvan in this first half of the season.
As in, Finn and Millie have had very little shared set days and are definitely not on the same or even similar schedules. They're also not filming at the same places; they are fairly certain that Millie has not shot a single day at the farm despite it seeming to be a large plot and location also one where we have confirmation Finn and Noah have filmed and likely filmed there this week too.
They think that El's main pairings will probably include the Byers-Hopper family (obviously), Jo/pper separately at some points, and Lucas, as well as perhaps another individual plot. Keep in mind this is just what's been shot already. But other than Mike visiting the radio station at what appears to be the beginning of the season they can't place them together at any other location yet.
Compare this to J/ancy and Jo/pper, which they know are shooting together at multiple scenes, and Lucas' whole plot revolving around waking up Max....
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