#this is yennel guys
chanteraelle · 6 years
Jotober - Day 25: Prickly
A prickly sensation arose on the etched surface of Yennel’s skin, like a butterfly’s breath on a stifling summer’s day. The wind swirled across the unrippled surface of the lake, and it bore with it the distant murmuring sounds of coming Disciples. Lissante cina. He’d only managed to go undetected in the previous inspections by pure luck - this time, he didn’t know if his fortune would hold out. Yennel composed himself, so that his face was a mask of placidity, and closed his eyes. The other Disciples had merely taken him to be a hermit who chose not to speak. But he could tell with these ones that were coming along the edge of the water that they had far less reverence for such supposed sacredness. They bore an edge in their tone that verged on abrasive - a piece of ceda cloth, rubbed against hollowed cheeks. 
If they found out he was one of the Brisen, he’d almost certainly face exile. At least, exile was preferable to whatever punishment they inflicted on those that they imprisoned. Yennel had heard whispered rumours, borne on the wooden winds, of Brisen who went into their dungeons and were never heard of again, save in the middle of the night when sharp, animalistic screams would pierce the walls of every house. He rarely felt bitter, but in that moment of waiting, he certainly resented the Disciples. It was hardly his fault he had been born as one of the Brisen - he’d never made the active choice to do so, or at least not in this life. The stories the Disciples told said that to be one of the Brisen was a certain mark of an allegiance with the devil - but Yennel had only ever felt lonely, and never really evil. 
The knock on the door came even before he was ready. His hand rested for a second on the scratched wooden knob, before he twisted it open and inclined his head in greeting. Even though he moved around with a practiced calm, his heart was deceptively loud, and his tongue was even heavier than it normally was in the emptiness of his mouth.
Jotober Tag List: @writer-grandma, @ashesconstellation and @omgbrekkerkaz
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electrostar636 · 7 years
#CarrotWeapons ahh those are all such great headcanons!! i want Daddy as my dad the ltdfcd are lucky! XD, anyway i wonder if the ltdfcd deal with bullies cus their diffrent, and whos the overprotective sibling? so many questions such little time
Thank you :3 I love making headcanons about these kiddos x3
Aww xD I don’t blame ya man. Daddy is a good guy uvu
More headcanons! These include a lot of injury ones I’ve got. Feel free to tell me any of yours :3c
The Traitor Dudes are known to be fearless and relentless. The traitor dudes used to deal with bullies often. Typically they were called “The Little Traitor Dorks” by their peers and it would upset them. It wasn’t too much of a problem though. They’re tough kids and know how to fight back against the DNK. However, since Sector V came to their world, they’ve made several friends within the DNK.
Ecurb still has a tooth or two missing from his last fight
The kids constantly come home with injuries. This ranges from fights with other kids to falling out of trees they climb lol
If the injuries are serious, the other kids pitch in to save their money so that they can afford the medical bill. This happened once when Divad was almost paralyzed from a rock climbing accident.
Yennel is very protective over his siblings. If one suffers an injury, he’ll likely patch them up. This can come into play when they suffer the most injuries during competitive skateboarding.
With the children being so involved in dangerous activities/sports, it puts a lot of stress on Daddy. At times, although it is rare, Daddy will put his foot down and say no to such extreme sports that could potentially risk the lives of his children.
In most cases, the traitor dudes wear extra protective padding and helmets to ease Daddy’s worries.
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