#also final screencap please be foreshadowing do it for me
raayllum · 1 year
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Already touched on this scene regarding the differences to the brothers, so I'm not going to repeat myself too much here, but I am thinking about the like... Purpose of this scene from a narrative/characterization standpoint in line with that. Because like, think about it... This scene would hit so different, as a debate, if we didn't know how far along Claudia and co. were in their quest to free Aaravos; then we could lean one way or another operating with the exact same information the characters have.
But we the audience Know that Aaravos isn't out, which is the primary reason Callum gives regarding incentive to get the Nova Blade. Nor is this the first time that Callum has a perspective we know isn't necessarily, well, necessary because we know more than the characters do. So we're already inclined to be more on Ezran's side because we know his line of thinking - that Aaravos isn't out and it's worth trying to just stop his release - is worth following.
It is likewise worth noting though, that Callum thinks the Novablade plan is good whether Aaravos is out or not. While he brings up that Claudia and Viren might've already released the Startouch elf, when Callum initially proposes the plan (shown above) he says, "Then we wait for Aaravos to get out." Even though if Aaravos gets out, that would kind of put him in the best possible place to possess Callum again, given how it operated last time. Even though if Aaravos gets out, he'll be even more powerful and likely to do real harm and even harder to defeat.
All of which to say this scene has approximately three purposes
To reinforce the differences between the brothers and possible seeds of conflict for the future, in both Ezran's pacifism (possibly to set up contrast with his latter choices) as well as Callum's more pragmatic side
To reinforce, by giving Rayla the deciding vote and having her side with Ezran, that Callum's morality and inclinations is different than both his brother and his partner
And on that note, characterization wise, to start highlighting what Callum is willing to do and that he's always had this streak in him (cue both he and Viren watching dark magic corrupted enemies die by their own hand at the Storm Spire while Ezran and Harrow feel somewhat conflicted about it, at least) / can often be more solution oriented ("How does this solve anything?" from 1x02) and willing to take the path he perceives as easier/more efficient
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Sarai: You said you want to make a difference, to build a better world. But that's going to take decades of hard work. There's no monster you can slay to solve all of your problems. There's no shortcut.
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Some other interesting notes:
Shows the different in the trio's dynamic regarding decision making, since previously it had normally been Callum and Rayla having the final call with Ezran going along with it (2x03, 3x08). Now, the brothers discuss first with each other, highlighting that they've spent the last two years without her and that Ezran has become more assertive, but that they still fully include her in the decision and have it be one they made as a group, signifying their heightened unity upon reunion and healing, and the way they all trust/look to each other.
It also demonstrates growth from Rayla, as last time she thought there was a potential threat to the world, she went the more violent route in wanting to track Viren down (alone) and kill him. But now that she's come back and reintegrated herself into the group, she's taking the more level headed, preventative route in some ways.
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renegadewangs · 3 years
Van Zieks - the Examination, part 5
Warnings: SPOILERS for The Great Ace Attorney: Chronicles. Additional warning for racist sentiments uttered by fictional characters (and screencaps to show these sentiments).
Disclaimer: (see Part 1 for the more detailed disclaimer.) - These posts are not meant to be taken as fact. Everything I’m outlining stems from my own views and experiences. If you believe that I’ve missed or misinterpreted something, please let me know so I can edit the post accordingly. -The purpose of these posts is an analysis, nothing more. Please do not come into these posts expecting me to either defend Barok van Zieks from haters, nor expecting me to encourage the hatred. - I’m using the Western release of The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles for these posts, but may refer to the original Japanese dialogue of Dai Gyakuten Saiban if needed to compare what’s said. This also means I’m using the localized names and localized romanization of the names to stay consistent. -It doesn’t matter one bit to me whether you like Barok van Zieks or dislike him. However, I will ask that everyone who comments refrains from attacking real, actual people.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
It’s time to return to the first game for case 5, The Unspeakable Story!
Episode 5: The Unspeakable Story – Part 1
Prepare yourselves, this is a big one! So big, even, that I'm going to have to split it into two parts. Fortunately, we can skip over the entire Investigation segment, because virtually none of it is relevant to Van Zieks. In fact, we don't even learn Van Zieks is the prosecutor until we enter the courtroom and see him standing there. Somehow, no one thought to ask who Ryu would be facing. What we do learn during the Investigation is confirmation that McGilded was indeed a lying scumbag who murdered Thrice-fired Mason. He asked Gina to lie for him in a court of law, too. So indeed, Ryu backed the wrong horse in The Runaway Room and Van Zieks was right to suspect the defense of deceit. He was wrong in how he worded half his arguments, though.
An extra thing worth noting is that after the conversation in which the blood is found on Gina's coat and the truth of McGilded comes out, it's revealed that Gregson was hiding nearby in the shadows. He insists he didn't eavesdrop and only just walked in, but it's implied much later in the trial that he knew about the blood on the coat. This means that Gregson is, from this point on, holding the full knowledge that McGilded was McGuilty in the omnibus murder.
So into the courtroom we go, where it is shown we're facing Van Zieks. (And nobody is surprised, because who else would it have been? Auchi?) It is now two months after the Runaway Room and the two Clouded Kokoro cases, so immediately upon starting the trial, the judge basically asks Van Zieks whether he's gone insane- in his own words, that is. First he asks how many years it's been since Van Zieks retired, to which Van Zieks replies that it's been five. The judge notes that Van Zieks resurfaced rather suddenly two months ago, (then basically handled three cases in a single week,) and showed up again today.
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HAH. I love how on the nose this judge is when it comes to dissing the prosecution. He goes on to state that Van Zieks used to deal exclusively in matters concerned with 'the highest echelons of society and government', yet today he's trying 'a simple case of burglary and murder'. We already learned this from Gregson in case 1-4, but it's nice to have it repeated again.
Van Zieks replies that there's two things he cannot abide: “Wealthy scoundrels who hide behind a mask of philanthropy-” (hi McGilded!) and... “Secondly- even more loathsome... Those wily scoundrels who masquerade as allies only to effect total betrayal in the final hour.”
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So that settles it then. He's specifically taken on his three most recent cases because there were Japanese people involved. He's also outright admitting that which Ryu had already guessed: Van Zieks hates Japanese people and going by his wording (“betrayal”, etc.) he has some bad experiences. Ryu wonders whether that 'torrid look of hatred' in Van Zieks's eyes is directed at him or at all Japanese people. Frankly, I think that in a subconscious sense, it's neither. The way I see it, that torrid look of hatred is directed at a man who died ten years ago. But I'll get back to this when it's time to address the backstory. The judge finds that an “alarmingly scathing explanation”, but welcomes the Reaper of the Bailey back to court all the same.
I love the implication that Van Zieks can apparently just come and go as he pleases in terms of prosecuting. Retirement can just be upturned on a whim and he's allowed to choose any case he wants. Who even is keeping him informed on which cases are happening and who the defense is? Is there a Chief Prosecutor in play we don't know about or is Stronghart slipping notes into his letterbox? Or has Van Zieks been entering the prosecutor's office every day for the past two months, demanding to hear news of 'that Nipponese attorney'?
So anyway, Van Zieks lays out the opening statement, pours himself a glass of wine, accuses Ryu of jumping to conclusions and reveals that he has witnesses. Remember when he threw aside his cloak halfway into 1-3 and it was seen as a big deal? … Yeah. It's not much anymore, now. He gets rid of it before the first witnesses have even taken the stand. The guys called forth are literal criminals who happened to break into the scene of the crime and, according to Van Zieks, “will face trial in the very near future” for their “various trespasses”. Alright, so he's acknowledging he's called forth some sketchy witnesses, but considers the murder itself far more sinister than their burglary.
Ryu manages to prove the taller Skulkin brother fired a gun at the crime scene and in doing so, struck poor innocent (S)Holmes. (Ryu presents a picture of a blood-stained calendar with a bullet in it to prove this, yet ten minutes later, he'll present the exact same picture and the entire court will act as if they'd never seen it before. Awkwaaard.) Van Zieks pours himself another glass of wine, toasts to Ryu's incompetence and later has another micro-aggression:
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Scumbag points! And also possibly hilarious foreshadowing if he's referring to either Asogi Sr. or Mikotoba here. Though it's hard to say how well acquainted Van Zieks was with (S)Holmes and his partner roughly 16 to 10 years ago. Anyway, Van Zieks flings another chalice and basically admits that he already knew these two criminals gunned down (S)Holmes, but made a deal with them not to get into that. Though technically, Ryu was the one who got into it by proving it in court, so Van Zieks didn't break any unscrupulous deals. And maybe he was even expecting Ryu to do so? Maybe that's why he was pushing Ryu to present evidence? Either way, Van Zieks now owes 'his Nipponese friend' a word of gratitude, since he helpfully confirmed the two brothers couldn't possibly have shot the victim. Only one bullet was fired from their pistol, after all, and if it hit (S)Holmes it couldn't possibly have killed Windibank.
Van Zieks proceeds to “take a moment to consider the aforementioned Great Detective, Mr. Sholmes” (KEEP THIS LINE IN MIND), and brings up the security cameras (S)Holmes planted at the pawnshop so that he can present a picture of the defendant waving a pistol at the victim. Why didn't he present this evidence immediately instead of asking two shady burglars to testify? Who even knows, man. He's being erratic, just as the judge said. The jurors have seen enough and vote guilty, so it's time for a Summation Examination! Van Zieks poured himself another glass of wine before Ryu even asserted his right to that, because he knew it was coming. He has to stand in silence and so he will drink.
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(Juror No 1, aka Mr. Garrideb, proceeds to piss me off by oggling the maid juror. I thought the whole point of this character was that his wife misunderstood and jumped to conclusions; that she's been punishing him wrongfully since he does indeed love her and will stand by her side no matter what, but apparently not.) Some tomfoolery later, we require the prosecution's help to prove stereoscopes are just as cool as wireless telegraphy.
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I honestly think it's hilarious that he's meant to stay silent but has broken that rule several times, so now we're taunting him by asking him a direct question during the Examination. So after it's been proven the two criminals moved some stuff around inside the pawnshop, four jurors vote not-guilty and the trial continues. The two witnesses get called back to the stand and---
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… Okay. So he definitely is against perjury. He seems to hate it, even. He apparently keeps giving them the evil eye as they testify, intimidating Ringo into telling the truth. But I just can't shake the memory of him feeding a lie to Shamspeare in Memoirs of the Clouded Kokoro. Also, the game very much caught me off guard during this testimony when I presented a piece of evidence which wasn't correct, but instead of leading to a penalty led me to a unique set of dialogue not found when presenting other wrong evidence. That is to say, I presented a picture of Gina holding the sole gun to disprove the testimony that both she and Windibank were wielding guns, which led to:
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Isn't that what we often do in these games? Van Zieks clearly hasn't been paying attention. Anyway, the judge points out that so long as I couldn't prove that Gina was still holding the only gun some time later, when Windibank was shot, the evidence wasn't relevant. So I had to present the picture of Windibank's body (not holding a gun) instead. Ryu manages to point out through that picture that the Skulkin brothers were lying and-
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OKAY OKAY. I GET IT. Van Zieks hates perjury with a burning passion and Memoirs of the Clouded Kokoro messed up. The trial continues on to the point where Ryu manages to suggest that the Skulkin brothers shot Windibank and Gina then locked the door to save herself. At first Van Zieks is shocked at the notion, but after Ryu details his logic, he just puts his hands down on the desk and chuckles.
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This is the first time we see something close to laughter from him, and it's not even really laughter. It's just a malicious, bitter little noise. In fact, we've never seen him smile. He's not even smiling now, as he cackles. That's a stark contrast from other prosecutors, who all smile/smirk as they gloat. Barok's facial expression barely changes at all. Are they building up to something? Anyway, the judge wonders why Van Zieks finds this amusing, as he found the argument quite persuasive himself. Van Zieks pours himself another glass of wine and says:
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“But such blatantly malicious conjuring tricks amount to nothing more than inexcusable pettifoggery here. Because you see, it contains a fatal flaw!”
Scumbag points! He then proceeds to imply all the members of the jury are too dimwitted to count (as he flings his chalice). Bullets, that is. There were two bullets found at the crime scene and there were two guns recovered, each having fired one bullet. So if the Skulkin brothers had shot (S)Holmes, they couldn't possibly have shot Windibank as well.
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Bye wine bottle, rip person sitting behind him. Van Zieks proceeds to slander Gina for being “far from a law-abiding citizen” and having “a past riddled with criminal misconduct”. To further illustrate his point, he presents a piece of evidence that the defendant attempted to steal the day beforehand, not with the subtlety of a pickpocket but by brute force and brazen impudence. Gregson loses it at this point, shouting out a loud “Hold it!” before losing his nerve and stammering his way through his protest. He mentions that there was a meeting with the prosecution service where it was agreed that piece of evidence wouldn't be used. Ryu is baffled and thinks this:
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And now I'm baffled as well, because thinking back on it... Yes, Gregson has talked about Van Zieks before in Investigation segments and has been called in to testify, but as far as I can recall, he hasn't ever addressed Van Zieks directly. Fascinating stuff. Van Zieks says he's unaware of this meeting- probably because he found out Ryu's defending later on and snatched this case up at the last second. Perhaps even took it from the originally-assigned prosecutor with brute force and brazen impudence. Gregson insists that 'the government bigwigs' were very insistent about not using the disc as evidence, to which Van Zieks says:
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Good gracious, Van Zieks is a loose cannon! … Or wait, maybe he's a reckless renegade? Or is he perhaps a prosecutor on the edge with nothing to lose? (Alright, put on a pot of coffee- we're gonna get to the bottom of this!) ...Either way, the prosecution thinks it's sufficiently made its case by establishing motive, opportunity and baseness of character.
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OY! I thought you don't read third-rate detective stories! But Iris specifically wrote that line into existence, so he must have. Me thinks we've got a closet Adventures of (S)Herlock (S)Holmes fan on our hands, here. The jury buys into his slander, votes guilty, Iris accuses him of being mean and Ryu enters Summation Examination mode a second time.
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Oh he knows what he's in for. He knows. Several minutes of talking about bullets later, the topic of (S)Holmes's waist pouch is brought up and Iris wonders whether perhaps the bullet hit one of the glass vials with flammable content. Van Zieks suddenly speaks up with an “If I may...”, catching the startled attention of Ryu in particular.
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“I should inform the defence that I have the pouch in question in the antechamber outside the courtroom. As I understand it, when the police arrived on the scene and found Mr Sholmes injured, they removed the pouch in order to assess the wound. Since then, it has been in my safekeeping along with all other evidence relating to the case. I can personally vouch for the fact that it has not been touched since the incident occurred.”
This whole plotline cracks me up with how little sense it makes, considering the position of this pouch on (S)Holmes's outfit. But I'm not here to criticize plot-convenience of evidence, so let's move on and look at what's actually happening here. The defense is discussing possibilities with the jurors in hopes of changing their minds towards a not-guilty and instead of keeping silent, as he's supposed to during this moment, Van Zieks actively speaks up to admit he has a piece of evidence which may be of assistance. It's entirely possible that the pouch would have all three vials intact and thereby dismiss the theory that the bullet hit one of them, but... Regardless of whether he remembers seeing a broken vial with his own eyes, he's taking a risk by showing the pouch. He could've played by the Summation Examination rules, kept his mouth shut and then later when it comes out he had the pouch all along, just remind everyone he wasn't allowed to speak. That's what most prosecutors would've done. Naturally, it's revealed there was indeed a broken vial and some scorched leather, and even closer examination reveals a third bullet we can present to the jurors.
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Scumbag point! So with all the confusion on the third bullet and the implication of there being a third gun, the judge does something pretty extraordinary. He doesn't wait for the jurors to change their leaning and instead actually suspends the Summation Examination until the matter is cleared up. This implies any judge has the power to overrule juror leanings, at the very least during Summation Examination, when they feel the case presented by the counsels is lacking important details. Anyway, closing argument on hold for now and the Skulkins return to the stand. Barok looks them straight in the eyes with his usual evil eye and asks them whether the third gun is one of theirs. When that's denied, he asks whether they had an accomplice, which is also denied. And it's kind of funny, because only a few minutes later when Ryu implies they had an accomplice, we get this line:
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“Yet in all that time, there has been not a murmur of a third man. If this apparently wraithlike being exists...” pause for chalice crush... “The court must be shown hard evidence!”
But Van Zieks was the one who questioned the Skulkins about an accomplice earlier, so... Indeed, we don't have evidence, but the murmur was definitely already there. So now the prosecution wants two things: evidence there was a third person on the scene and their identity. The game prompts two options: Either present an answer to the prosecution's demands or, y'know, don't. Naturally I chose the latter option to see what happens and it goes about as well as you'd expect. Ryu stutters and trails off, Van Zieks notes the defense is unable to complete a sentence, let alone provide credible answers... Iris takes the place of Susato in telling Ryu off for faltering, so Ryu desperately tries to catch himself and push his argument. Van Zieks says: “So, my Nipponese friend, despite the swimming eyes you seem to think you have something to say...”
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PENALTY FROM THE PROSECUTION, oh how I've missed you. Loading up the savegame and choosing the first option actually also leads to the exact same line of “so, my Nipponese friend, despite the swimming eyes you seem to think you have something to say...”, just with a slightly different posture and followed up with the words “this promises to be interesting.” Ryu presents the blood sample on the calendar once more and as I said before, the court acts as if they've never seen this picture before. Hilarious. Van Zieks asks why the blood is depicted as green and Ryu explains it's because of a new chemical (S)Holmes invented. The green blood is then linked to Eggert Benedict through the music disc. The court gets very excited, but much like the skin prints in case 2-2, this isn't admissible evidence. Van Zieks says “this has gone on long enough now. This flagrant ignorance of the mechanics of law.”
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“The protagonist in a series of short stories for the vulgar classes. A god of detection or some such. And now you employ chemical substances devised by this fantastical persona in the highest court in the land? Do you expect us to take you seriously? The samples made by this plaything are not fit to be called evidence.”
These lines! I had a quick look at both Scarlet Study's and Taisa's scripts, and there Van Zieks outright accuses (S)Holmes of being a fictional character. He doesn't actually diss the stories themselves though, nor is there anything similar to that plaything line. He only says the chemical itself is 'rubbish'. What ultimately kills me is the “Yes, I’ve heard the name” as if this is the first time it’s being uttered in the courtroom. Let's be merciful here and take case 2-2 out of the equation. Yes, (S)Holmes is mentioned several times there, they establish the two have some sort of history and he even enters the courtroom at one point to address Van Zieks directly, but that case was developed after this one so accidental retcon is bound to happen. No, let's look solely at the cases in the first game. (S)Holmes has been mentioned several times throughout the course of this trial, even by Van Zieks himself. Even better, Van Zieks was the one to present photographs taken by one of (S)Holmes's playthings earlier on. OOPS.
Ryu enters despair mode because there really is no way to prove that the color green is unique to Eggert Benedict, nor would it be accepted as evidence to begin with. But that's okay, because much like the skin prints in 2-2, it was never about having it filed as official evidence. It was about influencing the jury and as Iris so smartly points out, the Summation Examination was suspended earlier. This means that technically, it's still going on. It doesn't matter what the prosecution or the judge thinks of (S)Holmes's invention, it only matters what the jurors think, as they now have the power to force the trial to continue. Naturally, the majority votes not-guilty. Van Zieks objects rather ferociously. “My lord, with all due respect, this is an outrage! The prosecution refuses to accept this decision!” (heehee, I really enjoy these lines. With all due respect, indeed.) The judge asks on what grounds the prosecution is objecting, and Van Zieks says:
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“Then they are too ignorant to be trusted with the judgement of anyone's guilt!”
Gosh, he really doesn't enjoy how 'gullible' the jurors are, does he? Or rather, he gets frustrated when the jurors begin to think for themselves instead of taking the prosecution's word for it. The judge sets Van Zieks straight by basically reminding him that this is how the court works.
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It is so satisfying to watch him squirm. Van Zieks wants us to play by the court's rules, so we're playing by the court's rules and now he's got no more comebacks. This is it folks, we're subpoena-ing Egg Benedict! He does indeed show up to court after a brief intermission and reveals his true name to be Ashley Graydon. Graydon expresses haughty dismay that the highest court of the land was swayed by some self-professed detective's homemade tincture. Van Zieks tells him it was the will of the jury, and their great British justice system demands that the jury's will is upheld. Graydon calls the jury members inept, as Van Zieks has done many times before, but agrees to testify. Ryu attempts to needle this guy several times by asserting he was definitely at the crime scene, but indeed, the blood sample doesn't count as evidence and Ryu doesn't really have anything else to back him up. Van Zieks oh-so-kindly reminds him that the obligation to prove the defense's assertion lies with, well, the defense. Eventually we do get there and Graydon starts making up some bullshit story about how he met McGilded in a gentlemen's club and bonded with him over unique music box music, so that's what that disc was. Van Zieks points out that Yard have indeed been gathering items believed to have been McGilded's property, presumably to aid their investigations. Gregson once again loses his composure here and tries to shut the conversation down.
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Gregson and Van Zieks continue to banter back and forth about how Gregson is definitely not allowed to talk about these things and Van Zieks should also know better than to pry. Even Ryu thinks it's strange the two of them are bickering like that. Anyway, we're not allowed to discuss the McGilded stuff, so back to Graydon and his breaking and entering! Van Zieks asserts that if the police confiscated the disc beforehand and Graydon saw this happen, there was no reason for him to break into the pawnshop anymore.
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Oooh, that's some tasty triumph over Van Zieks's ignorance! Ryu brings up the second item pawned by McGilded, a 'small box'. Van Zieks insists that no such thing was stolen from the pawnshop and he can prove it, since he has a picture of the shelves from before the break-in and one from after the break-in. You know, the pictures taken by that idiot detective's silly little plaything! Through the magic of stereoscopes (or the 3D Slider in the 3DS version), Ryu can see that a small box was moved.
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It's absolutely hilarious that most of the court has to go cross-eyed to do the stereoscope thing and then there's Van Zieks, with a fancy stereoscope device that he just happened to have with him in a trial he couldn't possibly predict would require a stereoscope. He's so extra! Ryu asserts that if the box was moved, they have to raise the question of what was inside it and send the Yard to retrieve that thing at once. Van Zieks objects, saying that “some little box belonging to a man who died two months ago can't possibly be relevant to this trial.” The judge doesn't see it his way, though, and overrules his objection. Nice! So officers are dispatched to Baker Street to fetch the box and Van Zieks grumbles to himself about being hoodwinked by a farce.
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The judge once again doesn't take kindly to Van Zieks's attitude problems and I love this. I can't wait for the prosecution to be penalized, because it feels like it's right around the corner here. Van Zieks elaborates that this whole thing is nothing but a smoke screen; a Nipponese specialty. Scumbag points for this one! I can't entirely connect this to Professor foreshadowing, I think it's just him being petty. Either way, he's going to jump through hoops now. Mere minutes ago he established that the Yard is still investigating McGilded's stuff and the 'aftermath' of his activities, but he's flipping it all over now. He begins to talk about how McGilded died two months ago, immediately after the trial in which he was found not-guilty.
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“So I propose a toast. To my learned friend, and his most... insightful defense.”
So the logic being used here now is that McGilded was a fine, upstanding citizen and anything he pawned was truly innocent/ordinary, so why would someone want to steal it? The only way to prove that there's more to these items than might be apparent would be for Ryu to reveal that the acquittal was a mistake and the defense's argument was based on false information. They all suspected this two months ago, though. It was made abundantly clear that the only reason McGilded walked free was because nobody could say for certain whether the evidence was tampered with. Either way, Ryu's cornered now and wondering to himself whether Van Zieks knows the items in question are related to the omnibus murder. He probably does. He has access to the evidence, which means he has access to to the pawn tickets which hold some very specific dates on them.
The game gives Ryu an option whether or not to have Gina testify about what happened two months ago, but this option isn't real. If you choose 'leave it', Ryu still decides within two lines of dialogue that they have to uncover the truth. There's no penalty for stalling. So Ryu calls for Gina to testify and Van Zieks definitely knows what's up.
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“In particular, the impact it will have on the accused's standing... And indeed your own.”
So this is a warning, clear and simple. Van Zieks knows shit will hit the fan. Or, as he later phrases it, it will bring the court down around Ryu's ears. But Ryu insists upon the testimony, the prosecution agrees and Gina is put on the stand. The judge tells Graydon he can step down, Graydon promptly sees this as an excuse to leave and bids them all a good day, but Van Zieks tells him to wait.
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Oh, this... I like this. By now, Van Zieks has caught on to Ryu's little trick of watching the reactions from other witnesses during testimonies. He's purposely making Graydon stand there and listen to Gina's testimony just in case he reacts in such an overdramatic way, Ryu can pursue it. Iiinteresting! Now it seems as if he's on our side, but we're not quite there yet. Before Gina can begin her testimony, Van Zieks reminds her that if it turns out she willfully withheld information two months ago, she'll be prosecuted for perjury. That's just an intimidation technique to get her not to reveal what she withheld. … Which is weird, because you'd think Van Zieks would want her to spill those beans. Either way, with some encouragement from Ryu and Iris, Gina begins to talk about the lies she told. Aaand we're ending the essay here for now, because we're only about halfway into this disaster of a trial and the plot will only thicken from here on out. Stay tuned for part 2 of The Unspeakable Story!
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tatyana-dreaming · 4 years
Eugene Onegin: Finale Analysis
*apologies in advance for a LONG POST! any TYPOS! and also that the Russian has been latinized (is that what we say?)*
I have often read opinions and observations about the finale of Eugene Onegin along the lines of “there’s no new theme;” it’s “not as intense as the Letter scene;” it’s “anticlimactic...” etc. (those last two comments are found in Eugene Onegin: The Opera Lively Guide by Luiz Gazzola).
Clearly, these are just opinions and I’m not here to disprove anything... but I am here to retaliate with a whole lot of love for this particular 14 minutes of music so buckle up :) I’m going to try to mainly be objective here and just offer my observations/analysis. Maybe you’ll find some newfound appreciation along the way...and please pitch in if you have your own comments or have noticed things I haven’t necessarily picked up on!
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Before we start, you may want to pull a recording of the finale (this one is my favorite of course), and potentially your favorite CD/recording of Eugene Onegin, if you want to listen along and compare. If I had more time and skills I would have done this for you in a video or added trimmed audio bits throughout this post but alas. Maybe one day! For now, enjoy these screencaps from the 2007 Carsen production at the Met with Fleming and Hvorostovsky.
1. Gazzola points this out in his book - and thank goodness, because I’m not sure I would have made the connection myself. The final scene opens with a motif that is more or less a repetition of Gremin’s theme (in rhythm, at the very least), “Lyubvi Vsye Rozrasti Pokorni/Love conquers all ages,’” foreshadowing Tatyana’s decision/steadfastness to the mature, stable love or contement, or whatever we want to call this - we can have an analysis of ‘love’ in Eugene Onegin in another post! Already I’m thinking back to the opening of the opera when Larina and Filipyevna sing in unison “Privichka svishe name dana, zamyena shchastiyu ona / Habit is sent us from above in place of happiness.” Tatyana’s mother used to read and dream like Tayana herself and was even in love, but eventually had to marry someone else and “became resigned and settled down.”
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And as @lizlensky​ recently reminded me, of course Filipyevna did not get to marry for love either, not that Tatyana was really listening to her story. In fact, maybe I’m looking far into deeply, but it seems to me the strings underneath this “Gremin motif” at the opening of the finale and also when Tatyana eventually sings to that tune “Onegin, ya togda molozhe/Onegin, I was younger then”  are also mimicking the strings underneath Filipyevna when she sings the morning after the Letter Scene, explaining how her mind is getting older and reflecting upon her youth (I’m generalizing a bit - Tatyana certainly isn’t complaining about having an old brain but she is thinking of the past). Make of that what you will! But it gave me chills.
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2. Oh no, I’m already getting ahead of myself though. Before Onegin even comes on the scene, we also hear what some call the “Fate motif” but what I prefer to call the “Dream motif” (if it is fate, why does it follow Tatyana all over dreamy Act I but disappears except for this tiny reminiscence? But of course, up for discussion as it’s the prelude/introduction to the opera, and it comes back when Yevgeni does, haunting her like a ghost, which I suppose is fate-y). Here it is again when Tatyana sings “Kak budto snova dyevochkoi ya stala/It’s as if I’m a young girl again” - which is then followed by what I might personally call the fate theme, since it foreshadows the anguish Tatyana will face when she is rejected in Act I, and before she rejects Onegin in Act III.
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This is where I wish I had an audio clip but I think you know what I mean; it’s the really dramatic climax that comes right when Tatyana enters the stage in Scene 3 of Act III (before “Zdyez on, zdyes on, Yevgeni!”) and right before Onegin comes onstage in Act III, Scene 2. Or ha, maybe this is just “Onegin’s Arrival Theme” since there’s a similar kind of orchestral panic before he arrives in Act I (though of course, not in Scene 1 of Act III since it is Tatyana who enters rather than Onegin who was in the room already, at least in the productions I’ve seen.)
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3. Okay, so now Onegin’s here, what does he have to say for himself? We hear a bit of the Onegin aria theme -  “Mechtam i godom nyet vazvrata, nye obnovlyu dushi moyei/Dreams and years cannot return, I cannot renew my soul!” as he (in some versions) falls to Tatyana’s feet, exclaiming “O, szhaltes, szhaltes nado mnoyu!/ Have mercy on me!”  Clearly has some srs regerts. But also perhaps Tchaikovsky foreshadowing what is to come... not only that we shouldn’t expect Tatyana to act with any less honor (or prudence/reason) towards Onegin as he did towards her in Act I, and that indeed she sings “proshlogo nye vorotit/you cannot bring back the past.”  I know I’m grinding a lot out of this particular moment, but... would you expect anything less from me? Or (thinks of Petya) HIM? :)
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4. As Tatyana reminds Onegin how he rejected her and begins to question why he is suddenly in love with her now, we get to revisit some of the music from the Letter Scene - at least in the orchestra. Tatyana’s line differs slightly than her original melody in the Letter Scene when she sings “Togda, nye pravda li pustine, vdali ot suyetnoi molvi/There in that backwater, far from vain society” - and just so, as it is far from its dreamy, romantic parallel in her letter - “Y v eto samoye mgnovyenye ne ti li, miloye vidyenye/And in that very moment, wasn’t it you, beloved vision [...who whispered to me words of hope].” I find this throwback incredibly clever and gutwrenching, as I believe it’s clearly a bitter and ironic jab at the hope that Onegin crushed, even honorably as he did, and now the two of them have changed positions. Whose dreamy hopes (which are... questionable at best at the moment) are getting schooled now? Cmon’ Onegin, “learn to control yourself....”
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5. Let me take a moment to admit and agree with many analyses/critics (although Tchaikovsky knows what he is doing, convince me otherwise) that Onegin is pretty fragmented and lacks a coherent theme, and certainly has no original “love theme” of his own to offer Tatyana  - after all, Onegin as a character, especially in the book, is pretty hollow, someone who isn’t so much a “self’ as a person who knows how to go through the motions of life... He’s intelligent but not creative, full of potential but lacking any real direction. (Ohhh I am going to cry because that’s so sad but also so relatable, but crying is coming up next so I’ll hold off). The opposite of Lensky’s “poet spirit” that lives life romantically, and is in love with life itself, seeing the infinite everywhere rather than seeing life so pessmistically (with the mask of pragmatism/”maturity”) as Onegin does, a mask that keeps Onegin from truly engaging with life or his own sense of self.
So as Onegin sings, we hear that lack of originality, though I will pull a Valery Gergiev here and say one “cannot be impartial” to Onegin’s music here (*clutches chest - that’s Tchaikovsky, even though I think it’s clear Onegin is not his fav) - Onegin may not be original, but there is no less truth or heartfelt emotion in what comes through. Luckily, Tatyana knows that it’s still not a good choice... he’s still not very substantial, at best, and at worst truly is only infatuated with her because of her reputation. It would mean ruin for her either way so :( (read: Anna Karenina) (here are some sad Onegin pictures just for fun because it’s all been Tatyana mainly but also: sorry this is Tatyana’s big moment so)
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6. Time for tears! Do you hear a familiar theme when Tatyana sings “Ya plachu/I’m weeping?” It’s Lensky’s aria theme making a comeback- what!??! And particularly, the same melody as these two phrases, when Lensky sings: “Shto dyen gradushchi mnye gotovit/What does this day hold for me?” and perhaps more salient to this moment: “Pridyosh li, dveya krasoti, slezu prolit nad rannei urmoi/ Will you come, maiden, to shed a tear over my untimely urn?” Ahhh, I see what you did there, Petya.
But wait, Onegin hates crying! This isn’t explicitly in the opera of course, but Onegin in the novel all but tells Tatyana that her tears (as he rejects her) only vex him - another reason marriage would be a torment for them (not a bad reason and look, we always respected his honesty, right?). But now? I think it’s a crucial moment; it shows there has indeed been some development on Onegin’s part and uh oh, he’s actually in love (ironically in a very Lensky - that is, poetic - way)  even if it’s not for the best of reasons.
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7. Fun (pain) pact: “Tak blizhko! [happiness was] so close!” is the only time Onegin and Tatyana sing together or are on the same page, so to say. Nice. (*cries*) The only other times people sing completely lined up together like this in this opera, choruses aside, are when:
Larina and Filipyevna sing “Privichka svishe name dana, zamyena shchastiyu ona /Habit is sent to us from above in place of happiness”  in the opening scene
Onegin and Lensky sing “Nye zasmeyatsa l nam, poka ne obagrilasa ruka, ne razoitis li polyubovno? Nyet... /Shouldn’t we burst out laughing, rather than staining our hands with blood, shouldn’t we part as friends? No...”  before the duel
Moments of truth. And mostly pain. :) Again, please chime in if there are others, I’m sure I’ve missed something.
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8. Time for Tatyana to refuse! This is where I completely disagree that there is “no new major theme” in the Finale; Tatyana’s “rejection theme” holds its own in my books. Interestingly, it’s in D-flat major, just like the main themes in her Letter Scene (”Puskai pogibnu ya/Let me perish,” and “Kto ti? Moi angel/ Who are you? my [guardian] angel..” aka the descending/Russian 6th theme). Tatyana is just as earnest/decided/resigned* (yes, all three of those adjectives) in her decision in the finale as in the Letter Scene, so maybe that has something to do with it. (I always remember her words in the Letter scene: “Uvi, nye v silakh ya vladyet svoyei dushoi!/Alas, I am unable to subdue my soul!” but just like Onegin learning to be endeared by tears - she has indeed learned to subdue her soul, or perhaps she has simply matured and her priorities have changed. (And of course, who lectured her to subdue her soul in the first place, even though he meant well? Yours truly!)
*resigned might seem an interesting way to describe the Letter Scene, but don’t forget “No, tak i bit! Sudbo moyu otnine ya tebye vruchayu/So be it. Henceforth my fate belongs to you....”  I tend to interpret that as Tatyana actually taking her fate into her own hands and deciding to go all in with her decision, despite the words that seem to make her position passive. In the finale, she is ‘resigned’ in a similarly active manner - this is not a passive resignation. But I still would use the term resigned, if only to draw the parallel between Tatyana and her mother....  “I became resigned and settled down.”  And so she has, even if she has to struggle to push Onegin away from the settled life she has, loving him all the same.
And in comes some of my favorite music of all time - Onegin’s desperate, even malicious pleas and a good dose of mansplaining how Tatyana “can’t” abandon him, quoting back her letter. Extra ouch, because do you remember in Tatyana’s letter when she tells Onegin if he has any pity, “vi nye ostavite menya/you won’t abandon me.” And what does she have to beg him to do over and over until she finally runs offstage? “Ostav menya!/Leave me!” heheheheh *laugh-cries*  everything is fine.
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9. And we’ve nearly reached the very end. Almost a year into listening to this particular piece of music and I only recently realized what was going on - yeah, I know. When things get really heated at the end and pain reaches a maximum, Tatyana sings “Gluboko v syerdsta pronikayet, yevo otchayanni priziv no, pil prestupni podaviv/His anguished cries penetrate my heart, but the fire of passion has been extinguished” (well, I’m still not quite sure on the ‘correct’ English translation but it doesn’t sound good for Yevgeni regardless...)
That melody in that last line calls us back to its twin sister at the end of Scene 1 in Act I when Onegin is talking about how bored he was with his uncle, waiting for him to die. So a) I hear this as Tatyana “ending things once and for all” (parallels between the death of Onegin’s uncle, and the death of their relationship), as well as possibly (again I read 10,000% too much into things) b) Tatyana realizing that Onegin’s words to her back in the garden were true - habit [routine] would kill their love; they would become bored (or at least he would). The passion would burn out.
Which brings us back to c) heaven sends us habit in place of happiness [=passion?]- which, OH, RIGHT, OF COURSE has the same rhythm of the aforementioned “boredom” theme and “the fire of passion has been extinguished.” But you all probably already realized that because oF COURSE.. that’s how the opera OPENS... and now how it is CLOSING... AHHHH!!!
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I know I’m not original or anything for realizing that parallel, but yeah. I’m pretty happy about it.
Tchaikovsky is absolutely genius. Unbelievable. And paired with Pushkin? I’m not surprised I’ve clearly lost my mind over this masterpiece.
Anyways, this was an extremely long post but I hope you enjoyed it immensely, especially if you read this far!! Please chime in with your own comments! I LOVE THIS PIECE OF MUSIC!
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40 notes · View notes
Episode 32 Review: Sea Fever
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{ Full Synopses/Recaps: Debby Graham | Bryan Gruszka }
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I apologize for the delay in posting this review. Once again, I’ve been busy in real life and didn’t have enough time to work on it last week. (And so soon after starting my Shadow Over Seventh Heaven review series!) But now I’m back and I have enough time to write about my favorite show again--and, in a week or so, hopefully enough to continue my other review series as well.
This is the first episode to differ completely from the Lost Episode summaries published in various U.S. and Canadian newspapers--and therefore probably the point at which the original outline and the final one began to diverge. Episode 30′s summary described an event that happened in the episode, but whose cause appears to have been changed during forced rewrites; last episode’s was still accurate after revisions; but this one’s summary is the first to describe a scene absent from the final, aired episode. (More on that later.)
Shall we begin this review? This episode features some of the darkest Jean Paul (yes, Jean Paul!) dialogue thus far, along with many entertaining facial expressions as multiple characters feast on the scenery. It’s a wild ride with a genuinely scary scene, and, if you like those things, I think you’ll enjoy it.
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We open right where last episode left off, with Elizabeth reacting to Jacques’ little comment about Holly and how he would stake her life in a bet that Vangie couldn’t contact Erica in the planned séance. ”Jean Paul,” she shouts, “your inference that I would harm my daughter to take her fortune for my own is insulting and in bad taste: something I’d never expect of you!”
The handsome devil replies, “Your strong defense against a simple query lends credence to a simple supposition”--which is just a fancier, less archaic way of saying “the lady doth protest too much.”
She flounces and runs into Vangie at the door--figuratively, not literally, although that would be amusing. “You interrupted Mrs. Marshall’s romantic exit from which there might be no return,” Jacques comments, which sounds suspiciously like foreshadowing.
The conversation drifts to the séance and how Jacques is most definitely not going to back down because he’s not a coward, and then, suddenly,
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Apparently, every time a female character other than Raxl screams, she has to try eating her hand immediately afterwards.
She’s screaming because she can sense that someone is tampering with the cryonics capsule. And, at the same time that this happens, Jacques also de-possesses Jean Paul:
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I’ll let these headache faces speak for themselves.
Jean Paul who threatens to kill anyone who tampers with the capsule. Very nice (not)! Normally, I find his concern for Erica romantic, but this is going too far. He reminds me of the captain in the CBS Radio Mystery Theater episode "Sea Fever" (also by Ian Martin) who…well, I don't want to spoil the ending, but let's just say that he is even crazier in love than Jean Paul. It isn’t one of the best CBSRMT dramas, but it will likely chill your bones. It certainly chilled mine.
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Love this shot of Colin Fox backacting while Paisley Maxwell and Angela Roland stare at him with wide-open eyes. This episode is full of unintentionally funny facial expressions.
Jean Paul hurries back to Maljardin with Elizabeth and Vangie, and heads to the crypt immediately to see Raxl about the capsule. She recaps to him about the capsule tank’s malfunctioning in the previous episode. He asks who discovered it; she tells him Dan, which only makes him more suspicious of him. SHe also recaps to him about how Alison and Dan are searching for the cyanide that he stole from the lab. “Everyone questions my changes of mood,” he shouts. “Now I must question changes in others!...There is danger hiding everywhere on Maljardin. It has a history that has plagued the family, that will plague all who pry into my affairs!"
While Vangie questions the sincerity of Elizabeth’s devotion to Jean Paul above, Jean Paul leaves red flowers on the cryocapsule and announces his planned next moves to his love: “Erica, my dove, now [there] are some people here on our island who would destroy the process by which you will be returned to me and fill my arms again, but I promise you, no one, no one under any consequences [line flub], will live again if he or she causes you to remain forever dead!"
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A beautiful shot of Jean Paul with flowers for Erica.
When Raxl next joins Jean Paul in the crypt, she tells him that “only the priestess of the Serpent knows what is really on their minds.” Jean Paul mentions that she has told him before about the human sacrifices that the priestesses used to perform on the island--which is not recap (as we have only heard her tell Matt about them so far), so she must have told him sometime before Erica’s death. She insists that, although that was true long ago, their altar has not been used for them since Jacques's time.
“But, if his evil can rise again, as you fear,” he begins, implying that he wants to start making blood sacrifices.
“No! Please, M’sieu, no!” Raxl interrupts.
“I will do what has to be done, Raxl. Nothing more, nothing less.”
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Raxl draws the Sign of the Great Serpent in the air and the same Great Serpent symbol that's in the Temple appears on screen. It’s a cool effect and not something that’s ever seen in any other episode.
She leaves the crypt, looking back at Jean Paul a few times, probably in complete disbelief that he wants her, daughter of the unseen Priestess of the Serpent, to sacrifice Dan and any other troublesome guests to protect against THE DEVIL JACQUES ELOI DES MONDES. This is a shocking new low for Jean Paul Desmond, and shows the darker side of his character. This is a man who, even without a curse and even when he is not possessed, is capable of murder because of his obsession with his love interest. This is a male yandere.
She sees Matt in the Great Hall, who tells her that he’s searched all over Maljardin and that there must be many hidden rooms there. It turns out they have both searched in every room they know about and still have found neither the missing cyanide nor the conjure doll and silver pin. He demands that she tell him the legend of Maljardin and that old black magic. And so we learn from her some very important background information, some of which is never brought up again:
Where there is evil, there is magic. Where there is magic, strange things happen, but first there must be evil, and there is!...Before the time of Jacques Eloi des Mondes, when this house first stood, it was a palace of kings and there were many people here until this island became his!…Only the greedy and foolish [natives] remained, and none who left ever returned.
There is a curse here, Reverend: him, that devil!
The implication is that Jacques did not build the château, but took it from someone else, which connects to his revelation about a month earlier that he was a “free looter”--or, in other words, a pirate. Matt argues that Jacques cannot still hold control over Maljardin because he died three hundred years ago, but Raxl says that “for some of us, three hundred years is but the span of a single lifetime,” indirectly revealing her true age to him.
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She smiles at him right after she reveals to him that she’s centuries old. I think this is the first time Raxl smiles on the show, and the only time in the entire Maljardin arc.
Matt asks about the natives who stayed on the island, and Raxl says of them, “They died very soon. It was the curse on Maljardin. Have you ever seen a man who has lost his soul, Reverend? Their eyes down, the fishermen no longer fish, the children cease to play. They do no more than sit and wait [for death]...Since then, no native has ever tried to settle on Maljardin.” Only Vangie, the Conjure Woman, can go back and forth to and from the island “on the wings of the Great Serpent,” but she, too, is destined to die someday on Maljardin.
At the end of this scene, Vangie enters and adds that she doesn’t know when she’ll die, because the tarot cards did not (and cannot?) give her an exact date. This would seem to make her death on the show a foregone conclusion, but that may or may not be the case. (I say that not only to avoid spoilers, but also because the show and the original scripts give the Conjure Woman radically different fates, as we shall explore in future reviews.)
Meanwhile, down in the crypt, Jean Paul is still talking to Erica about how he is determined to kill anyone who interferes with the cryonics process when Jacques starts intruding on his mind. Like in Episode 27, the special effects team illustrates this by superimposing Jacques’ face from the portrait over that of Jean Paul when he is talking to him:
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The best example from this episode.
None of Jacques’ lines in this scene are as funny as those of the old, pre-Lost Episode era Jacques, even if Fox-C still delivers the devil’s lines with the same amount of sarcasm and relish as before. His best line this time around is, in my not-so-humble opinion, “Suppose we just whisper so dear Erica may sleep.” I miss early Jacques’ jokes already--yes, even the ham-handed, cornball puns--and it hasn’t even been a week’s worth of episodes since the last.
We cut to Raxl and Vangie in the Great Hall, discussing the upcoming séance. Vangie says that she wants to find out if Erica’s spirit genuinely wants Jean Paul to continue mourning her and keeping her frozen. She insists that Raxl let her touch the cryocapsule before the séance, most likely to get a sense of Erica’s energy before they perform the ceremony.
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Jean Paul: “What are you doing!”
Raxl: “Please, M’sieu. The Conjure Woman is trying to help.”
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Jean Paul: “Only for a séance, Vangie. Erica must remain undisturbed.” Vangie: “And if you don’t like what you learn?” Jean Paul: “I’ll face that--when the time comes!”
The Lost Episode summary indicates that, at some point in the original draft, Raxl and Vangie had a conversation about Jacques, and Raxl would have told her how she can tell him and Jean Paul apart. As I’m sure many of you have realized, Raxl and Vangie oscillate between knowing that Jean Paul is being possessed and merely suspecting, depending on the episode. In the original Episode 32, Raxl would have known when Jacques is controlling Jean Paul’s body and Vangie would have only suspected until after Raxl explained. Ruling out all obvious non-diegetic clues such as the vanishing portrait shots and Jacques’ theme music, she could have said any number of things, including:
His energy/aura changes (although, logically, Vangie would notice that, too).
He wears the ring from the portrait (which we know is diegetic, because Elizabeth commented on it in Episode 13).
He opens his eyes really wide and makes silly faces.
He makes corny puns Never mind, we’re not doing that anymore.
He acts far too cheerful for a man who is supposedly mourning his dead wife.
He talks about kippers.
I suppose we’ll never know which one(s) she mentioned, but I suspect #1, #2, and/or #5. Anyway, Jean Paul leaves to return upstairs and Vangie continues whatever she started doing with the capsule. He orders Jacques to “stop turning people against [him],” which he refuses to do, threatening to keep Erica dead if he doesn’t shut up about it.
“When we really get into the battle, someone has to die,” quips Jacques.
“Perhaps it will be you!” shouts Jean Paul in response.
“Or you, Jean Paul Desmond,” the handsome devil replies. “Or will you be preceded by one of our guests? Now let me see. A likely candidate could be...”
Jean Paul turns away from the roars of laughter, and the episode ends before Jacques can name the guest(s) he plans to murder.
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Could it be Vangie? Or Holly? Dan? Alison? Even Elizabeth?
This episode was a fun one to watch, and probably the first review I’ve completed in only one day since sometime last winter. Jean Paul’s willingness to put everyone’s life on the proverbial line to save Erica shows a dark side to his nature that mostly vanishes at the end of this story arc--which is a shame, because I find morally ambiguous antihero Jean Paul the most interesting version of his character. I recommend this one, if you have access to it.
Coming up next: A Quito-centric episode where the detained guests learn shocking truths about Jean Paul’s manservant.
{ <- Previous: Episode 31   ||   Next: Episode 33 -> }
3 notes · View notes
vrainsrewatch · 5 years
episode 19 thoughts
this is... the most screenshot heavy post i’ve made so far, lmao, so please bear with me. as i’ve said, this is one of my favorite duels, and there’s a lot that gets covered here. like, seriously, i haven’t written this post out yet but i can guarantee this will be my longest so far lmao.
the beginning of the episode starts off fairly standard, and mostly dueling:
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i really do love the pacing of this duel. i was glued to the edge of my seat while watching these episodes. i remember it so clearly, too, because i’d been binge watching from episode 16 that day, and got to like, 24 by the time i stopped, lmao.
ai does a lot of cute/funny stuff this episode, to help break up some of the more dark tones of the rest of it, like this:
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it really makes me miss hi in this form :( i really like his soltis form, don’t get me wrong, but i miss him on yusaku’s wrist lol. i would say when things were less angsty, but, well. lmao.
we very quickly get akira’s rad boss monster summoned out:
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and seriously, i just love the animation for it. it’s so sick. the door, the fire, how it looms behind him at first.... aaaaaa. so cool.
and of course the classic:
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the worst part about this line is it’s said so often (esp in arc v LOL) that i actually. have slipped up and said it in normal, day to day conversation before. my boyfriend looked at me for like a minute and gave me the deepest sigh i’ve ever heard the first time i did that pff.
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i couldn’t not screencap this, given what my blog is for LOL
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every time something reminds me of that painful final duel, i have to screencap it and make you guys sad with me. if i have to be sad seeing all this stuff, knowing where their relationship goes and how the series ends, so do you.
also, though, i forgot how often this was brought up before the bohman duel lmao. it makes that theory look a lot more credible, so it’s cool that it had all these little hints towards it, even if it ultimately wasn’t true.
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seriously, my heart. i don’t think i need to talk much about this scene to make y’all sad, but really. they went from this to i loved you. ugh, god, i’m so sad thinking about it lmao.
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there is so much to talk about between akira and playmaker and even blue angel in this episode, so i guess we’ll start here.
it is hard to decide that you want to take control of your trauma and do something about it. it is not easy. to see yusaku fight for that right so thoroughly is incredible, and really, really validating.
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more sadness! seriously, this is too much. this deck was created specifically for him by ai. i don’t like this anymore lmao
but even besides that, often times the protag’s decks mean a lot to them, obviously, but i love that it wasn’t built strictly by yusaku. his cards were literally made by ai, and i think that’s such a cool twist. 
but then, akira’s speech:
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i talked last time about akira wanting to handle things himself, and i briefly touched on him thinking he knows best...
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but i really admire how calm yusaku stays at that tbh. he gets angry, reasonably so imo, but he takes this so well. i know i was a much more volatile kid then he is, so respect lol
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i’ve spoken at length already about akira, but i also want to talk again about how oblivious he is. he is so blinded by his own thoughts and feelings on the situation that he doesn’t stop to think about how yusaku might be feeling -- and worse, honestly, how his sister might be feeling.
it was why he was so visibly shocked when emma mentioned a few episodes ago that aoi wasn’t just a little kid anymore. it’s so clear that he still, at the moment, sees her as the six year old girl he swore to protect, and not the sixteen year old person she’s become. he doesn’t think about how she might be feeling towards his actions, or why she does what she does.
this is highlighted as early as episode 6 iirc, when he asks her why aren’t you happy? as much as i, personally, dislike his character, i can’t deny it’s very realistic and well written.
speaking of aoi:
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i love how she’s written in this episode, too. but her entrance here is great, and i love how she stands up to him about this. it’s minor, but it’s still a good step. when she’s blue angel -- or blue girl, or blue maiden -- she feels comfortable doing that. at least a little, and it obviously grows throughout the series. i hope that transfers over to the real world for her, too.
and then, we finally get the full story:
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i remember flinching when he started talking about it, remembering the shots of yusaku getting electrocuted from his duel with revolver.
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i really love this. i said it last episode, but vrains handles yusaku’s trauma so realistically and it’s amazing.
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i remember originally staring open mouthed at my tv screen while this part played. we got a bit of it from the other episode, but the full context truly shocked me. where’s that post that says “who thought this was an acceptable backstory to give to a card game protag” bc honestly??? YEAH
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it’s still hard to watch. it’s still hard to see play out, even if it’s only fiction. even though i’ve seen these clips so many times, and written about them in detail a few times too. doesn’t matter lol. watching it in context actually still made my stomach drop.
which leads me to talk about reactions to this, actually:
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the two that vrains focuses heavily on are blue angel’s and kusanagi’s, and they contrast really well here imo.
blue angel’s is a normal reaction. it’s horrified, both at the thought of it happening and at the fact that someone would actually do that to another person -- a six year old child, no less.
kusanagi’s is strained. he is angry hearing about this, thinking about jin. we’ve been told, and have seen in the last few episodes, how much the lost incident impacted kusanagi and his brother, but i really love that the show tells us that here, too, and shows the difference between hearing about a tragedy and being involved in some manner.
i did not expect it at all when first watching vrains, and honestly, it still impresses me how gracefully they handled it coming off of arc v (cough, shun i love you but really cough cough). no hate on arc v at all, it’s my third favorite ygo very close behind gx, but the difference between the two on how they handle these things is staggering.
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this whole section makes me thing that ryoken talked to yusaku fairly often, after the first time. which is something i don’t see brought up often? but that’s so important imo. it meant that yusaku had someone encouraging him not just once or twice, but on the regular, but also it meant that ryoken was constantly risking himself to comfort that child. 
we don’t see too much of ryoken when he’s a kid, but we do see him scared and crying over the lost incident. the fact that he was able to talk calmly to this child so many times is really amazing. it also makes more sense as to why ryoken feels so guilty over calling the police -- he probably felt that maybe if he had just kept up his encouragement, the kids would’ve all gotten out okay and his father wouldn’t be in a coma. 
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this was so powerful. it’s obvious, and i think anyone with half a brain would understand that the LI isn’t something that a kid would recover from easily, but i love this anyways. 
he wasn’t saved. and even if he was in body, it’s still something he and all the other victims will live with for the rest of their lives.
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this also is something i don’t feel like people bring up enough, but does this mean that yusaku went around asking the kids at the hospital when he was rescued? it’s not hard to believe they were all put together, at least for a short amount of time, but it’s still something i feel like people overlook. 
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i also love this, because it’s nice foreshadowing to how revolver feels. he’s not captured, not like yusaku and the lost kids were, but he is a prisoner. and just like ryoken saved yusaku, way back then, he is determined to repay the favor.
not just because of that, either. because that voice meant so much to him. because that voiced saved him. because that voice understood him, and was there for him in his hardest moments. god i love them.
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i love this shot. it’s so dramatic, how the match the drum beats with flashes of everyone’s reactions.
but it drives home his point, and while i know most of akira’s development came through emma and aoi, i’m sure this helped, too. 
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i’ve sung vrains praises this entire post, but i’ll do it again -- this is incredible. this is so realistic. it’s so well portrayed. and it’s really honest to god incredible that we got a protag in ygo who was shown going to therapy. 
ygo has always dealt with some pretty dark subject matter, and it’s never really been shy about showing it on screen. i’m not saying that at all. arc v obviously dealt with some pretty heavy stuff, and while i haven’t seen zexal (keep shaming me please) i know it does, too. 5ds obviously has the dark signer arc, and the later arcs concerning bruno and also yusei’s father, and gx has... well, it’s entire third and fourth season. 
but we see everyone healing via card games. we see those shows talk about these things, but kind of at the same time, skirt around the subject matter; or if they do go deep into it, they pull out (ie 5ds) or the characters don’t get resolved properly (ie arc v). 
idk where i was going with this but i just really love that this happened, this was shown on screen, and they stuck to yusaku’s character. they didn’t just... up and make his trauma and his world view disappear at the end. he has a bittersweet ending, but it suited him and his development. a lot of people were mad about it, and i get it -- i wanted him to be happy, too.
but that’s not always the case, and it’s really important to me that vrains doesn’t pretend it is.
anyways, though, i’m almost done with this episode i promise lmao. before the episode ends, we get this:
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and i think it’s honestly kind of cruel that akira says this, after everything, and still maintains his point of handling it himself. he has heard, first hand now, how horrible the incident has scarred yusaku for life. and yet, he still is stubborn in refusing to relate or at the very least empathize.
what i mean by that, since we obviously see him attempt to last episode, is he refuses to look at it from someone’s else’s perspective or in a way that might make him uncomfortable. the way my boyfriend describes these kinds of people is that they “haven’t had their bubble popped”.
everyone has a bubble when they’re born, and that bubble shields you from realizing that the world is a cruel and hard place. even if you go through hardships, sometimes your bubble stays put, and you think that is the worst of what can happen. 
i’m explaining this very poorly, because i’m running on not much sleep and i’ve been typing about this episode for like, far, far too long, but essentially, he refuses to step out of his comfort zone and recognize, in playmaker’s case, that he doesn’t have a right to interfere and that playmaker’s desire to handle it himself is justified and helpful for his healing. and in aoi’s case, that just because he does a lot of good for her doesn’t automatically mean ignoring her for work and keeping her locked in their house is an okay trade off. and also that she’s not a child anymore -- she’s nearly an adult and she deserves to be treated as one. 
those thoughts seem to unsettle him. you can kind of see it in how detached he is after hearing all that come from playmaker. blue angel is visibly shaken up by what he’s said. akira doesn’t even flinch, because he’s not really listening right now. 
i’m glad he learns to, or at least learns how to start, later on.
anyways, i think that’s enough for this post lmao. this took forever to type up, so let’s hope i actually have time to cover up to 21 here today LOL. if you read all that, thank you for your time on my kind of dumb vrains thoughts :’)
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hermitcrabofficial · 6 years
the personalities behind stevens “different” eyes
this is all based on my assumption and its all just a theory btw i could be wrong at some parts but just hear me out for a bit
also warning for spoilers if you havent caught up to the entire series
basically tl;dr: the shiny shapes in stevens eyes whenever hes excited have different meanings that are more than just excitement and are important for certain characters personalities
(edit: heres a little addition to the post please check it out! :) )
the reunited episode had steven singing in a musical about the wedding and i couldnt help but notice how stevens eyes would occasionally light up Like That while singing about how one could decide to think about love instead of stressful or devastating things
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normally when we see steven being excited, his eyes have stars inside them, this is what we know about rose loving to be with steven, and loving to be steven
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during the episode, the starry-eyes only showed up in relation to the crystal gems. the round shines only show up in relation to how he feels about things right now.
i thought that was an interesting pattern, and so i decided to look into things a little bit further by rewatching the entire series and look out for any contextual differences between the shape of his eye shines
i have only rewatched half of season 1 by the time this post will be out but the fact that, even back then in wee ol’ season 1 there has been a ton of times where his eyes started to shine like crazy, is very interesting and that it might mean a lot more than just emphasis and excitement
not only are there round and star shines, but i also found some shines in the shape of diamonds as well
theres no way this couldve been an unintentional thing where the animators just add in random shines in his eyes, especially with the info that rebecca sugar had planned the entire diamond plotline since the very beginning
ill just post a bunch of screencaps and put the general mood of each different shine, based on the mood/context of what was said during that moment in the episodes and how stevens eyes shined accordingly (i havent screencapped ALL of the shining moments due to the sheer amount of them. its a shit ton of shiny stevens.)
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round shines / regular steven:
this usually happens when its something hes tried or seen for the first time. he genuinely acts like a curious and innocent child during these moments. excitement, wonder and also fear and worry are shown pretty clearly not only through his eyes, but also in his behavior
(upset that the cookie cats are sold out; eager to dive into gregs shed dressed up as and playing as a cave explorer; genuine panic when hes unable to control the cats overtaking his body and crying out to his father for help)
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star shapes / steven as rose quartz:
usually happens during moments of excitement about other peoples successes and accomplishments, mostly happens to be around the crystal gems save for a couple exceptions, but also happens when hes exceptionally curious about something specific and relatively mundane
rose wanting to learn more about humans, being proud of the crystal gems and how far theyve come
(steven witnessing opal in action and seeing that pearl and amethyst are working together; the light cannon suddenly working on command; being excited about the mailman; finding out that amethyst is a successful underground wrestler)
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diamond shapes / steven as pink diamond:
this hasnt happened very often so far, but when it does the context is really specific and borderline foreshadowing at times; it basically happens whenever he feels guilty over not being able to protect another gem or whenever he wants to prove himself of being worthy. sometimes happens if hes feeling extremely giddy and happy
pink diamond being the youngest and “lowest” gem of the diamond authority, and the only way of saving earth from certain destruction being sacrificing herself
(guilt over centipeedle protecting steven and getting poofed while doing so; wanting to finally go on a mission with the crystal gems saying that hes ready to join them; extreme foreshadowing about witnessing his own death and amethysts cracked gem with stevens reflection inside)
again its all just a theory and i could be wrong about a couple things but this just really stood out to me and with the latest episode and white pearls eye being a thing i couldnt let this go unnoticed
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snkpolls · 6 years
SnK S3E12  Poll Results (Manga Reader Version)
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The poll closed with 487 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that this is the results of the manga reader poll. Anime only watchers are suggested not to read if you do not wish to be spoiled about certain events! Anime only viewers, click here to view your poll results!
RATE THE EPISODE 481 Responses
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The final episode of the first half of S3 was another banger with positive reactions. Compared to earlier in the season when manga readers seemed more dissatisfied with the adaptation, we are happy to see that the final episodes of the arc turned out to be a much more positive experience!
Considering this episode was essentially just the calm before the storm, I was pleasantly entertained by it. Not the best episode because not a whole lot happened, but still it did what it needed to do.
I was super worried they would change something in this episode but thank Ymir-sama it's okay.
This episode was so good! And funny! And angsty at the end! All the ingredients that make a good AOT episode
Very good, the preview was spooky and the whole episode had humor to lighten the mood, some emotional stuff and High Anxiety Cliffhangers to finish us off. Its gonna be a long 6 months.
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Overall, the first half of season three was satisfying for manga reading poll takers despite the changes.
All in all, absolutely stunning season. From the bottom of my heart, thank you WIT.
It was a really good episode. It followed manga perfectly. Every ep. of Uprising should has been like that. Too bad it wasn't, that why I rated the whole series pretty lowly. Honestly, I expected something better. But that was fine, not the worst. Yet, I would have changed a lot.
Really good way to end this half of the season. Can't wait to see the next half. It was nice to see a "calm before the storm" episode.
It was a brilliant idea to end the first part of season 3 right there, by doing this we were given proper construction to this arc.
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About 37% of respondents are sad to see the anime take a break, but nearly half of voters are fine with the break stating that it’s not too bad of a wait, with some who are even looking forward to the breather for a bit (we’re looking forward to having a good rest as well although we will miss the anime!).
I'm okay with it since it means that we will a get a really well made RtS arc. But they really should've said that the break was going to be this long earlier. Or just called it season 4
Waiting is something we SnK fandom know how to do, unfortunately
As a manga reader it's easy to not be too upset since we'll have plenty of chapters during that time.
It's nice to get a breather before shit hits the fan.
I don’t mind waiting 6 months when I know it means the animation will look a lot nicer as a result
I feel like i would have been less upset if they just told us from the start how its gonna be... I hated the uncertainty
If it means a fantastic second cour then I'm all for it. I mean my life is empty and I wish I were dead, but other than that I've accepted it!
6 months for preparing myself to let Erwin rest in peace
WAIT Studio
Does Annie have some space next to her for the next 6 months?
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The Survey Corps’ sendoff was the most favorite moment of the episode, followed closely by Eren and Jean’s nostalgic fight. Levi and Erwin’s talk after the meeting made it to third most favorite scene of the episode, followed closely behind by Eren, Armin and Mikasa’s conversation. Everyone losing their minds over meat was another favorite.
Erwin was so perfect, I loved his little laugh, I thought the whole interaction with him and Levi was done so well... god, I'm gonna miss him so much, it actually hurts.
Good breather episode, comedy gold with the dinner scenes, and the send-off was just as fun as it was touching. Also, the extra scene was creepy and great, but I hope anime-only watchers don't spoil themselves trying to find the meaning to it...
I think they did a really good work with the Erwin x Leviv talk, and EMA talk... Since enfatizing Erwin's reasons, and showing Armin's, It became more clear Levi's choice in future
I loved EMA talk... it made me pretty sad because of the events which now are taking place in the manga. That was good to see them together in the anime.
My Eruri shipping heart was in tatters, I tell you. I've been looking forward to the ""I'll break your legs"" scene for ages now, and shit, watching it was a literal punch to the gut. Erwin's beautiful roar of victory on the wall, his final ""SUSUME"" just... I was in awe.
Sasha nomming on Jean’s hand was even funnier animated
The 104th dinner scene was just perfect! It's been so long since we had a scene of such warmhearted camaraderie, it really brought back all my season 1 feels for the babies. Beautifully done.
Overall great Episode, really liked how they foreshadowed Erwins Demise and his conversation with Levi, EMA talk was great too, and the serumbowl scene made for an amazing cliffhanger
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The abrupt reminder that SNK is a horror anime definitely seemed to work!  The majority of people were scared by the ending at least a little bit, and some were thoroughly terrified.
"Blink and you'll miss it" my a**
Honestly it reminded me of how horrid the show actually is. I forget it's not all cute and funny scenes with a tinge of "yikes" that happened, but instead vice versa
I knew it was coming in the ED but didn't know WHEN and I was just anticipating it like a dark corridor in a horror movie XD
Moreso that scare me, it got under my skin and just stayed in my head the rest of the day.
Scare is not the right word. The option I'm looking for is FUCKING WRECKED
I learned that apparently a lot of you watch shit alone in the dark. But to answer the question, no, not at all.
It thrilled me to see them cleverly setting up the next half of the season this way
Only the Levi's distorted "you guys". The glitched ending was awesome
I saw some screencaps of it prior to watching so I was somewhat prepared but it was way creepier than i thought it would be, it spooked me
It wasn't actually SCARY, but I fucking loved it. So twisted and creepy
rip ears in that ending, it makes for some great youtube reactions though lol
Well, mark me down as scared and horny
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We suppose the real question is, when will Zackley’s “art” stop becoming something we ask about? :P All in all, most of you agree that it should not be seen or talked about. 21% of you are still finding humor in it.
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Most of the viewers enjoyed Eren and Jean’s antics with 84% rating the scene with a 4 out of 5 or higher. 
Mikasa letting them fight and not dragging Eren way is the best part! It's such an important character development for her. Also this Episode was full of parallels to their training days. Great episode.
Eren and Jean bringing the Drama™ (as expected of Eren and Jean)
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The surreal experience of getting a positive send-off like this made Erwin’s smile and shout the overwhelming winner here, and for good reason!  A smaller portion of respondents enjoyed Springlestein being themselves and a few called out Levi’s face in the comments:
All of it. Because it will be the first and the last time we'll see it
Levi looking at screaming Erwin like "WTF Erwin"
Hange smile
I like the manga version better because Levi's smile was softer there
Levi's expression when Erwin did his triumphant shout.
literally everything about it was perfect
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While 58% of respondents cannot understand why anybody would want their legs broken by Levi, a small percentage were even asking for it.
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So, the story behind this one is that one of the pollsters posted this “question” on our original document as a joke while another one of us was at work. When the one at work got off, they put the question onto the poll form while the person who created the “question” was not online, not realizing it was meant to be an unpublished joke. This was completely overlooked during the final proofread. It was never actually intended to make it onto the poll but since one of us always tries to rush through things, here we are! In any case, we hope you guys had a good laugh, because we all collectively lost it when we realized the mistake much too late!
wow y'all throwin shade with this Q huh
Yes, it is Erwin's birthday celebration after all
Glad that Erwin and the crowd’s screaming was a ‘dialogue’ and that he screamed again.
Makes sense, given how its purpose is to set up the new arc. Not much need to leave things out for the sake of pacing.
They done it so perfectly! I love that episode and love the hope in the air, my man similing and being happy, I love they see people cheering for them. THAT was earned.
It still modified some moments like Armin thinking of Eren and Mikasa instead of the bullies in the manga. Maybe it's better and more consistent with the following events.
Thanks God! The whole series should has been this way. Compared to the sad 1st episode of Uprising, this one was a true masterpiece.
u people need to get the salt in your blood checked, let others be dissatisfied with something they care about? please and thanks
i don't care if it went exactly as the original manga or with some changes as long as the episode is good
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The majority of folks thought shifting the send-off to the end of the cour to create an uplifting cliffhanger was a good way to end the season.  Several people called attention to how much contrast was felt between such a positive ending and the credits scene.
I think it works great, especially the triumph of the send off and the "oh shit, what's happening" moment in the ED
should have been the first ep of the next arc, with the send off as the cliffhanger
It was a nice, fun send off for the arc. Has the suspense of the scouts going towards the foes. The next episode with the next chapter/s will be perfect for getting back into the series after 6 months
WAIT Studio used it as an effective cliffhanger but from an adaptation perspective it's just like the Wall Titan. Something to keep the audience's attention at the cost of the narrative's flow. If the season was going to be split then rushing the Uprising Arc at breakneck speed resulting in one extra episode was pointless.
The opening of 73 is a perfect opening for the second cour, so I knew from the beginning of the season that ending in this chapter would be their aim. The second half won't struggle for content, and they can either push ahead flashbacks (I expect some of Bert's parts from 96 making it into the adaptation of 77) or content that didn't make it in the first half used to extend other parts (Eren's experiments for Armin realizing how to beat Bert in 81)
I think this will help the second part by being on the way to Shiganshina to start it off.
Heck cliffhangers!
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The vast majority of respondents agreed that as long as we saw him listening to them, that’s ultimately all that matters. A small few believe that not showing him listening in on them earlier will diminish the overall impact when he makes his decisions later, however.
I don't think it matters, especially if the anime includes a flashcut to this moment post-decision, which will make its important even more obvious for viewers who may not remember this scene at all.
I'm not sure, I guess it did seem more ambiguous here. They'll flashback to it when serumbowl happens though.
Wouldn’t have spent more time on it. This show is about subtle details. I think its ok.
It still worked, but I would have liked it to have been made clear that he saw Armin's expression when he was talking about the ocean
No, but i think it was nice in the manga to see that at the beginning of the conversation he was standing and ended up on the floor by the end of it. Small detail, but i took it like he didn't mean to listen in the beginning but decided to stay in the end because of what he was hearing?
No, because it was a detail it meant a lot more. Subtle details have greater impact in visualities, manga is a different medium and the scene was used properly for its medium.
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38% of respondents believe that the teaser was a great way to keep interest in the series high. 20% specifically feel that it will keep the anime only fans invested. About 21% of respondents combined don’t think it was the smartest choice on WIT’s end while almost 10% are just not ready to see that animated at all.
Even though I already know what will happen, my body *isn't* ready for this shit to come, except for the lightning spears
Honestly, I thought it was stupid as fuck and a cheap way to keep hype up for anime-only people. I would've preferred my anime-only friend to go into RTS completely blind.
I think it's great because it lends itself a lot of hype for the next half as well as leaving it very open ended. Especially because they cut out lines about the serum.
I think this teaser shocked more the manga readers than the anime onlines.
It's the worst part of the manga they could spoil. I'm not sure what they intend to do by showing such a controversial moment
It was brilliant. Anime only watchers don't often get the experience of agonizing over certain cliffhangers monthly, but with this flashforward looming in their head, they have a whole season of suffering ahead of them. SUFFER LIKE US, ANIME ONLIES!
I really liked it but I think they could have shown a part of Bert/Reiner/Zeke’s convo since we saw Bert and Reiner at the end of the episode, and it would have anime-onlies wondering who the glasses guy is
I was shocked and hyped at seeing them include this scene, but at the same time I’m sad that anime-onlies were spoiled that at the very least Mikasa, Eren, and Levi will survive until this scene, destroying any tension of them dying
I'm really conflicted; on one hand, I was very surprised in a positive way, cause it was a ballsy and unexpected move. On the other hand, I understand that anime viewers might be sick of spoilers bc of the scene at the beginning of ep1.
It gave me anxiety lol. Please someone save my babies from their horrible destiny
One hell of a cliffhanger and I can't really imagine anything better to show everything going wrong (Colossal nuke is way too obvious, for example), but the people complaining about spoilers do have a point...
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Over half of respondents feel that the Return to Shiganshina arc will be delivered just as well as Uprising was. 37% of respondents feel it will be much better than Uprising’s adaptation. A small few don’t have much faith in the second half of the four.
I don't know if I'm emotionally prepared for this arc
I’m going to have 6 more months to mentally prepare myself for the return to shiganshina arc and I still won’t be ready
from an adaptation perspective it's going to be the same as the previous seasons. WAIT Studio excels at certain aspects of packaging SnK into anime, but as a whole it's a bad, rather than amazing, adaptation.
Is there a "NOPE I am not ready for RtS arc" in the questions?
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The most anticipated segment of the Return to Shiganshina arc is the suicide charge + Levi totally wrecking Zeke. Following closely behind are the basement reveal, the serumbowl, Grisha’s diaries and flashbacks, the ocean and the showdown with the 104th and Reibert. 
Kill me! I cannot believe I have to wait 6 months for RTS. 6 months until I can see Reiner and Bertholdt in action and the FREAKING BASEMENT!!!! I was fine with a 3 months break but 6 is too much ;____; I want to see Grisha's past animated
can't wait to see historia looking graceful as hell in front of the sunrise while the SC goes off to fuck reibert and zeke up
The only thing I can think about is Zeke.... *screams* ZEKE AND EREN! THE JAEGERBROS! AND THE GRISHA FILES! SO MANY JAEGERS *dies*
I'm definitely looking forward to RTS okay, but I'm dreading it more, honestly. But the one thing I'm looking forward to, and really hoping they'll animate, is Levi taking down those Titans on the way to Zeke. I know the focus is on Erwin's last charge in the manga, and rightly so, but DAMN, I want to see Levi do that -I honestly don't think anyone, even Mikasa, could do what he did there.
I have a fever, and the only prescription is Season 3 Part 2
A pretty decent choice for a midseason finale. But most important, a pretty good choice for episode 49. Once we're back in April, the series will be celebrating having made it to 50 episodes. Just 2 years ago, we were wondering if we'd ever get episode 26, and now we're getting to a landmark episode that will be exciting and memorable! Nothing between chapters 70-72 could've worked as such a landmark, in my opinion, but chapters 73-74? Absolutely perfect for it.
And my ship finally got some screen time
But damn wit... I almost got a heart attack because of the glitched ending!! Please, I at least want to survive to see manbun Eren animated
For anime watchers: I enjoyed watching your confusion over that ED. May you all be prepared by April 2019.
My heart is filled with so much Eruri that I may cry. You could literally see how much concern Levi had for Erwin in his eyes.
I love Bertoto and Raina more than myself. Guess, I'll die in April.
I'm an Erwin Lover™ and the show is gonna come back right around my birthday so this was Great and I'm Fine
It was out of character to see Eren fully clothed.
The moment when SC were cheered up and Erwin was so confident and happy and then they left into the sunset gave me goosebumps and almost made me cry :') it was a beautiful, strong, encouraging moment for SC!!
Let me just tell you how fucking HYPED I am for the next season after those previews during the ED. HYPED. And Jesus fuck yes, Armin looked like a charred French fry that got left behind in the oil. THANK JESUS. I was afraid WIT might downplay that, but no, my boy gonna be the CRONCHIEST.
The glitches were great and not too spoiler-y but WIT absolutely ruined it with the Eren/Mikasa/Levi scene. They showed too much.
rip ears in that ending, it makes for some great youtube reactions though lol
Erwin looked fine as fuck
Wit, you better be paying for my doctor visit. My ears were bleeding with your little trick you pulled at the end.
This episode. THIS FUCKING EPISODE. Man what a way to end the cour. REALLY, standing ovation to WIT. That glitch ending was just like that tiny Titan-in-the-wall scene at the end of season 1 that made me go looking for the manga. Absolutely brilliant stuff.
Thanks for these polls.
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Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming Uprising Arc poll!
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setsuntamew · 6 years
Kingdom Hearts 3 Liveblog: Part 1
As promised, all spoilers will be under a cut! My understanding of Japanese is very limited, but even with that in mind, there will be plenty of gameplay spoilers and some plot summaries. For now, all "screencaps" are taken with my phone, since I don't wanna spam my PSN friends with spoilers >< Sorry for the low quality shots!
So, for some context: I'm the one doing all the actual playing while Liz (dragonofeternal) and Pat (arahith) watch and provide commentary. I know very minimal Japanese, but the two of them know enough bits and pieces to translate the menus and get the gist of cut scenes. So while we're obv missing a lot of details, we've got a general idea of what's going on! However, this also means that I only have so many pics, because I was doing the gaming. Liz has a more detailed liveblogging experience going on over on their journal, and Pat is just dying of emotions (tho we're pretty much all doing that). 
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oh my god oh my god oh my god I honestly lost my mind just over the download. I didn't plan this is advance btw; I only realized I could buy digital games on the Japanese PSN a few hours after the game released in Japan, because I have no common sense I guess lmao.
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IT'S REALLY HAPPENING!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!! The opening was super gorgeous which like, yeah, I knew it would be from trailers...but seeing it actually happening on my TV??? SO GOOD. It's an extended version of the trailer too; it's got more scenes in it!! Also the only thing (so far at least) that blocks sharing of screenshots/video. The stained glass beginning is done differently than previous games, with floating screens showing clips from past games as your way of choose what to value versus what to give up. It is SLICK as fuck!! And then the big fuckin shadow that you fight (because there's always one....allways) is mirrored and different and it's in a world of pure sky. It's beautiful. It's enough to make me wish I had a 4K TV and PS4 Pro, tbh.
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.........uhhhh excuse me? Fuck you Nomura I wanna play the god damn fucking video game please just let me into the fun fucking part of the game!! XD Anyway, the first world was Olympus and I spent most of it figuring out the controls, aka fucking everything up because X and O are reversed in Japanese. I knew this even, from play Final Mixes 1 and 2 back in the day, and yet? Still fuckin it up hardcore XD It's so much fun to play though, which is something I'm probably gonna say a ton of times, but it's true. Since it's the first world, it is technically the "tutorial" world but it doesn't feel like one. Learning all the new play styles comes organically, and it's all very intuitive- especially considering I can only understand about 30% of the instructions they game is giving me. I love Hercules; it's my favorite Disney movie. I nearly burst into tears of joy when I got to explore Thebes because holy shit it felt like walking through my favorite Disney movie??? It felt like it was crafted with such love and care...There was a lot of thought put into KH3, and it shines for it. I wish it hadn't been such a long wait but also? It's done so well, it was worth it. Also, controlling a giant magical pirate ship is the dopest thing ever and I would like to kill basically all heartless with that now. The magical Disney rides as an attack system works even better than I had hoped :D It's my favorite new addition so far. Going to Mt. Olympus was fantastic as well!!!! The whole time, Liz, and I were making jokes about how Sora was gonna have to apologize to Hercules for breaking all of the stuff in his dad's house, and I think Pat almost had a hernia when I started breaking things in Hephaestus's forge.
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Finishing up Olympus rewarded me with my boy Riku!!!! He's been my fave since KH1 and just...hello Riku :D I fucking hate demon towers but playing as Riku was slick. It definitely reminded me of Aqua in 0.2, and it reflects the growth he's had versus Sora having to start all over again.
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......why are your pants so awkward lookin though??? Like that's an......interesting bulge :T Please...please wear your pants differently in the future...
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Aaaaaand my other boy, Ienzo!!!! I just about screamed and jumped out of my seat in excitement; I somehow didn't expect to see him quite so early!! I'm a little disappointed that we haven't gone to Radiant Garden so far, but cell phone Ienzo is more than enough to keep me satisfied. I loved him asking Aeleus if he wanted to talk to Roxas, too, because fuck that's adorable?? Too cute. Too good. If anyone makes Ienzo cry I will fight them. FUCKING TWILIGHT TOWN IS GORGEOUS I DIED FIFTY TIMES FROM JOY (but not during the massively overpowered demon tower fight because I'm good at video games). It was so fucking good to get to go back and see it lovingly rendered in high def. I almost immediately went to find the crack in the wall, got upset that someone had apparently fixed the glaring hole in the wall, and found a back way to the forest through the sewers :D
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Remy is adorable??? Like I didn't get good enough shots because I was just too into the cut scene, okay, it was cute. I was very sad that they left him behind (and pleased when apparently Scrooge decided to employ him later, because he knows what's up).
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Hi sorry I have to go cry??? Forever????????? Because apparently I wasn't ready to see the Twilight Town mansion without being a big fucking baby! I just...it breaks my heart. These kids and their tragedies hurt me deeply and just. It hurts so good.
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R O X A S!!!!!!!!!!!! sobs sobs please help him Sora ;w;
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Pence has hacked into the mainframe :D
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Real talk though, getting to see Hayner, Pence, and Olette again was so fucking good, and watching Pence be a useful nerd was A+ for sure. And just basically everyone being like yeah Sora can't work technology please keep him away from it forever, thanks. It's good. It's good shit!!!!
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Something about this shot feels very melancholy, and I while I don't think it was what the end of this cut scene was supposed to feel like, it feels a bit like foreshadowing.
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Speaking of problems...I know they were talking about something serious in this scene, but Liz and I kept re-dubbing it with cracky bullshit and so now it makes me giggle. Oops!! Seriously though, it's like "Hey Ansem, maybe stop checking out teenagers? It's getting kinda creepy, even for us villains." "But they're so cute..."
I'm so sorry I'm like this.
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Aaaaaaand I'm gonna cut it here, with this fantastic Xemnas face! See y'all next time with Toybox, Kingdom of Corona, and potentially Monstropolis, depending on how much time I have to write at work today :D
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smilingperformer · 6 years
SM077 - Thoughts
The end of Ula Ula Arc is here. It’s time for Satoshi to face the Grand Trial against Kuchinashi, the Dark Type Specialist!
I kinda realised I never mention episode titles in these posts, so starting today, I’ll write them down! It’s actually something that I want to talk about later during this post. So, time for the 77th episode of Pocket Monsters Sun & Moon: Kuchinashi’s Grand Trial! Lugarugan Awakens!!
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We’re first shown Acerola taking some gifts to Kapu Bulul’s altair, while she wonders if Kuchinashi would be there doing his duty as well. Well, we’re not shown him to be there, but...
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The bowl with flowers if left there as a gift by Kuchinashi. Acerola brought in the bowl of food. Acerola then finds Kuchinashi in the Battle Field, and says how he’s like a different man, having done his actual Kahuna duties. Kuchinashi just seems to imply he wanted to get it over with asap. Heh. The sunrise they’re looking at after the conversation (first screencap!) is so beautiful.
I must say, I like how each Grand Trial starts with the Kahuna/Island King/Queen going to pray at their specific Island Deity Altairs. It shows nice lore consistensy, and how it is Kahuna’s duty to follow specific traditions when starting out a Grand Trial. The Lore Nerd in me is pleased!
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What’s also interesting about the first 2 mins of the episode is that they specifically show Satoshi putting the Rock-Z crystal on Z-ring. This immediately made me think of this as a small foreshadowing of Lugarugan-Z. I think it may have been an intentional choice from the storyboarding team!
Satoshi arrives at the battlegrounds, and Kuchinashi starts the opening speech to Kapu Bulul. Honestly, I find his pray monologue very interesting.
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Y’know, if I understand this dialogue correctly (I’m not native so I might understand it wrong), it’s actually a foreshadowing of Lugarugan’s role in the episode. It really fits the Dusk form specifically, that has the righteous heart of Midday form, and malicious heart of Midnight form. And when the two hearts blend together perfectly, one becomes more powerful. At least, that’s how I intepret this dialogue. Quite interesting.
It could be seen as a description of Kuchinashi as well. I mean. We’ve been shown how savage he is, while also a caring person, towards Acerola specifically. And if we consider some of the future events, it kind of describes Satoshi as well! It’s like, that prayer briefly explains the theme of the episode!
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Kuchinashi tells the rules of the Grand Trial after the prayer, which is defeating three of his pokemon with just one of Satoshi’s! Even Rotom calls him out on the rules being unfair, and judging from his body language and face expressions, he expected Satoshi to give up. He clearly doesn’t want to battle the boy. Rude. Well, Satoshi consults Lugarugan about this, and they decide to take the challenge. Kuchinashi of course is suprised. :D Well then, time for the battle, round 1!
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And it’s up against the opponent from SM074, Waruvial. Again, its ability Intimidate is activating, and while last time it caused Lugarugan to get intimidated, it doesn’t this time around! The doggo has grown! I really like the animation on Satoshi’s hair here, I’m not sure what it is, it just looks really nice ;v; Anyways. Battle analysing is not my expertise, so I’ll skip ahead to important bits of the fights.
Waruvial tries the same tactic as last time, using Sand Tomb with Mud Slap. While it initially is working the same way, something is different.
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Lugarugan actually changes the color of it’s eyes during this, and Satoshi is shown worried. However, the moment Lugarugan gets out of the tomb, thanks to apparent increased power...
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It’s eyes slowly turn back to normal.
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Kuchinashi actually notices this, and I think this is where he’s starting to realise that wait, it’s probably controlling the mode now. He is the Island King, he’s kind of smart on analysing pokemon. Or so I’d imagine. Satoshi is sighing with relief, and Acerola notes that the training with Kapu Bulul paid off. And I agree! Lugarugan is shown only slightly more angry during this mode, but the fact that it wasn’t consumed by anger already says that it’s actually in control. Well, Satoshi hasn’t realised it yet. : D
Anyway, as battle continues, with Kuchinashi trying to intimidate Satoshi himself with bait words, Satoshi commands Accelrock. Or does he?
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Before he could finish, he remembers Waruvial’s Counter, and it’s clear that he’s actually scared of facing it again. I mean, I get why, it was a very scary experience. We’re actually shown a quick flashback of the move, and how devastating it felt.
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The way he changes the move based on his feelings is kinda interesting. I wonder when was the last time he was that scared of facing a certain move? He’s not showing that optimistic side of him right now. And that’s quite human. Thou, the fact that he keeps on commanding Rock Throw here is kind of... odd. Some people have pointed this out, but he somewhat forgot Stone Edge exists. Althou it kind of works to his advantage later on. Anyway, this behaviour is normal for a human being, since when your thoughts start running with trying to avoid fear, you don’t think too well, and well, not having clear thoughts while figuring out battle strats is bound to cause some ‘memory loss’. It’s kind of why I’m not bothered by him forgetting about Stone Edge at this stage.
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Hell, when Kuchinashi calls him out on this, being the savage guy he is, you can see it actually sort of gets into Satoshi. Kuchinashi is analysing him during the battle. I think Gym leaders did this alot? It’s about helping the challenger grow, so even if he is shown as savage, it’s kind of what he’s supposed to do as well.
Hell, even when he tells Satoshi that he and Lugarugan don’t have the guts to face Counter head-on, and how battles are about putting the moves at each other on full power, Satoshi is sort of flinching there. Althou, he also takes note with the words, because after Lugarugan makes noices at Satoshi, sort of like telling him that he can face it this time, Satoshi get’s his optimistic side back on again!
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Kuchinashi of course answers to this with Counter, but oh boy does the following taste so sweet!
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Lugarugan actually defeats Counter with its speed, causing Kuchinashi’s focus to falter. One Rock Throw later, Waruvial is out of it! Round one of Grand Trial, complete!
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Well, Kuchinashi ends up congratulating Lugarugan, which Satoshi thought was for them both. That reaction is so funny. However, Satoshi thanks Kuchinashi anyway, because if it wasn’t for Kuchinashi’s words earlier, he wouldn’t have faced Counter head-on. Well. Apparently what Kuchinashi was saying was actually him trying to lure Satoshi into Counter by any means, and he even straightup said that he thought lying would be a good strat. Let me just do a count of the total times this man has lied to anyone during Ula Ula Arc: To Rocket Gang, to Satoshi, to Junsa, to Sakaki, to Rocket Gang again, and now this. Kids, don’t learn from this man, he’s the worst. Thou as a character, he’s absolutely amazing and well written for a Pokemon character! Totally loving how they managed to make his comedic part about lying, while still staying very convincing as a Dark-Type Specialist with savage personality. Very well done.
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Also idk why, but when Acerola does sort of an awkward sounding laughter here, telling Kuchinashi to call out the next Pokemon, Satoshi’s face in the background is sort of funny to me. I really don’t know why!
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Next battle is against Yamirami, and I have actually never seen Yamirami used in a battle before this! And I think this episode also debuted the move Shadow Sneak, and it looks so cool in Pokeani! I’ve used it couple of times in Ultra Moon/Moon, so I knew what to expect, but it still looks nice!
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The spookiest part is when Yamirami uses a combo of Mean Look (which somehow also roots the target... I don’t think that’s what it does in the games? :D Then again I have no idea how root moves works in the games, never used such moves) and a flurry of Shadow Sneak. Lugarugan is in bad trouble here.
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But the most important part here is the fact that the Red Eyes activate again, and the moment Satoshi sees this, he shouts at Lugarugan to calm down. Satoshi really is scared of this mode. I would dare to say that considering the past experience, it’s probably scarier than Hikozaru/Goukazaru’s uncontrollable Blaze. Satoshi tells Lugarugan to calm down and dodge the Shadow Claw move, but hey...
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Kuchinashi actually tells Satoshi that it doesn’t need to calm down, it is actually dodging the move already. He’s also finally explaining to Satoshi that Lugarugan’s power actually increasing during the Red Eyes mode, when it’s just a bit more angry. Note thou, Kuchinashi didn’t use the word a bit, just angry. : D When Satoshi says that whenever Lugarugan gets angry, it stops listening to Satoshi, Kuchinashi actually drops a hint to Satoshi.
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He doesn’t seem to understand it thou, and before he can ask, Kuchinashi takes the opportunity and orders another attack. Y’know, it’s already clear that Kuchinashi’s battle style involves getting under the Challenger’s skin and getting them unfocused. Satoshi is still somewhat able to stay focused, thou he’s quickly trying to think of a move that would work with a rooted Pokemon, and then it hits him!
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Kuchinashi’s face is gold! He didn’t know Lugarugan has Stone Edge, he thought he’d win now for sure! I mean, last time they fought, there was 3 close range moves instead of just 2. Now there’s 2 close-range, 2 long-range! He did not count in the possibility of Lugarugan learning a new long-range one! This K.Os Yamirami, and Satoshi & Lugarugan are now one round closer to victory!
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Lugarugan shakes of the Mean Look and Red Eyes, and is shown really tired. No wonder, this round was physically tiring for it, being under attack for so long with no way to attack back!
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Meanwhile Bebenom is busy playing with Pikachu. XD
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Well, next happens the scene I talked about earlier in another post, where Kapu Bulul comes and gives Lugarugan an Obon Berry to restore its energy! Apparently Kuchinashi can’t deny Island Deity’s will on the matter so, Lugarugan gains its energy back to normal and is ready to face the final round!
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Final round is against Alolan Persian (why of course, it’s Kuchinashi’s Ace!) and Rotom points out how it’s big like a Totem Pokemon. That’s actually an interesting detail.
The Second half of this episode is sooo good, as in, lots of dialogue that really fleshes out why Kuchinashi is a Dark Type user. I’ll try to not put out the whole dialogue here, because lots of it is so good, but like, damn.
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After Satoshi makes a first hit at Alolan Persian, Kuchinashi compliments Satoshi on training the doggo well, but then claims how Lugarugan could have done it without him as well, and how he’s not really needed. This right here is playing on mental ground. Dirty as hell. Satoshi’s face when Kuchinashi does the claim is not a happy one. Also, Kuchinashi keeps on taunting him, and we actually gradually see Satoshi getting more and more taunted by it, actually not focusing on the battle anymore! The Geezer continues on, and when he says the following line:
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That really triggered a button in Satoshi! We know how he values friendship when training Pokemon. His style as a trainer is being mentally challenged here!
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Oh boy did Kuchinashi push the right button with this line, because Satoshi really gets mad about that line. And because of it, Kuchinashi actually manages to make a quick call for Alolan Persian to attack! And it hits!
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I know Rotom! It’s been such a long time since we’ve seen Satoshi so angry at a non-villain! And for him to get so distracted from battle could be said to be a rookie mistake, but considering how this is actually mostly a mental battle, it really wasn’t. He hasn’t been against a savage trainer like Kuchinashi before! It’s probably why I actually sort of like this battle after understanding the dialogue. While the animation is definitely not same level as last week during battles, it’s clear to me this episode focuses more on the mental game than battling itself. Intriquing choice!
Actually, the following scene is interesting, because you could intepret it in few ways. Kuchinashi’s ordering Alolan Persian to use Dark Pulse constantly.
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...Oh fuck!
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This was his goal with his tactics all along!
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...Will it? : D When Satoshi calls Kuchinashi out on his plan for making Lugarugan angry...
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...I actually think he’s lying here. Why? Because he noticed earlier that Lugarugan can indeed control the mode. But he also noticed that Satoshi hasn’t realised it yet. So while he’s using this to get under Satoshi’s skin, he’s also trying to teach the boy about the true power behind the Red eyes! He’s secretly educating Satoshi! But Satoshi is too angry himself to realise it, and focuses too much on telling Lugarugan to calm down, when it really doesn’t need to!
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Just look at Satoshi getting angry at these words! My reaction is a constant Holy Shit.
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This really triggers Satoshi even more, and Kuchinashi gets another chance to attack an unfocused Challenger. God damn it. Satoshi calls him out on doing such distraction as unfair, but what does Kuchinashi say?
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Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Whoever worked on ‘translating’ Kuchinashi’s character to Pokeani’s style, well done mate! It’s so well done, it fits him so well, and he’s self-aware! I’m clapping my hands here!
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That face Satoshi makes is heartbreaking! But the thing is, the moment itself isn’t! But this shows that Satoshi is still scared and unknowing of the power behind Lugarugan’s Red Eyes. And now I’m gonna applaud at Lugarugan, because hoo boy.
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Lugarugan tackles Satoshi! And hard! He flies a long long way off the battle arena. Everyone is actually suprised about this, even Kuchinashi! But after this? The scene becomes so sweet!
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Satoshi finally realises it ;v; Finally! Staring at a standing, Red-eyed Lugarugan made him finally notice that wait, Lugarugan is actually in control of itself, and is hearing Satoshi’s voice clear and loud! Also how its power level actually increases! (Must have realised it by getting hit so hard :D) And he’s the most calm he’s been in the whole episode now!
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Such a calm voice when he says this ;v;
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You certainly did! And let this be a lesson :) He actually got some new character progression in this episode, didn’t he now? Someone more knowledgable can pitch in on this. But this is honestly beautiful for Satoshi’s character and that’s why this episode works so much better when you understand the dialogue fully!
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Man I love it when Lugarugan does the signature “I like you so I’ll rub you with my stone collar“ thing ;v; And it makes the scene extra sweet. Awwwwww I love this doggo so much.
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With the Red-Eye mode mastered! Nice nice! This looks really cool! And I’ll mention it now, the Red-Eye mode is sort of like Dusk form’s inner Midnight heart surfacing! Very much liking how this mode’s learning arc ended up going!
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Battle against Alolan Persian continues, and Lugarugan finally learns Counter! Which is Midnight Form’s signature move, so this is like the ultimate reward for being in control of that side of the Dusk Form! Excellent!
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And now’s the time for Kuchinashi’s version of Black Hole Eclipse! While the animation is kind of boring here compared to how it was done with Rocket Gang, it could be intentional? I mean, even in the games Kuchinashi looks bored while doing it, and not really doing it with the spirit.
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That face is something else, wow.
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Ok, time out, he turned his back on the move? Some people are saying this being like, he’s too cool to look at the z-move, but... I see this as a reference to how he teaches the pose to the player in the games. Remember? He shows the move, then turns his back on us. It’s a clear reference to it, and I’m glad they managed to make it part of him actually doing the Z-move. : D
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Well. Satoshi now knows what Dark-Z move looks like. Rocket Gang has no chance of suprising him with another Z-move lol.
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OH MY GOD THEY’RE PLAYING MEZASE POKEMON MASTER!!!! The song made the scene so god damn epic and oh my lord, answering Z-move with a Z-move! AMAZING!!! Rica’s voice is amazing here as well!
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And seeing the Red-Eyed Lugarugan in this sis so god damn cool!
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The “Battle“ of two Z-moves is something you cannot do in the games and I’m so glad Pokeani explores that possibility!
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While I would love to see Satoshi lose to a Z-move at least once (he really hasn’t), this was too cool to be mad about.
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Even Kuchinashi is surprised! Take that!
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And Alolan Persian is out of the battle! Satoshi wins his third Grand Trial!
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Congratulations! That was a great battle, esp. after you realise how mental it was! It’s nice to see some mental game in Pokeani, that’s rare! And Kuchinashi did his duty on educating the Challenger, even if he possibly didn’t fully intend it.
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He can finally stop being bothered by Satoshi! XD Time for Satoshi to get the reward, which is Dark-Z crystal!
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Just kidding! What he instead gets as a reward...!
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Is Lugarugan-Z! The foreshadowing worked. Satoshi now has access to Lugarugan’s own Z-move, Splintered Stormshards, or as it seems to be in japanese... Radial Edgestorm! Quite the name : D
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Also, this scene is actually quite the upgrade from earlier Z-crystal Getto Daze shots. Could be they wanted to update it since it’s been so long since the last time!
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Another Grand Trial theme seems to really be the fact that Island Deities are always watching over them. Makes me curious on how Tapu Fini/Kapu Rehire will be showcasing itself more properly.
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A MILLION TIMES AGREED! It’s time to say goodbye to Acerola and Kuchinashi for now, and I’m so sad ;A; I want Acerola to be explored more, since right now she acted more as a guide and judge. She had excellent characterisation in SM073 and SM074! I want to know more about Gengar! Mimi-tan! The relationship between Sakaki and Kuchinashi-. Oh. That has nothing to do with Acerola. Krhm anyway I really do.
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This scene is lovely in a way that it actually caused Kuchinashi to not focus on Kendama. He really does listen to Acerola well, huh?
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...that’s actually true, he did seem to somewhat enjoy it! Especially on mental stage!
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That says a lot about Satoshi, now doesn’t it?
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The end of the episode! (Or well, there’s still Satoshi saying the usual “Let’s get Stronger for the next Grand Trial” speech but I like this shot as the finish!) Overall, while the animation in the battles itself wasn’t as good as say, last week, the animations on character emotions and such were darn good and beautiful to look at! And seeing the subtitles made me appreciate the episode way more than I initially thought of it! Shows how dialogue can make a huge difference in one’s opinion!
Edit: Forgot to talk about the title! I feel like it was bit of a miss, because Lugarugan had kind of already awakened the power within, it was more on Satoshi not realising this! Bit weird, but maybe it’s just me and my non-native english skills making the title hard to understand with the contexts of episode itself. Anyway. Otherwise good episode.
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Poke-problem shows us Satoshi asking about the Lugarugan-Z move, and for some reason Rotom is trying to teach it the move, when it’s the same as Rock-Z pose? XD Silly Rotom. Don’t confuse Satoshi.
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Next week, we have not one, but two Ultra Beasts appearing at the same time! Blacephalon/Zugadoon and Xurkitree/Denjyumoku. And it looks to have both comedy effect and some seriousness involved, since the two UBs are actually battling each other! Oh boy!
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SM078 - Ultra Beast Clash! Operation Boom Boom Crackle!
Cya all next week! And sorry for this extra long post, holy god damn there was lots to talk about!
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alamble23 · 6 years
Timeless re-watch, S2x03: Hollywoodland
I ate my feelings in leftover birthday cake tonight before this episode aired, and I can’t sleep. So, re-watch it is:
The Jessica convo. Not like that isn’t foreshadowing or anything.
Every time I see the “You IDIOT! You’re in love with Lucy” convo from the season premiere, I mentally replace Rufus’ voice with Ren from Ren & Stimpy.
And away we go:
This sleeper agent gets dropped in LA and he’s what, 18 maybe? How young were Emma and Ryan Millerson when they got dumped in the past?  That’s some serious indoctrination there.
And Jiya sees the mission to the Salem Witch Trials! Yikes.
Oh Rufus, keeping this from Time Team Mom and Dad is not good.  And throwing your girl under the bus is even worse.
Oh lord, going to visit Flynn again. Not loving this status quo. And how is it possible that Flynn isn’t in solitary? 
“Do you have any ability to do this on your own?!” = a question I would dearly like to have answered myself
I forget - is it possible for the pilots to plan where they land? Rufus just dropped the Lifeboat in the shadow of the freakin’ Griffith Observatory!
The 40s aesthetic really suits all of our Time Team. That green sweater is especially nice on Matt Lanter.
Quick aside here - the cast and writers rightfully get so much love for how well this show works, but the production team deserves as much, if not more credit. Time travel shows succeed just as much in the production team’s ability to faithfully establish the era they’re representing, and Robert Duncan (music),  John Zachary (production design) and Mari-An Ceo (costuming) all completely KILLED IT in this episode. 
Back to the episode - the team is getting slightly better at their cover stories?
Wyatt’s tip of his fedora is charming. 
Oh, c’mon, you guys, you KNEW it couldn’t be that easy, right?
Barney Balaban, proving that the film industry has not changed ONE IOTA in nearly 80 years.
“YOU NEVER SAW IT?!” - Lucy and Rufus are my co-workers from back in my days at Turner Sports when I confessed that I’d never seen any of the “dude” movies - Caddyshack, Animal House, and the like. Methinks a movie night is in order for the Time Team.
I would have liked an extended scene in the costume shop of the team trying on clothes - Wyatt and Rufus as fashion police never fails to crack me up.
So, not all of the sleeper agents are on suicide missions.  Interesting. In this long gameplan, did no one consider the possibility that these sleepers might want to stay right where they were once all was said and done? How do you jump back to 2018 after you’ve essentially grown up and built a life for yourself in the past?
Time Team Mom and Dad are fighting again, nooooooooooooooooooooo
DAMN, Malcolm and Matt wear those tuxes well. *swoons*
Poor Lucy - she is once again in the presence of one of her idols, and said idol only has eyes for Rufus!
Hedy is a damn genius, the way she plays Rufus into blowing their cover.
Jurassic Park? DING! And there’s your Rittenhouse agent. How, exactly, are you going to make a dinosaur movie with the VFX available in the 40s?
Matt does sing a little in the gag reel for season one, but yeah, he’s not on Abby’s level.
Lucy needs a nip of liquid courage before she puts herself out there.  We’ve all been there.
Wyatt’s “Oh, shit, I am SO SCREWED” face is the.best.
The commercial breaks in this episode seem really weirdly placed.
No offense, NBC, but I am definitely going to be skipping Jesus Christ Superstar. 
Hedy and Rufus, getting their science on!
And the plan becomes clear ..... 
So, I’m confused about the “three people in the Lifeboat” issue - did Mason send more than one pilot at a time, or does the Lifeboat glom onto specific biosignatures, or what? 
Hedy’s house looks so familiar, and if it weren’t for the fact that the show’s been off the air for like five years, I would swear it’s a re-dressed version of the Bartowskis’ townhouse from Chuck. 
How convenient that George, Hedy and Rufus wander off to check out Hedy’s inventions . . . . .
OMG, SERIOUSLY, Can we please have more of Matt Lanter in shirtsleeves and suspenders?
Why am I not in the least bit surprised that Lucy was a debater?
JFC THIS SCENE IS GOING TO KILL ME. I saw this before the show aired in the States and STILL.  *unf*
WTF?! WORST.CUT.TO.BREAK.EVER.  Seriously, that wasn’t even a good transition.
Side note - apparently there was an alternate take that ended with Wyatt and Lucy smooching in the pool. I’m sure it will end up on the Season 2 DVD, but I kinda prefer the final product, honestly. 
At least we got the morning after?
“Is this an HR issue?” Somehow I don’t think Christopher is going to care. 
I have my DVR paused at the EXACT moment when Rufus busts in and I.AM.DYING. *note to self: screencap this tomorrow night*
Is Wyatt secretly Wolverine? I see no scars on his back. 
“I was looking for the both of you ..... and here you are. And this is me leaving.” I am seriously crying I am laughing so hard. I love Malcolm Barrett SO MUCH.
“Busted!” “Nah, he’ll be cool.”
No, really, what the hell happened to Wyatt’s scars? Those suckers were nasty, and that shit doesn’t heal quickly. 
Uh, what?! The Lifeboat cured Jiya? 
“Sooooooooo, how was your night?” DYING.AGAIN.
“So, is this happening? Is it happening?” - nice callback to Bonnie & Clyde
“It’s my favorite time period.” - five bucks says Lucy has an account at Modcloth
At least the security guard isn’t going to be on Wyatt’s body count.
Oh, Rufus, brave but crazy.
Yep, this is a terrible plan. Flynn in the bunker is maybe the worst idea ever. As Paterson Joseph noted during Saturday’s panel at Wondercon, “He’s the type of roommate who could murder you in your sleep.”
Are Wyatt and Lucy playing Scrabble?
These two .... I just can’t. They’re SO ADORABLE AND AWKWARD.
Oh, Wyatt. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Did you really think you weren’t going to trip the alarms?
I would love to pretend that this final two minutes didn’t happen - and it might have been better if they’d held it off until 2x04 - but alas, no can do. It happened and there’s gonna be fallout. Group Hug, #Clockblockers. It’s gonna be okay. Eventually.
Damn, this was really long. Thanks for reading!
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drink-n-watch · 6 years
Back Rank Mate : A checkmate that occurs when your king is trapped behind a wall (usually a wall of your own pawns) on the back rank, and a queen or rook attacks on the back rank.
You know, I think I’m just going to reiterate my thoughts from last week – OMGWTFBBQPURPLEMONKEYDISHWASHER. What the heck is this show doing to me? All I know is that if I was to exist in the Promised Neverland universe, I would be pretty safe since this show has melted my brain. Hyperbole you think… maybe a smidge.
Still, I am grateful that Crow is here to keep me from completely losing it and you’re grateful too. Trust me. He makes these posts! Also, let me apologize in advance for this but I took an unreasonable number of screencaps again. If this post has been loading for  minutes…that’s why… sowwy…
But before we get started, how are you Crow?
Well, for starters, I’m bold this week! And for another, there’s no way I’m getting through this review without dropping some spoilers, so everyone beware!
Come to think of it, “everyone beware” is pretty good advice for anyone watching this show! Purple monkey indeed!
everything’s fine!
I’m just trying a little small talk to ease us in because this week got heavy! Unlike the usual light hearted slice of life comedy The Promised Neverland usually is….
This level of removal from reality is a different perspective for you! Looks like the show’s getting to you — and I certainly understand why!
If you’ve read our reviews before you know this, but it’s spoileriffic. If you don’t want to know what happens, please come back after you’ve watched episode 9.
oh no! not spoilers!!!
Last week ended on a double whammy courtesy of Moma as she broke the leg of one of her beloved daughters without hesitation, while gently announcing the execution of a beloved son. And this week brought us straight back to that devastating scene adding a few new details to the mix. I must say the impact was not lessened by repetition!
Just in case the show didn’t twist the knife quite enough last week!
If last week it dawned on me just how outmatched the kids were, this week the kids are starting to really realize it as well, and it’s heartbreaking. Don and Gilda were being held together by the other three but now that they’re seeing them unravel, they are left rudderless and very very scared. The juxtaposition of the bright sunny day and soft green grass, and the dire straits the kids are in made everything just a little sadder, don’t you think?
The imagery was great — it was almost taunting our heroes with a false normalcy.
the ephemeral nature of life is both tragic and beautiful 
The scene went from Don, Gilda and Ray barely holding it together to a cool and composed Norman sweetly comforting Emma. I thought “this child is terrifying”. The composure…the strength. The sheer loyalty to Emma that he would consider his own life immaterial as long as she’s fine. Honestly Norman is one impressive young man.
Did you see what Emma did the instant she woke up? She reached for him. That gesture was heartbreaking in its simplicity; in the trust it implied.
I saw – I screencapped
And then, his mask slipped. When finally alone, it became apparent that Norman was far from fine. He was horrified and lost. He did not want to lose his life. All of this was shown in a quiet patient scene. The emphasis and emotion expressed through long shots of nothing much. The lack of motion letting the emotion shine through rather than any overt display. I quite like that! So it turned out that Norman was just pretending for the sake of his friends. And I thought, Norman is a supremely impressive young man!
You could see the moment his will snapped. He had been pushed past what he knew he could handle, and he was faced with the question: What next?
While Norman was trying to calm himself, we jumped back to Ray who was by far the most agitated we’ve ever seen him. Ray seemed to accept his own potential demise with bitter but stoic resignation. However, the thought of Norman getting shipped out has gotten hm enraged and panicked. For a second, I thought it was a mix of feelings for his friend and of the discomfort of having his plans ruined. I thought Ray was intimidatingly impressive.
The sight of Ray, who for so long had plotted and planned and executed, coming to grips with the idea that not only were his plans ruined, but his understanding of their world was flawed to the point where he had no idea what to do. And still, after venting a bit, he started to rein himself in. These are pretty impressive kids! I’m pretty sure I wasn’t that composed (or intelligent or — thank heavens — tasty to demons!) at their age.
Ray was my rock…this shattered me
Having come back to his senses a bit, Norman decided to rejoin Emma. Did you notice the CG Crow? Of course you did, it was pretty obvious. And I think that was on purpose. Thinking back, I’m pretty sure the CG has been used as a narrative tool in this series.
The CG was only used in the scenes of Norman walking the hallway alone, even though we saw extremely similar scenes of Ray, Don or Guilda. And even though the CG was obvious, it wasn’t excessive. I think the slight uncanny dissonance, plus the impact on the character’s movement was used to make those simple scenes of Norman just walking that much more weighty and uneasy. I may be reading too much into this…
It reminded me a little bit of some of the photographic effects Alfred Hitchcock would use him his films. This show is very much in that tradition!
ok, still images don’t give you the right idea
We then got another classic scene of three small kids talking in a bedroom. This is 98% of the show and it’s still giving me anxiety.
I’m sure the conversation was littered with clues and foreshadowing but quite unlike myself, I couldn’t pay attention to that. I was actually too emotionally invested. Weird huh?
I appreciated this quiet scene, because it helped me process everything we’ve learned in the last 30 or 40 minutes of storytelling!
Emma and Ray have decided that Norman getting shipped out was simply not an option and came up with a simple but promising plan. Norman should disable his tracking device and hide just beyond the wall until they can join him once Emma is healed up. At this point Ray explained some simple gut-wrenching facts. The children are afforded a comfortable happy life because they’ll taste better that way. That’s all.
As Ray was talking and Norman seemed dubious I started to wonder why did Ray seem so desperate for Norman to live? He was the one saying that saving everyone was impractical. Their plan is riddled with potential pitfalls and unknowns. Ray of all people should accept Norman’s willingness to sacrifice himself for the greater good. And when Ray cried out, “If you die then what were the last 6 years of my life for?”, I realized something.
Ray has a bad poker face
Ray isn’t the cool and composed mastermind he makes himself out to be. This boy who since the age of five has patiently collected trinkets to create a disarming device all on his own without anyone noticing. This boy was a bleeding heart hero type. He may not be able to save everyone, but he needs to save his friends at least. How cute and innocent. How naive to think you can just throw them out there. This is why he had to accept Norman’s argument that should he escape neither Emma or Ray would be taken in his stead and sacrificing another for your own life is unbearable. Because he’s just a kid who loves his friends, that’s all. Ray is truly and undeniably impressive.
Have you noticed how easy it is to be stoic on behalf of someone? I’m borderline competent on my own. On behalf of my family or friends? I can be quite a different person, or I can at least seem that way. I see that in Ray, and in how Ray reacted when Norman was trying to give himself up. The walls just come tumbling down!
I have but then again, I’ve never been in a situation where I really thought I could die. Maybe survival instinct would kick in..
Just when all that panic, fear and loathing cam crashing together, that’s when Emma decided to be Emma and do what she does best. Just smother everything in powerful optimism backed up by short sighted but surprisingly rational propositions. Break Ray’s arm. If they’re both hurt, then they won’t be replacements – Norman can escape with his mind at ease. This emotional release allowed the kids to get back to themselves a bit. A nice little reprieve.
and just Norman
I couldn’t help but wonder – won’t Gilda or Don be chosen then??? It seems that wasn’t too much of a concern to the others.
They needed a little short-sightedness to keep themselves together, I think. I also wonder if either Don or Gilda would be considered a real replacement? If Emma, Norman, and Ray are prime grade, Don and Gilda would likely be choice. Still a fine grade, but not interchangeable. Maybe. I’m feeling strange talking about our heroes as grades of beef…
Say Crow, any thoughts about the fact that Ray knew right from the start? I think that may be better, since you don’t lose anything? Then again, maybe not.
The show’s doing such a good job at presenting Ray as a complex character that honestly, I’m not sure! It certainly could be!
there was tons of Norman in this episode, really!!!
The next day, Norman’s escape plan is ready to go. They have a new rope, a last hide and seek game, everyone knows their part. Momma informs the entire house that Norman is going to be “adopted”. First – darn you Phil! Second – some of those kids were crying a little more than justified, don’t you think. Maybe Emma and co. aren’t the only ones to know the houses secret?
I had that impression, too — especially that one little girl Norman had to hug!
um..it’s going to be…”o.k.”?
That was an exciting scene. Much like the rest of the episode, it used quick cuts beween the main characters as we saw Norman making his way to the wall and finally climbing it, while Emma and Ray are simply waiting back at the house. It got my blood pumping! And those colours were stunning.
Did you see the looks the kids were giving Isabella? Chilling!
As evening set in and the kids were getting ready to go in for dinner, I was actually holding my breath a little. And then, Norman just slowly walked back. After which, we finally find out what’s behind that wall. Talk about a cliffhanger!!!!
I see what you did there!
oh my
When we first see Norman climb to the top and look out, were you afraid we weren’t going to find out what he saw? I was all like, “Oh, no, Promised Neverland! Don’t you dare make me guess!”
And then we found out.
It might have been better had they made me guess!
And did you notice how self-satisfied Momma looked? Of course she knew what was beyond the walls. Of course she could guess what Norman’s reaction would be! Just another sign of her supreme control over the situation.
Krone who?
By the way, we saw Norman discover Krone’s pen and box in a drawer, but once again they didn’t show us what was in it. ARGH!!!
So this is Norman’s last day. Their plans are in ruins; their emergency plans are in ruins; and Phil is still smiling way too much. I have no idea how they’re going to get out of this, and honestly, I don’t want to guess! The show is doing a delightful job of entertaining me, and I don’t want to get in its way.
Irina, what’d you think of the music in this episode?
I’ll be honest I didn’t notice it. My mind got kidnapped by the plot. But tell me about it!
shhhs Phil
Starting just after Norman’s will crumbled , a simple piano melody starts playing. The camera switches to Ray, but the melancholy song continues and underlines their desperation — that begins to harden into resolve.
It’s a simple tune that lets the acting speak for itself. It ends when Norman enters and sees Ray and Emma’s serious expressions.
Later, as Norman’s running for the wall, there’s a more upbeat, drum-driven song with a woman’s beautiful voice harmonizing — no words. Emma and Ray try to stay calm, but the almost pop beat is more to support Norman’s spring to the wall than their attempt at patience. The woman’s voice disappears until Normal reaches the wall and makes it to the top. The crescendo? When he stands, shocked into silence, at what he sees on the other side of the wall. The music disappears, too.
The inarticulate voice lent an air of desperation that I recognized only in retrospect — when se see Norman’s shattered expression at the end.
whoa! I need to rewatch this episode…if I can
This show, man…..
The Promised Neverland Episode 1
The Promised Neverland Episode 2
The Promised Neverland Episode 3
The Promised Neverland Episode 4
The Promised Neverland Episode 5
The Promised Neverland Episode 6
The Promised Neverland Episode 7
The Promised Neverland Episode 8
You know, when I get really engrossed in a show, I can’t stop taking screencaps…
      The Promised Neverland Episode 9 – Back Rank Mate Back Rank Mate : A checkmate that occurs when your king is trapped behind a wall (usually a wall of your own pawns) on the back rank, and a queen or rook attacks on the back rank. 2,408 more words
0 notes
casuistor · 8 years
Re: Misa’s death in the anime
Reposting my original post with minor edits!
So Misa’s death in the manga is confirmed in HTR13 as being February 14th 2011, but in the Death Note anime, Misa’s date of death is left ambiguous. Even according to HTR14 (the official guidebook for the anime), Misa’s date of death is left as “不明” -- unknown (Page).This differs from characters who do not have a confirmed date of death in the manga; they have the space where the answer goes crossed out. (Example) The implication, therefore, seems to be that Misa does die, though the exact date of her death is unknown.
Despite the ambiguity, the anime strongly implies Misa commits suicide and that it occurs before she is aware of Light’s death. This seems weirdly out of character and has led to a lot of alternative explanations such as the possibility that her final scenes in the anime actually take place some time in the future after she becomes aware of Light’s death. 
But actually I think her suicide in the anime does take place on January 28th 2013 and that it occurs before she is aware of Light’s death.This probably sounds weird because there’s no obvious trigger for her suicide if she wasn’t aware of Light’s death, but this version of events is actually quite consistent with how Misa is portrayed in the anime specifically.  
The Death Note anime, like any other derivative work, alters the characterizations of individual characters in the process of re-telling the narrative. I’ve talked about how the anime changes Light (here), but I haven’t touched on how the anime changes other characters. Credit goes to @mikami for having written this fantastic post on how the anime alters Misa’s personality in the anime.
The anime portrays Misa as having a much greater degree of self awareness with regards to her relationship to Light than is ever implied in the manga. Manga-Misa and Anime-Misa are very different characters. But despite the two depictions of Misa being largely incompatible with one another, I generally tend to find Misa’s characterization in the anime more or less consistent. So while I do think the argument that “Misa wouldn’t have killed herself prior to knowing that Light died” is completely valid for manga-Misa, I don’t think the same argument applies for anime-Misa.
To elaborate on this point a bit further, I want to talk about “Misa no Uta” aka that song Misa sings in episode 25.
Lyrics to “Misa no Uta”
気をつけて神様は見てる。 暗い夜道は手をつないでください! 一人で遠くでもいつも見つけ出してくれる。 知ってることは全部教えてくれる。 私がおぼえたなくても、 何度でも教えてくれる。
でも 全部わかってしまったらどうすればいいの?
The English translation (nabbed from here)
Be careful, God is watching. In a street blacked by night, please link our hands together. Even if I’m by myself and far away, He can always come find me.
He comes to teach me everything He knows.   Even if I should no longer remember He will teach me over and over.
But what should I do once I know everything?
As Luna already discussed in the linked post, the finer implications of what this song says about Misa’s perception of her relationship with Light, I’ll go ahead and point out something else. Specifically, the last couple of lines.
The “Even if I should no longer remember” line is interesting because it most obviously refers to Miss more recent memory loss in the first arc, but it also foreshadows how Misa gives up her memories again in the second arc. The anime makes this element of foreshadowing all the more evident with visual cues that directly link “Misa no Uta” to Misa’s eventual suicide.
The two scenes, as Luna pointed out, are meant to be contrasted. The two scenes are connected.
And following that train of thought, there’s another really interesting point to be made about “Misa no Uta.”
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Her song ends on a question.
In the context of “Misa no Uta” the question is one that is really asking “what will I do once I no longer have any use?”
This is a question that Misa, in the manga, never asks herself. She is convinced Light is in love with her and isn’t using her for her utility to him, but the anime does have different ideas about Misa.
Outside of “Misa no Uta” there aren’t many anime-exclusive scenes where we get a glimpse of Misa when she is alone after she is together with Light. When she’s around other people, she tends to be as enthusiastic and full of energy as she is depicted in the manga. But when you do look at how Misa is portrayed in the anime when alone and there’s no need for her to act and put on a cheery face, she’s always noticeably disturbed.
Here she is in the opening scene of Misa no Uta:
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Here she is when she has lost her memories and is alone in her apartment.
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The unspoken distress in this scene is made very clear by the fact that in the background her pet bird is shrieking. But the symbolism doesn’t stop there because bless the anime, it really likes its symbolism..
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As you can see in the screencap above, her pet bird is a literal lovebird. The symbolism here is, again, yet another nod to the fact that Misa is clearly aware that her relationship is falling apart.
First Light made her quit her job. Then Light asked her to give up her memories (which she wouldn’t remember). Then Light told her to go back to work so he could get access to NHN. Now Light no longer spends time with her because he’s working at his job. …And spending time with Kiyomi.
The implications of these facts are things that manga-Misa never wants to face. But on the other hand, Anime-Misa, who recognizes the possibility that Light is purely using her is starting to realize that her usefulness is coming to an end.
Even if I should no longer remember He will teach me over and over. But what should I do once I know everything?
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By the later parts of second arc, Misa has reached the point where Light is no longer guiding her or by her side because he has nothing to left to teach her so to speak. One way of looking at it is that when a person has nothing left to teach you, it’s because you have already learned everything you need to know.
Consider also the fact that even though Misa has lost her memories, she is still aware that there was a period of time in which she and Light were both arrested as Kira suspects. Consider the fact that Misa is essentially arrested by Near again and that Mogi allows this to happen – which theoretically wouldn’t have happened if Misa wasn’t a threat and that this is obviously related to the Kira investigation since Light’s involvement more or less confirms this as fact. Consider also that she knows what happens to people who are no longer needed by Kira. She knows what Demegawa’s and Kiyomi’s fates were.
Misa’s suicide in the anime is not a consequence of her knowledge of Light’s death. It’s a consequence of her knowledge of the death of her usefulness to Light that grows steadily over the course of the entire second arc.
The answer to her question in “Misa no Uta” is to commit suicide.  She doesn’t want to find out what a world without Light is like. She doesn’t want to know what a world where she has outlived her usefulness to the person she loves is like.
But why January 28th 2013 specifically? The reason for that may simply have to do with the fact that this date is the first time in second arc when she is left alone after she loses her memories. Remember soon after she surrenders those memories, Mogi and Aizawa keep Misa under constant surveillance. January 28th 2013 is the first time when Mogi is not with her and she has her freedom back.
And the first thing she does with this freedom is to go to a very familiar roof at the top of a familiar building.
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Yep. It’s the top of the skyscraper that L had constructed back during the Yotsuba arc.
This choice is significant because it’s the one place she remembers she was able to be unambiguously useful to Light. Misa doesn’t have any memories of acting as Kira and helping Light create their new world together because she loses all of the memories specific to the use of notes. But what she does have are her memories of helping Light catch Higuchi here. No doubt it’s a treasured memory and I think this is probably the last thing she thinks about before it is implied that she jumps.
Whether you’re a fan of the anime’s interpretation of Misa’s character or not…it’s pretty damn sad.
319 notes · View notes
Episode 7 Review: Flying South Like the Birdies
{ YouTube: 1 | 2 | 3 }
{ Synopses: Debby Graham | Bryan Gruszka }
{ Screencaps }
We open with a conversation between Alison and Raxl about the death of Dr. Menkin. Mostly, this is repeating what we already know for the benefit of the original viewers who missed the previous two episodes, but not entirely. I just realized that Alison didn’t learn of Dr. Menkin’s death in either Episode 5 or 6. (I had to re-watch part of Episode 5 and skim over Debby Graham’s synopsis of Episode 6 to confirm this.) So this is also an important scene for her, one that augments the fear she has begun to feel on the island, even if, unlike Raxl, she does not yet believe in the supernatural forces that make Maljardin, as the immortal housekeeper says just before the opening, “the Garden of Evil.”
We also get an unintentionally funny moment where Raxl shouts “THAT DEVIL!” and the camera quickly zooms in to the portrait of Jacques Eloi des Mondes with some thunder and lightning for emphasis. Then Alison freaks out as she realizes that Jacques put the dream from last episode inside her head. It’s not clear if she is more frightened by the possibility that Jacques will kill her or by the fact that she is sexually attracted to a dead man who looks exactly like her brother-in-law.
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Alison: “The dream was so real! This island...it IS evil! I have to get away, back to reason. Away from HIM!"
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*flashing lightning and wailing theremin*
Colin Fox, by the way, isn’t in this episode, so, just like the previous Foxless episode, the focus is primarily on the subplots. In the next scene, we cut away to the French Leave Café, where Boring Artist Tim is hanging out with Vangie Abbott (Angela Roland). Now, even though Vangie first appeared on the show in the second episode, I wanted to wait a while to introduce her, mostly because I didn’t know what I was getting into when I started writing these massive blog entries and got overwhelmed early on by all the things I wanted to cover. But now that things are slowing down and she’s starting to become relevant to the plot, I will write a little about her.
Vangie, who owns the café, is a psychic who uses tarot cards to divine the future. She usually provides a lot of detail as to what individual cards mean, connecting them to specific characters and not always using the more well-known trump cards/Major Arcana to represent them. This indicates that Ian Martin probably did a significant amount of research on tarot cards and their meanings before writing about them. (Contrast with Dark Shadows, which mainly featured the same few cards--especially the Tower of Destruction--over and over and usually interpreted them literally.[1] I admittedly haven’t done much research on the tarot (although I intend to in the near future for this blog), so I’ve learned quite a bit about different cards’ meanings from Vangie’s dialogue. There’s a lot more that I could say about her character, but this is about all I can say for now without spoiling anything.
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Well, I could also mention her quirky fashion sense and distinctive sing-song alto voice. (That’s Boring Artist Tim on the right, by the way.)
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A screenshot of Vangie’s outfit from Episode 2.
Hundreds of miles away, we find the Reverend Matt Dawson at Westley House seeking word of the whereabouts of 20-year-old teenager Holly. He visits her roommate Dinah Heath[2] (Trudy Young), a young hippie who only appears in this episode, but who is the best thing about it. Truth be told, I wanted to write this entire post about just Dinah, but changed my mind when I re-watched the episode and remembered that Vangie was in it, too. Dinah is really fun and probably my favorite of the One-Episode Wonders: characters who only appear in one episode, but who are memorable for the right reasons. Dr. Patton from Episode 4 is another favorite one-episode character of mine, as is Claude from an episode months in the future (although my opinion is largely based on how I imagine him, because so far I have only read that episode’s synopsis and watched the accompanying slideshow).[3] And she totally takes the piss out of Matt when he comes to question her.
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At the start of the scene, Dinah is jamming out in her room to some music while smoking. It looks like a cigarette, but it’s probably meant to be a joint, because she acts stoned during the entire scene.
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Matt knocks on the door and she jumps off her bunk and immediately starts fanning the air to try to get rid of the pot smell. I love the ironic “please keep off grass” sign.
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Matt doesn’t even need to mention Holly for her to know that he plans to ask about her. Dinah just outright says “she isn’t here” while smirking and posing with her hand on her hip.
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Cue an exchange full of awkwardly-delivered 1960s slang as Dinah clarifies that he wants to know “why’d she split” and he accuses her of “trying to put [him] on.” I’m not sure how current the slang would have been when the episodes were written, but, considering that the writer was in his fifties at the time, probably not very.
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She goes over to her desk to brush her hair while Matt continues questioning her. She denies knowing where Holly is, so he says patronizingly, “I admire your sense of loyalty, but there are times when it could hurt Holly rather than help her.” I might believe him if I didn’t already know that he had the hots for Holly.
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More awkward slang. Dinah is still pretending to ignore him.
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Matt’s horrified reaction when she says what we know from Episode 3. “Uh-oh,” he’s probably thinking, “she’s onto me.”
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Definitely onto him!
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Matt so wants the pretty young chicks at Westley House to see him as a groovy, happenin’ padre with all the hip slang he uses.
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When he finally gets her to “level” with him, she tells him, “All I know is that she’s flying south like the birdies. Way down south. Has to be. Air alone costs $163.75 [$1,148.24 in 2019 USD, or $1,124.03 in 2019 Canadian dollars].” He asks how she got that money, and Dinah responds, “Saved some. We all chipped in with the rest.” So they all think that he’s a creep, enough to fund her escape from him.
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She grabs this huge teddy bear and starts drumming on it. She’s not even trying to conceal that she’s stoned.
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She means "vampire” figuratively, but I imagine this line was added to try to hook any DS fans tuning in. It would have admittedly been so awesome if Mrs. Marshall had turned out to be a literal vampire.
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We next see Holly at the French Leave Café, trying to order a drink but getting turned away from the bar because she’s underage. How can they even tell? No one cards her before turning her away and Sylvia Feigel looks 27 at the youngest. Hell, I’m 26 years old, look younger than Holly does, and no one ever cards me when I buy alcohol. I could see them turning someone like Dinah away without carding her because she definitely looks under 21, but Holly? Really?
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Holly does not look 20.
She has a meet-cute with Tim, followed by a free tarot reading courtesy of Vangie. Without her saying anything about her life, the psychic reveals that she knows Holly’s future:
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She also knows that a man has begun stalking her, but not his identity. “What are you running from Holly, and who is the man running after you?” she asks before the scene cuts to Matt telling Elizabeth Marshall that her daughter ran away. Soon after, the conversation shifts to his attraction to Holly. While stalkers are always creepy regardless of their age and the age of the stalkee, the way they talk about Holly makes it sound like the Reverend is interested in a teenager:
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Because Reverend Dawson isn’t already gross enough with his stalking, smarmy demeanor, romantic interest in a just barely former ward, and offbrand Reverend Trask accent.
Elizabeth threatens to “fix” both him and Holly and leaves to track Holly down on her own. Then we get a short, unnecessary filler scene of Raxl and Alison before the credits.
In the next episode, THE DEVIL JACQUES ELOI DES MONDES returns and Dan meets up with Vangie to do some more research regarding Jacques’ identity. Stay tuned!
[1] I’m not disparaging Dark Shadows here. I love both shows; I just wanted to point out that the Dark Shadows writers probably did less research on the tarot. Either that, or they just loved the Tower of Destruction. In any case, they used the Tower of Destruction so excessively that sometimes even thinking of that card is enough to send me into giggling fits. (If you haven’t figured it out yet, I have an odd sense of humor.)
[2] Ian Martin seems to have been fond of the name Dinah for girls and young women. Eight years later in 1977, he used the name again for the 12-year-old protagonist of the CBS Radio Mystery Theater episode “The Child’s Cat Paw,” played by a young Sarah Jessica Parker. It isn’t his best CBSRMT episode, but I still recommend it.
[3] Coincidentally, the episode with Claude also features the introduction of Susan, another Trudy Young character who plays a major role in the show’s final arc. I haven’t seen any full episodes after 130 yet because they’re not on YouTube, but I’ve read all the synopses. Someday I will watch the second Desmond Hall arc, and I can only hope that the Claude scene on the show is as romantic as it is in my head cinema. (It probably isn’t, given that David Wells' other character Cort is hilariously badly acted (if very, very cute), but perhaps Wells’ acting was better when he played Claude.)
ETA 6/22/2020: I just watched Episode 133 this evening (got the DVDs now) and I loved the scene with Claude. I’m not kidding. Surprisingly, David Wells’ acting as both Claude and Cort is decent in the episode--and, after re-watching the first Desmond Hall arc, I can say that his acting improves over time and is even occasionally good. I’ll write much more about Cort later on (this isn’t the right entry for it), but I will say that not all Cort episodes are created equal.
  { <-- Previous: Episode 6, Part II   ||   Next: Episode 8 --> }
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drink-n-watch · 4 years
I’m writing this on Thursday. This maters because I normally watch Tower of God when it airs and writ my review right after. But I was so exhausted yesterday, that watching anime was too much trouble. Yup, actually watching was more intellectual and emotional involvement than I could muster.
Had I known how happy episode 12 of Tower of God would make me, I probably would have watched it right then and there!
I feel like you can always tell when I’m excited about an episode because my screencaps double!
First of all let me assure you that despite having predicted half of what happens this episode I did not read ahead in the mangwa. This is pure coincidence! This said I’m particularly flattered that Tower of God decided to do everything in its power to make me very very happy. 
Of course,  the only thing it actually had to do was give me some sweet sweet Yuri. The second I recognize that silhouette in the shadows, a smile crept across my face and it didn’t die out for the entirety of the episode.
One dark tiny little fear I have had all this time and didn’t dare tell you all about, was that they would in fact bring Yuri into the main story and then she would be boring. It wasn’t a big fear, Tower of God has been pretty good with creating interesting characters and putting them in even more interesting situations. However, larger-than-life type characters are a little tough to pull off and they have been teasing Yuri since the beginning of the season elevating our expectations so much that it becomes difficult to sustain.
Oh but I am so pleased to report that my fears were completely in vain. Heck, Yuri may have even been cooler than I expected and I don’t even know how that’s possible. She was the best! Now admittedly Yuri is probably a character that is best used sparingly. Seeing her every episode would likely dilute some of the fun. But I still think they could have brought her back a few episodes sooner. Not that I’m complaining. I’ll take any Yuri I can get! Boy out of context this sounds like I’m just the biggest YoI fan!
This really turned into a Yuri appreciation post… Did you expect anything else?
I guess I got so fascinated by her presence I sort of didn’t notice whatever else was happening… Actually that’s not true. You know what was really cool, seeing Endrosi and Anak come together. It really gave m a hells yeah girl power! moment, in the best of way.
And although we didn’t actually get to see anything, I couldn’t help but notice that compared to how she was with everyone, Yuri seemed a little nicer to Leesoo, or at least a bit more trusting. She talked to him openly and trusted him with her gift and message for Bam. Maybe it’s just because I like Leesoo a lot and I would like to think Yuri also saw some of that in him!
Basically, just as I had predicted, or rather requested, Yuri cam in and saved the Anak and Endrosi who are also BFFs now and I can’t wait to see this dynamic!
Meanwhile, on the surface, Khun managed to pull of yet another rather brilliant plan using the resources available to him in the best possible way. It was a good little sequence to swiftly remind us of everyone’s skill and add some sunshine into the episode. It also cemented the fact that everyone really trusts Kuhn. To the point where, as soon as they realized something extraordinary was happening and the tides of war were shifting in their favour, they just naturally assumed it was all Khun’s plan. Not bad for a kid who started out completely and utterly alone in the whole wide world! Khun may have a hard time getting to trust anyone but somehow he has managed to earn the trust of others.
And also, he would look really good with a haircut…cough…
All the hotties came out to play this week and I am not complaining!
Now I have always thought that the concept of families in Tower of God is used a bit like in the mafia. Obviously the Jahad aren’t all related. Maybe none of them are related in any way. So wouldn’t the Khun’s be the same. They don’t seem to know each other. Maybe whoever the Khun leader is also just chooses people for their family but just don’t have that slightly creepy only virgin girls allowed rule. But f so, why do they look like they’re related.
I guess if they are not a biological family, it would make that really passionate relationship Khun seems to have with his sister make more sense. Not that it didn’t make sense to me before. In fact I didn’t even think about it not making sense until this very episode, because, as I have mentioned before, anime has completely destroyed my concept of appropriate sibling relationships!
This said if Khun was “chosen”, it would explain his relative power and knowledge compared to the others. Up to a certain point, I figured he got his intel by virtue of being a light bearer but he always seemed to know way more about the Tower than everyone else. Even before the positions test. But if he’s a “princess”, that would explain it.
Too much think, back to nonsense. Hak and Khun should be besties forever, just like Anak and Endrosie. This episode was the best, I tell ya!
As happy as I was to see Yuri, I do wish we had had a bit more time with her team…
Just when everything was falling into place, we found out that the Bull was sent to get Bam. And the Bull seems to be some type of giant stingray monster. (I really like stingrays, not sure why). Now I know that technically Bam is a Wave Controller but ar we absolutely sure he’s not a Fisherman? Cause he seems to be a real bane for sea monsters! I’ll admit it, I’m proud of that one, so there!
Seriously though, Anak and Endrosi together couldn’t make a dent in that thing and Bam just blew him up. We knew the kid was strong but is he like, Yuri strong? Why isn’t he in a family? Wait is there a Bam family? Oh gaw, can you imagine like a dozen wide eyed innocents with immense power just milling around the Tower aimlessly, smiling at people! It would certainly be a great subversion of the chosen one trope the series has been leaning into!
I had been spoiled by fans of the webtoon that Rachel’s character was more than meets the eye before the series started and me first and really only guess was that she would betray Bam specifically. That’s what has been foreshadowed all along and I was too lazy to go against the obvious. Still, I didn’t think it would be that soon. Bam will probably forgive her though. He just seems like the type.
I like that it came so quickly. An openly treacherous Rachel is bound to be more interesting than the sad sack Rachel we’ve been getting.
What I’m saying is that there is only one episode left and they’ve set up al the most interesting moments of the series so far….great….
Tower of God Ep.12 – Finally! I'm writing this on Thursday. This maters because I normally watch Tower of God when it airs and writ my review right after.
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