#this isn't as coherent as i wanted it to be bc i'm Sleepy but here enjoy
raayllum · 1 year
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Already touched on this scene regarding the differences to the brothers, so I'm not going to repeat myself too much here, but I am thinking about the like... Purpose of this scene from a narrative/characterization standpoint in line with that. Because like, think about it... This scene would hit so different, as a debate, if we didn't know how far along Claudia and co. were in their quest to free Aaravos; then we could lean one way or another operating with the exact same information the characters have.
But we the audience Know that Aaravos isn't out, which is the primary reason Callum gives regarding incentive to get the Nova Blade. Nor is this the first time that Callum has a perspective we know isn't necessarily, well, necessary because we know more than the characters do. So we're already inclined to be more on Ezran's side because we know his line of thinking - that Aaravos isn't out and it's worth trying to just stop his release - is worth following.
It is likewise worth noting though, that Callum thinks the Novablade plan is good whether Aaravos is out or not. While he brings up that Claudia and Viren might've already released the Startouch elf, when Callum initially proposes the plan (shown above) he says, "Then we wait for Aaravos to get out." Even though if Aaravos gets out, that would kind of put him in the best possible place to possess Callum again, given how it operated last time. Even though if Aaravos gets out, he'll be even more powerful and likely to do real harm and even harder to defeat.
All of which to say this scene has approximately three purposes
To reinforce the differences between the brothers and possible seeds of conflict for the future, in both Ezran's pacifism (possibly to set up contrast with his latter choices) as well as Callum's more pragmatic side
To reinforce, by giving Rayla the deciding vote and having her side with Ezran, that Callum's morality and inclinations is different than both his brother and his partner
And on that note, characterization wise, to start highlighting what Callum is willing to do and that he's always had this streak in him (cue both he and Viren watching dark magic corrupted enemies die by their own hand at the Storm Spire while Ezran and Harrow feel somewhat conflicted about it, at least) / can often be more solution oriented ("How does this solve anything?" from 1x02) and willing to take the path he perceives as easier/more efficient
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Sarai: You said you want to make a difference, to build a better world. But that's going to take decades of hard work. There's no monster you can slay to solve all of your problems. There's no shortcut.
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Some other interesting notes:
Shows the different in the trio's dynamic regarding decision making, since previously it had normally been Callum and Rayla having the final call with Ezran going along with it (2x03, 3x08). Now, the brothers discuss first with each other, highlighting that they've spent the last two years without her and that Ezran has become more assertive, but that they still fully include her in the decision and have it be one they made as a group, signifying their heightened unity upon reunion and healing, and the way they all trust/look to each other.
It also demonstrates growth from Rayla, as last time she thought there was a potential threat to the world, she went the more violent route in wanting to track Viren down (alone) and kill him. But now that she's come back and reintegrated herself into the group, she's taking the more level headed, preventative route in some ways.
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xxdr3amsnatchrrxx · 1 year
Regarding Snaxter
i feel like making a somewhat important post. tbh this is sort of just me looking back on the entire au and remembering all story stuff with it that i feel like sharing and also wanting to answer question that nobody asked. sorry for any spelling issues, im pretty sleepy rn.
this is a long post so strap in.
so i think its best to start this post off with just detailing what the story of snaxter was going to be through four different remakes of the drafts.
funni divider here
Original Story
original snaxter story was going to be a murder mystery arg blog where it was the readers job to figure out who killed filbo fiddlepie. scrapped due to me not being able to keep up the drawings for the blog. also because i couldn't think of a way to implement it correctly. this version also was why i made Zylrr because he was meant to be an antagonist. really disliked him when i first made him to a point i made an alt version of him for just normal bugsnax.
hell here's his first designs because im feeling nice today.
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Second version of the story
was going to make it centered around a cult, scrapped due to lack of creativity. also when looking back on both the original and this version of the story there was a lot of ablest story telling that i was unaware of (going off of old chats with an ex bc those are the only source of info i still have on old snaxter)
i think this was also when i started adding other people's oc's. i don't remember that much tho.
Third version of the story
a deep dive into the mental state of kerleb and his entire family. pretty much just a therapy session with body horror much like the original story of bugsnax. scrapped because of said similarity.
also when i chose to make Eggabell somewhat of a mysterious character in the story as she would be just a voice from kerlebs phone for the most part.
Fourth and last version of the story
???? i don't know what was happening at this point, i was so focused on character design and world building that i completely forgot about the story.
i do remember that the ending did involve kerleb's actual dad being the heart of the island. that was honestly the only coherent part of the story.
scrapped entire au due to mental issues getting worse.
another funni divider because im not going into my gallery rn
so i also wanted to give some more context to what will actually be happening to Snaxter as a whole.
Snaxter au isn't dead, i know the post i made before made it seem like that but i was having a severely bad episode at the time.
at best the au is being held off for a bit until i get a better grasp at the whole story telling thing.
knowing how messy it was before i'd DEFINITELY need to redo everything about the lore.
sadly i would have to cut a lot of other people's characters from the story. mostly due to respect of boundaries and also because i want the story to not rely on other people's characters.
i won't work on the au that much, mainly because i'm knee deep in cult of the lamb and my own personal project.
i'm not going to have anyone else work on snaxter for personal reasons as well.
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TL;DR for the last bit, Snaxter AU isn't dead, its just the leg and im floofty.
i know nobody likely cares about snaxter anymore but if it pleases those who were interested thats alright with me.
anyways, goodnight gamers. going to either draw or sleep. depends on how i feel.
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