#this is your local Wilbur factive saying he stands with shubble
mcwhytubers · 3 months
fuck this shit
I don’t know if I have the words for what I want to say. I feel disgusted and hurt.
The only words I can find are words other cc’s have spoken.
That apology was shit. It wasn’t an apology. He’s saving face. “I want to extend my sincerest apologies for any pain that I caused.” That is the worst fucking “apology”. You know what you did. You do not get to make a victim’s story about you.
This is not twitter drama. He’s not canceled, he’s an abuser. (Aimsey)
Support victims before anything else. (Ranboo)
You cannot separate the art from the artist. Nobody is perfect and I know the music is good but actions speak louder than words. But even still, the words are all right there. They hurt.
I stand with shubble/shelby.
- Wilbur
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