#this isn't rly a starter i just needed to tag it as something
coolspacequips · 6 years
Welp I chose between RP and solo tonight lol
RIP to Lance in my new vampire klance RP, what could be a more jarring sight than watching ur stubborn ass roommate waste away for a week only to find him puking up A LOT of blood in the middle of the night??
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chouchen · 2 years
Okay so first of all i am so sorry for anyone whos dash was flooded with the insanity i sent, i knew it was log as hell, but i just opened it on phone and i am slightly embarrassed! Maybe it should be tagged long post or something bc holy shit hh
Okay, so about chars in gacha: there are more types of chars than in genshin. Genshin only has 4 and 5 stars, while honkai has B, A, S ranks and also SP valks (which ill get to) B ranks are your starter valks, A ranks are 4 stars, S ranks are 5 stars, and SP valks are like... More farmable? They are made to rank up, it actually unlocks a lot of skills they have, and its relatively easy to do so. Also, contrary to genshin, another good thing about this games gacha for chars, is the fact that anything that isnt a '5 star', so an S rank, is completely free. You can farm for them on stages, or buy their fragments, or even get them from events when they first come out! Youll probably see that soon with the new valk, she's gonna be an SP valk, and youll get her just by playing her event, just like every other new not S rank valk that's ever come out. You'll also be able to buy her fragments and stuff, as she is an SP valk, and is made to be ranked up. So, any valk you get from gacha that isn't an S rank will not be limited. They will be available at some point in the story stages, or the shop, or in many other gachas for other characters ( but its best not to pull for them then, yeah? Theyre literally free, dont pull on an S ranker you already have to get an A rank, its not that shitty here, farm for them instead) so, thats about that i think. In conclusion, any char that isnt an S rank is fully free (esp as they come out) and available to rank up.
About ranking up in general. You can go from B all the way to SSS, right? It takes time, and is kinda hard to do sometimes. So, should you? Depends on who you wanna rank up. Anyone under S ranks is free to rank up bc their fragments are free to get, but not always worth it. Think of who you wanna use, who you should use, and act accordingly. I'll tell you, you should have everyone at least at S rank. S rank is the rank where they have most of their good/necessary skills unlocked, it should be the base (not for B ranks, the starter chars in this game are as useless as it gets) Which is why, if you get an S rank from gacha you should leave em like that! Unless you're rich and want your "5 star constellations", like a w-w-w-whale... Anyway, as I said, S ranks aren't free to rank up (most of the time) and take just as much to as in genshin, except its even more useless. There are some farmable S ranks in the store though! You can rank them up if you want! It usually helps more, as most of them are quite old by now, which is the reason they're in there, and need that to be useful still. But the ones that cost both of the purple things at once are still very much useful, and you should get them if you can! They're relatively new and very helpful! Another thing to talk about would be augmentations! Idk if you know about those yet, but some rly bad old suits were so bad and useless, that the devs basically remade them (which is sth im rly hoping genshins devs wanna do at some point too, its rly cool) Some battlesuits like rozalia, violet executer, the basic fu hua one i forget the name of and the long sworded mei i also forget the name of can be augmented, changing their entire kit, buffing them in a major way, and it even gives a new free skin if you get them to lvl 4 out of 6 aug lvls! Roza and VE are free in the store for that reason despite being S ranks, and can be upgraded, nay, should be upgraded to SS at least. They become kinda like SP valks. I like them though, they're some of my favourite battlesuits. And free! So if you ever need, lets say, a psy type lighting valk, and you dont have this games ei (HoT, surprisingly called Raiden Mei) look into getting Hawk of the Fog instead (the fu hua i mentioned). So in conclusion:
Any char that isn't an S rank you got from gacha is free to farm, and you should never pull on a supply just to get an A rank! That would be wasteful and dumb! But yeah, i get the genshin gacha has conditioned us to act this way ofc, but not in this game. Also, if forgot to mention, A ranks get their banners too, but why would you pull for them if they're free? If youre rich and cant wait for the event, i guess. But you dont have to pull on those, bc any A rank out there is free to grind for. And about ranking up in general: if its lower than S rank, go for it! If you use them a lot, go for even higher! If it starts off at S rank, maybe don't but who am I to say what you can and cant do. If you wanna do it just because, go for it i guess. Its gonna cost a lot for very little in return though. Exception from that rule is the farmable S ranks in the store! Rank em up however much you wish depending on who you use! And don't be afraid to get new chars by grinding for them either!!!! You'll have all A ranks that way sooner or later, and youll know what you want and who to rank up. Its free content, so why not right?
Oh also, i guess i should mention too, though ive already talked about it some: old characters are usually not worth it. And esp now, you should rly focus on getting the op new characters while theyre available, as youre still new, and while the story stages are real easy and even give you some characters instead of using your own sometimes, the abyss stuff gets real hard real fast, and practically impossible if you dont have the right type of damage on the right type of valk! And their gear, too. So, unless you wanna hold off on competitive crystal hunting, and focus on the story, you should think of who you wanna get first, and then who should get later. A little list of valks i have would be: Herrscher of Sentience (best valk in the entire game as far as physical damage and support goes from a single valk, also by far the most fun in my opinion, get her if you dont have her yet, she is indispensable and so much fun to use), roza or elysia from store for physical dps, HoT ((m)ei) or Mobius for lighting, N-EX or Herrscher of Reason for ice damage, Herrscher of Flamescion for fire, and then all the support for each of them from the store, such as starlit astrologos for physical, haxxer bronya for ice, fischl and rosemary for lightning, and phoenix for fire (or her counterpart i forget the name of (yin and yang lookin ass) but she's also from gacha only, so second best would be phoenix from the store)
Keep the questions coming and i will keep being a nerd!
ok so for example, i got the last "5 start" the blonde girl with a fucking HORSE ?? and i wondered if it was worth it to farm her fragments but now i sure won't and i'll keep farming for fischl !
this is me being annoying with more question but do you have any ideas for team comps ? i got the mecha bio psy stuff but valks also have light, ice and stuff and now i don't know what works on who @_@
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motjaengi · 10 years
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...is terribly sorry for being so rude and offensive during the mamas. sort of.
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